Exam IV

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  • Anything that boosts profit. However, hold back (up to) 150 Attribute points, to put into Spellcraft. Do not put any points into Spellcraft until after all Summon spells have been cast.
  • Some Wisdom so you can get started

Tharifaz's Strategy

Spells to Hold

Expend every spell possible, except these:



Get first 4 on panel, start Spell Void Prison.pngVoid Prison + Spell Void Lure.pngVoid Lure so they run out a bit.

Then at last ~30 seconds or so cast Spell Void Radiance.pngVoid Radiance + Spell Ebon Truncheon.pngEbon Truncheon to get some Void Mana

Then put the last 6 on panel and cast all the buffs, then Spell Counterspell.pngCounterspell should work.

Those aren't necessarily ideal, some spells might be better/worse a bit, but it's decent enough to work with a reasonable overshot of the goal

Outdated Strategy

  • Put Rules of Nature on the bar, then use all Summon spells as fast as possible. Once all Summons have expired, put your points into Spellcraft. Be careful when buying Upgrades, to avoid buying a Summon Duration upgrade.
  • Save all profit-boosting Incantations and Evocations until the very end, and compare which five Incantations will give the largest bonuses.
    • Also save the following spells: Silence, Tempered Arcanomancy, Arcane Infusion, Syphon Power, Jas'Aham's Missile Storm, Counterspell, Debilitate
  • When you're down to your last 30 or so spells, do the following combo:
    • Put Silence and Syphon Power on the bar together. Cast them both, then put JMS, Tempered Arcanomancy, and Arcane Infusion on the bar (while Silence+Syphon are still active). That will generate a lot of Spell Shards and charge the Abolisher class ability. Once Syphon+Silence expire, cast TA, then cast JMS, then cast AI. With only JMS and AI on the bar, JMS's bonus spellcasts are guaranteed to land on AI, giving another large bonus to hero power.
  • Once this is done, manually export a save (as a backup, in case the burst fails), select your 5 best Incantations, and hold on to Counterspell and Debilitate. Cast everything that isn't those 7 spells, then load your 5 Incantations and cast them with Counterspell.
    • If the burst fails to complete the challenge, load and cast Debilitate before your Incantations all expire. If this still fails, re-import the exported save, and wait for either a Void Entity spawn, or for the Doppelganger to auto-buy more sources, before trying to burst again.

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