Trial of Innovation

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The Trial of Innovation is a new type of Trial added in the "Grave Omens" update. Completing it grants one Research item, and it can be done without forcing an exile.

How it Works

Starting the trial starts a 60-minute timer. This 60-minute timer can be skipped using a Time Warp from the Market, or lowered by keeping Item Blessed Armor Scales.pngBlessed Armor Scales equipped, or significantly lowered with Controlled Takeoff. When the timer ends, the trial succeeds and grants its rewards.


Base Random Rewards:

  • Blue crafting dust
  • Enchanting dust
  • x0.6 Green, Blue, or Red Catalyst Shard drop
  • +1 Alteration Sand
  • +1 Relic

Base Additional Reward:

  • A random unobtained research item, if you are Paragon 9+, or
  • 50% progression on a random common research item, or
  • 25% progression on a random uncommon research item, or
  • 12.5% progression on a random rare research item, or
  • 6.25% progression on a random epic research item, or
  • When you have all Research items at Legendary, you get 1 Breakthrough for a random enchanted Research item. Is affected by increases to additional rewards.
  • 30 minutes of the Profit Buff in addition to one of the above additional rewards. Is affected by increases to additional rewards.

In total, it takes 310 Trials of Innovation to upgrade all 10 Research Items to Legendary rarity.

The Trial of Innovation will automatically fail if you change Realms while one is active. There is no other way to fail a Trial of Innovation.