Basic Mechanics

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The critical chance (left), and critical profit (right) stats

You can collect Mana with each click (Click damage.png), whenever you click the orb, or an autoclick is made. With each click there is a certain chance that this click will be Critical.

Critical clicks earn more mana than regular ones, and are distinguishable by the red text in floating, as opposed to the normal white text of normal clicks, and with a white flash from the Orb. The chance to perform a critical click equals your crit chance (Click critchance.png), while your crit profit (Click crit.png) stat determines how much your critical clicks will earn. These two statistics can be increased in various ways, including certain upgrades, Critical rating, and some spells (only for the duration of the spell, though).

Certain pets, such as the Pixie & Ent, as well as the majority of the summoning spells, benefit from your critical stats. Of the available classes, the Druid, has the best synergy with critical clicks, alongside the Exorcist and his Hallowed Clicks.

Most of the information about Criticals can be found in the More Statistics Page ("Shift + S"). These numbers will show the current power, including when spells & upgrades are currently affecting it. (Hotkeys)

Critical Rating

This 3rd statistic increases directly critical hit chance and damage.

If R is your Critical Rating:

1. Increases critical hit chance (additively) by log10(R) × 1%

2. Increases base critical hit damage (before multiplication by spells or Dominance), by R%.

Wizard Experience

A Level 86 Voidmancer

Many of your actions in Idle Wizard earns you Experience. Experience is accumulated through various means. When your experience meets a certain threshold, you level up. Experience and level are indicated under your character portrait. An increased level has several advantages, and many things have certain level requirements.


  • Many classes have a passive ability that scales with character level.
  • Some pets benefit from character experience
  • Some Achievements are granted when a level is reached with a particular class or pet.
  • Certain spells have a level requirement, or get stronger based on character level.
  • Unlocking some Challenges, classes or pets might require a certain level.

Renown levels and some Attributes perks, Challenges, Items, and even Pets can reduce the level requirements of spells, classes and pets.

XP Sources Experience is gathered from 5 different pools: 2 passive, and 3 active. Wizard Experience is dynamically calculated, so XP (and levels) can be lost if a pool is somehow reduced:

All of these actions have diminishing returns, so it is usually better to increasing all pools rather than focus too strongly on one. Legacies, Challenges, Attribute perks, and Items can increase XP gained from active actions, multiplying the amount of actions in active pools. Increased XP from Mana Sources similarly multiplies the XP from mana sources.

Increases to starting level (e.g. from Renown and some Challenges) simply adds a flat amount of XP to your total.

Character XP is calculated as:
(log10(C×Y+1)+1) ×(ln(S×Y+1)4+1) ×(log10(M+1)+1) ×(ln(V×Y+1)2+1) ×((B×Z+1)0.855+100) ×H+X101
Desolator portrait.pngDesolator instead uses:
(log10(C×Y+1)+1) ×(ln(S×Y+1)4+1) ×(log10(M+1)+1) ×(log10(V×Y+1)2+1) ×((B×Z+1)0.855+100) ×H+X101


  • C=Clicks This Exile+Autoclicks This Exile
  • S=Spells Cast This Exile
  • M=Mana This Exile
  • V=Void Entities Collected This Exile+Excess Hallowed Clicks This Exile+Liquid Shadow Spent This Exile1000
  • B=Bought Mana Sources
  • Y=Action XP Boost
  • Z=Source XP Boost
  • H=Character XP Multiplier
  • X=XP From Starting Level

XP to Level Your wizard initially needs 1500 XP to reach level 2. This requirement is multiplied by 1.09 for every subsequent level.

XP to reach next level:
Total XP to reach Level n:
L=Current Level

Wizard XP needed
To Reach Level From Previous Level Total
2 1500 1500
3 1635 3135
4 1782 4917
10 2989 1.95e4
20 7078 6.90e4
30 1.68e4 1.86e5
40 3.97e4 4.64e5
50 9.39e4 1.12e6
60 2.22e5 2.67e6
70 5.26e5 6.36e6
80 1.25e6 1.51e7
90 2.95e6 3.57e7
100 6.98e6 8.45e7
110 1.65e7 2.00e8
120 3.91e7 4.74e8
130 9.26e7 1.12e9
140 2.19e8 2.66e9
150 5.19e8 6.29e9
160 1.23e9 1.49e10
170 2.91e9 3.52e10
180 6.89e9 8.34e10
190 1.63e10 1.97e11
200 3.86e10 4.67e11
210 9.14e10 1.11e12
220 2.16e11 2.62e12
230 5.12e11 6.20e12
240 1.21e12 1.47e13
250 2.87e12 3.48e13
260 6.79e12 8.23e13
270 1.61e13 1.95e14
280 3.81e13 4.61e14
290 9.01e13 1.09e15
300 2.13e14 2.58e15

Pet Experience

Pets, just like your character, can accumulate experience and level up. Unlike your character, however, pets accumulate experience in various different means. Pet experience is unrelated to character experience: earning one doesn't necessarily increase the other. Pets become stronger as they level up, and some even scale from the experience they have.

Pet experience gained can be increased by various Upgrades, as well as by the passive ability and certain spells of the Demonologist portrait.pngDemonologist and Oni portrait.pngOni.

Tier 1 Pets The experience needed by Tier 1 Pets to reach the next level starts at 100 to reach level 2, and is multiplied by 1.16 every subsequent level.

XP to reach next level:
Total XP to reach Level n:
L=Current Level

Tier 1 Pet XP needed
To Reach Level From Previous Level Total
2 100 100
3 116 216
4 135 351
10 328 1752
20 1446 9860
30 6380 4.56e4
40 2.81e4 2.03e5
50 1.24e5 9.00e5
60 5.48e5 3.97e6
70 2.42e6 1.75e7
80 1.07e7 7.73e7
90 4.70e7 3.41e8
100 2.07e8 1.50e9
110 9.15e8 6.63e9
120 4.04e9 2.93e10
130 1.78e10 1.29e11
140 7.86e10 5.7e11
150 3.47e11 2.51e12
160 1.53e12 1.11e13
170 6.74e12 4.89e13
180 2.98e13 2.16e14
190 1.31e14 9.52e14
200 5.79e14 4.2e15
210 2.55e15 1.85e16

Tier 2 Pets Tier 2 Pets need more experience to level up, starting at 100 to reach level 2, and is multiplied by 1.2 every subsequent level.

XP to reach next level:
Total XP to reach Level n:
L=Current Level

Tier 2 Pet XP needed
To Reach Level From Previous Level Total
2 100 100
3 120 220
4 144 364
10 430 2080
20 2662 1.55e4
30 1.65e4 9.84e4
40 1.02e5 6.12e5
50 6.32e5 3.79e6
60 3.91e6 2.35e7
70 2.42e7 1.45e8
80 1.50e8 9.00e8
90 9.29e8 5.57e9
100 5.75e9 3.45e10
110 3.56e10 2.14e11
120 2.20e11 1.32e12
130 1.37e12 8.19e12
140 8.45e12 5.07e13
150 5.23e13 3.14e14
160 3.24e14 1.94e15
170 2.01e15 1.2e16
180 1.24e16 7.45e16
190 7.69e16 4.62e17
200 4.76e17 2.86e18
210 2.95e18 1.77e19

Tier 3 Pets Tier 3 Pets need more experience to level up, starting at 100 to reach level 2, and is multiplied by 1.24 every subsequent level.

XP to reach next level:
Total XP to reach Level n:
L=Current Level

Idle mode

IdleBar back.png
IdleBar Progress.png
IdleBar Full.png

Idle mode is a mechanic in the game that rewards the player for not clicking the orb. Idle mode activates if the orb hasn't been clicked for 30 seconds, found to the left of the Character portrait, indicated with black & orange for Charging, and blue when Activated. Once Idle mode activates, and you get a bonus to your production to Mana.

The Idle mode production bonus can be increased by certain upgrades and the Attributes in Patience attribute.

The class ability of the Necromancer also increases your Idle bonus, and he also has access to spells capable of further increasing it. Spells such as Spell Nightfall.pngNightfall & Spell Synthetic Entity.pngSynthetic Entity can only gain charges while in Online Idle mode.

The Zombie's and the Risen Giant's abilities further increase your income based on your Idle bonus, and their autoclicks can claim your manual click shard pool without the need to leave Idle mode.

Idle mode is a huge boost for spellburst combos, and thus it is highly recommended in almost all cases to activate it before unleashing your spells.

(You should ALWAYS set off your combos while in Idle Mode with as much Void mana as you can)

Void Entities

Void Entities are glowing forms of energy that are summoned through the Void Traps within your room. When clicked, they give Experience and Void Mana, which temporarily gives a large boost to your mana production. The Void Entities can only be contained within the Void Traps for a short amount of time, so you have to be diligent to click them quickly. There are Upgrades that are used to increase duration in traps, and when combined with Spell Void Lure.pngVoid Lure (or Spell Void Prison.pngVoid Prison), can result in having multiple Void Entities on screen in order to collect more Void Mana, which is very important in making spell combos stronger.

The Voidmancer uses the power of the Void to benefit his spells and power by summoning more strength and utility through having Void Mana. He also has the added ability to become stronger while there are unused Void Entities still in traps.

The Voidfiend gains experience through collecting Void Entities. It also creates Void Mana every 10 seconds.

Spells can also collect and create Void Mana:

  • Spell Void Radiance.pngVoid Radiance, which works by generating mana based on Void Entities left within the Void Traps.
  • Spell Synthetic Entity.pngSynthetic Entity creates a Void Entity within an open Void Trap after 10 minutes of charging.
  • Spell Void Syphon.pngVoid Syphon (Voidmancer) creates multiple Void Entities which are automatically collected (they also give experience).

Void Entities are also boosted through Insight Attribute points.

Info upon Void Entities can be found by Hovering over the Void Mana next to the Hero and within the More Statistics ("S") page, providing: Current void mana, Void mana per entity, Entities spawn rate (%), Entities life time, Increase profit by point (%), and Degeneration rate.

There are also Achievements ("A") that can be earned through collecting Void Mana and Void Entities.

Spawn Rate Void Entities have an average base spawn time of 300 seconds. The range at which they can spawn is between .65 - 1.35 (a range of .35); thus Void Entities can spawn anywhere from 195 ~ 405 seconds.

The rate at which Void Entities spawn can be altered through some Upgrades and through using the spells Spell Void Lure.pngVoid Lure & Spell Void Prison.pngVoid Prison.

Degeneration Rate Every second, Void Mana decreases by 1% of its current value, and by 3.5.

Both of these values are affected by the Degeneration rate found in the Statistics. For example, a Voidmancer with the Void Stability Upgrade (total 32.5% Degeneration rate) will lose 0.325% of his current Void Mana and a further 1.1375 every second.

Some examples:

Degeneration examples
    Degen rate After 1 second After 10 seconds
100% 50% 32.5% 100% 50% 32.5%
Void Mana 1,000,000 989,996.50 994,998.25 996,748.86 904,348.61 951,093.02 967,960.00
100,000 98,996.50 99,498.25 99,673.86 90,404.74 95,093.90 96,785.91
10,000 9,896.50 9,948.25 9,966.36 9,010.35 9,493.99 9,668.50
1,000 986.50 993.25 995.61 870.92 934.00 956.76
100 95.50 97.75 98.54 56.97 78.00 85.59


The Exile window

After a while in a run you will face a point where you can barely increase your mana anymore. In this case the best way to progress might be to soft reset by going into Exile. Doing so will erase some of your progress, but in turn will award you Mysteries based on mana earned in your current run. These Mysteries are used to boost your subsequent runs. Exiling is recommended if you can substantially increase your starting Mysteries, or if you can earn at least 1e4~1e6 on your first run.

How to Exile? You can access the Exile menu bottom of the left side of the screen, or by pressing E. Doing so will bring up a menu with the option to Exile, as well as the Journal button which allows you to access Challenges. Below these, you can see detailed information on your current Mysteries, the Mysteries you would earn by going into Exile, and the percentage bonus each of your Mysteries provide.

Scroll Exile.png

What happens when you Exile?

The Exile comic

Exiling will reset some of your progress including:

However, you will keep your:


Mysteries, as they appear in the upper left corner of the game window
Easter Egg | {Souls}

To progress further in the game you will have to collect Mysteries, which you earn through collecting a bunch of Mana. After you have collected 1e12 Mana you will unlock your very first Mystery, as well as unlocking the ability Exile; starting over while collecting all the Mysteries you've required from that run. For each Mystery that you collect, you will increase the profit of all your Sources by a base bonus of 3% per Mystery. Attribute Points in Intelligence can increase that bonus to 35%. Additionally, the Devourer can massively increase the profit bonus of the Mysteries as it levels up from eating the Shards from all Spells.

The in-game help recommends a first exile at around 100 mysteries.

Mysteries are calculated by the following formula:
Mysteries=All Mana This Realm5e11
This can be rearranged for Mana:
Mana Required=(Current Mysteries×2+Mysteries To Earn+1)×Mysteries To Earn×5e11

New Mysteries won't appearing until you are within 1e12 Mysteries from your current Mysteries. E.g.: With 1e30 Mysteries, Mysteries earned after exiling will display 0.00 until you've collected enough Mana to gain 1e18 Mysteries or more.

Chart Mysteries.svg


Upgrades Upgrades (T2 classes and others)




The way to make mana in Idle Wizard.

Depending on the class, a source can change to match it (Ex: The Enchanted Tree is the Tree of Life for Druid)

The standard 8 sources are:

Mana Gem

Building ManaGem.png
Bread and butter of any wizard.

Initial cost: 3 Mana

Initial profit: 0.25 Mana/sec

Cost multiplier: 1.16

Shadow Coal - Umbramancer

Building ShadowCoal.png
Compressed and coalescent shadows, often used by Umbramancer as a raw fuel for the shadow-flames. Shadow Coals benefit from all affects affecting Mana Gems.

Soul Shard - Heretic

Building SoulShard.png
All Heretics' souls are slowly torn out from their mortal bodies, their beliefs eroded and corrupted. To preserve what's left of their humanity and former power, they utilize Soul Shards. storing fractures of their essence in chaotic patterns, resistant to the perversive nature of the Void. Soul Shards benefit from all affects affecting Mana Gems.


Building Grimoire.png
The more you know - the stronger you become.

Initial cost: 40 Mana

Initial profit: 2.5 Mana/sec

Cost multiplier: 1.17

Forbidden Tome - Necromancer

Building ForbiddenTome.png
Tomes imbued with secrets of dark arts. Merely touching can wither the flesh. Forbidden Tomes benefit from all effects affecting Grimoires.

Libram - Exorcist

Building Libram.png
Exorcists purify and collect grimoires and dark tomes, imbuing them with holy power. Librams benefit from all effects affecting Grimoires.'

Spell Fountain

Building SpellFountain.png
A nice place to relax, take a bath and regain some mana.

Initial cost: 460 Mana

Initial profit: 14 Mana/sec

Cost multiplier: 1.18

Arcanaspring - Arcanist

Building Arcanaspring.png
An empowered source of magic power. Only Arcanists have the knowledge and skills to tap into them. Arcanasprings benefit from all effects affecting Spell Fountains.

Monument - Ironsoul

Building Monument.png
Adepts of Ironsoul have long been building Monuments to honor the strength and spirit of their ancestors, mentors and heroes, drawing power from raw inspiration, emanating from those statues. Monuments benefit from all effects affecting Spell Fountains.

Enchanted Tree

Building EnchantedTree.png
Mana fruits replenish your mana very quickly.

Initial cost: 7.00e3 Mana

Initial profit: 126 Mana/sec

Cost multiplier: 1.19

Tree Of Life - Druid

Building TreeOfLife.png
Druids draw great strength from symbiotic bond with the forests. Trees Of Life benefit from all effects affecting Enchanted trees.

Grim Trophy - Oni

Building GrimTrophy.png
Each Oni has his own collection of trophies, from humans and beasts to demons and abominations. They proudly hand these wherever they go as a display of their dominance and bragging rights. Grim Trophies benefit from all effects affecting Enchanted trees.

Scorched Earth - Desolator

Building ScorchedEarth.png
Desolators convert everything they come across into more fuel for their neverending quest of destruction. A barren wasteland is all that's left after the process is finished. Scorched Earth benefits from all effects affecting Enchanted trees.

Alchemy Desk

Building AlchemyDesk.png
It's good for many things - primarily for mana potions, obviously.

Initial cost: 1.30e5 Mana

Initial profit: 1.468e3 Mana/sec

Cost multiplier: 1.20

Laboratory - Alchemist

Building Laboratory.png
A simple alchemy desk is more than enough for most dabblers, but isn't nearly enough for an experienced Alchemist. They employ large, well equipped laboratories for their everyday work and studies. Laboratories benefit from all effects affecting Alchemy Desks.

Witching Cauldron - Shaman

Building WitchingCauldron.png
Shamans have their own view of preparing potions and elixirs. They set up huge, ever-bubbling Cauldrons, feeding them a wide variety of grotesque ingredients. Witching Cauldrons benefit from all effects affecting Alchemy Desks.

Circle of Power

Building CircleOfPower.png
Directs flows of mana from the surrounding matter - into you.

Initial cost: 2.80e7 Mana

Initial profit: 1.656e4 Mana/sec

Cost multiplier: 1.21

Hellhole - Demonologist

Building Hellhole.png
A portal to hell which Demonologist uses to invoke infernal powers directly. Hellholes benefit from all effects affecting Circles Of Power.

Anti-magic Dome - Abolisher

Building AntimagicDome.png
Abolishers spread these magic circles across the land, negating the effects of other mages' Circles of Power by drawing and trapping magical energies inside them. Anti-magic Domes benefit from all effects affecting Circles Of Power.

Dimensional Rift

Building DimensionalRift.png
Open doors to new dimensions - filled with mana!

Initial cost: 5.60e8 Mana

Initial profit: 1.4234e5 Mana/sec

Cost multiplier: 1.22

Voidgate - Voidmancer

Building Voidgate.png
These gates allow Voidmancers to engulf the reality with Void energies and beings at will. Voidgates benefit from all effects affecting Dimensional Rifts.

Arcane Anomaly- Archon

Building ArcaneAnomaly.png
Archons' power constantly shifts between different polarities, creating zones where usual laws of spellcasting no longer apply. These anomalies actually benefit the Archon, even further reducing the boundaries of his abilities. Arcane Anomalies benefit from all effects affecting Dimensional Rifts.

The Nexus

Building TheNexus.png
Tap into ley lines, supplying you with rich, primordial mana.

Initial cost: 1.80e10 Mana

Initial profit: 1.29857e6 Mana/sec

Cost multiplier: 1.23

Ley Apex - Prodigy

Building LeyApex.png
Mastery over magical energies allows Prodigy to find and connect even more potent ley focuses, further fueling their power. Ley Apexes benefit from all effects affecting Nexi.

Temporal Anchor - Chronomancer

Building Temporal Anchor.png
While the Nexi are already a powerful source of energy for every sorcerer, they are especially useful to Chronomancers. Converted to Temporal Anchors, they serve as a universal focal points across timelines, allowing navigation through the flows of time. Temporal Anchors benefit from all effects affecting Nexi.'

Ley Temporal Singleton - Temporalist

Building LeyTemporalSingleton.png
A result of combining ley-lines mastery of Prodigies and time-stabilizing constructs of Chronomancers, these structures utilize ley energy to create fields of temporal singularity, which exist across all of the timelines at once. Ley Temporal Singletons benefit from all effects affecting Nexi.

Pocket universe - demiurge

demiurge creates these compact self-contained universes to experiment and observe. A mortal mind might be better off not knowing what is happening inside of these

Initial cost: 100 Mana

Initial profit: 10 Mana/sec

Cost multiplier: 1.175

this source doesn't have A global modifier instead it has a built in source memetic Increases all mana production by 3% per 25 mana source bought.

Goal Modifiers After so many sources are gathered, a bonus modifier is added to the source.

Sources amount Production multiplier
10 x1.10
25 x1.20
50 x1.30
75 x1.40
100 x1.50
Every +25 x1.50


See Category:Spells for list of all spells

Special actions usually boosting income, Spells are a fundamental part of the gameplay. Most spells cost spell shards, but some might acquire charges by other methods. Each class has its own set of spells. Some spells occur through the spectrum of multiple classes, some are unique to one class only. Many spells have a level requirement that needs to be met in order to equip and use the spell.

Scrolls and Charges

Before a spell can be cast, it needs to be placed on a Spell Scroll. A player can have up to 6 Scrolls, with the final upgrade becoming available on level 60.

Spells cannot be cast without being charged. Spells usually charge by collecting spell shards, with the amount of shards required depending on the spell. With certain upgrades, Spell Scrolls can hold more than one charge. The amount of charges a Scroll can hold varies with classes and upgrades; and some spells can even have (nearly) unlimited charges. Spells retain their shards and charges if removed from the Scrolls.

Spell Shards

Most spells require shards to charge. Shards can be acquired from four main sources:

  1. Shards are passively generated every second, based on the Passive Spell Shards generation Statistic.
  2. The Orb. The blue bar under the orb is the Manual Click Shard Pool, which fills over time and is emptied by clicking the orb. Doing so spawns a shard from the Orb, which can be collected by hovering over the shard with the mouse. Spawned shards are also auto-collected after a short amount of time, or are collected immediately if the Shards Drop Option is turned off. The fill rate of the manual click shard pool is based on the Shards from clicks Statistic, and the maximum size of the shard pool (denoted by the Pool time Statistic) scales from 10 to 25 seconds based on upgrades.
  3. Shards can be earned from Autoclicks. Every autoclick has a 20% chance to generate spell shards, based on the Shards from clicks Statistic.
  4. Certain spells such as Spell Spell Focus.pngSpell Focus can be cast to instantly generate additional shards. Shard generation spells like Spell Focus always give many, many more shards than they would cost to cast, and are excellent at recharging or sustaining other spells.

Whenever Shards are earned, they are assigned to a random spell which is not fully charged. Shards which would overflow the capacity of a spell are reassigned to another random spell. Whenever shards are generated by a spell, the shards are evenly split across all other equipped spells (which are not fully charged). One strategy to maximize cast rates of a particular spell is to have that spell on the bar alongside Spell Spell Focus.pngSpell Focus (if available) and as many Autoclick spells as possible.

Wisdom increases Passive Spell Shards generation, and contains various perks which increase shard generation from clicks and autoclicks, and decrease the costs of spells.

Certain Pets can interact with your spell shards. The Zombie portrait.pngZombie can claim your manual click shard pool automatically, removing the need to leave Idle Mode to do so, the Spellhound portrait.pngSpellhound generates shard automatically every 10 seconds based on its level, whereas the Devourer portrait.pngDevourer consumes shards from spells to level up and increase the profit multiplier of Mysteries in return.

Alongside the bonuses from the Pets, the Arcanist portrait.pngArcanist also has multiple upgrades and spells enhancing shard generation; and the Abolisher portrait.pngAbolisher gains increased profits from collecting shards, and has spells to increase both shard generation rate and spell shard costs (to allow for greater collection rates).

Non-Shard Spells

Certain spells do not use Shards to charge. Most of these spells gain charges passively over time, however certain classes interact with them in other ways. In particular, the Ironsoul portrait.pngIronsoul can enhance the charge rate of non-shard spells, and the Umbramancer portrait.pngUmbramancer uses a unique 'Liquid Shadow' resource to charge many of its spells. Furthermore, the Shadow Stalker portrait.pngShadow Stalker and Ebonsand Behemoth portrait.pngEbonsand Behemoth pets will charge non-shard spells on their own, and some Patience perks decrease the charge time of non-shard spells.

See Category:Charging Spells

Casting Spells

To set a spell ready, just click any of the empty boxes at the bottom of the main screen. To cast a spell, just click the picture of the spell. To change or remove a spell, click the black triangle above respective spell.


Careful and Reckless autocasting

Certain upgrades enable to set a number of selected spell to autocast. Purchasing upgrades can increase the number of spells that can be autocast. Two different types of autocasting can be used. These are known as Careful and Reckless autocasting.

Careful (Blue): Spell will autocast when it acquires its last charge. This can be used to cast cheap spells automatically while other spells are charging, for the purpose of experience/other bonuses, but in a way that when all spells are charged the player can unleash a combo almost immediately. Careful autocasting can be activated by Alt-clicking on the desired spell or pressing the associated number while holding Alt down.

Reckless (Red): Spell will be casted as soon as it acquires a charge. Reckless autocasting can be activated by Shift-clicking on the desired spell or pressing the associated number while holding Shift down.

There is a hard limit on how fast spells can be (auto)cast, and a fixed order in which they are cast: Spells which are instant have a cast limit of once every 2 frames, Spells with a duration have a cast limit of once every 3 frames, and when spells are cast, all spells which are set to autocast will try to be cast in the same frame, across the bar in order from left to right. This casting order (left->right) means that the order of spells matters for things like Shard Generation spells or Item Shadow-Scryer's Crystal Ball.pngShadow-Scryer's_Crystal_Ball (as you will want your Evocation Spells on the right-side of the bar, and any Shard Generation spells in the rightmost slot so as to recharge all spells which had just been cast). This "once every X frames" limit means that in some circumstances (such as playing as Archon portrait.pngArchon), reduced framerates (either from computer CPU issues, visual effects, or browser performance limits when playing on Kongregate) can reduce spell casting speeds; and because the game's framerate is capped at 120-121 FPS, the maximum spell casting rate is 60 casts/spell/second for instant Spells, and 40 casts/spell/second for spells with a duration.

Spell Categories

Spells can vary greatly, but much of their behaviour can be described by certain categories. Spells can belong to multiple categories, and some have multiple effects belonging to different categories.

Spell Types

All spells come in one of three types.

  • Evocation spells: Often instant-cast, and often grant a single large amount of Mana or another resource. Many classes will be built around achieving large profits from a single, powerful Evocation.
  • Incantation spells: Often short-duration, and grant large bonuses to other effects. Many classes benefit from casting many Incantations together and combining their effects.
  • Summoning spells: All long-duration, and often granting Autoclicks over their duration. Many classes have Summons, and can benefit from the Spell Shard generation of Autoclicks, but certain classes can also gain significant profits from these autoclicks alone.

Each of the three spell types can be improved by its Efficiency statistic. Evocation spells often scale at either 1:1, or based on the log of efficiency. Incantation spells often scale at either ^1.0, or at an exponent of efficiency. Summoning Spells sometimes scale with an exponent of efficiency, but may not visibly scale with efficiency. However, the profit of autoclicks provided by summon spells scales 1:1 with summoning efficiency.

Furthermore, Summoning spells can have their durations increased by Upgrades and Items, and Incantation spells can have their durations increased or decreased by Items and certain Pets. Both increased and decreased spell durations can be desirable in different circumstances.

Efficiency and Duration statistics for spells are visible in the spell selection window, in the Info tab.

Spell Duration

The effects of spells only last for a period of time, determined by their duration. This also affects how rapidly they can be cast; the shorter their duration, the sooner they end and thus the quicker they can be recast. There is a minimum delay of 1 frame (1/120 seconds at max FPS) between casts.

Accumulated Spells Accumulated spells are an additional category of spells which become more powerful each time they are cast. Many classes benefit greatly from stacking casts of multiple accumulated spells, as does the SPC 200 perk.

Their tooltip will specify Type: <X> (Accumulated), and note their cast counts in the form Times used: <Effective> (<Actual>).

The rate at which their bonus grows can be increased by Muscle Memory, and additional casts can be added with Spell Jas'Aham's Missile Storm.pngJas'Aham's_Missile_Storm or Item Berzerker.pngBerzerker. Furthermore, some items and Challenges increase the starting cast count of Accumulated spells, giving them significant power without deliberate stacking time. The cast count of accumulated spells is reset on Exile.

Persistent Spells Persistent spells are a longer-term version of Accumulated spells. While Persistent spells gain more power with each cast, this is split into two parts, commonly referred to as the Active and the Passive.

The Active effect of a Persistent spell is granted on cast. The effect becomes stronger with more casts, and is reset on Exile. This behaviour resembles an Accumulated spell, but does not benefit from any bonuses to Accumulated spells (as it isn't, technically, Accumulated). However, it does benefit from Item The Magnifier.pngThe Magnifier.

The Passive effect is a separate (and possibly unrelated) bonus granted while the spell is on the panel, even while inactive. It also scales with casts, but is only reset on Realm rather than Exile. The rate at which this effect grows can be increased with Forefathers' Work and Week of Persistence.

Low-Priority Spells Low-Priority spells only gain charges while all other spells on the panel are full. There are only 2 Low-Priority spells: Spell Arcane Infusion.pngArcane Infusion and Spell Tempered Arcanomancy.pngTempered Arcanomancy (as of v1.15.0b | 2021-10-03).

Spell Costs

See Spell_Shards above

Most spells require one charge per cast, gained by collecting a number of Spell Shards. However, spells may instead gain charges through other means, spend additional charges on cast, or even require additional costs like Sources or Liquid Shadow.

Spell casts scaling and fake casts Some attributes, spells, and items in the game scale with the amount of spells cast of either a specific or any type. There are also some methods of multiplying how many casts one receives with certain actions like Berzerker, or Jas'Aham's Missile Storm, or the Forefather's Work and Muscle Memory Memories.

Forefather's and Muscle Memory do not affect anything that scales with amount of spells cast, other than the passive/accumulated part of the spell respectively.

"Fake" casts from sources like Berzerker and Jas'Aham's Missile Storm will only affect stats that scale off the total amount of spells cast this exile (typically worded "based on amount of spell casts this exile") but will not affect stats that scale off a specific type of spell (like Wisdom 200's "based on amount of evocation spell casts in this exile"). This means that Spellcraft 150 and 250 are affected while Spellcraft 200 and Wisdom 200 are not.