First Realm Guide

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This guide is a quick reference guide for your first Realm.

There may be missing or suboptimal details here; I do not know the ins and outs of the game, this is just intended to make some complicated details simpler.

Anyone can make edits to this guide if appropriate.


You should be aware of the following much more detailed guides:

Some of it bears repeating. Before you realm:

  • Wait out any trials, most notably any active Trials of Patience or Innovation. These can't be cancelled, and you'll want the rewards anyway, no matter how much you're itching to realm. Dust remains godly and you'll see why shortly.
  • Cancel or wait out any active expeditions


  • Any Research gear you have will not be upgraded during your first Realm while trying to achieve the Pure Theory triumph achievement (which you will want). Make sure you happy with the Research gear rarity levels you have, keeping in mind getting to e400 in R1 will not take nearly as long as it did in R0 (it'll take roughly a few days).

Once you unlock Realms at e400, that blue circular 5th tab that you've been ignoring all game next to the Exile tab will now become functional. The important number is the one up the top of that tab with the red/green icon next to your mysteries. The higher this number is, the easier it will be to re-create, or "re-forge" your gear. This is your primary concern as to whether you think the time is right.

Finally, save and export your game before you Realm. If something goes drastically wrong, this is your insurance. Just create a text file, copy and paste the export gibberish into it, save the text file and don't lose it.

What To Expect

In addition, this is what you should expect from your first realm (also called R1):

  • You won't be doing any challenges again.
  • You won't be doing any trials or experiments for the first realm, because you'll want to achieve the Pure Theory triumph achievement. (these are often simply referred to as "Triumphs", but they are achievements, just like "Class" or "Pet" or "Secret" achievements)
  • You won't be doing any expeditions for the first realm, because you'll want to achieve the Shut-In triumph achievement.
    • If for some reason you fail Pure Theory or Shut-In in your first realm (R1), it's really not a problem, because your second realm (R2) will be much faster thanks to a lot of legendary gear, and it'll be even easier to achieve. So much easier, that I'd almost recommend that you wait until the second realm - but you're only losing about a day in difference, maximum.

These are easy to accomplish because your first realm will be hilariously fast. Aside from your first few exiles, it will become very common for your e30ish-e300ish exiles to last 10 minutes, even with no catalysts or anything else helping you along except your already-completed challenge bonuses.

  • Attributes will come in very, very quickly. Seconds to minutes. At 750 attributes, you can expect to wait 5 minutes for the next one.
  • Memories are a currency that buy you a suite of "Realm Upgrades", similar (but different) to the bonuses gear or attributes gives you. The more the better, but 1000 is enough for your first realm.
  • By the time you're ready to go to R2, you should have at least a full set of gear at Legendary quality, ensuring you put 10 ranks into Reclaimed Methods, the most important Realm Upgrade by far, which gives you 100% more crafting dust income.

Realm Upgrades

Under Realm Upgrades, in the bottom left of your Idle Wizard room next to your Character/Journal/Expedition buttons, the first thing you should do after Realming is to go to your Realm Upgrades, under the Heritage tab, max out Reclaimed Methods. Nothing is more important than getting more crafting dust.

Put any leftover points in Heritage under Tools > Restored Rituals, Reinvented Techniques, Unseen Efficiency and Unending Resources. I prefer enchanting dust "edust" income over catalyst income.

Go to your Imprints tab, and equally put points in Expanded Mind and Swift Recalling.

The Forge (from e80)

Forging gear is just another way of unlocking gear from scratch.

To kickstart your forge, you'll need to submit 1000 red and 1000 blue dust. You need to do this every 8 hours you want the forge to work at all.

You can take half-forged gear out of the Forge to do later if you made a mistake and need to swap in something else.

Note that you will have to unlock your gear slots again, and you'll only start with Head/Chest/Hands/Feet. Your Wrist and Waist and Weapons can wait during your first reforging.

How Long Does Forging Take?

Your forge will "remember" aka "create" your gear for you with its the rarity you originally had it upgraded to. The numbers below are affected by your "Swift Recalling" upgrade, and assumes 3 upgrades which you will likely be able to afford. At baseline, these take roughly double the amount of time below.

  • Common gear takes 15 minutes
  • Green gear takes 30 minutes
  • Blue gear takes 1 hour
  • Purple gear takes 2 hours
  • Legendary and Unique gear takes 4 hours

This is generally slow, especially since you will probably want your higher rarity gear ASAP.

You can speed up the forge by spending 500 green dust and 500 yellow dust per hour, which isn't ideal, but is probably worth spending on your first few pieces of gear unless you're stepping away from the game. Keep in mind, your exiles will commonly last around 10 minutes, even up to e300 and beyond.


Your tier 2 classes will be locked again until Paragon 22 (e300), so it's back to basics, except with the fast exiles, some classes will play out differently.

  • Apprentice - you'll only use for the first exile. It's still slow, be patient and play it out Like The First Time again. Use your Wisdom attribute and set up Spellhound when you can. Exile anywhere between e6-e12.
  • Druid - Get 5 or 6 autoclickers going. Tested this only once very briefly.
  • Demonologist - Reasonably good to get away from Apprentice.
  • Necromancer - Too slow early on to get started.
  • Arcanist - The evocation version of Necromancer; better but not as good as Prodigy.
  • Prodigy - The first ideal class to give you some fast mysteries just because it's so straightforward.
  • Voidmancer - Fantastic from about e50 to e170.
  • Exorcist - untested
  • Chronomancer - Surprisingly terrible. I loved Chronomancer in R0 and couldn't get it working here in a reasonable timeframe, given the super short exiles.
  • Umbramancer - Stick with Umbramancer up until your tier 2 classes unlock.
  • Alchemist - This requires Voidterror portrait.pngVoidterror, and you're probably coming into Alchemist after Umbramancer. I made less progress with Alchemist in 10 minutes than I did with Umbramancer, so even though I played Alchemist primarily in R0, I gave up on it in R1.
  • Ironfist - untested
  • Abolisher - untested


This is important enough that you will probably use it for most of your first realm. Use the Umbramancer Guide if you've never played it before or need a refresher.

The key thing to remember is that you need to NOT be in idle mode most of the time (aka "offline mode"), especially during pre-burst and burst.

Arcanaworg portrait.pngArcanaworg/Spellhound portrait.pngSpellhound during buildup (and make sure your spells in all sets are charged before switching pets), Shadow Stalker portrait.pngShadow Stalker during pre-burst, Ebonsand Behemoth portrait.pngEbonsand Behemoth during burst. Don't click the orb while Spell Umbral Rage.pngUmbral Rage is active, which if you do so, will reset the profit bonus that it is charging during its cast.

The burst is over:

  • When Spell Eclipse.pngEclipse runs out of charges during your burst.
  • If you fall back into idle mode (you can't click the orb) before Eclipse runs out.

You can do a short buildup/pre-burst/burst again, but this is almost never worth it. Your first burst should send you through the roof in mysteries, and it's faster to exile and do a new delicious run from the beginning rather than to re-burst for a few extra crumbs.

Use a higher-rarity Item Black Blade.pngBlack Blade for your weapon, or if it's still at common, use Item Head Of The All-Eater.pngHead Of The All-Eater.

Second Realm (Day 10)

When to go to your second realm? The common theory is that you want to play early realms (up until you get your first 1e5 memories) for 10 days.

But how many mysteries is that, you ask? After all, people play at different paces. This is the wrong question - what you're looking for under the Realm tab is the time played in your current realm and the time played multiplier that you're going to get for the next realm. Triumphs to complete aside, this is paramount.

The time played multiplier drops off substantially after the 10 day mark. This is really all that matters. Resist the urge to change realms early, just get as far as you can in those 10 days.

If you really want to go longer than 10 days, you should be looking to go much longer - in the vicinity of about 4 months, at which point, the time multiplier becomes competitive with the 10 day multiplier mark again.

To satiate your curiosity (and to satiate your curiosity only), you can expect to get to roughly e500 mysteries by the 10 day mark. Up to e700 mysteries, it's just your gear that will hold you back.