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Grants a number of sources of a single type, equal to:
Chooses from source types where the cost of the final granted source would not exceed realm mana:
Note: Cannot grant Mana Gems.


  • A=log10(E)+100
  • E=Evocation Efficiency
  • M=All Mana This Realm
  • BS=Base Cost of Source S
  • GS=Cost Growth of Source S
  • NS=Current Amount of Source S

See also: Sources


With 1e100 Mana This Realm, 1000 of each source, 1e22% Evocation Efficiency:

  • M=All Mana This Realm=1e100
  • E=Evocation Efficiency=1e22%=1e20
  • NS=Current Amount of Source S=1000
  • A=log10(1e20)+100=120

This gives the following table of source costs:

Source Costs
Source Base Cost Cost Growth CS Sources Granted
Mana Gem 15 1.15 2.34e73 155
Grimoire 240 1.17 5.60e78 149
Spell Fountain 3200 1.18 1.03e84 144
Enchanted Tree 54600 1.19 2.24e89 139
Laboratory 1180000 1.2 5.69e94 133
Circle of Power 2.8236e8 1.21 1.48e101 127
Dimensional Rift 6.22125e9 1.22 3.29e106 121
Nexus 2.221913e11 1.23 1.1e112 116

A source is eligible if it's not Mana Gems and if the cost of the (current amount + A)th one is less than Mana this Realm. In this example, Circles of Power would be increased by 127 to a total of 1127. The 1127th Circle would cost 1.48e101 Mana, which is greater than the 1e100 Mana this Realm, so it is not a valid target. Dimensional Rifts and Nexuses also cost too much, so only Grimoires, Spell Fountains, Enchanted Trees, or Laboratories could be granted.