The Legion

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40min-4hours depending on how badly you screw up

Note: Before beginning this challenge, spend at least 1-2 hours on Temporalist portrait.pngTemporalist stacking Spell True Sorcery.pngTrue Sorcery. High Spell Jas'Aham's Missile Storm.pngJMS persistent and Spell Rules of Nature.pngRules of Nature persistent also helps.

Note: Remove timestamps as they're no longer accurate.


Attributes {800 AP} (THIS IS A RECOMMENDATION AT e300, if you want to do it faster or with fully optimized gear sets. I recommend ~e360 instead of e300)

INT 50

INS 75

SPC 75

WIS 100

PAT 150

MAS 200

EMP 150

After getting these points you want to get any sort of profit perk.

NOTE: ALL PHASES that do not explicitly tell you that you should only buy specific sources allow you to buy Enchanted Trees, Nexus, Rifts, or Fountains. For efficiency, DO NOT buy any other sources over their requirements. HOWEVER, some buying of other sources may help if stuck.

Apprentice Phase

Get Spell Magic Missile.pngMagic Missile, Spell Empower.pngEmpower, Spell Ritual Of Power.pngRitual Of Power, and Spell Spell Focus.pngSpell Focus on spellbar. Buy only Mana Gems.

Pet(s): Golem portrait.pngGolem (Use to maximize profit alongside Voidfiend portrait.pngVoidfiend, once you reach ~400-500 mana gems go and use Homunculus portrait.pngHomunculus)

Need to reach 900 mana gems, stop buying this source after this phase.

Druid Phase

Cast Spell Conjure Manabeast.pngConjure Manabeast, Spell Summon Guardian Of The Canopies.pngSummon Guardian Of The Canopies, Spell Summon Evergrowing Forest.pngSummon Evergrowing Forest, Spell Summon Woodland Creatures.pngSummon Woodland Creatures, Spell Conjure Primal Elemental.pngConjure Primal Elemental, Spell Spell Focus.pngSpell Focus (Switch to Spell Conjure Greater Elemental.pngConjure Greater Elemental after filling summon spell slots).

Use Pixie portrait.pngPixie (level up with Spell Rules of Nature.pngRules of Nature to 60, 80, or 100)

Demonologist Phase

Cast Spell Hellstorm.pngHellstorm, Spell Unclean Knowledge.pngUnclean Knowledge, Spell Spell Focus.pngSpell Focus, Spell Hellrage.pngHellrage

Use Interrogator portrait.pngInterrogator

Necromancer Phase

Buildup: Use Voidterror portrait.pngVoidterror (use Spell Hellstorm.pngHellstorm, Spell Unclean Knowledge.pngUnclean Knowledge, Spell Rules of Nature.pngRules of Nature, to level)

VM: Cast Spell Spell Focus.pngSpell Focus, Spell Hellrage.pngHellrage

Burst: Use Pit Lord portrait.pngPit Lord (use Spell Hellstorm.pngHellstorm, Spell Unclean Knowledge.pngUnclean Knowledge, Spell Rules of Nature.pngRules of Nature, to level)

Burst: Cast Spell Spell Focus.pngSpell Focus (change for Spell Ritual Of Power.pngRitual Of Power), Spell Summon Evergrowing Forest.pngSummon Evergrowing Forest, Spell Dreaded Script Of Harvest.pngDreaded Script Of Harvest, Spell Magical Weapon.pngMagical Weapon, Spell Summon Deepwood Stalker.pngSummon Deepwood Stalker, Spell Summon Guardian Of The Canopies.pngSummon Guardian Of The Canopies

You might need to rinse and repeat this phase multiple times.

This is the easiest phase to get stuck in. If you get stuck at around 3000 Tomes, the best idea is to just swap to Simulacrum portrait.pngSimulacrum and let it auto-buy the last hundred.

Do NOT buy grimoires after this phase, prior to beating the Alchemist Phase

Arcanist Phase

Cast Spell Magic Missile.pngMagic Missile, Spell Jas'Aham's Missile Storm.pngJMS, Spell Lightning Bolt.pngLightning Bolt, Spell Spell Focus.pngSpell Focus.

Prodigy Phase

Put Spell True Sorcery.pngTrue Sorcery on the bar. If not instantly finished, buy some more Enchanted Trees, Nexus, Rifts, or Fountains.

Voidmancer Phase

Cast some Spell Void Syphon.pngVoid Syphon using Spell Lightning Bolt.pngLightning Bolt, Spell Spell Focus.pngSpell Focus

Use Voidterror portrait.pngVoidterror (Level with Spell Hellstorm.pngHellstorm, Spell Unclean Knowledge.pngUnclean Knowledge, Spell Primal Power.pngPrimal Power, Spell Jas'Aham's Missile Storm.pngJMS, Spell Lightning Bolt.pngLightning Bolt, Spell Spell Focus.pngSpell Focus setup)

Cast Spell Spell Focus.pngSpell Focus, Spell Lightning Bolt.pngLightning Bolt, Spell Jas'Aham's Missile Storm.pngJMS, Spell Hellrage.pngHellrage, Spell Void Lure.pngVoid Lure, Spell Void Prison.pngVoid Prison

Exorcist Phase

Cast Spell Spell Focus.pngSpell Focus, Spell Lightning Bolt.pngLightning Bolt, Spell Holy Fervor.pngHoly Fervor, Spell Divine Ally.pngDivine Ally, Spell Spirit Of Valor.pngSpirit Of Valor, Spell Conjure Manabeast.pngConjure Manabeast

And you can now use items!

You may also use Spellstaff Of Chamaon in place of Spell Spell Focus.pngSpell Focus to generate shards from autoclicks.

Chronomancer Phase




Item Casque Of Learning.png






Item The Great Journey.png


Item Artificer's Shoulderpads.png


Item Endless Pouches.png



Item Nomadic Wrists.png









It may be best to slot in Hungerer and use this opportunity to get rid of all your Mana Gems and Grimoires, which makes it less bad to use Simulacrum to fill up on sources. Use Time Distortion in order to maximize the speed at which Hungerer eats, and Hellstorm, Unclean Knowledge, and Primal Power to maximize the level of Hungerer so it eats more sources per second.

Put Spell True Sorcery.pngTrue Sorcery on the bar. If not instantly finished, buy some more Enchanted Trees, Nexus, Rifts, or Fountains. If not finished yet, put on your character experience items. If still not finished, stack some autoclicks with Pixie portrait.pngPixie and some void entities by setting Spell Singularity Beam.pngSingularity Beam-Spell Wormhole.pngWormhole loop and setting Spell Synthetic Entity.pngSynthetic Entity to reckless. Also, stack True Sorcery. As the last resort (if after a few minutes you still are 3+ levels short of 175) use Simulacrum portrait.pngSimulacrum.

Umbramancer Phase



Item Shadowflame Loop.png


Item Casque Of Learning.png


Item Empowering Chestguard.png


Item Empowering Handguards.png


Item Seeping Shadow Signet.png


Item Torc Of Privilege.png


Item The Great Journey.png


Item Artificer's Shoulderpads.png


Item Endless Pouches.png


Item The Amplifier.png


Item Nomadic Wrists.png


Item Thunderbird.png


Item Arcane Accelerator.png


Item Destabilized Evocations.png


Item Heart of the Storm.png


Item Anima Core.png




Note: Weapon is only needed at legendary quality due to enchant, skip otherwise.

Note: Offhand is if you do The Legion after e300 and not on it.

Get 1e6 Liquid Shadows using Spell Day Into Night.pngDay Into Night, Spell Spell Focus.pngSpell Focus, Spell Lightning Bolt.pngLightning Bolt, Spell Onyx Hound.pngOnyx Hound, Spell Condensing Shadows.pngCondensing Shadows, Spell True Sorcery.pngTrue Sorcery.

Change into Spell Seethe In Shadows.pngSeethe In Shadows, Spell Flash Fire.pngFlash Fire, Spell Eclipse.pngEclipse, Spell Onyx Hound.pngOnyx Hound, Spell Condensing Shadows.pngCondensing Shadows, Spell Umbral Rage.pngUmbral Rage to spend

Alchemist Phase

First use all Alchemist source reduction spells, except Spell Transmute.pngTransmute.



Item Companionship Ring.png


Item Casque Of Learning.png


Item Falconers Furcoat.png


Item Falconer's Gloves.png


Item Frosty Ring.png


Item Lucky Amulet.png


Item Boots Of Eastern Blessings.png


Item Falconer's Leather Wrappings.png


Item Endless Pouches.png


Item Flaming Cape.png


Item Nomadic Wrists.png


Item Shadow-Scryer's Crystal Ball.png


Item Arcane Accelerator.png


Item Destabilized Evocations.png


Item Heart of the Storm.png


Item Anima Core.png




Use Hungerer portrait.pngHungerer, level with Evocation Elixir. Spells: Spell Lightning Bolt.pngLightning Bolt, Spell Spell Focus.pngSpell Focus, Spell Jas'Aham's Missile Storm.pngJMS, Spell Hellstorm.pngHellstorm, Spell Unclean Knowledge.pngUnclean Knowledge, Spell Shattering Strike.pngShattering Strike. Can switch Spell Jas'Aham's Missile Storm.pngJMS to Spell Primal Power.pngPrimal Power later on to get some more levels. Now, wait.

Ironsoul Phase

Cast Spell Superposition.pngSuperposition, Spell True Sorcery.pngTrue Sorcery, Spell Ritual Of Power.pngRitual Of Power, Spell Jas'Aham's Missile Storm.pngJMS, Spell Lightning Bolt.pngLightning Bolt, Spell Spell Focus.pngSpell Focus. Use Item Shadow-Scryer's Crystal Ball.pngShadow-Scryer's Crystal Ball weapon. Buy all the sources you can. Use defense stance.

Abolisher Phase

Doppelganger buildup: Spell Jas'Aham's Missile Storm.pngJMS, Spell Lightning Bolt.pngLightning Bolt, Spell Spell Focus.pngSpell Focus, Spell Materialise Doppelganger.pngMaterialise Doppelganger, Spell Unclean Knowledge.pngUnclean Knowledge, Spell Hellstorm.pngHellstorm. Level to 80

Silence Buildup: Spell Silence.pngSilence, Spell Jas'Aham's Missile Storm.pngJMS, Spell Lightning Bolt.pngLightning Bolt, Spell Spell Focus.pngSpell Focus, Spell Materialise Doppelganger.pngMaterialise Doppelganger, Spell Spellstaff Of Chamaon.pngSpellstaff Of Chamaon.

Finish Challenge: Spell Silence.pngSilence, Spell Arcane Infusion.pngArcane Infusion, Spell Spellstaff Of Chamaon.pngSpellstaff Of Chamaon, Spell Conjure Manabeast.pngConjure Manabeast, Spell Summon Evergrowing Forest.pngSummon Evergrowing Forest, Spell Materialise Doppelganger.pngMaterialise Doppelganger