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Collectibles currently consist of Bats and Corruptions. Bats float across the screen and can be clicked for a reward. They were initially introduced to the game during the 2017 Christmas event as Snowflakes, which also had a rare chance to drop Relics. After the event ended, they were changed into Bats and no longer had a chance to drop Relics.


Bats spawn every 30 minutes of game time. This spawn rate can be improved through various means, and so the real Bat spawn rate can be found in the More Statistics window (as a percentage, where 100% = 30 minutes, 150% = 20 minutes, etc.)

Certain Items scale in power with the number of Bats collected during an Exile. In particular the Item Chiropteric Rod.pngChiropteric Rod (or "Batstick") scales with Bats collected, and can be activated to manually spawn an additional Bat independent from the normal spawn rate.

The Market upgrade 'Bat Hunter' will automatically collect any Bats which spawn. There is also an upgrade for 'Bat Hunter' which lets it automatically activate your batstick whenever it catches a bat. This is not just to save clicks but also for the purpose of syncing. Using the batstick resets the timer on a bat spawning naturally, thus activating the batstick carelessly can waste natural bat spawns. For maximum amount of bats per day you should delay the use of batstick until immediately after the natural spawn event occurs, which is what the upgraded bat hunter does for you automatically.

Bat Rewards

The table assumes Bat Hunter purchased and no events increasing Bat rewards.

Reward drop chances were calculated analytically.

You cannot drop a random Buff if you already have all 5 types of Buff running.

- Week of Finesse
Reward Buffs obtainable Buffs not obtainable Buffs obtainable Buffs not obtainable
Alteration Sand 0.5141%
500 Dust 1.3198%
Rune 1.5722%
Blue Catalyst 1.4167% 1.6347% 1.8417% 2.1251%
Red Catalyst
1 or 2 Expedition Key 3.4886% 4.121% 4.3073% 5.0838%
10, 20 or 30 Enchanting Dust 4.9054% 5.7557% 6.1491% 7.2089%
Attribute time reduction 7.1905% 8.2856% 8.0616% 9.3074%
50 Dust
1 or 3 Sources
Green Catalyst
Random Buffs 10.6792% - 12.369% -
Pet experience 11.4813% 12.5764% 9.4596% 10.7054%
Void Mana
Reward type Note
All Dust Random color
Catalysts Affected by Cata Income AND Bats Income (so 30% more during Finesse Week)
Enchanting Dust Affected by EDust Income and Bats Income
Attribute time reduction You get 1% (50% chance), 2% (25% chance) or 3% (25% chance) of remaining time (30% more time gain during Finesse). If it's > 7200 seconds, you get 7200 + (T - 7200)0.5 seconds
Sources 25% chances to get 1, 75% to get 3
Pet XP Grants Pet XP, equal to:

During Week of Finesse, instead grants Pet XP, equal to: (SR)L×650

  • SoulstealerS=1.14
  • Psychic CacophonyS=1.16
  • Tier 1 PetS=1.16
  • Tier 2 PetS=1.2
  • Tier 3 PetS=1.24
  • P(R=0.04)=50%
  • P(R=0.03)=25%
  • P(R=0.02)=25%
  • L=Pet Level
Void Mana Grants Void Mana, equal to:

During Week of Finesse, instead grants Void Mana, equal to:
V×R×1.3 where:

  • V=Void Mana per Entity
  • P(R=1)=50%
  • P(R=2)=25%
  • P(R=3)=25%
Mana Grants Mana, equal to:

If this exceeds All Mana This Realm, instead grants Mana, equal to:
During Week of Finesse, instead grants Mana, equal to:
If this exceeds All Mana This Realm, instead grants Mana, equal to:


  • M=Current Mana
  • P(R=0.05)=50%
  • P(R=0.1)=25%
  • P(R=0.2)=25%


Corruption example.png

Corruptions looks like a swirling circular distortion that occasionally spawns on the screen. They will spawn every ~2h, stacking up to a maximum of 12, and can accumulate offline (up to 24h). Upon picking up, they grant one of the following rewards for each stack accumulated:

Reward type Note
Relic 1 Relic, is a guaranteed drop every 24th Corruption collection with no chance to drop otherwise, averaging to ~4.16% chance
Alteration Sands 16% chance
Character Experience Character XP that is applied linearly after all bonuses and is based on your total non-linear (normal) XP, 16% chance
Pet Experience 16% chance
Large Crafting Dust drop Replaced by Pet XP if not available, 8% chance
Breakthroughs Replaced by Pet XP if not available, 8% chance
Memetic Splinters Replaced by Pet XP if not available, 8% chance
Memetic Ingots Replaced by Char XP if not available, 8% chance
Memetic Ink Replaced by Char XP if not available, 8% chance
Ascension Form Experience Replaced by Char XP if not available, 8% chance