Patch Notes

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Below is the list of some past updates.

This list can also be accessed in-game through pressing "L" for Changelog, or through the Settings ("~").


Version Type Description
  • Fixed missing Character Skills' descriptions.
Version Type Description
  • Abolisher Quasi-Realm.
  • Enhanced "Rules of Nature" Spell, obtainable from the "Rainforest" Quasi-Realm.
  • Enhanced "Fireball" Spell, obtainable from the "Feral Abyss" Quasi-Realm.
  • New skin "Tragic Fate" for Abolisher.
  • "Rules of Nature" spell. Increased the passive bonus.
  • T2 classes no longer require 2h of play time on corresponding t1 classes to be unlocked.
  • "Desolator" class. New unlock requirement: "Total Liquid Shadow collected 1e8".
  • "Necromancer", "Prodigy" and "Umbramancer" classes no longer require specific amounts Played, Idle or Offline time to unlock.
  • "Alchemist" class unlock requirement of collecting Crafting Dust in Exile changed to collecting a total amount of Crafting Dust, with the amount correspondingly increased.
  • "Shadow Stalker" and "Ebonsand" pet. Offline and Idle time unlock requirements replaced by "Total Liquid Shadow collected".
  • "Risen Giant" pet. Time unlock requirement reduced to 2h (was 3h).
  • "Tranquility", "True idler", "Active Blasphemancy" secret achievements requirements reduced or simplified.
  • Enhancement spells now display the name of their base spell and are instead marked as Enhancement in tooltip.
  • Nosferatu class now has a proper description.
  • Enhancement spells in Spell sets should now be interchangeable with their base variants.
  • Fixed an issue with unlocking Enhancement spells upon changing Realm to Prime.
  • Enhancement Spells now refund the Memetic Ink invested into the base version upon unlocking.
  • Fixed Pet XP being earnable from bats in "Ahead of Its Time" Quasi-Realm.


Version Type Description
  • Spell Enhancements
    New mechanic. Certain Spells can now receive an improved version of themselves which changes their behaviour.
  • "Enhanced Void Lure" and "Enhanced Ritual Of Power" Spells. To receive them, receive 5 or more total Delusions from the Decadence and The Oracle Quasi-Realms, correspondingly.
  • 3 new character portraits (Prodigy "Cosmic Revelation", Chronomancer "Chronopunk" and Temporalist "Chronolord").
  • New animated background "Volcanic Plains".
  • Trials award a random buff in place of Enchanting Dust for as long as Enchanting is not available.
  • Prevented Time Distortion and Temperature Reduction from affecting Trial of Valor, Manual Exedition and some other cases.
  • Fixed tier 2-exclusive Pet Ability Power applying to tier 3 Pets.
  • Fixed resources in jars being clamped upon loading.
  • Fixed jars being in a wrong state upon starting the game.
  • Fixed an issue with the order of quests presented in Trial of Talent.
  • Fixed updating values of Mana source memetics after leveling up the "Biased Statistics" Paramnesic.
  • Fixed an issue with critical autoclicks amount counting.
  • Minor bug fixes.


Version Type Description
  • 2 new Character skins (Exorcist and Desolator).
  • 2 new Pet skins (Ent and Ley Keeper).
  • Geode and Ley Keeper level requirement ability now work with correct pet level (if pet in second slot).
  • "Meditative Fury" spell. Fixed tick rate.
  • Fixed Spells' critical chance (Flash Fire).
  • "Time Traveler" 5th set bonus now correctly gives Character Ability Power.
  • "Gate to the Past" challenge should now correctly require total time skipped between 1980 and 1981 years total.
  • Alchemist cauldron hotkeys are now disabled while elixir is active.
Version Type Description
  • Fixed "Heart of the Grave" weapon.
Version Type Description
  • New Quasi Realm with a unique Class Nosferatu.
  • 2 new portraits (for Nosferatu, also available on Demonologist/Oni and Exorcist/Heretic).
  • New background "Vampire Night".
  • New orb "Blood Jar".
  • New cursor "Nosferatu".
  • "Global Warming" Quasi Realm. Requirement for 1 Delusion increased, step for next reduced.
  • "Heart of the Grave" weapon. Now works with offline casts.
  • Added more information to Liquid Shadows' tooltip.
  • Esc button now closes Expedition window without giving up.
  • Fixed spells' calculation in offline. Shards Pool value is now preserved. Shards from offline now add to the pool, instead of spells.
  • Autobuy option now resets upon loading.
  • Fixed some descriptions.
  • Fixed a certain time issue with Shadow spells' charge rate.
  • Minor bugfixes.


Version Type Description
  • Fixed Bat Hunter unlock.
Version Type Description
  • Proficiency
    New mechanic, allowing you to upgrade your existing items further. A new currency, called Proficiency Shards, can be earned through a new Experiment. Investing in an item increases it's basic bonuses by a certain percent, depending on the stat. More powerful stats scale slower. This power is lost upon Realming.
  • 3 new character skins.
  • 3 new pet skins.
  • 4 new orb skins.
  • Added Nullifier reward in trial reward list (10% for at least 1 nullifier), catalysts reward chance reduced.
  • Autosave after successful use promo code.
  • Pause trials if not unlocked by Paragon.
  • Increased drop amount Nullifiers and Disenchant cores from Rare goodies experiment two times.
  • "Manifest Twisted Reality" spell. Now isn't affected by Evocation efficiency.
  • "Materialize Cosmic Conduit" spell now updates on summoning efficiency change.
  • Fixed 7th spell slot in presets.
  • Fixed orb particles after Interior menu.
  • Fixed "War in Haven III" lore in journal.


Version Type Description
  • Fixed game crashing when loading saves.
Version Type Description
  • Ironsoul Quasi-realm.
  • New Character portrait.
  • Now on each loading you have a choice between loading the cloud or the local save files.
  • Updated Hallowed clicks info panel with new visuals.
  • Spellbook overall and spellset visuals slightly corrected for better contrast.
  • Spell charge bars and duration indication filling progress changed to make it less irritative.
  • Fixed trial ticks after Time Warps.
  • Improved optimization: general, calculation upgrade and attrbute perks
  • Fixed tooltips.
  • Enchant all now counts for Trial of Talent.
  • Fixed the calculation of accumulated and evocation spells casts.


Version Type Description
  • 3 new Orb skins.
  • 1 new Character skin.
  • Auto Trials now work during offline up to 7 days.
  • Void Entities now count offline based on the averaged value you had upon exiting the game.
  • Spell Wormhole.pngWormhole, Spell Refined Wormhole.pngRefined Wormhole, Spell Smite.pngSmite, Spell Holy Fervor.pngHoly Fervor, Spell Chaotic Fervor.pngChaotic Fervor and Spell Day Into Night.pngDay Into Night spells now grant their effects during offline.
  • Time Warps now affect every offline mechanic (spells, expeditions etc.), except Resources, Corruptions and Events.
  • Rare Goodies experiment cost increased roughly 50% (bc of Time Warps became much more valuable) with higher cost spread (Nullifiers drop amount increased 1.5 times).
  • Removed the Expedition Consumables experiment.
  • Auto Idle expedition now works up to 7 days (was 1 day) during offline.
  • Evocation and incantation duration bonus reworked. Bonus rebalanced.
  • Item Encircling Trophies.pngEncircling Trophies item. Bonus to summoning efficiency replaced by +50 bonus to Patience.
  • Spell Onyx Hound.pngOnyx Hound spell. Now available for Spell Memetics.
  • New Spellbook and Spell Scroll visuals.
  • Reworked item descriptions display.
  • Rolled back the change regarding hiding paragon-locked Class and Pet icons.
  • Added a counter for Void Entities per second to the Void Mana description in the top panel.
  • Changed the behavior of scroll bar in items menu.
  • Fixed Desolator portrait.pngDesolator double offline bonus.
  • Fixed excess Shards Pool consumption by Spells with unlimited charges.
  • Fixed offline autoclicks calculation through Time Warps and Wormholes.
  • Spell Summon Winged Night.pngSummon Winged Night spell tooltip now correctly displays how many Entities it grants per second.
  • "Scientific Approach" Quasi-realm. Now starts with 1 Alchemy Desk already acquired to prevent a softlock.
  • Fixed Librams persisting on other classes after "Redemption" quasi realm.
  • Fixed an issue with tooltips after the tutorial.


Version Type Description
  • All autoclicks now count offline the same way spellcasts do, based on the averaged value you had upon exiting the game
  • Auto Idle expedition now works up to 24h during offline
  • 3 new Pet skins
  • 4 new Character skins
  • Rebalanced Trophy drop rates towards upgrading earlier tiers more quickly and slightly faster upgrading in key-locked locations
  • Devourer portrait.pngDevourer Hungerer portrait.pngHungerer. Now consume Spell Shards from the Shards Pool instead of consuming them from Spells directly
  • Item Branch of the Great Cycle.pngBranch of the Great Cycle weapon. Scale from summoning efficiency increased to ^1.5 (was ^1.04)
  • Geode portrait.pngGeode Ley Keeper portrait.pngLey Keeper. Charging ability now scales from Pet Ability charge speed
  • Gate to the Past challenge. Summoning duration reduction increased to 20 times (was 5)
  • "Cryoweaver" Quasi-Realm. Drastically reduced cost of spells Spell Heat Exchange.pngHeat Exchange and Spell Infused Glacial Formations.pngInfused Glacial Formations to prevent build up phases from getting stuck
  • Class and Pet icons that are paragon-locked are now hidden prior to their first unlock
  • Changed "Branch of the Great Cycle" description and value format for more clarity. It now displays the difference in profit per click compared to a normal Summoning spell, which will appear to be less than previously
  • Fixed the scrollbar in item sets being unclickable and non-responsive
  • Renown level bonuses increased. Starting Character level and additional Spell sets were removed. Base Spell sets amount is now 10 (making it complement the item sets). Added Corruption spawn rate bonus to Renown V and VI. Specific bonuses like Bats spawn rate or Dust rate were moved to earlier tiers.
  • Fixed the first spell sometimes vanishing upon saving a new set
  • Sets now ordered when exporting them
  • Fixed automaton scale from level (it was incorrectly clamped to 1sec)
  • Minor bugfixes


Version Type Description
  • New Quasi Realm with a unique Class
    • Spell Expel Soulstealer.pngExpel Soulstealer new Archon spell. Archon no longer has access to Conjure Elemental spells
  • 2 new skins.
  • 1 new cursor
  • Spell Void Automaton.pngVoid Automaton Period is now also affected by this spell's casts amount, and tagged as Accumulated
  • Spell Summon Infernal Thrasher.pngSummon Infernal Thrasher Now also provides a bonus to pet experience gained, affected by this spell's casts amount, and tagged as Accumulated
  • Spell Summon Horned Incinerator.pngSummon Horned Incinerator Now also provides a bonus to Evocation efficiency, affected by this spell's casts amount, and tagged as Accumulated
  • Conjure Elemental spells. Effect scaling from casts amount significantly reduced
  • Dread portrait.pngDread second pet ability power reduced to ^0.4 (was ^0.5)
  • Umbramancer portrait.pngUmbramancer and Desolator portrait.pngDesolator scale from Liquid Shadows spent reduced (to ^0.71 and ^1.60 down from ^0.81 and ^1.8, respectively)
  • Spell Tempered Arcanomancy.pngTempered Arcanomancy Formula changed, base bonus reduced
  • Spell Fire with Fire.pngFire with Fire Base bonus reduced
  • Spell Silence.pngSilence Scaling formula changed to casts ^1.5 (was ^1)
  • Spell Meditative Fury.pngMeditative Fury Ticks amount scaling from mysteries reduced, the divisor to mysteries is now ~13.13, down from 12.5, affecting Cataclysm charges
  • Item Cataclysm.pngCataclysm Charges gained from "Fireball", "Summon Infernal Thrasher" and "Summon Horned Incinerator" spells significantly increased
  • Doppelganger portrait.pngDoppelganger Shards Pool capacity bonus scaling from level increased to ^3 (was ^2)
  • "Legion" challenge. Items usage rule removed, now equipment is always available
  • "Absorption" challenge. Fixed spells locking down upon losing a filled scroll
  • Fixed "Scientific Approach" realm's Alchemist potions conflicting with Trial of Valor
  • Fixed an issue with importing legacy-format save files
  • Fixed some tooltips


Version Type Description
  • Updated the wiki link to the new wiki's address.
  • Fixed clicks going through the Help menu.
  • Fixed "Void Lure" skill in manual expedition.
  • Hard reset should be working properly again.


Version Type Description
Other Imprints tab in memory upgrades added.
Balance Spell Voracious Plague.pngVoracious Plague now yields a variable amount of charge progress instead of having a chance of granting full charges.

Item Thunderbird.pngThunderbird and Item Spellstealer.pngSpellstealer weapons switched enchantments. Trial of Talent "Collect 1000 (or more) in a single click" now always requires 3 times.

Bugfixes Fixed an issue where Mana Source costs could be reset upon exiting a challenge.

Fixed an issue about investing 5 levels at a time for the Enchant Items trial requirement.


Version Type Description
Other Save Version incremented (46 -> 47).
  • New Memory Upgrades added: Forlorn Purpose, Forlorn Greatness, Fundamental Distortions, Forlorn Majesty.
  • Forlorn Nobility now has a max level of 100 (was uncapped).
  • Rekindled Pride no longer has a max level (was 10).
  • Cosmic Repercussions requirement reduced to 9e5 Memories.
Upgrades New Upgrades added, increasing profit: Insolence (2x), Impudence (4x), Impertinence (5x), Audacity (6x), Insolence II (8x), Impudence II (8x), Impertinence II (8x), Audacity II (8x).
Balance Classes
  • Apprentice portrait.pngApprentice: Adjusted profit from Apprentice Time this Exile (2x).
  • Druid portrait.pngDruid: Increased Summoning efficiency from Character Level (^0.5 -> ^0.68) and Character Ability Power (^0.25 -> ^0.34).
  • Demonologist portrait.pngDemonologist: Increased Pet Ability Power from Pet Time and Character Ability Power Growth Rate (^0.55 -> ^0.85) and Pet Level (^0.8 -> ^1).
  • Necromancer portrait.pngNecromancer: Increased Idle bonus (2.5x).
  • Arcanist portrait.pngArcanist: Increased profit from Spells cast and Character Ability Power Growth Rate (~3.14x and ^0.8 -> ^1).
  • Prodigy portrait.pngProdigy: Increased profit (10x).
  • Voidmancer portrait.pngVoidmancer: Increased profit from active Void Traps (3.33x and ^2 -> ^4).
  • Exorcist portrait.pngExorcist: Increased Click Profit from Excess Hallowed Clicks and Character Ability Power Growth Rate (~0.97x and ^0.8 -> ^0.9).
  • Umbramancer portrait.pngUmbramancer: Increased Offline bonus from Liquid Shadow Spent and Character Ability Power Growth Rate (10x and ^0.89 -> ^0.97).
  • Alchemist portrait.pngAlchemist: Increased power of Elixirs (10x Evocation; 10x Pet; 2x Summoning).
  • Ironsoul portrait.pngIronsoul: Increased Incantation efficiency (1.8x).
  • Abolisher portrait.pngAbolisher: Increased profit from Spell Shards collected and Character Ability Power Growth Rate (^0.985 -> ^1).
  • Shaman portrait.pngShaman: Decreased Idle Bonus base (0.0275x) and from Character Level (^0.6 -> ^0.48) and Character Ability Power (^0.3 -> ^0.24).
  • Heretic portrait.pngHeretic: Increased Click Profit from Excess Hallowed Clicks and Character Ability Power Growth Rate (~2.69x).
  • Oni portrait.pngOni: Increased Incantation efficiency (1.6x).
  • Archon portrait.pngArchon: Increased profit from Spells cast (^0.85 -> ^1).
  • Temporalist portrait.pngTemporalist: Increased profit (100x).
  • Desolator portrait.pngDesolator: Increased Offline bonus (100x).
  • Psychic Cacophony portrait.pngPsychic Cacophony can now be selected from the pet panel.
  • Added precision to some Memory Upgrade tooltips.
  • Changed sprites for Upgrade series: Echo Of Paragons; Echo Of Legends; Echo Of Past Deeds.
  • Shaman portrait.pngShaman's ability now correctly calculates Idle bonus.
  • Risen Giant portrait.pngRisen Giant's Centurion skin no longer reverts to Draugr.
  • Endurance Upgrade no longer increases Hallowed Click Generation Time by 200%.


Version Type Description
  • Save Version incremented from 45 to 46.
  • Improved performance of some calculations.
New Features
  • Active Trials now persist through Realm change.
  • Adjusted Mysteries power effect of Hungerer portrait.pngHungerer. Base and Level scaling increased; scaling from Pet Ability Power and XP decreased.
  • Increased Liquid Shadows granted by Desolator portrait.pngDesolator's Shadow Elixir, based on current Liquid Shadows.
  • Adjusted time multiplier formula; max now reached at 120 days (was 180).
  • Memories Within Memories effect decreased from 5% per level to 1% per level; max level increased from 5 to 25; base cost decreased from 5000 to 1000; cost scaling decreased from 5000 to 3000.
  • Reverberations of the Past effect now scales multiplicatively instead of linearly.
Void Memetics
  • Reduced Echo Trap XP requirements from 1.4Level×10 to 1.35Level×10.
  • Increased XP-boosting Echo Trap's effect from 20 Echo XP (additive) to 15% Echo XP (exponential).
Exorcist portrait.pngExorcist / Heretic portrait.pngHeretic Upgrades:
  • Holy Texts XI decreased from 9% to 8%
  • Holy Texts XII decreased from 9% to 7.5%
  • Endurance now increases Hallowed Click Generation Time by 200% [unintended]
Heretic portrait.pngHeretic Upgrades:
  • Twisted Purpose III decreased from 27.5% to 26%
  • Twisted Purpose IV decreased from 28% to 27%
  • Twisted Purpose V decreased from 29% to 27.5%
  • Twisted Purpose VI decreased from 30% to 27.5%
  • Twisted Purpose VII decreased from 31% to 27.5%
  • Primordial Soul X decreased from 31% to 28%
  • Primordial Soul XI decreased from 25% to 20%
  • Primordial Soul XII decreased from 25% to 18%
  • Improved text display in Settings.
  • New pet skins added: Legionnaire, Centurion, The Harvester.
  • Fixed an issue where Herald of Rot portrait.pngHerald of Rot's Summoning Efficiency boost did not update.
  • Fixed an issue with updating Item Thunderbird.pngThunderbird's effect.
  • Fixed an exploit.


Version Type Description
Voidfiend portrait.pngVoidfiend / Voidterror portrait.pngVoidterror:
  • Decreased Void Mana granted by pet ability.
  • Decreased effect of All Void Mana this Exile on Void Mana Profit.
  • Increased effect of Pet Ability Power on Void Mana Profit.
Geode portrait.pngGeode / Ley Keeper portrait.pngLey Keeper
  • Reduced max ability duration from 120 to 60 seconds.
  • Removed effect of Pet Ability Power on ability duration.
  • Increased effect of Pet Level on ability duration.
  • New Rooms added: Deep Caverns; Above the Clouds; Starry Night; Void-Shifted Tower.
  • New Orbs added: Anomaly; Cosmic; Molten; Book; Skull; Nix.
Market Weekly Offer
  • Increased requirement for Achievement Time5.png 10 12h Time Warps from 25 to 50 TrialKey.png Trial Runes.
  • Removed God level requirement for Achievement Time5.png 3 120h Time Warps.


Version Type Description
Version Type Description
hotfix 1
  • Fixed an issue where Orb style sometimes reset.
  • Fixed an issue with Market analytics.
  • Save Version incremented from 44 to 45.
Version Type Description
  • Updated Unity version.
New Features
  • Hard Reset added.
  • Void Mana is now lost on Class change.
  • Base Idle Bonus increased to 50% (was 25%).
  • Catalyst Memory conversion formula adjusted.
  • Memory time multiplier is now calculated per-second (was per-day).
  • Item Cataclysm.pngCataclysm activation reworked into separate stacking and granting phases. [Bugged]
  • Weapons can no longer be re-activated while still active.
  • Spell Synthetic Entity.pngSynthetic Entity can no longer grant more than 2e9 Void Entities per cast (charges spent adjusted accordingly).
  • Skipped Time capped at 2e9 seconds per instance.
  • Item Branch of the Great Cycle.pngBranch of the Great Cycle charging speed increased, based on Autoclicks this Exile.
  • (BUGGED) catalyst rewards from Free Roam increased from 20% + 1%/level to 50% + 5% per level.
Mechanos Apexis portrait.pngMechanos Apexis:
  • Spell Kelphior's Black Beam.pngKelphior's Black Beam cast speed increased (until cap).
  • Evocation efficiency no longer decreases after 3 days.
  • Max level raised to 120
  • LocationKey Fragment.png Unstable Keys added, which can be converted to Location Keys.
  • New Keyed Locations added: Cathedral (141 - 150), Secret Altar (151 - 160).
  • New Monsters added: Hallowed Serpent, War Banner, Golden Sentry, Librarian, Animated Armor, Holy Construct, Hallowed Spirit, Forbidden Relic.
  • New added: Item Warbanner Fragment.pngWarbanner Fragment, Item Inquisitive Eye.pngInquisitive Eye, Item Blessed Armor Scales.pngBlessed Armor Scales, Item Anointed Ashes.pngAnointed Ashes.
  • New Spells added: Spirit of Valor, Alter The Laws, Transmute, Battle Trance, Holy Fervor, True Sorcery, Furious Strike, Conjure Primal Elemental, Nullzone, Hellrage.
  • Silence spell duration increased from 4 to 6 seconds.
  • New enemy actions added: Smite, Templar Brothers, Spirit of Valor.
  • Enemy abilities now separated into Attacks and Actions.
    • Summon effects are classed as Actions, including damage.
    • Certain enemies can now have their own Summons.
      • Certain spells now deal damage to multiple targets.
    • Certain Summons can now be made invulnerable 1+ instances of damage.
  • Item Sets can now be exported and imported.
  • Item Sets are now stored per class.
  • Mechanos Apexis portrait.pngMechanos Apexis tooltip omits Spell Kelphior's Black Beam.pngKelphior's Black Beam ability if unavailable.
  • Character button no longer lights up when a new Class is available.
  • Anniversary Cake removed.
  • Holiday Tree added.
  • Size of Memetic Splinter sprites in Expedition reduced.
  • Size of enchanting dust and expedition key sprites from bats reduced.
  • Crafting menu dropdowns restyled.
  • Statistics menu wording changed to: "Enchanting dust bonus" and "Average passive income"
  • Updated styling of dropdown menus.
  • Location Key amounts now listed in scientific / short format.
  • Fixed an issue with displaying Achievement and Triumph descriptions.
  • Fixed an issue where enchant bonuses were not correctly applied in some cases.
  • Fixed an issue with Memory upgrade tooltips.
  • Fixed an issue where switching item sets applied both sets for a short time.
  • Fixed an issue where switching spell sets applied both sets for a short time.
  • Spell Time Helix.pngTime Helix's effects are now applied at the start of the cast rather than the end.
  • Fixed an issue where Memetic Ingots were not refunded on Realm change.
  • Fixed an issue where Gathering Boost was not applied to jars.
  • Fixed an issue where Item Head Of The All-Eater.pngHead Of The All-Eater's tooltip did not show the correct bonus.
  • Fixed an issue where Exiling with Item Thunderbird.pngThunderbird equipped could reduce Evocation efficiency.
  • Fixed an issue with skipping more than 2 147 483 647 seconds at once.
  • Fixed an issue where Spell Synthetic Entity.pngSynthetic Entity could grant negative Void Entities.
  • Typo corrected in Archivist portrait.pngArchivist description.
  • Fixed an issue with casting Spell Plague Zombie.pngPlague Zombie and Spell Furious Strike.pngFurious Strike at 1 charge.
  • Fixed an issue with the Void Entities tutorial tooltip reappearing.
  • Fixed an issue with extra casts from evocations with duration under 1 second.


Version Type Description
1.20.0a hotfix 1 Bugfixes
  • Fixed an issue where Archon portrait.pngArchon's second class ability used the wrong calculation.
  • Fixed an exploit.
Balance Source Memetics: Added reset for 100 Nullifier Cores
Version Type Description
New Feature Source Memetics: Unlocked at Paragon 37 with e850 Mysteries.
Anniversary cake added
Triumphs 3 new Triumphs added:
  • Reach 1e700 Mysteries without using Evocations
  • Reach 1e600 Mysteries without using Incantations
  • Reach 1e700 Mysteries without using Summons
  • Paragon 37 changed to Source Memetics
  • Paragon 38 added for 8th God (previously Paragon 37)
  • Memory conversion formulas adjusted; minimums removed.
  • Memetic Attractor max level increased from 10 to 15.
  • Reverberations of the Past max level increased from 10 to 15.
  • Gathering Boost duration increased from 12 hours to 5 days.
  • Crafting Boost duration decreased from 5 days to 12 hours.
Void Echoes
  • Echo Trap bonuses to Void Profit and Void Mana per Entity increased from 16% per level to 25% per level
  • Echo Trap bonus to Liquid Shadows per Entity increased from 6% per level to 12% per level
  • 323 new Upgrades added
  • Unified Realms Theory profit bonus increased from +1000% to +2000%
  • Activated Upgrades can now be filtered by Achievements and Triumphs
  • Increased size of Import and Export textboxes.
  • Added precision to some tooltips.
  • Memories window now shows current and total Memories.
  • Can now be sorted by Enchant level.
  • Sorting by Quality now uses Enchanting level as a secondary sort.
  • Now shows more Spells per row (now 7; was 6).
  • Spell Sets can now be exported and imported.
  • Spell Sets now maintain autocast status.
  • Spell Sets are now stored per class.
  • Fixed issue where Item Head Of The All-Eater.pngHead Of The All-Eater did not properly reset on Exile and Time Warp.
  • Fixed an issue where Exorcist portrait.pngExorcist gained XP from Character Ability Power Growth Rate.
  • Fixed an issue where Soulstealer portrait.pngSoulstealer and Psychic Cacophony portrait.pngPsychic Cacophony gave less Pet Ability Power than intended.
  • Fixed an issue where Enchant bonuses were not correctly reapplied on Exile.
  • Fixed an issue with rate of Crafting XP gain.
  • Fixed a few visual bugs.
  • Fixed an issue where purchased spell upgrades (e.g. Meditative Fury) would reappear on load.
  • Fixed an issue where Triumph Achievements incorrectly showed a failed icon.
  • Fixed an issue with switching between Realm and Pantheon windows.
  • Fixed an issue with Voidfiend portrait.pngVoidfiend lag.
  • Fixed an issue with Bat Hunter not activating.
  • Optimized Source tier calculations.


Intermediate changes omitted.

  • Bold Followers Cost Growth reduced.
  • Cognitive Resonance base cost increased from 10000 to 20000. Effect is now exponential (multiplicative) rather than linear (additive).

v0.9 "Grave Omens"

New Feature Tier 3 Pets

Some T2 Pets Evolve into T3 pets. They are much stronger and focused on longer exiles.

New Items
Core Mechanics
  • All Trials work in parallel now.
  • Each Trial has different reward value now.
  • Trial rune timer reworked: It now always starts at 24h, but it is reduced with each trial won or lost, according to the corresponding milestones. Milestones reworked.
  • You can choose T2 Classes from Apprentice portrait.pngApprentice.
  • Void Mana now saves and degenerates during offline time.
  • Times cast now increases when spell runs out.
  • Item Reality Prism.pngReality Prism: Changed bonus Mechanic.
  • Active bats removed on load.
  • Some Upgrades (conneceted to specific class mana source) cost and bonus rebalanced.
  • Paragon 47 and 52: Requirement reduced.
Shaman portrait.pngShaman
  • Ability growth rates reduced.
Oni portrait.pngOni
Desolator portrait.pngDesolator
  • Ability bonus reduced.
  • Spell Void Fission.pngVoid Fission scale from current Liquid Shadows reduced.
Zombie portrait.pngZombie
  • Profits ability now scales strongly with time.
Risen Giant portrait.pngRisen Giant
  • Profits ability now scales strongly with time.
Geode portrait.pngGeode
  • Attribute bonus reduced.
Ley Keeper portrait.pngLey Keeper
  • Attribute bonus increased.
  • Trials menu reworked.
  • Shift + Click on pet Portrait to evolve the pet into the next available tier.
  • Clicking on an item slot changes the filter to that respective item type.
  • Weapons' ability name removed.
Technical issues
  • Fixed an issue with spells casts from Item Berzerker.pngBerzerker resetting on reloading a save.
  • Fixed and issue with Wizard Squad
  • Oni portrait.pngOni Meditation stance affects Spell Furious Strike.pngFurious Strike correctly now.
  • Minor bugfixes.

v0.8x "Age of Strife"

Shaman portrait.pngShaman
  • Main ability bonus reduced.
  • Bonus exp from Mana Sources is now shown in Character statistic
Technical Issues
  • Bonus casts from low incantation duration (<1sec) now correctly counts for Ironsoul portrait.pngIronsoul and Oni portrait.pngOni as well as Item The Accumulator.pngThe Accumulator
  • Fixed an issue with Desolator portrait.pngDesolator regarding updates of abilities.
  • Item Hollow Eye Pendant.pngHollow Eye Pendant Bonus on Legendary Quality corrected to intended.
  • Item Perfected Kata Bracers.pngPerfected Kata Bracers Bonus on Epic Quality corrected to intended.
  • Fixed and issue with loadouts swapping.
  • Fixed an issue with stats after import.
  • Minor bugfixes.
Exorcist portrait.pngExorcist
  • The cost of some Upgrades has changed
  • Main ability now scales with Mastery 25 and 100 perks.
  • Spell Battle Trance.pngBattle Trance scaling from Excess Hallowed Clicks is reduced.
Heretic portrait.pngHeretic
  • The cost of some Upgrades has changed
  • Main abilites are reduced.
  • Spell Battle Trance.pngBattle Trance scaling from Excess Hallowed Clicks is reduced.
  • Display of spell charge amount changed and it now supports sciencetific notation format now.
  • Bats show icon of mana source instead of name when they drop them.
Technical Issues
  • Fixed visual bug in Catalysts window.
  • Fixed bug with Spell Summon Spider Swarm.pngSummon Spider Swarm
  • Fixed bugs on new items
  • Fixed bugs on new challenges
  • Fixed bug with Attribute buff.
New Challenges
New Skins
  • Three new animated skins, one for each of the second three T2 Classes
  • New Exorcist portrait.pngExorcist skin.
  • 3 Discord Event Skins, all available for 1 Alteration Sand. Two more will be coming in future patches
New Feature
  • Community Events check Trials page for more information.
  • Catalyst Shards: From now on, instead of Catalysts you receive Catalyst Shards. Whenever you receieve shards from any source, it randomly selecets a source to "Catalyze", granting you an amount of shards equal to the current Catalyst level of the source. You can invest available free shards in mana sources manually by using the Catalyst menu button, located below the Multi-Buy/Mass buy button. Each additional catalyst level cost more Catalyst shards.
Core Mechanics
  • 7 new Items (2 Unique Weapons)
  • 2 new Paragon levels
  • 6 new Achievements
  • After completing or failing a challenge you have an option to reset Attributes for free.
  • Time Warps now affect bats spawn behavior and total offline time.
  • Catalysts and Trial Runes now reset after Hard Reset.
  • Introduced new possible rewards from promo-codes.
  • Introduced new system of temporary buffs (in addition to weekly bonuses, can occur during certain global events.)
  • Introduced new system to instant reward all players (can be granted during certain global events).
Shaman portrait.pngShaman
  • Abilties growth rate reduced, base bonus reduced.
Temporalist portrait.pngTemporalist
  • Abilities growth rate increased.
Heretic portrait.pngHeretic
  • Some class specific Upgrades from pre-e500 mysteries range moved onto e500-e550 range.
Item Chiropteric Rod.pngChiropteric Rod
  • Enchanting bonus reduced. Down from 30% to 20%
Item Heart of the Grave.pngHeart of the Grave
  • Main ability increased, additional time from consuming Spell Plague Zombie.pngPlague Zombie spell charges increased.
Item Reality Prism.pngReality Prism
  • Ability Bonus increased.
Item Shard Of A Lost Dimension.pngShard Of A Lost Dimension
  • Casting Spell Voidbolt.pngVoidbolt now refreshes duration.
Item Spellstealer.pngSpellstealer
  • Ability bonus increased.
Item Thunderbird.pngThunderbird
  • Instead of total reset now lsoes 1 charge per any Evocation cast besides Spell Lightning Bolt.pngLightning Bolt. Max amount of charges is 1000, bonus increased.
Item Enchanting Membrane.pngEnchanting Membrane
  • Doesn't lose charges on weapon swap now.
Item Conjured Razorspaulders.pngConjured Razorspaulders
  • Bonus on Legendary quality increased.
  • Conjure's Chains set. Bonuses for 4 and 5 items increased.
Item Boots Of Concentration.pngBoots Of Concentration
  • All bonuses increased.
  • Rainments of the Perfect Mind set. Bonuses for 4 and 5 items increased.
Item Strange Spaulders.pngStrange Spaulders
  • New effect on Epic and Legendary quality.
Item Talented Gloves.pngTalented Gloves
  • Character ability power bonus increased.
  • Jester's Privilege set. Bonuses for 3 - 5 items increased.
Item Symbol Of Authority.pngSymbol Of Authority
  • Bonus increased.
Item Resonator Ring.pngResonator Ring
  • Enchanting bonus reduced from 20% to 5%
Item Arcane Accelerator.pngArcane Accelerator
  • Bonus scaling reduced, now based on Catalyst shards colleceted.
  • Character panel and crafting window now show how much dust you have, even if you haven't yet unlocked crafing/enchanting.
  • Attributes panel: You can now invest points by clicking perk icons.
  • Tooltips of Character and Pet stay longer (60 seconds now, was 10 seconds)
  • Spell and Equipment presets option "Set" renamed to "Load"
  • New tooltips in Equipment menu.
  • Improved text lablels in some menus
  • A red exclamatory sign now marks the Trials tab, if your amount of runes is close to the soft cap or a Trial Event is active, and Market if a sale is ongoing.
  • Cost of "Get Mysteries" increased.
  • New special offer: Grandmaster Pack
  • Increased amount of dust per each Crafting dust pack (if you have bought Master Pack, you will the surplus due to the packs dust amount increase.)
Technical Issues
  • Gathering Skill bonus now properly affects dust from bats.
  • Items already equipped are not re-quipped anymore on loading of an item loadout if they're also part of the loadout.
  • PC-version now usues clipboard on Export and Import.
  • Starting Challenges won't interrupt Trial of Valor now.
  • Character and Attribute panels now properly update on change item loadout.
  • Steam version now has a fallback to our server cloud save, if Steam cloud save is corrupted or lost.}
  • Minor bugfixes.
Core Mechanics
  • Enchanting dust passive generation rate now scales with Gathering skill bonus
  • Enchanting dust from experiments now scales with Crafting skill bonus
  • Paragon 40: New bonus, now increases enchanting dust earned by 0.8% for each mystery exponent past e400, multiplicatively.
  • Trial milestone bonus "increase enchanting dust passive generation rate" changed to "increase enchanting dust earned from all sources".
  • 2 additional spell sets, also additional spell sets added to VIP levels 2 and 3.
  • Paragon 17 moved to Paragon 20
  • If spell durations is less than 1 second by a factor of X, then on cast that spell receives X casts. Example: 0.5s duration results in 2 casts.
  • Effect from Item Berzerker.pngBerzerker is now passive.
  • Intelligence Attribute. Base bonus per point increased to 2% (was 1.6%).
  • Spellcraft Attribute. Base bonus per point increased to 3% (was 2.3%).
Shaman portrait.pngShaman
  • New upgrades added to ensure smooth progression to e500.
  • First class ability now has reduced scaling with time after ~1 week of autoclicks, to weaken the dominance of long runs abusing "Get Mysts".
Heretic portrait.pngHeretic
  • New upgrades added to ensure smooth progression to e500.
  • New spell added: Spell Forsaken Glory.pngForsaken Glory, this should improve scaling over longer runs.
Oni portrait.pngOni
  • New upgrades added to ensure smooth progression to e500.
  • Defence stance is buffed by the multi-casting change at <0.5s spell durations.
  • Defence stance now multiples Item Berzerker.pngBerzerker casts by x3.
Archon portrait.pngArchon
  • New upgrades added to ensure smooth progression to e500.
  • Soulstealer portrait.pngSoulstealer [75] ability now scales with pet ability power.
  • Soulstealer portrait.pngSoulstealer now has [250], [275], and [300] abilities, this should improve late game scaling with Pet Ability Power.
Temporalist portrait.pngTemporalist
  • New upgrades added to ensure smooth progression to e500.
  • Class ability has been greatly nerfed, as the new upgrades made the class overly dominant.
Desolator portrait.pngDesolator
  • New upgrades added to ensure smooth progression to e500.
  • Spell Void Fission.pngVoid Fission is now unlocked by an upgrade, which removes Spell Shadows Of The Void.pngShadows Of The Void. This is to prevent the previous Voidterror portrait.pngVoidterror exploit from being too powerful.
  • Spell Void Fission.pngVoid Fission's second effect now scales based on Liquid Shadow, instead of Void Mana.
  • Pet & Shadow Elixirs have been buffed.
  • Desolator now has a slightly reworked Spell Draught Of Midas.pngDraught Of Midas, which scales based on Mana earned this Exile instead of Highest # of Mana Gems this Exile.

Added options to control music and sound volume.

Technical issues Small bugfixes
New Feature Mana Source Catalysts

Catalysts are small, stackable source of power which augment your Mana Sources. There are two types of catalysts, a lesser one, granting you cumulative bonus for each obtained, and a greater one, granting you multiplicative bonus for each one. Both are applied at the same time, and are carried over exiles.

You can obtain them from multiple sources, but the most reliable one is completing Trials of Valor.

New Trial Mode Trial of Valor

As various threats emerge throughout the world, you can use your Crystal Ball for divining and engaging them from the safety of your tower. You fight using three types of attacks, and each threat is constantly changing it's resistances to various types - make sure to try and use the one it's not protected from at the moment. Each attack type has limited charges which can be replenished instantaneously by spending a Trial Rune.

The most prominent reward for completing Trials of Valor are Mana source catalysts.

New Items
Core Mechanics
  • New Item Slot: Offhand Items. These items usually grow in power as you utilize some of the game mechanics, like giving a bonus depending on amount of Spells cast, Pet levels earned, etc.
  • Additional reward for completing trials
  • 16 new trial milestones
  • 14 new paragon levels
  • 34 new achievements
  • 66 new upgrades
  • Secret achievements now display names while not yet unlocked
  • Paragron 37 reward changed (now unlocks offhand slot)
  • "Time Shaper" upgrade, requirement changed (new e475 mysteries, was e500)
  • Trial milestones are mixed
  • New item filter. You can search for an item by entering words, found in the name, description or enchanting description of an item
  • Improved some menus
  • Improved main UI
  • Tooltips for Trial reward

v0.7x "The Outcasts"

New Items
Core Mechanics
  • 32 new upgrades.
  • 4 new paragon levels.
  • 4 new trial milestones.
  • 8 new achievements.
  • 3 new secret achievements and upgrades.
  • "Raiments Of The Perfect Mind" item set. Bonus for 3 items increased. New bonus for 5 items.
  • "Void Fission" spell. Bonus reduced.
UI Trade resources menu improved, new hotkeys.
Technical Issues
  • Spellhound and Arcanaworg pets. Changed growth rate after threshold 1e4 shards.
  • Fixed issue with Spellstealer weapon.
  • Fixed Shaman time requirements.
"The Harbingers" - 2 Year Anniversary!
It's Idle Wizard's 2-year anniversary patch!
New Classes Archon
New Attribute Empathy

  • Affect pet power and has perks corresponding pets.
New Items 3 new weapons (with general bonus that works with all classes)
Core Mechanics
Halloween Event!
Season of undead and shadows has started! It will last until November 16, 2018.

Upon logging in during the even you'll receive:

  • All buffs for 48h
  • 10 free relics
  • 10 free Trials runes

During all the event:

  • Bats spawn rate incrased by 200%
  • After completing Trials you get a chance to unlock a themed skin for any of the classes
Version Type Description
New Challenges
  • Gate to the Past
  • Army of Two
  • Children of the Night I-II
  • Reality Decompression
Skins 15 new skins (one as reward for Challenge).

Skin drop list from Trials:

Trials New Trial milestones
Core mechanics:
  • New feature "Disenchantement core". Allows you to return all invested enchantment dust from 1 item.
  • Crafting resources generation rate now increased by 1% per Paragon level (multiplicatively), applies on jars accumulation speed and craft resources reward from trials.
  • Crafting resources gained from bats now based on generation rate (except for gathering skill).
  • Earning of enchanting dust from experiment now based on generation rate.
  • Reduction of time to next Attributes from Bats now based on current time to next.
  • Mana from Bats now based on current Mana.
UI: Equipment menu. New option - Clear all Slots.
Settings: New option "Void Entities sounds".
Market: "Disenchantment core pack". Get 6 Disenchantment cores for 5 relics.
Technical issues:
Version Type Description
New Feature: Tier 2 Classes
Shaman Shamans both cultivate life and take it at will, twisting souls and essence or bolstering them in time of need. A Shaman can both spare a village or poison a city, should she see it fit for the greater balance. They have control over nature similar to a Druid, but tend to call upon the help of more sinister and devious creatures - venomous insects, snakes, and other vermin, combining them with their undead or zombified servants, terrorizing their foes before finally killing them.
Heretic The Heretic combines the powers of the Void with the power of the Seventh Star's faith into a devastating combination, ever striving to preserve their sanity and humanity, while delving deeper and deeper into the Void. The limits of Exorcists no longer apply to them, nor does their martial prowess grow any less potent. Always alone save for their spiritual minions, they destroy anything and anyone standing between them and new revelations.
Oni The Oni are warriors whose desire for warfare and bloodshed has made them seek out demonic power. Bound together with a demonic entity in a single body, they sate its hunger with other living beings, and the demon inside dares not to try and take over the body of the warrior. A towering monstrosity, vaguely resembling an extremely muscular human with demonic features, wielding gigantic weapons, cleaving multiple enemies with each swing of their weapons and laughing maniacally at the same time, they are true terror to behold. Demons are often as much afraid of them as are others, for Oni do not distinguise between foes, killing for the sake of killing.
New Item slot: Weapons
New Spell: Apprentice - Spell Spell Focus.pngSpell Focus
Voidmancer - Spell Voidbolt.pngVoidbolt (Replaces Spell Magic Missile.pngMagic Missile
Core Mechanics:
  • Paragon level 31 changed.
  • Spell Magic Missile.pngMagic Missile. Base power increased, now 30 sec of production (was 20)
  • Spell Temper The Steel.pngTemper The Steel. Passive effect now charges any evocation spells.
  • Demonologist now requires level 16 (was 14)
  • Druid now requires level 14 (was 11)
  • "Valiant Greaves" item is now part of "Justive Of The Seventh" set.
  • Items "Circlet Of Deep Thoughts", "Boots Of Concentration" and "Focusing Bracers" are now part of a new item set: "Raiments Of the Perfect Mind"
  • "Jester's Prvilege" set bonus is buffed.
  • Wisdom 150 perk. Bonus increased.
  • Ent. Click bonus increased.
  • Pit Lord. Profits bonus increased.
  • Simulacrum. Profits bonus increased.
  • Arcanaworg. Profits bonus increased.
  • Anima Construct. Profit and incantation bonus increased.
  • Voidfiend & Voidterror. Void mana profits bonus reduced.
  • Hungerer. Bonus growth rate decreased.
  • Archivist. Evocation bonus increased.
  • Ley Keeper. Profits bonus increased.
Technical issues:
  • Upgrades - Upgrade filter and automatic sorting for purchased upgrades.
  • Fixed issue regarding counting drained LS (Liquid Shadows)
  • Fixed issue regarding gains mana sources from pet abilities.
  • Fixed game freeze with Arcanaworg pet and excessive shard production.
  • Capped charge-based spells at one billion (1e9) charges to prevent overflow.
  • Fixed Defense Stance (Ironsoul) failing to remove active spell effects upon spell interruption.
  • Fixed the sound effect for enchanting.
  • Paragon level 26 Requires 11,000 Achievement points (was 11,500).
  • "Heart Of The Grave" weapon
  • Increased click profit bonus.
  • "Berzerker" weapon
  • Increased duration to 120 seconds (was 20).
  • Fixed bug with "Reality Prism" weapon.
  • Minor fixes.

v0.6x "Ars Magna"

Version Type Description
0.65 New Feature: Progression list of trials.
New Challenges
Core mechanics:
  • Rework of in-game texts.
  • Icons for spell types.
  • Highlight of variables in tooltip by color.
  • Discount system implemented.
Technical issues:
  • Optimised game's resources.
  • Fixes of minor issues.
Version Type Description
0.64 New Exorcist spell:
Core mechanics:
  • 18 new upgrades.
  • 22 new upgrades unlocked by completing secret achievements.
  • 7 new achievements.
  • 3 new Paragon levels.
  • Charge counting reworked.
  • Reward added (1 relic) for using each of the links in the Help (Twitter, Wikia, Discord).
  • 3 new animated skings:
    • Agony (Druid)
    • Abyssal Fury (demonologize)
    • K3L-PH10R (Prodigy)
  • Doomed (Ironsoul) improved.
  • Girl Voidmancer updated.
  • Abolisher 5 skins (1 animated).
  • New main theme
  • Bat sound effect
  • Alchemist cauldron sound effects.
  • Ironsoul stances sound effects.


Equipped - New filter node of items list.
New option: Mute game on loading screen. If it is on, game ignore sound option from save, until you turn on sounds or music in settings
  • The starter, advanced and master packs will offer a lot more rewards as they're unique offers. If you already bought some, you should automatically get their extra rewards
  • Dusts packs now have 4 sizes: 5 relics, 20 relics, 75 relics, and 220 relics.

We hope this will provide more options according to your budget and how much of a boost you want. The 20 relics pack still rewards 2500 dusts of each color

  • R - hotkey to open Challenges page.
  • T - hotkey to open Trials page.
  • Right click on class icon in choosing class menu - fast choose class option.
Technical issues:
  • Opening the spellbook doesn't turn off autocast anymore.
  • Fixed a bug with trials.
  • Fixed a bug with experiments rewards: Time Warp and Get Mysteries.
  • Fixed Upgrades "They do too much!".
  • Fixed bug with spell "Spell Relentlessness.pngRelentlessness".
  • Fixed issue with amount of charges for Ironsoul.
  • Fixed the frames of ring slots in character panel.
Version Type Description
0.63 New Prodigy spell: Spell Quasi-incantation.pngQuasi-incantation
Core mechanics: 25 new Upgrades.
Technical issues:
  • Changes work with memory.
  • Fixes sorting of Items.
  • Preparation of core for new patches.
0.63.1 Fixes Spell Temper The Steel.pngTemper The Steel spell. Main bonus power increased. Persistent effect now doesn't have cap.
  • Spell Arcane Infusion.pngArcane Infusion spell. Bonus increased.
  • Spell Quasi-incantation.pngQuasi-incantation spell. Bonus increased.
  • Spell Time Helix.pngTime Helix spell. Bonus increased.
  • rune's timer works until you get 10 runes, also timer now works while trials.
  • Fixed issue with restart Trials of the Skill.
  • Fixes of Minor bugs.
Version Type Description
0.62 New class: Ironsoul. Can utilize three different modes, which augment his ability to charge spells, stack buffs, or use profiting spells.
New feature: Trials. Unlocked at Paragon level 3. By using a Rune, you can re-complete an already finished Challenge and acquire a random reward, rewards list is updated based on your progress in game. Rune can be acquired from:
  • Rare drop from bats
  • rare drop from experiments

If you possess 0 Runes, you will receive a new Rune 24 hours after you completed the last Trial, 12 hours after if you failed or abandoned it. When you receive a Rune, the tier is paused. Time spent inside Trials doesn't count towards this. New Trial features will be added in further patches.

New Druid spell: Spell Summon Centipede Swarm.pngSummon Centipede Swarm
Core mechanics:
Technical issues:
  • Set bonus Power Armor(3) fixed.
  • Fixed issue with double bonus of pet on switch.
  • Fixed bug with Archivist.
  • Fixed tooltips.
ver 0.62.1 Fixes
  • Paragon Level 17 now requirement now 2 epic items (was 3 unique).
  • Fixed align of tooltips in spellbook.
  • Sorting made by quality now sorts by enchanting levels.
  • Bugfixes.
  • Fix tooltips.
ver 0.62.2 Fixes Exile menu now show Trial name if it is active.

  • Fixes access to Market in Challenges.
  • Ironsoul's stances now activates by hotkeys: 8 - meditation, 9 - defense, - beserk.
  • Fixed bug in descriptions of spells.
  • Now pet menu change size for show info about pet.
Version Type Description
0.61 New Challenges:
Core mechanics:
  • You can now equip items without completing their attribute requirements. They will be marked red and won't yield any bonus. You can open the attributes screen to see which attributes you need to increase to fulfill the requirements.
  • 8 new secret achievements.
  • 1 new achievement.
  • Grid-mode of items list.
  • Changed description of enchanting.
  • Tooltip fixes.
Technical issues:
  • Fixed issue with rules about mysteries bonus.
  • Fixed order of spell scrolls logic.
  • Wizard Squad III. Alchemist removed from classes list.
  • Fixed issue with random of cost investment in new item.
  • Fixes minor bugs.
Version Type Description
0.60 New Feature: Item Sets. Both old and new items can be a part of a larger Item Set, which grants additional bonuses when a certain amount of pieces is equipped. Detailed sets descriptions can be found in tooltips of set items.
New Feature: Skins. When selecting a Character Class you can now choose from a number of portraits available for this class, your choice will be saved until you decide to change it. Portrait skins have no impact on gameplay and exist solely for aesthetic value. Some of the portraits start out locked and require using an amount of Alteration Sands to unlock.

The Sands can be acquired from: 1. A rare Bat drop. 2. By using the new "Experiments" feature from crafting menu. 3. Available for buying at the market.

New Feature: Enchanting. Unique and Legendary Items can now be upgraded, the bonus is multiplicative and predetermined for each item.

Enchanting requires expending an amount of Enchanting Dust, which can be acquired from: 1. Gained passively over time after unlocking Enchantment at Paragon Level 22. Gathering skill and similar bonuses do not affect the accumulation rate. 2. A rare Bat drop. 3. By using the new "Experiments" feature from crafting menu.

New Feature: Experiments After unlocking Enchanting and acquiring all of the items, the "Invest in new item" changes to "Invest in experiment". By completing an experiment you will receive a random reward. Enchanting dust is the most common, with a chance of acquiring a Buff, Timewarp, Attribute reset or Alteration Sands, and a minuscule chance of gaining a Relic.
New Feature: Promo-codes. Market now has a field for entering promo-codes (which you can learn from other players in chat, us, our twitter, forum, etc.), if the code is still valid you will receive a reward, which can include relics, alteration sands, crafting resources, enchanting dust, and more.
New Class: Alchemist A devout disciples of a faraway lands' science, these scholars rarely possess much magical powers, instead focusing on studying the laws of nature, and applying those laws to transform and transmute matter and energy at will. With assortment of potions and elixirs, as well as mechanical tools and aides, these Wizards perform incredible feats and prove to be more than a match to traditional sorcerers of the Realm.
New Pets:
New Item Slots:
  • Waist
  • Back
  • Wrist
Voidmancer. New Spell: Spell Conjure Void Elemental.pngConjure Void Elemental
Core mechanics:
  • New Attribute: Mastery.
  • 8 new Paragon levels.
  • 23 new items
  • 2 additional item preset slots.
  • 190 new Upgrades
  • 75 new Achievements
  • Item slots access has been reworked. They now unlock gradually upon reaching certain Paragon levels.
  • Persisten spells reworked. Main bonus is now based only on casts during this Exile, with a new Passive bonus (active when spell chosen on panel) based on total casts
  • Item upgrading randomization changed. Each item now has an individual progress roll, which doesn't change from investing into different item or crafting.
  • Character main ability scaling changed for most classes in favor of square-based growth formula.
  • Character main abilities rebalanced.
  • Druid. Changed main ability.
  • Demonologist. Changed main ability.
  • Prodigy. Changed growth rate of main ability.
  • Ent. Changed 3rd ability and clicks formula.
  • Voidterror. Removed bonus which let you get random buff after gathering void entities.
  • Anima Construct. Incantation efficiency bonus increased.
  • Homunculus and Simulacrum main ability changed to sources' profits increase (was character ability power), bonus buffed.
  • "Spell Synthetic Entity.pngSynthetic Entity" spell. NOw give entities instantly, depending on evocation efficiency, with every charge taking longer to acquire.
  • "Spell Radiant Pools.pngRadiant Pools" spell. Duration decreased, now 10 sec (was 15 sec)
  • "Spell Day Into Night.pngDay Into Night" spell. Now give X sec of production, not offline production.
  • "Spell Superposition.pngSuperposition" spell. Buffed.
  • "Spell Ley Overdrive.pngLey Overdrive" spell. Now accumulated.
  • "Spell Smite.pngSmite" spell. Formula changed.
  • "Spell Power Of Sacrifice.pngPower Of Sacrifice" spell. Formula changed.
  • "Spell Eclipse.pngEclipse" spell. Bonus growth rate increased.
  • "Spell Umbral Rage.pngUmbral Rage" spell. Bonus growth rate decreased, penalty for costs starts after 2 sec.
  • Intelligence main bonus increased, now 1.6% per point (was 1.4%)
  • Changed perks Insight-50 and Patience-75.
  • Lordic Greaves item changed.
  • Faithful Fists item bonus changed.
  • WrathSeed item changed.
  • Some items requirements changed.
  • Hungerer requirements changed.
  • Crafting resources acquired from Bats now increase Resources gathered, but don't count for sake of Gathering Skill experience.
  • Some achievement goals changed.
  • Exile visuals changed.
  • Zombie portrait changed.
  • Quotes bubble was moved to prevent obstructing Pet and Mana Sources.
  • Class selection menu changed.
  • Class and Pet panel changed.
  • New Statistics tab. Reflects the time played as each Class as well as the percentage of total time played. Also shows total amount of Hallowed Clicks performed and total acquired amount of Compressed Time and Liquid Shadows. All stats are counted from the beginning of this Expansion.
  • New sorting filter in items menu: Sort by sets.
  • Spell scroll tooltip now shows the amount of time left when a Spell is active.
  • Challenges not available now show in grey.
  • Time Warp 12h cost reduced, now 3 relics (was 4)
  • Time Warp 36h cost reduced, now 6 relics (was 8)
  • VIP3 effect changed.
  • New Market ware: VIP4.
  • New Market ware: Alteration Pack, contains 100 Alteration Sands (a resource used to unlock Portrait skins).
Technical issues:
  • Wormhole is no longer available in "Unstable Time".
  • Jars updating after re-opening game tab fixed.
  • Archivist ability fixed.
  • Arcanaworg description fixed.
  • Game session timer fixed.
  • Fixed Secret achievements when displaying last attained achievements.
  • Hard Reset option fixed.
  • Game loading and launching times optimised.
  • Fixed minor bugs.
ver 0.60.1 Fixes
  • Hotfixes of bugs with new mechanics.
  • Fixes of issues with balance.
ver 0.60.2 Fixes
  • Item menu optimized
  • Enchanting dust gained while offline
  • HOtkeys no longer get pressed when entering proocodes
  • Alchist slightly nerfed
  • "Artificer's Shoulderpads" item buffed
  • Paragon Level 17 requirement lowered
  • Smith HC now count towards Hallowed Clicks statistic.
  • Some achievements requirements changed.
ver 0.60.3 Fixes
  • New pet menu.
  • Fixes of critical bugs with corruption saves.
  • Fixes of minor bugs.

v0.5x "Shadowpyre"

Version Type Description
New Feature: Weekly Bonus Every week a certain bonus is applied. Every Monday at 0:00 UTC the bonus will change to a new one. The current one is the Week of Serenity which grant a small profit bonus. Don't forget to check out next Monday for new bonus! You can access the current week's info by hovering over ther Calendar in the bottom left part of the screen, next to autocast buttons.
  • UI improved
  • Achievements page now displays last 10 achievements gained.
Core Mechanics:
  • 13 new Achievements
  • New stats number: Collectables (shows the amount of collected Bats).
  • You can now use hotkeys to buy sources or invest Attribute points:
    • Ctrl+Shift-click - buy/invest max
    • Shift-click - buy/invest 25
    • Ctrl-click - buy 10/invest 5
  • 500 resource drop from Bats is now more stable.
  • "Vision of the Future I-III" made a bit easier.
  • Some of the later now allow usage of Items.
  • Upgrades "Enhanced Enhancements IV", "Holy Texts", "Holy Texts III" buffed. New upgrade: "Liquid Arcana V".
  • "Ley Overdrive". Bonus slightly increased.
  • "Stabilize The Flow". Bonus scale from Distortion Time increased.
  • "Time Helix". Bonus increased.
Technical issues:
  • Game performance optimised.
  • Upgrades page optimised for performance.
  • Achievements page optimised for performance.
  • Fixed an issue with spells after loading in challenges.
  • "Void Syphon" spell. Performance issue fixed.
  • Fixed tooltips.
v0.53.1 UI:
Technical issues:
  • "Rules of Nature III" fixed.
  • Bug with load of Items fixed.
Version Type Description
0.52 Visual
  • New Pixie visuals
  • Progress preview for crafting investment progress.
  • Crafting skill reworked.
  • Crafting and Gathering skills now starts from level 0.
  • Minimal progress of investment into Items increased.
  • Several Items for Umbramancer, Chronomancer and Exorcist buffed.
  • The new item resource investment cost's random spread was reduced.
  • Craft resources trade rate is now 3:1 (was 5:1).
  • Paragon level 8 now also awards 2k of each resource (player who've already unlocked it will also receive the reward)
  • Hallowed Clicks, Compressed Time and Liquid Shadows is now saved.
  • Daemon and Pit Lord pets buffed.
  • Pet Geode. New ability - increase level reduction.
  • Perks 150 Spellcraft and Wisdom buffed.
  • Spell Spell Condensing Shadows.pngCondensing Shadows buffed.
  • Spell Spell Day Into Night.pngDay Into Night buffed.
  • Spell Spell Summon Winged Night.pngSummon Winged Night changed (overall buff).
  • Upgrades "Liquid Arcana III-IV" buffed.
  • Upgrades "Unholy Alliance III-IV" buffed.
  • Upgrades "Unholy Alliance V" cost is now lower.
  • Bats now give mana sources only which you already have.
Technical issues
  • Fixed Shadow Stalker and Umbramancer requirements.
  • Fixed a bug with spell sets.
  • Fixed UI minor issues.
  • Fixed tooltips.
  • Fixed of item bugs.
  • Optimizations of autoclicks and floating numbers.
  • Global optimizations.

The Christmas event is over! Snowflakes are now replaced by Bats. Bats can't drop relics, but they give more craft resources. Spawn rate of Bats is lower.

Version Type Description
0.51.2 Kongregate API New scoreboard "Mysteries". Show exponent of mysteries (number after "e" in scientific notation).
Technical issues
0.51.1 Balance Necromancer. Ability formula changed.
Technical issues
  • Fix of bug with Achievements not triggering.
  • Fix of bug with increased spawn rate of void entities, shadow clots.
  • Fixes of challenges.
0.51 New Challenges
  • Place of Power III-IV
  • Wizard Squad III
  • Unstable Time
  • Taming Hunger
  • Shadows in Darkness
  • Hellish Zoo I-III
  • Balanced Darkness
  • Exam III
  • Shadow of the Pyre
Core mechanics
Technical issues
  • Spell Spell Shattering Strike.pngShattering Strike fixed.
  • Fixed wrong reward Paragon 12.
  • Fixed tooltips.
  • Fixed issue with Gathering skill exp.
  • Fixed issues in challenges.

Greeting Wizards! It's Christmas time! We hope you all are having a great time celebrating Christmas and oncoming New Year! It's been a really busy year for Idle Wizard and us Two Wizards and we don't intend to stop! Thank you from the bottom of our heart for being with us all this time!

Gifts! All player logging in while the event is ongoing will receive a unique item - Light Of Eighth Star. Even players who can't use items yet will receive it - but it will become accessible only after Paragon Level 8.

Snowflakes! For a period of two weeks you'll be able to collect Snowflakes within game, by collecting them you will receive various bonuses, which can be of especially great use to beginners. If you didn't collect them for some time, the spawn time will compensate for missed ones, boosting the spawn-rate for a while. List of rewards:

  • mana
  • spell shards
  • void mana
  • pet experience
  • free mana sources
  • skip some time left to next attribute point
  • temporary random buff for 5 min
  • craft resources
  • relics (!)

Relics have a low chance to drop, but there is a compensating mechanism (each time a Relic doesn't drop, it's chance to drop grows)

Version Type Description
0.50.4 Balance
Technical issues
  • Bug fixes
  • Fix challenges
0.50.3 Balance
  • Rebalance for classes (Umbramancer mostly)
  • Some Umbra spells changed
  • Items with crit rating, hc and manual click profit buffed
  • Spell Spirit Of Valor.pngSpirit Of Valor now Incantation
  • Spell Time Helix.pngTime Helix. No longer reset mana sources and stop active spells.
Technical issues Bug fixes
0.50.2 Balance
UI New filter in items menu
Technical issues
  • Bug fixes
  • Fixed issues in challenges
0.50.1 Balance
  • Boost for new pets
  • Boost of progress in late game
Technical issues Bug fixes
0.50 New Class

Some strive for power, some for knowledge, and some - for wisdom. Those who wish to make a pact with powerful spirits of the desert must possess all three. Many yearn for the power of those spirits, and, to the day, none have ever returned to tell the tale. But every few decades, from the heart of vast desert comes a storm of darkness. Black, oily clouds block the sun, and tendrils of seemingly alive shadows creep across the land. In the eye of the storm, is a person, clad in swirling, liquid shadows, heralding and directing the unnatural force. Any who are foolish enough to challenge the master of Darkness, shall turn to ash in a furious firestorm, which casts no shadows. These are the Umbramancers, the enigmatic lords of shadow and dark. Whether they are the ones who bent the desert's secrets to their will, or just husks of those who tried, inhabited by the very spirits they yearned to master, none can tell, yet no one can deny their might. The only saving grace is that Umbramancers seem to require a lot of time to gather their strength, and return back to the deep, dark corners of the desert when their reserves of shadow have dissipated.

New Pets
New Tier 2 Pets
New Item slots
  • Neck
  • Fingers
Core mechanics
  • Feature "Custom cursor" removed.
  • A field showing current Distortion time
Technical issues
  • Buy Max Sources is no longer capped at 1000.
  • Fixed bug in "Unstable Curse" challenges.

v0.4x "The Temporal Conflux"

It's our 1 year anniversary! Thank you for being with us! Everyone who started the game prior to this patch will receive 50 relics as a gift (the giveaway will last for a few weeks). It's been both a pleasure and an honor to have such loving and active community, and we'll continue to improve our game and strive to deliver a compelling gameplay and challenges within.

The anniversary patch is not a symbolic one, as we're including a bunch of new stuff:

Version Type Description
0.41.4 Balance Lower reqs for Achievements about manual clicks
  • Fix Grasp of the Grave tooltip
  • Fix Strange Spaulders slot to be Shoulder
0.41.3 Balance Lower reqs for Achievements about manual clicks
Technical Issues
  • Fix item bonus of Conjured Ragecrown
  • Fix save issue with time distortion
  • Fix issue with item bonuses (after improvement)
0.41.2 Balance
  • Objectives in some new lower.
  • Buffed curve of progress in myst range e50-e100
Technical Issues
  • Fix bugs in challenges
  • Fix bug with spell priority
0.41.1 Technical Issues
  • Fix Strange Spaulders bonus
  • Various bug fixes
0.41 New Challenges
  • Vision of the Future I-III
  • Time Acceleration
  • Critical Rush
  • Experiment with Anomaly I-IV
  • Exam II
  • Time for the Conflux
New item slot Shoulders.
New Spell: Druid Summon Evergrowing Forest
New option: Resource conversion.

You can now convert one type of resources into another, at a rate of 1:5. When converting you can hold shift to change to maximum quantity, ctrl to modify by 100, and alt to modify by 10.

Core mechanics
  • Paragon levels 13-15 requirements and rewards have been changed.
  • Spell Empower.pngEmpower spell is no longer available for the Druid
  • Secret "A Persistent Crusade". Requirement changed.
  • "Timeless Archmage" and "Lord Of Time" upgrades. Requirements changed.
  • Zombie. Main ability power reduced.
  • Risen Giant. Main ability power increased.
  • Voidfiend. Main ability power decreased.
  • Geode. Effect charging time and duration now scales with level. Ability power increased.
  • Ent. Main ability power increased.
  • Spell Superposition.pngSuperposition spell. Bonus increased.
Technical issues:
  • Fixed display invalid amount of items of certain uality when upgrading an item.
  • When changing from Attributes to Equipment windows, the previous opened window now automatically closes.
  • Items and Upgrades descriptions fixed.
Version Type Description
0.40.5 Balance
Technical Issues
  • Fix tooltips
  • bug fixes
0.40.4 Balance
Technical Issues Bug fixes
0.40.3 Balance
Technical Issues Bug fixes
0.40.2 Achievements This Place Is Mine!. Removed one of the conditions.
0.40.1 Balance Spell Magical Weapon.pngMagical Weapon. Now unavailable for Demonologist.
Technical Issues
  • Fix for autoclicks
  • Fix Exam challenge
0.40 New features: Items. You can now collect resources from the resource jars located in the background along with the Void Traps and spend them to create new Items or upgrade already created ones. All items fall into various quality categories, starting with Common and further upgraded into Uncommon, Rare, Epic, and Legendary. Unique-quality items start out at maximum quality and cannot be upgraded.
New Class: Chronomancer. Time traveling techniques were thought to be nigh impossible to attain by the magical society, though some manipulation has been proved be plausible by the most cunning experimenters. While exact time or means cannot be discerned now, since the beginning of the Void exploration age, there've been reports of strangers with knowledge of future or past events appearing all around the world. Over time, this peculiar caste of wizards became known as Chronomancers.

The Chronomancer is an adept time traveler, who's visited countless timelines in past, present, and future. No one really knows where they came from or how they attained their powers. He utilizes unknown technology to manipulate time at will. By compressing the time and tying himself to anchors within certain timelines, he can accelerate his perception of time straight up jump forwards and backwards, using it to prolong and augment his spellcasting.

New Pets
  • Geode. Periodically grants a temporary buff to Character's attributes.

Tier 2 Pets

New Exorcist Spell Spell Spirit Of Valor.pngSpirit Of Valor
Core mechanics
  • Critical click mechanics have been completely redesigned and all upgrades and buffs regarding crits have been changed accordingly. Critical click rating is a new character stat, which increases crit chance, crit profits, and allows to gain even more profits when a critical click occurs.
  • Attributes cap raised to 125
  • New perk available at attribute level 125.
  • 5 new Paragon levels
  • 212 new Upgrades (37 class unique)
  • 75 new Achievements
  • Manual clicks are now counted to stats even in Challenges with disabled statistics.
  • Custom cursors. Available in options screen. Warning: Can drastically reduce game performance.
  • Spell shards visuals size reduced.
  • Challenge requirements are now displayed in their description after completion.
Music New music theme.
  • New market item - "Resource pack"
  • New market items - Packs. Contains a solid amount of Relics and a few consumable items to boost your income a bith further, all at a discount price. Can only be bought once per pack.
Technical issues *Fixed bug in Wizard Squad challenge.

v0.3x "Crusade Of The Seventh Star"

Version Type Description
0.33 New Spell Arcanist
Core Mechanics
  • 10 new upgrades.
    • New Upgrades based on time played this Exile.
  • 5 new secret achievements.
  • New spell tag - Accumulated.
  • All accumulated shards are now preserved (even for the Spells not currently selected).
    • All Shards & Charges are saved, even when refreshing or Save/Loading
  • Spell tip now displays the amount of Spell's uses in the current run (if it doesn't match the total amount).
    • Mainly for Persistent & Accumulated Spells, so see how many spells you've collected during that specific run.
  • Visual effect for Exile.
  • Old sounds changed.
  • Added new sound effects.
  • Enter - hotkey to Save.
  • Escape - hotkey to close menu windows.
  • Shift + A - hotkey to open more achievements window.
  • Shift + S - hotkey to open more statistics window.
  • X + 1-6 (or click on spell slot) - clear slot.
  • Spell slots can now be accessed and used with Numpad keys.
    • (Shift Numpad may not work with base computer presets;
      • Example: Page Down will still work beyond the game)
  • Right click on spell slot to open Spellbook.
  • Right click on activated upgrade to remove.
  • [Spell Sets - You can now summon spells using Z + 1-5 (or with Y + 1-5) which is found in a new Tab at the top of the Spellbook, where you have to manually Set the Spellslots.]
  • New visual.
  • VIP1 now doesn't reduce level requirements, instead granting an additional spell set.
  • "Timewarp" and "Get mysteries" is now consumable, meaning you can use it at any time you want instead of instantly after buying.
Technical issues
  • UI optimized.
  • Save system improved.
  • Fixed bug with achievements.
  • Addressed some minor bugs.
Version Type Description
0.32a Balance
  • Daemon and Pit Lord main ability bonus increased.
  • "Reap What You Sow" and "Goblet Of Fire" function changed.
  • "Nightfall" spell. Changed charging of spell.
  • "Reality Warping" spell. Rebalanced.
  • "Blessed by the Void" and "For the Seventh Star" challenges. Requirements lower.
  • "Primal Power" spell. Lower level requirement.
  • Prodigy. Lower requirements to unlock.
  • Requirements for some achievements now lower.
  • Time spent in current Exile is now shown on the statistics screen.
Technical issues
  • Save system improved.
  • Music off before loading.
  • Shards drop option is off by default.
  • Fixed bugs in new challenges.
  • Fixed rare bugs with reset attributes.
  • Addressed some minor bugs.
  • Tooltips fixed.
0.32 New Spells
  • Druid
    • Summon Deepwood Stalker
  • Demonologist
    • Hellstorm
  • Necromancer
    • Voracious Plague
    • Plague Zombie
  • Voidmancer
    • Reality Warping
New Challenges
  • Lean Mean Shard Machine III
  • Unstable Curse III
  • Blessed by the Void
  • Insatiable Hunger II
  • Transmutation Effect I-III
  • Pet Cemetery I-III
  • Exam
  • For the Seventh Star
Core mechanics
  • 5 new secret achievements.
  • 4 new achievements.
  • 5 new class-unique upgrades
  • Some upgrades rebalanced
  • Dominance attribute. Bonus for each point increased.
  • Golem. Now earns more experience.
  • Voidfiend. Main ability bonus increased.
  • Devourer. Earn less exp, main ability bonus increased.
  • Interrogator. Higher requirements to unlock.
  • Ent. Ability changed.
  • Risen Giant. Third ability bonus now has a diminishing growth rate.
  • Demonologist. "Reap What You Sow" and "Goblet Of Fire" function changed.
  • Arcanist. "Radiant Pools" and "Karnaphen’s Spellshroud" function changed.
  • Requirements for some challenges changed.
  • "Wizard Squad II". Time until hero switch was reduced to 20 min (was 30 min), class change not random anymore.
  • Rewards and conditions for some of the secret achievements changed.
  • Font for some of the fields was changed.
Technical issues
  • UI optimised.
  • Homunculus. Fixed offline progress.
  • Save system improved.
  • Addressed some minor bugs.
Version Type Description
0.31 New Spells
  • Prodigy
    • Ley Overdrive
  • Exorcist
    • Shattering Strike
New Challenges
  • Rule of Nature III
  • Unstable Curse II
  • Blind Wizard II
  • Holy Wrath
  • Wizard Squad I-II
  • Insatiable Hunger
  • Excommunicated
  • No Rest for the Wicked
Core mechanics
  • 19 new upgrades
  • 15 new secret achievements.
  • Ley Apex, mana Source unique to Prodigy.
  • Ent. Abilities rebalanced.
  • Pit Lord. Abilities slightly nerfed.
  • Demonologist. Spells slightly nerfed.
  • Interrogator gains more experience.
  • Interrogator. Main ability bonus increased.
  • Character ability bonuses from upgrades increased.
  • Evocation efficiency bonuses from upgrades increased.
  • Some Class and Pet requirements changed.
  • Void Entities particle effect altered (less irritating).
  • Character quotes background colors changed for better readability.
Technical issues
  • Demonologist bonus was not applying immediately after selecting, fixed.
  • Some Character tooltip bugs fixed.
  • Fixed an exploit regarding loading/saving within challenges.
  • Buying sources (Max) is now capped at 1000 per click.
v0.30 "Crusade Of The Seventh Star"
Version Type Description
0.30a Core mechanics
  • When Exiling from now on you can optionally choose to reset attributes. Additional resets are no longer awarded from gaining attribute points. Also while assigning points you can hold shift to assign 10 points at once (or all remaining if less than 10 are available)
  • Most classes have a unique mana source, which is an alternative version of same-level source available to all classes. Has a unique icon, description and name. It benefits from any upgrades and bonuses pertaining to the source it replaces. For example, Exorcist's Librams replace Grimoires, but they still benefit from all upgrades which affect Grimoires.
  • Added a visual effect for Character level up.
  • Interrogator. Main ability bonus growth rate increased. Second ability bonus decreased from 5% per level to 2% per level.
  • Ent. Now has a 3rd ability: increase duration of Summoning spells by 2% per level.
  • Pit Lord. Main ability bonus increased. Now has a 3rd ability: increase efficiency of Evocation spells by 5% per level.
  • Spell "Lightning Bolt". Cost increased to 500 (was 225). Diminishing return from evocation efficiency on shards income decreased.
  • Spell "Jas'Aham's Missile Storm". Cost increased to 6250 (was 4150).
  • Spell "Primal Power". Bonus increased.
  • Spell "Gem Resonance". Bonus now with diminishing return from incantation efficiency.
Technical issues
  • Fixed issues regarding new mechanics introduced in 0.30
0.30 New features
  • Attributes.

A new bonus mechanic. Acquiring attribute points you can put them into one of the six attributes. Bonus grows with each point spent. Certain breakpoints unlock additional perks giving you unique bonuses. Careful: amount of resets is limited!

  • Paragons.

Journal now has a list of global tasks which give additional bonuses upon completion.

  • Quotes

Your character sometimes comments on actions and events within game. Can be toggled off in the options.

  • Unique Orbs

Choosing a Character Class now alters the Orb appearance.

  • Music

Added a background ambient tune. Can be toggled off in the options.

New Class: Exorcist As the world falls into further disarray with the unexpected return of the Voidmancers, the Hierarchs of the church of the Seventh Star judged it's no longer acceptable for them to stay secluded. Gates of the grand cathedrals opened and it's followers ventured out to spread the Holy Word. Along them, veiled in secrecy, Exorcists were spread out. These warrior-mages were given various tasks, comprised mainly of interrogation and destruction of the Church's enemies.

The Exorcist is a member of the mysterious Inquisition and possesses both martial prowess and magical powers drawn from his devotion to the Seventh Star. His devotion to the laws of this realm prohibits him from utilizing Void powers, which he compensates by combining his mastery of arms with holy blessings, resulting in a deadly combination.

Exorcist augments click profits and has access to Hallowed Clicks - special clicks periodically gained over time and via spells, which yield much more than ordinary clicks. He can't utilize void mana, but it's bonuses are compensated by bonuses to the Hallowed Clicks, which also give the same amount of experience.

New Pets
  • Interrogator. Increases Incantation efficiency and duration.

Tier 2 pets. Require Paragon level 5. Each requires a certain Pet with a certain Level and has a minimum Attribute requirements.

  • Ent. Can only be selected after Pixie.
  • Risen Giant. Can only be selected after Zombie.
  • Pit Lord. Can only be selected after Daemon.
New Spells
  • Apprentice, Druid, Arcanist, Prodigy, Voidmancer
    • Conjure Manabeast
  • Demonologist
    • Summon Horned Incinerator
  • Necromancer
    • Animate Festering Abomination
Core mechanics
  • 142 new upgrades (including tier 2 and 3 upgrades)
  • 96 new achievements
  • Rewards from challenges changed
  • Clicks and autoclicks now give experience the same way.
  • Collecting Void Entities now yields less experience.
  • Summoning spells rebalanced.
  • Necromancer ability bonus decreased.
  • Prodigy ability bonus increased.
  • Upgrades rebalanced
  • Requirements and achievements points rebalanced for some of the achievements
  • In case you don't possess an attribute reset, you can buy it for 1 relic by clicking the reset button in the attribute window. There's also an attribute reset pack granting 6 resets for 5 relics available in the in-game shop.
  • Buffs now cost 5 relics (up from 4)
  • 2 new Buff available, providing Void Mana and temporary Attributes.

v0.2x "VoidStorm"

Version Type Description
0.25 New Challenges
  • Rule of Nature II
Core mechanics
  • 68 new achievements (17 secret ones)
  • There're now separate game and real time. Game time can be altered with Timewarp. Abilities dependent on time use Game time for their values.
  • Achievement conditions changed, achievement points changed for some.
  • "Unusual Abilities", "Nonagonal Conflux", "Archmage" upgrades altered. Midgame is now slower while endgame has higher bonuses.
  • First upgrades for Pet and Character ability power had their costs increased.
  • Prodigy's last upgrades for Evocation and Incantation bonus slightly decreased.
  • "Void Transmutation" upgrade bonus increased to 200% (was 150%), "Void Stability" decreases degen speed by 35% (was 25%)
  • Prodigy class bonus increased 2.5 times.
  • Necromancer class bonus growth speed increased to empower long runs.
  • Voidmancer class bonus power decreased by 30%.
  • "Nightfall" - bonus and growth speed increased.
  • Challenge "Void Milking" conditions decreased, objective requirements decreased 2 times.
  • Upper panel now displays average shards gained.
  • Spellbook visuals changed. Info bookmark now shows Persistent spells uses depending on the Class chosen.
  • New option: Close choice dialogue automatically, such as Spellbook, Class, Pet choice.
  • Stats tab changed. New window can be opened from Statistics page.
  • Achievements tab changed. Page displays only the achievements not yet earned. All the achievements can be checked out in a separate window.
Technical issues
  • Local save is now more stable.
  • Spells charged over time now gain charges offline.
  • UI optimised, now requires less processing power.
  • Most tips now fade out in 10 seconds.
Version Type Description
0.24 New Challenges
  • Lean Mean Shard Machine II
  • Places Of Power II
  • Rule of Nature I
  • Unstable Curse
  • Blind Wizard
Core mechanics
  • Added an option to run a completed Challenge again.
  • Spells' cost reduction is now additive with a cap of 95%.
  • "Nightfall" spell. Charging speed now depends on time spent as Necromancer this run.
  • "Nightfall" spell. Slightly increased bonus' growth speed.
  • Slightly increased shards from click 2-tier upgrades' bonus. Arcanist was tuned down to have roughly the same total as before.
  • Demonologist top-tier spells' cost reduced.
  • "Unclean Knowledge" spell. Slightly increased bonus.
  • "Jas'Aham's Missile Storm" cost was increased to 4150 (was 3750)
  • Devourer. Consume slightly less shards, get more experience.
  • Like the first time I-III. Rule: Mana Gem's cost reduced 4 times (was 15 times).
  • Spell-Sources. Rule: Buy 10K mana sources, each cast reduces this value by 3 (was 4).
  • Voidmaniac. Rule: Have amount of Void Mana at any given time 1e6 (was 5e5).
  • Voidmaniac. New rules: Profit bonus from mysteries is increased to the bonus that would result from having 1e35 mysteries. Mysteries don't increase profit.
  • Voidmaniac. Requirements 1e40 mysteries.
  • Void Milking. Requirements 1e30 mysteries.
  • Lean Mean Shard Machine. Rule: Collect spell shards 1.25e7 (was 1.1e7).
  • Infernal Crops I-II. Rule: You start with level 15 (was 20).
  • Infernal Crops II. Rule: Use Reap What You Sow to consume Pet experience through single spellcast: 3e12 (was 2.5e12).
  • Lean Mean Shard Machine. Objective: Collect spell shards 1.25e7 (was 1.1e7)
  • These Will Suffice I-III. New rules: Profit bonus from mysteries is increased to the bonus that would result from having X mysteries. Mysteries don't increase profit.
  • UI graphics updated.
  • Challenges descriptions changed.
Technical issues
  • Tooltips fixed
Version Type Description
0.23a Balance
  • Spellhound have lesser shards income on high level and more on low level.
  • Homunculus now have minimal time for give source in 1 sec.
  • Pet ability power upgrades now have lower bonus.
  • Character ability power upgrades now have more bonus.
  • Druid now have lower bonus from Autoclicks profit upgrades.
  • Spells "Primal Power", "Nightfall" and "Dreaded Script Of Harvest" now little stronger
  • In spellbook now tips of all spells show Progress, Charges count and Times used stats.
  • In challenges Full-Power Alchemist II-III and Hand-made forest II objective's percent displayed more correct value.
Technical issues
  • Fixed bug with lose some shards after loading.
  • Fixed tips of spells.
0.23 New Challenge
  • Upgrademeister
Core mechanics
  • Gameplay tutorial available.
  • 43 new upgrades (23 of them are class specific).
  • Experience gains rescaled in early game.
  • Pixie.
    • Now gains an extra click per second every 25 levels.
    • Click profit now equals to hero click profit (was 50%), crit profit now equals to hero's crit profit (was 50%), crit chance now equals to 50% of hero's crit chance (was 25%)
  • Zombie.
    • Bonus function was changed. Low idle bonus now gives more powerful effect, while higher values' effect is roughly the same.
    • Now clicks 1 time per second (was 2)
    • Click now yields 50% hero's click profit (was 10%), has 20% crit chance (was 6%) with 900% crit profit (was 100%)
    • Now gains additional experience while Idle mode is active.
  • Golem. Bonus was increased.
  • Voidfiend gains more experience per collected Entity.
  • Devourer. Experience function was changed so that Pet experience bonuses now apply only 1 time per tick, was applied for each shard-drained scroll.
  • Infernal Crops challenge now doesn't affect stats, achievements and Mysteries.
  • Radiant Pools spell. Bonus was increased.
  • Spellbook now displays new Spell info.
  • Import Legacy was removed.
Technical issues
  • New timer implementation was partially applied (Memory and CPU usage optimised).
  • Fixed clamping errors in click profits.
  • Fixed an error in Devourer bonus calculations.
  • Fixed an error regarding Druid and Pixie bonuses.
  • Fixed an error which resulted in total autoclicks being lost when loading a game.
  • Fixed Shards drop option selection not being saved.
  • Tooltips fixed
Version Type Description
0.22 Core mechanics
  • Spells are now divided into types: Evocation, Summoning and Incantation. A Spell's type is shown in the tooltip.
  • Challenges now have difficulty Tiers. To unlock those you have to complete the previous Tier first. (e.g. "Like the first time II" is only available when "Like the first time" is successfully finished.)
New Challenges
  • Void Milking
  • These Will Suffice I - III
New Tiers of old challenges
  • Like the first time II and III
  • Hand-made forest II
  • Truest of Sorceries II and III
  • Full-Power Alchemist II and III
  • Infernal Crops II
New Spells
  • Void Radiance (Common)
  • Primal Power (Prodigy)
  • Old upgrades prices rebalanced for smoother progress
  • Spell-Sources and Full-Power Alchemist Challenges now award increased Hero XP from xp-yielding actions.
  • Nightfall now charges while Idle mode is active, 1 charge is earned every 10 minutes.
  • Rules of Nature now increases Autoclick profits.
  • Demonologist and Necromancer late-game spells gained a boost.
  • New settings option - toggle on/off "Shards drop" visualisation.
  • Stats now has an average amount of Shards from clicks.
  • Exile tooltip was modified to state the requirement of 1e12 Mana earned to unlock Exile feature.
  • A tip to select a Pet for the first was added for new players' quality of life.
  • Journal now has an option to hide already completed Challenges.
  • Fixed various tooltips.
Technical issues
  • Upgrades availability determination system was improved.
  • Casting Gem Resonance lead to missing profits re-calculation, fixed.
  • Addressed some minor bugs.
Version Type Description
0.21a Balance
  • Growth function of Ritual of Power, Empower, Alter The Laws, True Sorcery, Karnaphens Spellshroud increased.
  • Gem Resonance. Buff for mid-game.
  • Void Automaton. Required level now 51.
  • Synthetic Entity. Required level now 88.
  • Now you cant switch between spells when slot is active in challenges.
  • Full-Power Alchemist. New additional rule: Reduces Spells Shard costs by 75%.
Technical issues
  • Homunculus. The timer behaves more logically when pet ability power increased now.
  • Floating numbers. Count of active objects at one time is limited.
  • Fix errors in formulas of new spells.
  • Fix tooltips.
  • Gem Resonance. Mana Gems from Gem Resonance don't count anymore for unlock of Achievements, Upgrades, Arcanist etc.
0.21 New Spells
  • Common
    • Conjure Primal Elemental.
    • Void Automaton.
    • Synthetic Entity.
  • Druid
    • Force of Nature.
    • Rules of Nature.
  • Demonologist
    • Goblet Of Fire.
    • Hellrage.
    • Reap What You Sow.
    • Unclean Knowledge.
  • Necromancer
    • Dreaded Script Of Harvest.
    • Nightfall.
  • Arcanist
    • Radiant Pools.
    • JasAhams Missile Storm.
New Challenges
  • "Lean Mean Shard Machine"
  • "Infernal Crops"
  • "Places Of Power"
Core mechanics and balance
  • New type of Spells, which don't charge with Shards gained. Charges are acquired through ways, unique to each spell. These include time spent and doing specific actions to gain Charges.
  • Experience gains were shifted towards gains from Autoclicks contrary to manual clicks. Automatic and manual clicks still have common experience pool.
  • Challenges now display whether they are taken in account in terms of Total Stats, Achievements and Mysteries earned.
  • Amount of XP Voidfiend gains from a single Entity was increased.
  • Amount of XP Devourer gains per Shard consumed was decreased.
  • Spells balance:
    • Gem Resonance was reworked. It now grants you a temporary additional amount of Mana Gems, depending on amount of Gems already owned.
    • Void Lure now costs 975 (up from 750).
    • Conjure Lesser Elemental can no longer inflict Critical Clicks.
    • Conjure Greater Elemental now has Critical Profit 750% (up from 300%), no longer accessible by Demonologist.
    • Summon Winged Night now costs 7800 (down from 10000)
    • Ritual Of Power now costs 5500 (down from 7500)
  • Challenges balance:
    • Like the first time. Mana Gems profits are no longer increased.
    • Spell-Sources. Each spell now reduces Challenge Source requirement by 4 (down from 5).
    • Bad Bargain. Conjure Elemental spells group is no longer available during the Challenge.
    • Full-Power Alchemist. Now requires 2500 Alchemy Desks (up from 2000)
  • Shard Pool visuals updated.
  • Now acquiring Ability Power higher than 100% causes it to be displayed in the Pet/Character tooltip.
  • Voidmana tooltip now shows amount of Void Mana earned per Entity collected.
  • Stats now has an Offline Profit entry.
  • Collecting a dropped Spell Shard now displays exact amount of Shards earned (only if Floating numbers is enabled in options)
  • Collecting a Void Entity now shows the exact amount of Void Mana earned (only if Floating numbers is enabled in options)
Technical issues
  • Character XP calculations optimised.
  • Fixed a rare issue concerning applying Mysteries bonus after exiting a Challenge.
  • Fixed an issue concerning calculations when Exiling with active buffing Spells.
  • Fixed an issue concerning hard reseting during a Challenge.
  • Fixed an issue concerning Starting level not updating in time when awarded for a Challenge.
  • Addressed some minor bugs.
v0.20 "VoidStorm"
Version Type Description
0.20 New Class: Voidmancer Decades ago, the Void was a topic of much debate in the magic society. Efforts to study it's secrets continuously proved futile, and most of the scholars gave up. Some time later, a group of most eager and reckless apprentices decided to try once more. Every single one vanished without a trace... This day, unnatural, reality warping rifts open up, and strange, robed figures come out. While human in appearance, no body is seen, only their eyes, burning with eldritch fire. They have endured the impossible realm of the Void. They have returned. The Voidmancers.

Slows Void Mana degeneration speed and grows in power with Void Entities collected. Has access to more void-related upgrades and spells targeted at gaining more Void Mana and spawning more Void Entities.

New Pet: Voidfiend The plane of the Void is actually a home to many strange beings. Void Entities, captured by now-common Void Traps are actually lesser creatures, converted to pure Void energy when the "trap" is sprung. The Voidmancers brought with them the knowledge of quasi-zoology, and learned to tame more powerful beasts of the plane. The Voidfiend is one such beast. A predator of it's realm, it hunts upon more docile void entities and feeds upon their energy. As a Wizard's familiar, it brings a part of it's bounty to his master, periodically granting Void Mana and increasing the Void Mana bonus value depending on Void Mana gathered by the Wizard. To grow and feed it, a magic user must capture Void Entities.
New Pet: Devourer While Voidfiend is indeed similar to the beasts of the normal plane, the Devourer is quite different. It's a creature inhabiting dreams and nightmares, and while the theory behind such creatures was long present, it was impossible to recreate until now. The nature of Void's laws gives the impossible fact of such creature existing a chance to emerge, and with it - a chance to capture and even "tame" one. Brought to material plane, the creature cannot feed on abstract dreams anymore - now it consumes the Wizard's spell shards - and gives a powerful boost to the Mysteries' power in return.
New Pet: Homunculus With the rules brought to the table by the Void, a long-pursued goal of creating an artificial human is finally within reach for those willing to try. An artificial body with an artificial soul is what a Homunculus is. Owning such a Familiar gives the Wizard a never-ending object of study, both in terms of natural laws and human capabilities. Homunculus earns experience over time, grants a multiplier to the Class bonus power and periodically improves the level of a random Mana Source for free.
New feature: Challenges A whole new game mode is now available!

While in Exile tab, you can open the Journal window to see the Challenges list (hotkey J).

Select a Challenge to view it's conditions. If the conditions are met, you're eligible to start a Challenge. You will begin a new Exile with a set of new rules. When you complete the objectives, you'll return to the normal game mode and earn special rewards. You can cancel the Challenge at any time and return to normal game mode. Also, you can cancel the current Challenge and start a new one.

Technical issues
  • Due to Playfab limits, autosave period is now 12 minutes. (was 10).
  • Level requirements reduction for spells now displays correctly.
  • Drastically improved the floating numbers performance.
  • Many game performance optimisations implemented.
  • Game resources optimised.
  • Addressed some minor bugs.
Core mechanics
  • Shards from clicking now drop from the orb and are collectable. If left alone, they'll be picked up automatically after some time.
  • Timewarps now do not change the game timers, only granting Mana income for the corresponding time period.
  • Buff system implemented. Currently there's a series of buffs available from the in-game market. Additional buffs within game will be implemented in later updates.
  • New stats added to the statistics tab
  • Shard pool meter added.
  • You can now select an empty slot from a spellbook to remove a selected spell from the bar (first entry in the spellbook).
  • Autocast modes now also available via red/blue buttons to the left of the spellscrolls bar.
  • Right-clicking the multibuy button now brings up the buying mode window, it also contains the +10 and +1000 options.
  • Multibuy mode is now saved.
  • Spell duration left graphics reworked to be more informative.
  • A readiness bar for the Pet periodic abilities (such as Demon's Mana income or Spellhound shard income) added.
  • Upgrades globally rebalanced. Progress speed is overall slower, some upgrades moved to higher/lower tiers and/or have changed values.
  • New upgrades tiers added (more than 120 upgrades)
  • Spellhound now earns experience depending on Spellshard cost of the spell.
  • Prodigy's Class power buffed.
  • Animate Skeletal Minions spell duration is increased 30%, shard cost reduced, now grants a 50% bonus to the profits for the duration of the spell.
  • Summon Unholy Avatar spell duration is increased 30%, shard cost reduced, now grants idle bonus 50% multiplier.
  • Summon Woodland Creatures spell now multiplies crit profit 1.5 times (was a static 50% increase)
  • Summon Guardian Of The Canopies spell now grants 15% crit chance (was 5%)
  • Lightning Bolt now grants shards only to the others spells, shards granted amount increased.
  • Alter The Laws spell level requirement reduced to 63 (was 68)
  • True Sorcery spell level requirement reduced to 70 (was 75)
  • Some other minor changes not listed here.
  • New item - profit buff, grants a 50% increase to Mana profits for 24 hours.
  • New item - shards buff, grants a bonus of +2 and additional 10% multiplies to passive shard generation for 24 hours.
  • New item - click buff, grants a 10% bonus to critical chance and doubles critical profits for 24 hours.


Version Type Description
0.18c Technical issues
  • Fixed achievements bug.
0.18b Technical issues
  • Minor loading error fixed
  • Fixed save not working properly while Exiling
  • Spell selection tooltip now shows spell's shard cost
0.18 Technical issues
  • Export code format changed. Temporary function to import old format of save was added to help convert to new version. NOTE: we'll be disabling the support of old save format after a few patches, make sure to convert!
  • Big number mathematics performance improved to help reduce fps spikes on high levels.
Core mechanics
  • New autocasting mode added: Careful (Alt-click) is old-style mode, uses the spell only after it has maximum charges accumulated. Careless (Shift-click) - uses the spell as soon as at least one charge is available.
  • All pets now fully perform while offline (both gain xp and produce mana, shards, etc.), unless stated otherwise in description.
  • From now on, if a spell can charge with a fraction of earned shards, the leftover is spread among other uncharged spells. Works for all sources of shards.
  • Display of shards earned was improved.
  • New settings option - toggle red/white text for "insufficient mana to buy"
  • New settings option - toggle floating numbers for earned shards and mana
  • New settings option - toggle particle effects on/off (changed to static sprite, improves performance)
  • Golem no longer earns experience offline and his overall rate of earning xp was reduced.
  • Zombie was completely reworked: now grants a bonus to sources' profits which is a power-function of your idle bonus. His autoclicks now collect your manual click shard pool for you.
Version Type Description
0.17 Announcement We've opened a forum branch for the game! Now you can share your thoughts, read our announcements and create topics to reach out.
Technical issues
  • Cloud save improved overall. Still in testing phase.
  • Autosave now saves every 10 min (up from 15 min). Remember that we can't afford to cloud save Playfab very often, so make sure you export and/or save manually to prevent 10 min fallbacks after refreshing or reloading.
  • Game behaviour with tab/window not in focus fixed.
  • Addressed some save/load bugs.
  • Addressed some minor bugs.
Core mechanics
  • We've changed the way you gain shards from manually clicking (IMPORTANT NOTE: does NOT affect shards from autoclicking spells and pets!). There's a pool of shards that accumulates for a maximum of 10 seconds of production, which depends on your "Shards from clicks" stat. Each time you click you receive all the shards you've accumulated in the pool. Thus, to gain maximum shards you can, you have to click at least once per 10 seconds, but clicking more often doesn't make you receive more overall. That mechanic is introduced to offset the gains from using autoclicking software and we'll be keeping an eye on it's impact on the balance overall.
  • Exile is now available only once you've reached 1e12 (1T) mana in current run, meaning the first time you can exile is when you gain your first Mystery.
  • Zombie and Pixie now receive experience while offline.
  • Shards upgrades yet again slightly tuned towards idle gains.
Version Type Description
0.16 Announcement Changelog added!

If you encounter a technical problem please write a note to Kong user exsercrat, describing the nature of problem. Please address the issues with game balance to Kong user Tharifaz, preferably with a detailed explanation. You can also universally contact us at TwoWizards account.

Technical issues
  • We've improved the saving feature, the Cloud Save is still in testing phase as of now, please don't forget to use Export feature to ensure you progress is safe.
  • Also addressed some minor bugs.
Balance changes
  • Manual clicking hard cap reduced to 25 (from 30)
  • Zombie portrait.pngZombie now stacks 5% idle bonus per level (up from 2.5%)
  • Pixie portrait.pngPixie now stack 25% click bonus per level (up from 20%)
  • Spellhound portrait.pngSpellhound now uses positive-power function of level instead of negative (the higher level - the more bonus shards per level). To compensate, multiplier has been reduced drastically - starting amounts will be much lower, but higher levels will be higher.
  • Golem portrait.pngGolem power function of experience reduced, now scales much slower.
  • Necromancer portrait.pngNecromancer prerequisite reduced to 2 hours idle, 275 grimoires and 175 circles, down from 3 hours, 400 and 200, respectively.
  • Prodigy portrait.pngProdigy class buff increased 2 times.
  • Spell True Sorcery.pngTrue Sorcery description now correctly reflects it's ability to persist over Exile. Spell cost reduced to 8000, down from 11250.
  • Spell Kelphior's Black Beam.pngKelphior's Black Beam description now reflects it's ability to scale with character level.
  • Passive shard gain upgrades boosted approximately by 50%, click shard gain upgrades reduced accordingly.
  • Nexi unique upgrades' costs are now less clumped together.
  • Spell Lightning Bolt.pngLightning Bolt's formula now uses 2 times hero level (up from x1).
  • Daemon portrait.pngDaemon is now correctly scaling with lvl. His function of experience has been reduced to compensate.

Idle Wizard Wiki
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