Alteration Sand

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Alteration Sand

Used to unlock new Avatars.

Avatars can be selected by choosing a portrait when choosing a class.

Alteration Sand.png

How to Obtain

  1. Marketplace: 100 Alteration Sand for 20 Relics
  2. Promo Codes
  3. Trials: 0.5% Chance

Unlockable Avatars:


Icon Name Cost Phrase
From Nether.png
From Nether 15 Get over here.


Icon Name Cost Phrase
Autumnal 10 Life slumbers, only to awaken next spring. Its guardians merely change their fur.
Umbral 25 From the mirror, a creature stared back at him-with empty eyesockets, flickering with pinkish tongues of flame. He woke up in sweat. Was this a merely a nightmare, or?...
Totemist 50 As he continued to nurture life, he began to notice how caring only about living and growing proves disastrous in the end. Every and each life must be eventually balanced - by death.
Agony 100 The vast forests turned to ash, acoompanied by a cacophony of dying wildlife. Nature lost to the merciless flow of time. There was nothing left for him to do now. Nothing but revenge.


Icon Name Cost Phrase


Icon Name Cost Phrase


Icon Name Cost Phrase
Karnaphen 1 Some say the idea for his famous spell was inspired by his hair.
Batmage Challenge Reward A hero everyone deserves, but not the one they need right now.
Girl 10 Not a brave guardian of mankind yet. But she tries her very best! Honest!
Bloodmoon 25 The night is still young.
Olivia 50 Survival of the fittest
Apocalypse 100 You have not seen the horrors I bore witness to.