Abolisher Guide

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General Information

This is an updated (version 1.00.9a) revision of DerpDragon2's Max Empathy Abolisher from the forums, and the format of this guide is based on RenBear67's Exorcist Guide. This is not an exhaustive guide to absolutely maximizing an Abolisher, but it will at least explain how to get one to work (even if you do not own a single Legendary item other than your Trophies).

This guide has been tested in the e255-299 Mystery range with 700-800 total Attributes. It may work out at somewhat below that, however it may be more reliant on having Wizard and Pet Experience items, as there are certain level requirements it must hit in order to work. Abolisher will most likely not be efficient below e240 Mysteries. Running Challenges which give bonuses to experience gain will make Abolisher easier.

TL;DR: Really high Pet level, and Incantation-Evocation burst. Uses Spell Gem Resonance.pngGem Resonance + 3 Accumulated Incantations.

Duration: Startup (10-20 minutes); Build-Up 1 (2-5 hours); Build-Up 2 (8-16+ hours); Void Mana Transition (5 minutes); Burst (1-5 minutes, repeatable). Total time: 1-2 days, Online but largely AFK.

Mystery Gain: e4-e5 / 24-36 hours


Attribute goals, in descending priority.

  • Empathy: 175. Your first goal is maximizing pet EXP. You can get away with lower Empathy values if you have Item Bite Sleeves.pngBite Sleeves and can use it to still get 175.
  • Mastery: 175. You want to maximize Wizard EXP as well.
  • Spellcraft: 175, situationally only 150. Your final burst is Incantations+Evocation. If you have extra points available and this isn't at 175, put them here.
  • Intelligence: 75 or 100. You actually do want the Level Reduction, because Abolisher spells have high level requirements. 100 is required for Item Artificer's Shoulderpads.pngArtificer's Shoulderpads, so only go Intelligence 100 if you can also go Patience 100.
  • Patience: 25 for the Falconer's Set, 100 for Item Artificer's Shoulderpads.pngArtificer's Shoulderpads, 150 for the perk, and the place to put all your extra points once everything else is handled. If you can't get both this and Intelligence to 100, then put 25 into Insight and dump extra points here. (Note: If you are using the Item Conjured Thornmail.pngConjured Thornmail in your burst set, you'll need 30 Patience for that.)
  • Insight: 25 if you can afford it. While Void Mana is nice, you're just attribute-overloaded at this point.
  • Dominance: 0. You do not profit from autoclicks.
  • Wisdom: 0. Once you get going you will have effectively unlimited Shards; and Wisdom's most significant profit perk doesn't come until 200. (And while Spell Fire with Fire.pngFire with Fire does scale with Spell Shard income, 2.55%/point can be better spent elsewhere.) 

Sample build sets for attribute values (+ indicates 'extra points go here'):

  • 625: Empathy 175, Mastery 175, Spellcraft 175, Intelligence 75, Patience 25+
  • 650: Empathy 175, Mastery 175, Spellcraft 175, Intelligence 75, Patience 25+, Insight 25
  • 725: Empathy 175, Mastery 175, Spellcraft 175, Intelligence 100, Patience 100+
  • 750: Empathy 175, Mastery 175, Spellcraft 150+, Intelligence 100, Patience 150
  • 775: Empathy 175, Mastery 175, Spellcraft 175, Intelligence 100, Patience 150+
  • 800: Empathy 175, Mastery 175, Spellcraft 175, Intelligence 100, Patience 150+, Insight 25

Attribute Goals, e280 Mysteries

Once you have e280 Mysteries and unlock the 200 Attribute cap, the priorities change slightly to take advantage of how huge the 200 Attribute perks are.

  • Empathy: 175. The Empathy 200 isn't as big as some of the others, but it's still good if attributes are available.
  • Mastery: 200. This is a big boost.
  • Spellcraft: 200. You will be stacking Accumulated spells.
  • Patience: Must be at least 25, but otherwise just take whatever you need for Burst items, and then dump extra points here at the end. You will probably lose access to Item Artificer's Shoulderpads.pngArtificer's Shoulderpads.
  • Intelligence: 100 , only if you can afford both it and Patience 100 (to get Item Artificer's Shoulderpads.pngArtificer's Shoulderpads back); and if you can't, 60 (for a Item Netherfist.pngNetherfist). By this amount of Mysteries, you won't need the Level Reduction 75 anymore.
  • If, at this point, you've settled Patience and Intelligence, and still have 25 attribute points, take Empathy to 200.
  • Insight: 25, only if you still have attributes.

Sample build sets:

  • 710: Empathy 200, Mastery 200, Spellcraft 200, Intelligence 60, Patience 25+, Insight 25
  • 775: Empathy 175, Mastery 200, Spellcraft 200, Intelligence 100, Patience 100+

If you pass 785 Attributes (including the bonus from Item Bite Sleeves.pngBite Sleeves, or if you also have Item Easymind Hat.pngEasymind Hat), then suddenly the attribute game gets turned on its head.

  • Mastery: 175.
  • Empathy: 175 (including Item Bite Sleeves.pngBite Sleeves).
  • Wisdom: 200 (including Item Easymind Hat.pngEasymind Hat). This is where Wisdom suddenly shines as an attribute, with its 150 Profit and 200 Incantation perks.
  • Patience: 25.
  • Intelligence: 60.
  • Spellcraft: 150 or 200. Put extra points here, if you have any left over.
  • If you have Spellcraft at 150, 25 Attribute Points, and cannot get Spellcraft 200, then bring Mastery to 200

Sample build sets:

  • 785: Mastery 175, Empathy 175, Wisdom 200, Spellcraft 150+, Intelligence 60, Patience 25
  • 810: Mastery 200, Empathy 175, Wisdom 200, Spellcraft 150+, Intelligence 60, Patience 25
  • 835: Mastery 175, Empathy 175, Wisdom 200, Spellcraft 200, Intelligence 60, Patience 25+
  • 860: Mastery 200, Empathy 175, Wisdom 200, Spellcraft 200, Intelligence 60, Patience 25+
  • 885: Mastery 200, Empathy 200, Wisdom 200, Spellcraft 200, Intelligence 60, Patience 25+

If you have more than 835 Attributes, you should probably also have e300 Mysteries, and you should stop reading this guide and start reading a guide for a T2 Class instead. (If you don't want to experiment much, Early Archon is a very easy direct upgrade from Abolisher.)

How Doppelganger Works

The Abolisher doesn't get a choice in Pets; they are forcibly given the Doppelganger portrait.pngDoppelganger, a multi-role but extremely level-dependent pet. At level 1, the Doppelganger acts as a better Homunculus portrait.pngHomunculus, and will slowly max out your Mana Sources. At levels 60, 80, and 100, the Doppelganger gains abilities that increase Spell Shard income; and at other levels it gains other profit or spell bonuses. But the most critical ability doesn't come until level 180, when it gains its final ability (increased bonus from Mysteries). And so the primary goal of an Abolisher build-up must be to get the Doppelganger to Level 180 and beyond.

This is easier said than done. The Doppelganger only gains experience from the spell Spell Materialise Doppelganger.pngMaterialise Doppelganger (MD), and will very quickly lose experience when that spell is not equipped. However the trick to actually getting the necessary pet levels comes from understanding the math behind how MD generates pet experience. MD scales off of three stats: Wizard Experience, Summoning Efficiency, and Pet Experience Gain; and in particular it scales exponentially with Summoning Efficiency. So in order to maximize Doppelganger leveling, we must maximize those three stats. This is why Empathy and Mastery 175 are so important, and why this guide has two separate build-up phases. This also means that, unfortunately, Abolisher cannot be effectively built up while Offline, as the Materialise Doppelganger spell needs to keep running.

As a side note, the Doppelganger's final ability also scales with Enchanting Dust collected during a run; and so it can be useful to save up a few Trial Runes to burn, for extra chances at getting some Dust. This is by no means necessary, but it might give you a small boost.


On paper, Abolisher can look like a very item-heavy class. In reality, as long as you have at least 4 pieces of the Falconer's Trust set, and some half-decent Incantation/Evocation items, it can work; and you'll have the chance to unlock or upgrade your equipment during your time with it.

Important note on item sets, because this is a commonly voiced concern: By default, item sets on the Wiki display their Legendary-quality stats. The items used in this guide do not need to be at Legendary quality (other than the Trophies gained from Expeditions). In fact, it is possible to use almost all Common-tier items and still be successful, so long as every item slot has something productive in it. As a result, the item sets below should be taken as suggestions of item sets to work for, but you may need to adapt your sets to fit your items.


This set must achieve four different goals: Pet Experience, Wizard Experience, Summoning Efficiency, and (if possible) Accumulated Incantation stacking. Suggested item set:


Item Companionship Ring.png


Item Falconer's Ranger Hat.png


Item Falconers Furcoat.png


Item Falconer's Gloves.png


Item Frosty Ring.png


Item Hollow Eye Pendant.png


Item The Great Journey.png


Item Artificer's Shoulderpads.png


Item Chemical Toolbelt.png


Item Falconer's Warm Cape.png


Item Bite Sleeves.png


Item Shadow-Scryer's Crystal Ball.png



Item Acclimatized Summons.png


Item Binding Sigil.png


Item Intact Carapace.png




Other notable options for Buildup items:

Void Mana

This set must maximize Void Mana Per Entity and Incantation Efficiency. Pet Ability Power also works. Unfortunately, your attributes don't lend themselves very well to this. Sample item set:


Item Fiery Ring.png


Item Conjured Ragecrown.png


Item Nethershell.png


Item Netherfist.png


Item Frosty Ring.png


Item Torc Of Privilege.png


Item Boots Of Eastern Blessings.png


Item Conjured Razorspaulders.png


Item Empowering Waistguard.png


Item The Amplifier.png


Item Rich Bands.png


Item Shadow-Scryer's Crystal Ball.png



Item Void Sampling.png


Item Anomalous Essence.png


Item Anima Core.png




  • If you are able to reach 200 Wisdom using Item Easymind Hat.pngEasymind Hat, use it here.


This set must maximize Incantation Efficiency, Pet Ability Power, Profit/Evocation Efficiency, and the rarity of the items it uses. You will need to experiment on your own to find what items are best for you, as the item rarity scaling on Spell Debilitate.pngDebilitate is rather difficult to eyeball. Fill every item slot (even if the item you fill it with would give you no obvious benefit).


Item Whiplash.png


Item Conjured Ragecrown.png


Item Empowering Chestguard.png


Item Empowering Handguards.png


Item The Bond.png


Item Torc Of Privilege.png


Item Boots Of Eastern Blessings.png


Item Conjured Razorspaulders.png


Item Empowering Waistguard.png


Item The Amplifier.png


Item Rich Bands.png


Item Head Of The All-Eater.png



Item Spell Shards Fractalization.png


Item Heart of the Storm.png


Item Anima Core.png





Start in the Build-Up Item Set; and you'll actually want to stay on Apprentice portrait.pngApprentice for a few minutes just to get off the ground. Buy all Sources and Upgrades, and run Spellhound portrait.pngSpellhound to fire Spell Magic Missile.pngMagic MissileSpell Void Lure.pngVoid Lure, and kinda whatever else you feel like for the moment until you can use Spell Conjure Manabeast.pngConjure Manabeast. Once Manabeast is running, you want to be at least level 103-105 (depending on your Level Reduction; you need to be able to cast a Level 111 spell) before actually switching to Abolisher portrait.pngAbolisher. Once you have the levels, and swap to Abolisher, you're going to be very starved for Spell Shards, and should stop casting all spells other than Conjure Manabeast, until you can fire Spell Syphon Power.pngSyphon Power for the first time. Once you get your first charge of Syphon Power, the Abolisher game begins. 

Build-Up Phase 1

Your mission in this phase is to maximize Wizard EXP. To that end, you will be collecting large amounts of Autoclicks and Void Entities (and unfortunately, Abolisher does not have built-in ways to maximize either of these). By the time this phase ends, you must be at minimum level 152-154 (and able to cast Spell Silence.pngSilence), and more preferably, above level 160. e5 Autoclicks + e4 Void Entities can be an acceptable place to move on.

Spell.png Spell Materialise Doppelganger.png

Spell.png Spell Conjure Manabeast.png

Spell.png Spell Syphon Power.png

Spell.png Spell Nullzone.png

Spell.png Spell Void Lure.png

Spell.png Spell Void Automaton.png

Slots 3 and 4 don't really matter during this phase, however Spell Syphon Power.pngSyphon Power and Spell Nullzone.pngNullzone are your two best-scaling Accumulated spells.

Build-Up Phase 2

Now that your Wizard EXP is built up, your next goal is to push the Doppelganger portrait.pngDoppelganger up to above level 180, while collecting Spell Shards and accumulated spells along the way. Stay in the Build-Up Item Set. And because when we do finally get to the Burst phase, the Doppelganger will start rapidly losing experience, it is best if the Doppelganger is in stead brought up to level 185 or even 190.

Spell.png Spell Materialise Doppelganger.png

Spell.png Spell Silence.png

Spell.png Spell Syphon Power.png

Spell.png Spell Nullzone.png

Spell.png Spell Ritual Of Power.png

Spell.png Spell Debilitate.png

This phase will probably take around 12 hours at minimum, and can easily run for 24 hours or longer. During this phase, it is also a good idea to briefly experiment with different item sets to try to find your optimal (maximum profit from Debilitate) set to use during the Burst Phase; however be aware that you won't see the full effects of Pet Ability Power until the Doppelganger hits 180 and gets its final ability.

When the Doppelganger passes level 160 (and unlocks its Incantation Efficiency bonus), take five minutes to do a quick Void Mana Transition and Burst (see below). This burst will likely give another wizard level or two of experience (and upgrades), accelerating the Doppelganger's progress to 180.

If you reach e13 Spell Shards Collected, swap Spell Silence.pngSilence for Spell Conjure Manabeast.pngConjure Manabeast, and Spell Debilitate.pngDebilitate for Spell Magic Missile.pngMagic Missile, to maximize evocation spam for Item Shadow-Scryer's Crystal Ball.pngShadow-Scryer's Crystal Ball (and thus stack Accumulated faster).

It is possible to get the Doppelganger above level 180 in under 9 hours (or even faster if you have really good items). However, somewhat problematically, reaching 180 this quickly does not give enough time for Accumulated spell stacking, and will likely result in a rather weak burst. If you encounter this, sit around and stack Accumulated spells for another few hours. (Doppelganger abilities all scale with growing pet levels, so going above 180 is not a problem.)

Void Mana Transition

Swap to the Void Mana item set. Swap Spell Silence.pngSilence for Spell Void Lure.pngVoid Lure, cast it once to get 4 Void Entities, and then switch it for Spell Void Radiance.pngVoid Radiance on Reckless. This phase is ready to end when Void Mana stops consistently ticking up, which will take about 5 minutes.

Spell.png Spell Materialise Doppelganger.png

Spell.png Spell Void Radiance.png

Spell.png Spell Syphon Power.png

Spell.png Spell Nullzone.png

Spell.png Spell Ritual Of Power.png

Spell.png Spell Debilitate.png

The Burst

To do this phase properly, you will need to set up two spell sets and be able to swap between them very quickly on hotkeys.

Spell.png Spell Materialise Doppelganger.png

Spell.png Spell Fire with Fire.png

Spell.png Spell Syphon Power.png

Spell.png Spell Nullzone.png

Spell.png Spell Ritual Of Power.png

Spell.png Spell Debilitate.png

Spell.png Spell Gem Resonance.png

Spell.png Spell Fire with Fire.png

Spell.png Spell Syphon Power.png

Spell.png Spell Nullzone.png

Spell.png Spell Ritual Of Power.png

Spell.png Spell Debilitate.png

Swap to your Burst Item Set, and the first set of spells. Fire everything. Then begin repeatedly switching between the two sets. It is possible to have Spell Materialise Doppelganger.pngMaterialise Doppelganger unequipped for around two seconds before the Doppelganger's experience starts to collapse. As such, it is possible to bounce between these two spell sets, casting Gem Resonance for one or two seconds to burst mana before swapping back to Materialise Doppelganger and casting it again for a second to keep pet level up. And, because the Doppelganger autoclicks and resets your Shard Pool once every two seconds, that can be used as a timer to watch how frequently you need to switch sets. This phase can last for about 3 minutes at most, before your Void Mana starts to burn out and you need to return to the Void Mana phase to rebuild it.

This phase can be repeated more than once if you're still making income out of it, or if your hands haven't gotten tired. However, once your hands get tired or the income slows to a trickle, it's time to either go back to Build-Up 2 (if you've only gotten around e2-e3 Mysteries so far), or prepare for the final burnout.

Death of a Wizardman

Do one final run of the Void Mana phase to maximise Void Mana, and then swap to the Burst Items and the Gem Resonance burst spell set and fire everything on Reckless. This final burn will last for, at most, around 30 seconds. Once the Doppelganger drops below level 180, the Abolisher run is over, and it's time to Exile.