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Trials are small bounties unlocked by Paragon 3, each attempt costing one Trial Rune. You will earn one Rune every 24 hours, up to a maximum of 10 (modified by completed Trial Milestones and Memory upgrades). Runes can also be acquired from Collectibles and Experiments.

There are five types of Trials: Trial of Innovation, Trial of Patience, Trial of Talent, Trial of Skill, and Trial of Valor. Completing a Trial grants two rewards; one common (Random) and one specific (Additional), based on the Trial completed.

Random Rewards

Below Paragon 17, some rewards will be altered or omitted based on Paragon level at Trial completion. Rewards are prioritized from top to bottom, with Relic.png Relic and Alteration Sands drops additionally modified by RNG protection.

Reward Paragon
3 to 8 9 to 16 17+
Relic.png Relic 2.56%
Alteration Sand.png Alteration Sands 6.9%
GreenCatalystShard.png Green Catalyst Shards 27.16%
BlueCatalystShard.png Blue Catalyst Shards 13.58%
RedCatalystShard.png Red Catalyst Shards 4.53%
Resource Grey.png Crafting Dust - 22.63%
Powder v2 ench.png Enchanting Dust - 13.58%

Relic Chance

A Relic.png Relic is guaranteed within 75 Trials, but cannot be obtained more than once within 10 Trials.

The game uses an internal counter that is reset after two conditions are met:

  • A Relic.png Relic was given on the previous trial completion or before that since the last counter reset.
  • 10 Trials were completed since the previous counter reset.

The chance of obtaining a Relic.png Relic is given by:
10075Trials Since Counter Reset%
This reaches 100% at 74 Trials.

Alteration Sand Chance

Alteration Sand.png Alteration Sands are guaranteed within 25 Trials, but cannot be obtained more than once within 7 Trials.

The game uses an internal counter that is reset after two conditions are met:

  • Alteration Sand.png Alteration Sands were given on the previous trial completion or before that since the last counter reset.
  • 7 Trials were completed since the previous counter reset.

The chance of obtaining Alteration Sand.png Alteration Sands is given by:
10025Trials Since Counter Reset%
This reaches 100% at 24 Trials.

Trial of Innovation

Receive the following rewards after 1 hour:

Base Random Rewards:

  • Blue crafting dust
  • Enchanting dust
  • x0.6 Green, Blue, or Red Catalyst Shard drop
  • +1 Alteration Sand
  • +1 Relic

Base Additional Reward:

  • A random unobtained research item, if you are Paragon 9+, or
  • 50% progression on a random common research item, or
  • 25% progression on a random uncommon research item, or
  • 12.5% progression on a random rare research item, or
  • 6.25% progression on a random epic research item, or
  • When you have all Research items at Legendary, you get 1 Breakthrough for a random enchanted Research item. Is affected by increases to additional rewards.
  • 30 minutes of the Profit Buff in addition to one of the above additional rewards.

Trial of Patience

Receive the following rewards after 24 hours:

Base Random Rewards:

  • Crafting dust of each color
  • Enchanting dust
  • x1.3 Green, Blue, or Red Catalyst Shard drop
  • +2-3 Alteration Sand
  • +1 Relic

Base Additional Reward:

  • a Nullifier core with 33% chance, or
  • a Disenchantment Core with 33% chance, or
  • a Trial Rune with 33% chance.
  • 30 minutes of the Shards Buff in addition to one of the above additional rewards.

Trial of Talent

Choose 1 of 3 random tasks and complete to receive:

Base Random Rewards:

  • Orange crafting dust
  • Enchanting dust
  • x1.0 Green, Blue, or Red Catalyst Shard drop
  • +1-3 Alteration Sands
  • +1 Relic

Base Additional Reward:

  • 2-5 random expedition keys
  • 30 minutes of the Crit Buff.

Trial of Skill

Complete 1 of 2 random previously completed challenges to receive:

Base Random Rewards:

  • Red crafting dust
  • Enchanting dust
  • x1.6 Green, Blue, or Red Catalyst Shards
  • +2-4 Alteration Sands
  • +1 Relic

Base Additional Reward:

  • x1.0 Green catalyst shard drop, or
  • x1.0 Blue catalyst shard drop, or
  • x1.0 Red catalyst shard drop.
  • 30 minutes of the Void Buff in addition to one of the above additional rewards.

Trial of Valor

Defeat an enemy in the minigame to receive:

Base Random Rewards:

  • Green crafting dust
  • Enchanting dust
  • x1.4 Green, Blue, or Red catalyst shard drop
  • +2-4 Alteration Sands
  • +1 Relic

Base Additional Reward:

  • x1.0 Green catalyst shard drop, or
  • x1.0 Blue catalyst shard drop.
  • 30 minutes of the Attributes Buff in addition to one of the above additional rewards.

Completed Trials Milestones

Mysteries power is increased by 5% for every completed Trial.

In addition, these bonuses are given once you complete that number of trials:

  • [5] Increases Runes' generation rate by 10% (additive)
  • [10] Increases all catalysts income by 5% (additive)
  • [15] Increases reward from trials by 10% (additive)
  • [20] Increases crafting dust income by 5% (additive)
  • [30] Increases the soft cap of Runes by 5
  • [40] Increases bats' spawn rate by 10%
  • [50] Increases reward from trials by 15% (additive)
  • [60] Increases maximum resources in jars by 250
  • [70] Increases Runes' generation rate by 10% (additive)
  • [80] Increases all catalysts income by 10% (additive)
  • [90] Increases bats' spawn rate by 10%
  • [100] Increases reward from trials by 25% (additive)
  • [110] Increases enchanting dust income by 10%
  • [120] Increases maximum resources in jars by 250
  • [130] Increases the soft cap of Runes by 5
  • [140] Increases Runes' generation rate by 10% (additive)
  • [150] Increases reward from trials by 25% (additive)
  • [160] Increases enchanting dust income by 20%
  • [170] Increases crafting dust income by 5% (additive)
  • [180] Completing a trial now reduces the time to next attribute point by 1% (additive).
  • [190] Grants 1% chance to receive double the additional reward
  • [200] Increases reward from trials by 25% (additive)
  • [210] Increases Runes' generation rate by 10% (additive)
  • [220] Increases the additional reward for completing a trial by 50% (additive)
  • [230] Increases crafting dust income by 5% (additive)
  • [240] Increases the soft cap of Runes by 5
  • [250] Increases enchanting dust income by 20%
  • [260] Increases all catalysts income by 15% (additive)
  • [270] Increases reward from trials by 30% (additive)
  • [280] Completing a trial now reduces the time to next attribute point by 1% (additive).
  • [290] Increases crafting dust income by 5% (additive)
  • [300] Increases Runes' generation rate by 10% (additive)
  • [310] Increases the additional reward for completing a trial by 75% (additive).
  • [320] Increases the soft cap of Runes by 5
  • [330] Increases enchanting dust income by 25%
  • [340] Increases crafting dust income by 5% (additive)
  • [350] Increases the chance to double the additional reward by 2%
  • [360] Increases reward from trials by 30% (additive)
  • [370] Increases bats' spawn rate by 20%
  • [380] Increases Runes' generation rate by 10% (additive)
  • [390] Completing a trial now reduces the time to next attribute point by 1% (additive)
  • [400] Increases all catalysts income by 20% (additive)
  • [420] Increases the soft cap of Runes by 5
  • [440] Increases reward from trials by 40% (additive)
  • [460] Increases maximum resources in jars by 1000
  • [480] Increases enchanting dust income by 35%
  • [500] Increases the bonus from completed trials by 2% (additive)
  • [520] Increases bats' spawn rate by 20%
  • [540] Increases the soft cap of Runes by 5
  • [560] Increases Runes' generation rate by 10% (additive)
  • [580] Increases the additional reward for completing a trial by 75% (additive).
  • [600] Increases the chance to double the additional reward by 3%
  • [620] Increases reward from trials by 50% (additive)
  • [640] Increases maximum resources in jars by 1000
  • [660] Completing a trial now reduces the time to next attribute point by 1% (additive)
  • [680] Increases bats' spawn rate by 20%
  • [700] Increases the soft cap of Runes by 10
  • [720] Increases Runes' generation rate by 10% (additive)
  • [740] Increases the additional reward for completing a trial by 100% (additive)
  • [760] Increases maximum resources in jars by 1500
  • [780] Increases enchanting dust income by 50%
  • [800] Increases reward from trials by 50% (additive)
  • [820] Increases the chance to double the additional reward by 5%
  • [840] Increases Runes' generation rate by 10% (additive)
  • [860] Completing a trial now reduces the time to next attribute point by 1% (additive)
  • [880] Increases bats' spawn rate by 10%
  • [900] Increases the soft cap of Runes by 10
  • [920] Increases the additional reward for completing a trial by 100% (additive).
  • [940] Increases maximum resources in jars by 2000
  • [960] Increases Runes' generation rate by 10% (additive)
  • [980] Increases the chance to double the additional reward by 10%
  • [1000] Increases the bonus from completed trials by 3% (additive)
  • [1100] Increases reward from trials by 50% (additive)
  • [1200] Increase enchanting dust income by 25%
  • [1300] Completing a trial reduces the time to next attribute point by 1% (additive)
  • [1400] Increases the soft cap of Runes by 10
  • [1500] Increases the bonus from completed trials by 5% (additive)
  • [1600] Increases the additional reward for completing a trial by 100% (additive)
  • [1700] Increases maximum resources in jars by 2000
  • [1800] Increases Runes' generation rate by 10% (additive)
  • [1900] increase bats' spawn rate by 10%
  • [2000] Increases the bonus from completed trials by 5% (additive)


  • "Increases reward from trials" does not increase the additional reward, only the common random reward.
  • Relic amounts are unaffected. Relic rewards will always consist of a single Relic.
  • The additional reward for Trial of Patience (Disenchantment Core, Nullifier Core, or Trial Rune) is unaffected; it will always grant a single unit of the resource.
  • Research items and upgrade progression are unaffected.
  • Catalyst rewards are additionally affected by Catalysts income.
  • Enchanting dust random rewards are additionally affected by Enchanting dust earning.