Weekly Bonus

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Each week starting at Monday 00:00 UTC, the Weekly Bonus will change.

The game uses the following formula to convert the week number in the year to an index in the table:

  • modulo(week number in the year, table size)

E.g. the first week in the year (week number 0) will always be Finesse, as 0 modulo 8 is 0. Arrays start at 0, and so does week in year numbering (in programming).

This means that weeks always repeat in the same order, starting from the top of the table and going down, then restarting from the top when the bottom is reached, except a jump that happens when passing from the last week of a year to the first week of a new year where we jump from Adventure to Finesse (last week is number 51, which modulo 8 gives index 3, while the first year is number 0 which results in index 0).

The first week of a year seems to be the first week that has at least 4 days in the new year (2020 first week started on 30-Dec-2019, 2021 first week started on 4-Jan-2021).

Current week index: 4

Changes in:
Index Week Effect
0 Finesse Enchanting dust earning increased by 35%, Bats' loot amount increased by 30%
1 Persistence Each Persistent cast is counted 2 times for the purpose of accumulating Persistent spell's casts amount
2 Bounty Increase Trial reward by 20% and additional reward by 100% (additively)¹
3 Adventure Expedition Key's drop increased by 20%, expedition rewards by 30% and Gods' experience bonus by 15%
4 Progress Increase character xp gained from xp-awarding actions by 100% and from mana sources by 20%
5 Training Time Required to gain an attribute point is decreased by 60% and reduced time before next trial rune by 40%
6 Artisanry Resource jars accumulation speed is increased by 40%. Bats spawn rate increased by 35%.
7 Augmentation Increase green catalyst shards income by 50%, red catalyst shards income by 35% and blue catalyst shards income by 25%.

¹ excluding the additional reward from Trials of Innovation and Trials of Patience.