Exo Guide Tentative

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Why play Exorcist?

Exorcist portrait.pngExorcist is a competitive, fast scaling, micro intensive tier one class that heavily out performs other classes in the e180-e300 myst range. You can start running Exorcist as soon as you can unlock his final skill; Spell Battle Trance.pngBattle Trance, wherein he's immediately an extremely powerful class to play. Being a very fast profiting class Exorcist is popular for rapid progression through this stage of the game.

Exorcist runs follow a very simple progression at their core consisting of stacking excess hallowed clicks followed by cycle through your burst spells a number of times before exiling. Rinse and repeat, if you play Exorcist you'll be doing that a lot.


From best to worst:


By far Heretic's best 2 attributes, you should always invest in both with as many points as possible.


Highest base attribute bonus makes it's a valuable dump stat and has good nodes at 150 and 200.


Weaker base attribute but has valuable nodes and is important for some key items including Item Resonator Ring.pngResonator Ring and Item Artificer's Shoulderpads.pngArtificer's Shoulderpads. The nodes at 25, 100 and 125 out perform patience at equal levels.


Situationally viable, sub-optimal stat for bursting but has some nice nodes for accelerating pet leveling and is required to use the Falconer's Trust set items (eg: Item Falconer's Gloves.pngFalconer's Gloves) or Item Whiplash.pngWhiplash.


Points should only be invested in mastery for items but even then should be kept to a minimum. Mastery is very weak compared to the top attributes so every point spent in mastery should be seen as a loss of bursting potential. Invest in it frugally or even better not at all.


Mana regeneration from Wisdom is not worth it at all and borders on entirely useless. 10 wisdom is required for swapping to Anima Construct portrait.pngAnima Construct, but that is ideally gotten by equipping an Item Easymind Hat.pngEasymind Hat or a Item Concealing Shroud.pngConcealing Shroud. If you don't have access to either item putting 10 points into Wisdom is fine, but that's the only time you should ever invest in this attribute.


Exorcist uses 4 different pets.

Archivist portrait.pngArchivist

Our primary pet. Archivist is the pet we use for the vast majority of our run and we often burst with him as well. He levels quickly and gives great bonuses to Evocation efficiency and profits which for good burst on fast runs. His boost to Evocation spells also works with Spell Spell Focus.pngSpell Focus, Spell Holy Fervor.pngHoly Fervor and Spell Spirit Of Valor.pngauto Spell Conjure Manabeast.pngclicking Spell Templar Brothers.pngspells as our primary method of generating excess Hallowed Clicks.

Anima Construct portrait.pngAnima Construct

A useful pet for medium and long length runs. Stronger at higher mystery levels thanks to his strong scaling with hero XP however it can take a substantial amount of time to level Golem portrait.pngGolem to unlock Anima Construct. It's up to you to decide when to invest time leveling a Golem and Anima Construct for an extra burst of profit versus when to do higher frequency, shorter runs with Archivist.

Simulacrum portrait.pngSimulacrum

Only used in the longest and slowest Exorcist runs. Maximizes your mana sources but like Anima Construct can be slow to unlock without pet gear and an investment in empathy.

Spellhound portrait.pngSpellhound

Useful only at the very start of a run to charge your spell sets. Shouldn't be used for more than 3-4 activations.