Memory Distribution Guide

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As the amount of Realm Upgrades you can buy for your Memories keeps increasing, it gets more and more difficult to decide how to best spend your Memories to reach certain goals. Because of the complexity of the involved math and the huge amount of possible optimal solutions depending on your circumstances, this guide intends to be more of a guideline on where the optimum for you should be close to, so that you can either get a close to optimal result, or can search for the optimum from a good starting point.


The following Memory Upgrades have to be considered if you want to get the most E-Dust possible when doing experiments:

  • Restored Rituals for general e-Dust income
  • Unseen Efficiency for general e-Dust income
  • Forgotten Might to increase Enchanting Limit on Item Enchanting Membrane.pngEnchanting Membrane
  • Foreseeable Results to get e-Dust from every kind of Experiment, and a slight increase of e-Dust from e-Dust Experiments
  • Timeless Fame to get the next e-Dust income Multiplier from Trials
  • Phantom Reputation to get the next e-Dust income Multiplier from Trials

As the value of Timeless Fame and Phantom Reputation depends a lot on how much Trials you have already done and if you can even reach the next e-Dust income Multiplier Increase, we will only write how many Memories you can invest to get the next 20% increase into those two Memories. As those Bonus are exponential with themselves, you can always invest the given amount to reach the next e-Dust Milestone.

As Restored Rituals and Unseen Efficiency are very cheap compared to the others and are the only two that are available from the start, we will begin considering only these:

Restored Rituals vs Unseen Efficiency
Restored Rituals Unseen Efficiency Mem-Cost E-Dust Income
1 1 1000 56,25%
2 3 3300 173,44%
3 5 6500 339,45%
4 6 9500 510,35%
5 7 13.100 739,23%

After you have maxed Restored Rituals you can only invest into Unseen Efficiency, until you unlock further Memory-Upgrades that can help you increase your e-Dust income, as if you reach that stage you will have unlocked both Trial Memories too, the Memory-Costs you can invest there are also given. The cost for Forgotten Might & Unending Resource includes maxing Restored Rituals, but not the available Memories to increase your Trial Count.

Forgotten Might vs Unseen Efficiency
Forgotten Might Unseen Efficiency Mem-Cost E-Dust Income Trial Memories Available
1 68 274.300 x55,5 100.000 (maxing Trial Memories already)
2 97 536.600 x78,6
3 119 799.100 x96,7
4 138 1.071.800 x112,7
5 155 1.353.500 x127,5
6 170 1.634.000 x140,9
7 184 1.923.100 x153,8
8 197 2.216.600 x166,1
9 209 2.510.600 x177,7
10 221 2.824.000 x189,6
11 232 3.133.100 x200,9
12 242 3.434.600 x211,5
13 252 3.751.100 x222,3
14 262 4.082.600 x233,3
15 271 4.401.500 243.6

Foreseeable Results is kinda special as it's worth depends heavily on which experiment you're doing. Level 1 is needed for non e-Dust Experiments and each level is a linear 100% increase in earnings for those, while for e-Dust Experiments it's a rather weak increase of 4,65 more e-Dust per level and experiment on Average, up from 91,25. We're using the Averages here, as nobody should be crazy enough to respec his Memories for every e-Dust experiment he does.

The following Table includes the Data for non e-Dust Experiments, which means having Foreseeable Results 1 is required and thus not included in the Table. The MemCost and E-Dust Increase are including maxed RR. E-Dust income is in comparison to no Memories but Foreseeable Results 1 skilled.

Foreseeable Results vs Unseen Efficiency, for non e-Dust Experiments
Foreseeable Results Unseen Efficiency Mem-Cost E-Dust Income Trial memories Available
2 11 33.500 x22,9 4000
3 18 61.800 x50,4 9000
4 25 100.000 x88,5 16.000
5 32 148.100 x137,3 25.000
39 36.000
46 49.000
53 64.000
60 81.000
67 100.000

The extension of this table shows the Memories available for Trials at certain Unseen Efficiency Amounts. It's not exact, but should give a pretty good estimate.

Foreseeable Results vs Unseen Efficiency, for e-Dust Experiments
Foreseeable Results Unseen Efficiency Mem-Cost E-Dust Income Trial memories Available
1 28 64.300 x24,4 19.624
2 42 129.600 x70,2 41.247
3 54 207.600 x132,8 64.871
4 64 291.100 x207,5 90.495
5 74 289.600 x297,5 maxing Trial Memories already

The MemCost and E-Dust Increase are including maxed Restored Rituals.