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This page is dedicated to the lore you can find in your Journal, telling the story of the game.

*DISCLAIMER* Since the writer is in the late game stages, the potential conditions may be incomplete or entirely wrong as they are guesses for the most part

The Quest

Unlock Conditions: Load the Game for the first time

Magic seems to be experiencing a Golden Age. New discoveries are made daily, new spells invented, new avenues explored. You, a young Apprentice, have yet to choose a specialization, or even cast a single "serious" spell. Graduated from Wizarding academy, you set out on a road that's sure to be long and full of new things. They say you need at least 5000 standard units of Mana to form your first Spell Scroll... Better start working on that!

New Challenges

Unlock Conditions: Paragon Level 2

As you grow stronger and stronger over your Exiles, studies and spellcasting, trying yourself out at different schools of magic, one of the colleagues tells you about the mysterious Challenges that are becoming popular among wizards. It's some sort of self-discipline thing. Maybe you should try it out?

Visit the challenges tab in the journal to take a look.

Exploration Efforts

Unlock Conditions: Paragon Level 4

By now you've attained some renown in the magic community of the Realm - which even led some young and struggling wizards to seek guidance under you. As much as you try to shoo them away, they don't seem to be willing to leave you alone.

Then again, you've oftentimes thought of equipping an Expedition to seek out new places and treasure from around the world, but never could find the time to do it personally. A lot of dangerous creatures also seem to have emerged across the land. Maybe you could send some of those pesky apprentices out to travel and explore?

Visit the Expeditions tab, found in the lower left menu, to take a look.


Unlock Conditions: Play as Voidmancer

Decades ago, the Void was a topic of much debate in the magic society. Efforts to study its secrets continuously proved futile, and most of the scholars gave up. Some time later, a group of most eager and reckless apprentices decided to try once more. Every single one vanished without a trace...

Earlier today a global event has occured: unnatural, reality warping rifts opened up, and strange, robed figures came forth. While human in appearance, no body could be seen, only their eyes, burning with eldritch fire. It is them. They have endured the impossible realm of the Void. They have returned. The Voidmancers.

Would you dare to join their ranks? Could it be you already have?...

The Crusade Of The Seventh Star

Unlock Conditions: Play as Exorcist

As the world slowly falls into disarray with the unexpected return of the Voidmancers, the Hierarchs of the church of the Seventh Star judged it's no longer acceptable for them to stay secluded. Gates of the grand cathedrals opened and its followers ventured out to spread the Holy Word. Among them, veiled in secrecy, Exorcists were spread out. These warrior-mages were given various tasks, comprised mainly of interrogation and destruction of the Church's enemies

Of these enigmatic knights, you do know this:
An Exorcist is a member of the mysterious Inquisition and possesses both martial prowess and magical powers drawn from his devotion to the Seventh Star. His devotion to the laws of this realm prohibits him from utilizing Void powers, which he compensates by combining his mastery of arms with holy blessings, resulting in a deadly combination.

It also seems possible for a talented wizard to join their ranks...

The Temporal Conflux

Unlock Conditions: Play as Chronomancer

Time traveling techniques were thought to be nigh impossible to attain by the magical society, though some manipulation has been proved be plausible by the most cunning experimenters. While exact time or means cannot be discerned now, since the beginning of the Void exploration age there've been reports of strangers with knowledge of future or past events appearing all around the world. Over time, this peculiar caste of wizards became known as Chronomancers.

They say a Chronomancer is an adept time traveler, who's visited countless timelines in the past, present and future. No one really knows where they came from or how did they attain their powers. He utilizes unknown technology to manipulate time at will. By compressing the time and tying himself to anchors within certain timelines, he can accelerate his perception of time or straight up jump forwards and backwards, using it to prolong and augment his spellcasting.

Through a fellow Prodigy, you've established contact with a group of them. Maybe it's time to find out more?


Unlock Condition: Play as Umbramancer

A mysterious scroll has found its way to you today. It reads:

Some strive for power, some for knowledge, and some - for wisdom. Those who wish to make a pact with powerful spirits of the desert must possess all three. Many yearn for the power of those spirits, and, to this day, none have ever returned to tell the tale. But every few decades, from the heart of the vase desert comes a storm of darkness. Black, in the eye of the storm, is a person, clad is swirling, liquid shadows, heralding and directing the unnatural force. Any who are foolish enough to challenge the master of Darkness, shall turn to ash in a furious firestorm, which casts no shadows. These are Umbramancers, the enigmatic lords of shadow and dark. Whether they are the ones who bent the desert's secrets to their will, or just husks of those who tried, inhabited by the very spirits they yearned to master, none can tell, yet no one can deny their might. The only saving grace is that Umbramancers seem to require a lot of time to gather their strength, and return back to the deep, dark corners of the desert when their reserves of shadow have dissipateed.

"Nobody in their right mind would go and try to reason with an Umbral Spirit", - you think to yourself. Or would they?

Ars magna

Unlock Condition: Play as Alchemist

All the fuss going around about the recent Umbramancers invasion led to re-establishment of dialogue between the Realm and the Faraway lands, an ancient kingdom located far to the East.

Everyone seems excited to share knowledge, discoveries. One of the caste you have some familiarity with are the Alchemists - they seem quite similar to the Prodigies of the Realm in their pursuit of mysteries, although through completely different means.

There are others, veiled in secrecy and somewhat out of your reach for now - but maybe one day, you could learn their craft as well?

A Dream?

Unlock Condition: No idea currently

While taking a walk outside the tower, you notice a person standing in the distance, The metallic gleam makes you think that it's a Chronomancer, but you decide to take a closer look. As you approach you notice that something is off. It feels like Void-powered incantation of sort, but the sheer power makes your bones hurt and your mind blank. Suddenly you realize he studyingds you closely - but somehow you can't even see him. It's like the world just vanished. No, that won't do, maybe a bit further... What? Did you just say that to yourself?

You wake up in your bed. What that a dream? But that felt way too real to be one. You notice that every void trap in the tower is twisted and broken, as if they caught something way too strong for them to contain. As you replace them, the memory of the dream slips away. And why are you standing near the void traps again?...

You decide to go for a walk outside.

A Race

Unlock condition: to be added

Disturbing rumours spread as every wizard in the land is recruited for reseach efforts on almost every subject. Naturally, malicious forces catch up to the notion as well, starting an ever-accelerating arms race. Heretics assimilate and warp the Void at an alarming rate. Woodlands are completly off-limits ever since they've become cesspools of lethal creature and rotting monsters and plantlife. Demon-servants have finally made pacts with the rulers of hell themselves. Defenders of humanity develop measures of defense and offense bordering on desperation. Weapons of terrific power are rumoured to be nearly finished by Umbral spirits and thier vassals.


Unlock condition: to be added

These days it feels almost as if for every question asked, someone has already found an answer - or even went as far as to ask another one, and answer it as well the knowledge people now possess is unparalleled both in terms of sheer volume and the speed at which it is gained. While great on paper, this proves to be quite dangerous as the Realm has never had so many people monsters, creatures and entities craving for it to burn. The magical insights and new technology grants them ever better tools to wreak destruction in a grotesque competition of who inflicts the most harm upon the world, and its protectors striving to catch up with them.

Also, as our understanding of the world and its laws grows deeper, there are rumours of the Void growing even more...complex? While it has always been a realm of mystery, even the few minds possessing a firm grasp on how things work there have become puzzled by what they've encountered.

A Peculiar Event

Unlock condition: to be added

This opponent didn't prove to be difficult. Even though he was a Voidmancer, Lexande knew how to counter thier trixks. Lesser warriors, more cautious minds become confussed, dazzled and horrified when facing such a foe. The imagies they show, the movements they perform, the monsters and magics they summon - all so unreal,seemingly imposibble and grotesque to any human eye. But an Exorcist of the Seventh knows the difference between seeing and believing. A beast of tremendous size stood between him and his target, gnashing it's teeth and spreading corruption all around. With a silent prayer, Lexande rushed forward and felled the abomination with a single swing of her sword, filled with belief in her righteous cause. The Voidmancer didn't look fazed, but certainly looked defenseless right now. Quickly, the knight-inquisitor closed in on him and landed a finishing thrust through his chest.

but the thing the sorcerer wispered to her ears with his daying breath started to haunt her ever since.

"Your belief was stronger than was the absence of mine.Indeed, two..."

Two... what? Should she have let him finished? what unbelievable heresy she was commiting even thinking about it!..

Trying to find a meaning behind this brought Lexande nothing but trouble. As she asked questions, voices began to rise, wispering about her lack of faith.

"You need not to reason with the enemy. Even within your mind". "But what if they discovered something about us, some way to deliver a sinster blow? Would it not be wise to discover their plot?"

No answer was given to her pleas. She became an outcast. Driven by faith in her mission, she went on a quest to find out the truth behind the schemes of Void-wielders and cleanse it with righteous fury. As she sought out famous wizards of the land and asked thier advice, basic, very humble knowledge of how the Void works settled in her head. Even possessing the knowledge was deemed curruption by the magisters of his oders.

"You want to find yourself a Voidmancer to interrogate? What an amusing prosepct. Try searching around the monolith of kallindros, it's not far from here." - were the words. She believed she'd find a clue - and here was the first thread.

but monolith of kallindros? It was sanctified and purged by the Chruch a long time ago. No Voidmancer could ever remotely remain there since then. Still, she made sure the wizard wouldn't lie, and it was both her duty and a path torwards her goal to go and investigate.

Soon after his arrival, she felt familiar sting - Void energies. Impossible!.. She circled the monolith a couple of times , times, tough she did not encounter anyone. Or did she? Now that she tought about it, there was a shadow, in the corner of her eye. She went back, and encountered a figure, standing in broad daylight. How could she not see it before? There's not a single rock or tree ot hide for miles around!

"Oh, how peculiar! And here I thought I wasn't here." - the figure said. "I won't fall for your tricks," - Lexande quickly drawn his blade. "My trick is simple, young one. Tell me, do you believe that I am here... Or do you not? Me, personally? I thought this place was cleansed s o thoroughly that not a spark of the Void could make it to this marvelous monument. Let's say.. I do not." "I must destroy him, or capture and interrogate. He's standing right here, what's he talking aboutß But how?.. I've been here myself, not long ago. We would have felt it... And now the Void is here, this close to the city? It's some sort of trickery, illusion. Maybe it's all a dream, or a nightmare that they trapped me in, I may not even be near the city. I have to try and break it My mission stands, but I'll not allow the city to fall to the Void's power," - Lexande's mind was racing.

A blast of laughter, changing the pitch, colume and origin point surronded him.

"My my, what A TURN OF eVeNts! Now, let me try something ELSe. Say, I know a secret of yours? M? Marvelous." The voice came closer. Or louder "All of that for a single word, thrown in agony. Two? Oh my dear knight. I have the answer for you." He'sright behind me, but here is not enough time to strike back!... "Two... sides of the same coin."

Lexande put her old journal ack on the shelf. That was quite a story, indeed. A shame she got stabbe dright at the beginning of it. But doe dying means the end? Not necessarily. She did what she had to do - wispered the words, that would cascade into the events that formed her future life. A Heretic. Oh, It's the monument of Kallindros, did someone activate it again? Ah, there's a lost fellow snooping around. Confused! Oh how peculiar!