Mana Source Memetics

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Memetic Ingots

Memetic Splinters can be converted into Memetic Ingots to increase the level of a Source Memetic, at a rate of 100 Splinters per Ingot (see Costs). On Realm change, Ingots are refunded and specialization levels are reset.

Mana Source Memetics

Source Memetics grant modifiers to a particular Mana Source. Each sets the base cost, base profit, and cost growth of the chosen Source. Each also grants a particular bonus based on its Memetic level. Once applied to a Source, it lasts until Realm (or reset for free upon exile). Each can only affect one Source, and each Source can only be affected by one at a time.

There are 8 different Source Memetics:

Bonus Base Source Profit Base Source Cost Source Cost Growth Base Ingot Cost Ingot Cost Growth
Sets Source Cost Growth to

where B is the base Source Cost Growth.

1 10 Variable 3 See below
Increases Evocation Efficiency by 15% per:

of the chosen Source.

0 1e12 23% 7 25%
Increases Incantation Efficiency by 7% per:

of the chosen Source.

0 1e14 35% 10 27%
Increases Summoning Efficiency by 7% per:

of the chosen Source.

0 1e14 35% 10 27%
Increases Character Ability Power by 15% per:

of the chosen Source.

0 1e10 21% 6 25%
Increases Pet Ability Power by 15% per:

of the chosen Source.

0 1e10 20% 6 25%
Increases Autoclick Profit by 14% per:

of the chosen Source.

0 1e9 19% 5 25%
Increases Character XP by 5% per:

of the chosen Source.

0 1e15 31% 8 35%


The Production or Cost Memetic cannot be increased directly. Instead, it gains levels (max 20) as Ingots are forged:
In terms of Ingots:

All other Source Memetics:

  • L=Memetic Level
  • IT=Total Ingots
  • IL=Ingots for Next Level
  • B=Base Ingot Cost
  • G=Ingot Cost Growth

The following table illustrates ingot costs the first 20 levels. Costs are rounded up. Displayed costs are per-level, i.e. the Ingots required to reach that level from the previous one:

Level Production Evo Incant Summon CAP PAP AClick CharXP
2 3 7 10 10 6 6 5 8
3 6 9 13 13 8 8 7 11
4 8 11 17 17 10 10 8 15
5 14 14 21 21 12 12 10 20
6 23 18 27 27 15 15 13 27
7 39 22 34 34 19 19 16 36
8 64 27 42 42 23 23 20 49
9 108 34 54 54 29 29 24 66
10 180 42 68 68 36 36 30 89
11 301 53 86 86 45 45 38 120
12 500 66 110 110 56 56 47 161
13 836 82 139 139 70 70 59 218
14 1394 102 177 177 88 88 73 294
15 2325 128 224 224 110 110 91 396
16 3879 160 284 284 137 137 114 535
17 6471 199 361 361 171 171 143 722
18 10796 249 458 458 214 214 178 974
19 18009 311 582 582 267 267 223 1315
20 30044 389 739 739 334 334 278 1775