Exorcist Guide

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General Information

This guide is reorganized and rewritten from Exorcist Guide in order to straighten out some apparent contradictions, and more clearly explain spell casting order and priority.

Credit for the guide I based this on goes to Demigod100 and Aparthax*Almighty. (If I missed any attributions, please add them.)


Here are some goals, in descending priority.

  • Dominance: 200.
  • Spellcraft: 50 or 100. 200 as soon as you can afford it.
  • Intelligence: 40 is required for Anima Construct, if you plan on using it. 150 or 200 if you can afford it.
  • Patience: 150 if you can. This is important, but still flexible if you need points elsewhere for gear or pets. Put all excess points here.
  • Mastery: 25, 50 or 75.
  • Empathy: 25 or 75. Item Falconer's Ranger Hat.pngFalconer's Ranger Hat requires 75 empathy. If you are at least Paragon 24 (e240+ mysteries) the wrist slot item Item Bite Sleeves.pngBite Sleeves can provide empathy, allowing you to spend points elsewhere.
  • Insight: 25, 50, or 75. Low priority.
  • Wisdom: Anima Construct requires 10, but can be fulfilled by wearing Item Easymind Hat.pngEasymind Hat. No points are necessary if you use Spell Spell Focus.pngSpell Focus; however, 25 wisdom, with its cost reduction and shard production increase, helps smooth things. (Per MorriganGrey in the comments.)

An alternative take from a discussion on Discord, based on total attributes available to allocate:

  • 200: Dominance
  • 400: Dominance, Spellcraft
  • 600: Dominance, Spellcraft, Intelligence
  • 750: Dominance, Spellcraft, Intelligence. 150 Patience
  • 800: Dominance, Spellcraft, Intelligence, Patience

This is based on the theory that the perks at 200 are so overwhelmingly powerful that they should be selected even if it makes items unavailable, since items at this guide's target level are nowhere near legendary.


Three item sets are recommended.

  1. Pet Leveling: The Falconer's set is ideal for this. Use Item Companionship Ring.pngCompanionship Ring for an additional boost.
  2. Build-Up Phase: You spend the most time wearing this set, so if you can wear resource-boosting items, do so. Primary priorities are Evocation and Incantation. The Power Armor (Empowering) set is a good starting point. Profits are NOT the focus here.
  3. Burst Phase: Priorities are click & critical profit, character ability power, and general profit. The Exorcist-tailored Justice of the Seventh set is ideal here, but the aforementioned Power Armor set works well here, too.
    • Autoclick Profit > Click/Critical Profit > Incantation > Evocation > Global Profit/Idle/Character Ability Power/Pet Ability power, etc.


At low mysteries, start with Spellhound portrait.pngSpellhound to get spells going until you are high-level enough to use Spell Conjure Manabeast.pngConjure Manabeast. As always, use Spell Spell Focus.pngSpell Focus to jump-start your spellcasting. Once the Manabeast is running, switch to Exorcist portrait.pngExorcist. Have Spellhound portrait.pngSpellhound charge your three spell sets now to save a little time later.


Spell Sets

It is important to overlay your spells within the spell sets you'll be using. This will allow switching between sets without interrupting existing casts-- something that will be crucial for Spell Power Of Sacrifice.pngPower Of Sacrifice. If you haven't already, familiarize yourself with using spell sets and item sets, and especially Hotkeys to switch between sets. This build becomes much easier to use if you take the time to set up spell sets and item sets. (Author's note: I use three item sets and four spell sets.)

The spell sets are described below, in their respective sections. If you switch the order, make sure you swap the other phases' spells as well. All spells should be on Reckless autocasting unless otherwise noted. (The exception is Power Of Sacrifice, which needs to be managed by hand.)

Pet leveling phase

During this phase, you'll be leveling Interrogator portrait.pngInterrogator (or Archivist portrait.pngArchivist if you can reach it) to improve your buildup phase.

Spell.png Spell Divine Ally.png

Spell.png Spell Sword Of Anklah.png

Spell.png Spell Templar Brothers.png

Spell.png Spell Relentlessness.png

Spell.png Spell Conjure Manabeast.png

Spell.png Spell Spirit Of Valor.png

Build-Up Phase

During this phase, you will be collecting excess Hallowed Clicks. Use the Build-Up Phase item set and the spell set below. Stay in this phase until you have reached 1e5-1e6 excess HCs, depending on your mysts. You can monitor this progress on the class portrait tooltip. Also use this phase to charge your burst spells one by one by swapping them out out Spell Holy Fervor.pngHoly Fervor with the burst mode spells (all remaining Exorcist spells except Spell Smite.pngSmite and Spell Templar Brothers.pngTemplar Brothers)

Spell.png Spell Holy Fervor.png

Spell.png Spell Spell Focus.png

Spell.png Spell Templar Brothers.png

Spell.png Spell Relentlessness.png

Spell.png Spell Conjure Manabeast.png

Spell.png Spell Spirit Of Valor.png


Once that is complete, swap out Spell Templar Brothers.pngTemplar Brothers for Spell Power Of Sacrifice.pngPower Of Sacrifice. Optionally, equip your best incantation efficiency gear here (Spell Power Of Sacrifice.pngPower Of Sacrifice is one of the few spells that uses stats when the spell is casted, rather than your current stats). Cast Power of Sacrifice, which will reset the HC meter in the middle of the screen to zero. Wait for the HC meter to fill back up to your max, and then...

Spell.png Spell Holy Fervor.png

Spell.png Spell Spell Focus.png

Spell.png Spell Power Of Sacrifice.png

Spell.png Spell Relentlessness.png

Spell.png Spell Conjure Manabeast.png

Spell.png Spell Spirit Of Valor.png

Burst Phase

Quickly switch to the Burst Phase item set, and load the Burst Phase spell set:

Spell.png Spell Shattering Strike.png

Spell.png Spell Sword Of Anklah.png

Spell.png Spell Power Of Sacrifice.png

Spell.png Spell Hallowed Writings.png

Spell.png Spell Battle Trance.png

Spell.png Spell Spirit Of Valor.png

Manually click the Orb as fast as you can, to consume all available Hallowed Clicks. If you have an auto-clicker, now's the time to use it, but you should be careful not to break idle mode. Click until the HC meter is back to zero, or the shorter-duration spells have run out. (This will depend on what pet you are using.)

If you run out of HCs, switch to the Build-Up Phase item set, swap out Spell Spirit Of Valor.pngSpirit Of Valor for Spell Relentlessness.pngRelentlessness and cast it.

Spell.png Spell Shattering Strike.png

Spell.png Spell Sword Of Anklah.png

Spell.png Spell Power Of Sacrifice.png

Spell.png Spell Hallowed Writings.png

Spell.png Spell Battle Trance.png

Spell.png Spell Relentlessness.png

(Your spells should look like this during this transitional phase.)

Switch back to the Burst Phase item set and spell set once the HCs are back to full, recast Spell Spirit Of Valor.pngSpirit Of Valor, and resume clicking.

Repeat until your spells are out of charges, or Power Of Sacrifice has completed the initial cast.

After this, return to the Build-Up Phase to recharge your Burst Phase spells. Repeat as necessary.