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Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Data/Spells/doc

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local p = {}

[Field]        [Type]         [Description]
ID             Int64          The spell's internal identification refererence.
School         String         The school of the spell (Evocation, Summoning, Incantation).
Accumulated    Boolean        If the spell is accumulated, omit or set to false for non accumulated
Persistent     Boolean        If the spell is persistent, omit or set to false for non persistent.
Level          Int64          The level required to cast the spell.
Cost           Int64          The spell's shard cost, omit for a spell not using shards.
AdditionalCost {Type, Amount} Any additional cost the spell has.
Charge         String         The way the spell charges if it does not use shards.
Duration       Int64          The spell's duration, in seconds.
Description    String         The spell's description.
Math    String         The spell's Math.
Behavior       String         The way the spell's effects are applied over time.
Priority       Int64          The spell's ranking for gaining spell shards, omit or set to 0 for most spells.
Classes        Set<String>    The classes that can use the spell.
Unreleased     Boolean        If the spell is actually in the game, omit or set to false for most spells.

local spells = {}
spells["Magic Missile"] = {
    ID = 0,
    School = "Evocation",
    Level = 1,
    Cost = 125,
    Duration = 0,
    Description = "Instantly earns 60 sec of production, granting Mana.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{Mana} = \\text{Evocation} \\times \\text {Mana/s} \\times 60</math>",
    Behavior = "Instant",
    Classes = {
        Apprentice = true,
        Necromancer = true,
        Arcanist = true,
        Prodigy = true,
        Abolisher = true,
        Archon = true,
        Temporalist = true
spells["Spell Focus"] = {
    ID = 104,
    School = "Evocation",
    Level = 7,
    Cost = 25,
    Duration = 0,
    Description = "Instantly grants Spell Shards. Doesn't earn Spell Shards on itself.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{Shards} = (\\text {CharLvl} \\times 1.25 + 25) \\times \\text{Evocation}^{0.075}</math>",
    Behavior = "Instant",
    Classes = {
        Apprentice = true,
        Druid = true,
        Demonologist = true,
        Necromancer = true,
        Prodigy = true,
        Voidmancer = true,
        Exorcist = true,
        Chronomancer = true,
        Shaman = true,
        Heretic = true
spells["Lightning Bolt"] = {
    ID = 1,
    School = "Evocation",
    Level = 34,
    Cost = 500,
    Duration = 0,
    Description = "Instantly earns 80 sec of production, granting Mana and Spell Shards. Doesn't earn Spell Shards on itself.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{Mana} = \\text{Mana/s} \\times \\text{Evocation} \\times 80</math><br><math>\\textbf{Spell Shards} = (\\text {CharLvl} \\times 4 + 100) \\times \\left( \\log_{10}\\text{(Evocation)} \\times 2.2 + 1 \\right)</math>", 
    Behavior = "Instant",
    Classes = {
        Arcanist = true,
        Archon = true
spells["Fire Ball"] = {
    ID = 2,
    School = "Evocation",
    Level = 16,
    Cost = 250,
    Duration = 6,
    Description = "Instantly earns 60 sec of production, granting Mana. Autoclicks 4 times per second, earning pet experience.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{ManaCast} = \\text{Mana/s} \\times \\text{Evocation} \\times 60</math><br><math>\\textbf{ManaClick} = \\text{ClickProfit} \\times \\log_{10}(\\text{Evocation} \\times 0.01 + 1) \\times \\text{AutoclickProfit}</math><br><math>\\textbf{PetXp} = (1 + \\text{FixedXp}) \\times \\text{PetXpMultiplier}</math>", 
    Behavior = "Periodic",
    Classes = {
        Demonologist = true,
        Oni = true
spells["Kelphior's Black Beam"] = {
    ID = 3,
    School = "Evocation",
    Level = 52,
    Cost = 500,
    Duration = 0,
    Description = "Instantly earns 228 sec of production, granting Mana, based on character level.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{Mana} = (\\text{Char lvl} + 2.5) \\times \\text{Evocation} \\times \\text{Mana/s} \\times 8 </math>",
    Behavior = "Instant",
    Classes = {
        Prodigy = true,
        Temporalist = true
spells["Conjure Lesser Elemental"] = {
    ID = 10,
    School = "Summoning",
    Accumulated = true,
    Level = 9,
    Cost = 1800,
    Duration = 45,
    Description = "Autoclicks 5 times per second, with 0% Crit Chance. Increases Shard Pool capacity based on casts this Exile.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{Mana} = \\text{ClickProfit} \\times \\text{Summon} \\times \\text{AutoclickProfit}</math><br><math>\\textbf{Clicks/sec} = 5 \\times \\text{AclickMultiplier}</math><br><math> \\text{ShardPoolCap}=1 + (1 + 0.8 \\times \\log_{10}(\\text{Summon})) \\times (\\text{CastsThisExile}}/10000)^{0.45}</math>", 
    Behavior = "Periodic",
    Classes = {
        Apprentice = true,
        Druid = true,
        Arcanist = true,
        Prodigy = true,
        Voidmancer = true,
        Umbramancer = true,
        Ironsoul = true,
        Shaman = true,
        Heretic = true,
        Oni = true,
        Temporalist = true,
        Desolator = true
spells["Summon Infernal Thrasher"] = {
    ID = 11,
    School = "Summoning",
    Accumulated = true,
    Level = 36,
    Cost = 2250,
    Duration = 66,
    Description = "Autoclicks 8 times per second, earning pet experience. Increases pet experience gained based on casts this exile.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{Mana} = \\text{ClickProfit} \\times \\text{Summon} \\times \\text{AutoclickProfit}</math><br><math>\\textbf{Clicks/sec} = 8 \\times \\text{AclickMultiplier}</math><br><math>\\textbf{PetXp} = (1 + \\text{FixedXp}) \\times \\text{PetXpMultiplier}</math><br><math>\\text{PetEXPMult}=\\text{CastsThisExile}^{0.4} \\times (1+\\log_{10}(\\text{Summon})/2)</math>", 
    Behavior = "Periodic",
    Classes = {
        Demonologist = true,
        Oni = true
spells["Summon Woodland Creatures"] = {
    ID = 12,
    School = "Summoning",
    Level = 15,
    Cost = 3000,
    Duration = 150,
    Description = "Autoclicks 9 times per second with character crit stats.Increases Crit Rating, based on total amount of autoclicks during this Exile.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{Mana} = \\text{ClickProfit} \\times \\text{Summon} \\times \\text{AutoclickProfit}</math><br><math>\\textbf{Clicks/sec} = 9 \\times \\text{AclickMultiplier}</math><br><math>\\textbf{CritRating} = \\text{AClicksExile} \\times \\text{Summon}^{0.9} \\times 0.001</math>", 
    Behavior = "Periodic",
    Classes = {
        Druid = true
spells["Animate Skeletal Minions"] = {
    ID = 13,
    School = "Summoning",
    Level = 14,
    Cost = 2000,
    Duration = 120,
    Description = "Autoclicks 6 times per second, with 6% Crit Chance and 200% Crit Profit. Increases profits.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{Mana} = \\text{ClickProfit} \\times \\text{Summon} \\times \\text{AutoclickProfit}</math><br><math>\\textbf{Clicks/sec} = 6 \\times \\text{AclickMultiplier}</math><br><math>\\textbf{Profit} = \\text{Summon}^{0.9} \\times 1.5</math>", 
    Behavior = "Periodic",
    Classes = {
        Necromancer = true
spells["Conjure Greater Elemental"] = {
    ID = 21,
    School = "Summoning",
    Accumulated = true,
    Level = 21,
    Cost = 3000,
    Duration = 60,
    Description = "Autoclicks 10 times per second, with 5% Crit Chance and 750% Crit Profit. Increases charge-based Spells' charging speed based on total casts this Exile.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{Mana} = \\text{ClickProfit} \\times \\text{Summon} \\times \\text{AutoclickProfit}</math><br><math>\\textbf{Clicks/sec} = 10 \\times \\text{AclickMultiplier}</math><br><math>\\text{ChargeSpeed}=1+ (1 + 0.5 \\times \\log_{10}(\\text{Summon})) \\times (\\text{CastsThisExile}/1000)^{0.35} </math>", 
    Behavior = "Periodic",
    Classes = {
        Apprentice = true,
        Druid = true,
        Arcanist = true,
        Prodigy = true,
        Voidmancer = true,
        Umbramancer = true,
        Ironsoul = true,
        Shaman = true,
        Heretic = true,
        Oni = true,
        Temporalist = true,
        Desolator = true
spells["Summon Guardian Of The Canopies"] = {
    ID = 22,
    School = "Summoning",
    Level = 36,
    Cost = 4500,
    Duration = 360,
    Description = "Autoclicks 12 times per second with character Crit stats. Increases character Crit Chance.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{Mana} = \\text{ClickProfit} \\times \\text{Summon} \\times \\text{AutoclickProfit}</math><br><math>\\textbf{Clicks/sec} = 12 \\times \\text{AclickMultiplier}</math><br><math>\\textbf{CritChance} = \\left( \\log_{10}(\\text{Summon}) \\times 0.075 + 1 \\right) \\times 20</math>", 
    Behavior = "Periodic",
    Classes = {
        Druid = true,
        Shaman = true
spells["Summon Unholy Avatar"] = {
    ID = 23,
    School = "Summoning",
    Level = 64,
    Cost = 3000,
    Duration = 100,
    Description = "Autoclicks 16 times per second, with 15% Crit Chance and 400% Crit Profit. Increases Idle bonus.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{Mana} = \\text{ClickProfit} \\times \\text{Summon} \\times \\text{AutoclickProfit}</math><br><math>\\textbf{Clicks/sec} = 16 \\times \\text{AclickMultiplier}</math><br><math>\\textbf{Idle} = \\text{Summon}^{0.8} \\times 1.5</math>", 
    Behavior = "Periodic",
    Classes = {
        Necromancer = true,
        Shaman = true,
spells["Summon Winged Night"] = {
    ID = 24,
    School = "Summoning",
    Level = 62,
    Cost = 7800,
    Duration = 300,
    Description = "Autoclicks each second, based on your Max Void Mana, with x3 Click Profit. Every second also collects one bonus Void Entity.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{Mana} = \\text{ClickProfit} \\times \\text{Summon} \\times \\text{AutoclickProfit} \\times 3</math><br><math>\\textbf{Clicks/sec} = \\left\\lfloor \\log_{10}(\\text{MaxExileVM} + 1) + 1 \\right\\rceil \\times \\text{AclickMultiplier}</math>", 
    Behavior = "Periodic",
    Classes = {
        Voidmancer = true,
        Heretic = true
spells["Void Lure"] = {
    ID = 30,
    School = "Incantation",
    Level = 5,
    Cost = 975,
    Duration = 300,
    Description = "Void Entities spawn more often and remain longer.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{SpawnRate} = \\text{Incantation}^{0.9} \\times 2</math><br><math>\\textbf{Duration} = \\text{Incantation}^{0.5} \\times 2</math>", 
    Behavior = "Buff",
    Classes = {
        Apprentice = true,
        Druid = true,
        Demonologist = true,
        Necromancer = true,
        Arcanist = true,
        Prodigy = true,
        Chronomancer = true,
        Alchemist = true,
        Ironsoul = true,
        Abolisher = true,
        Shaman = true,
        Heretic = true,
        Oni = true,
        Archon = true,
        Temporalist = true
spells["Void Prison"] = {
    ID = 31,
    School = "Incantation",
    Level = 50,
    Cost = 1750,
    Duration = 300,
    Description = "Void Entities spawn more often, remain longer, and grant more Void Mana.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{SpawnRate} = \\text{Incantation} \\times 2</math><br><math>\\textbf{Duration} = \\text{Incantation} \\times 10</math><br><math>\\textbf{Vpe} = \\text{Incantation}^{1.2} \\times 3</math>", 
    Behavior = "Buff",
    Classes = {
        Voidmancer = true,
        Heretic = true
spells["Void Syphon"] = {
    ID = 32,
    School = "Evocation",
    Level = 69,
    Cost = 2500,
    Duration = 0,
    Description = "Instantly earns Void Entities.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{Entities} = \\left\\lfloor (\\log_{10}(\\text{Evocation}) \\times 2 + 1) \\times 5 \\right\\rfloor</math>", 
    Behavior = "Instant",
    Classes = {
        Voidmancer = true,
        Heretic = true
spells["Magical Weapon"] = {
    ID = 40,
    School = "Incantation",
    Level = 17,
    Cost = 1250,
    Duration = 60,
    Description = "Increases character Crit Chance, Crit Profit and Click Profit.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{ClickProfit} = \\text{Incantation} \\times 2</math><br><math>\\textbf{CritChance} = (\\log_{10}(\\text{Incantation}) \\times 0.9 + 1) \\times 3\\%</math><br><math>\\textbf{ClickProfit} = \\text{Incantation} \\times 1.5</math>", 
    Behavior = "Buff",
    Classes = {
        Apprentice = true,
        Druid = true,
        Necromancer = true,
        Prodigy = true,
        Umbramancer = true,
        Abolisher = true,
        Shaman = true,
        Desolator = true
spells["Sword Of Anklah"] = {
    ID = 41,
    School = "Incantation",
    Level = 60,
    Cost = 6000,
    Duration = 120,
    Description = "Increases character Crit Chance, Crit Profit and Click Profit.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{CritChance} = \\text{Incantation} \\times 1.05</math><br><math>\\textbf{CritProfit} = \\text{Incantation} \\times 2</math><br><math>\\textbf{ClickProfit} = \\text{Incantation} \\times 3 </math>", 
    Behavior = "Buff",
    Classes = {
        Exorcist = true
spells["Spellstaff Of Chamaon"] = {
    ID = 42,
    School = "Incantation",
    Level = 46,
    Cost = 2625,
    Duration = 60,
    Description = "Increases Spell Shards on clicks and autoclicks. Increases Evocation efficiency.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{ShardsFromClicks} = \\text{Incantation} \\times 3</math><br><math>\\textbf{Evocation} = \\text{Incantation}^{0.8} \\times 3 + 1</math>", 
    Behavior = "Buff",
    Classes = {
        Arcanist = true,
        Archon = true
spells["Ebon Truncheon"] = {
    ID = 43,
    School = "Incantation",
    Level = 80,
    Cost = 3500,
    Duration = 20,
    Description = "Increases Void Mana per Entity, based on total amount of autoclicks this Exile.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{Vpe} = (\\text{AClicksExile} + 1)^{0.45} \\times \\text{Incantation} \\times 0.23 + 1</math>", 
    Behavior = "Buff",
    Classes = {
        Voidmancer = true
spells["Empower"] = {
    ID = 50,
    School = "Incantation",
    Level = 28,
    Cost = 3250,
    Duration = 20,
    Description = "Increases profits, based on total amount of sources.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{Profit} = ((\\text{BoughtSources} + 1) \\times 0.1)^{0.34} \\times \\text{Incantation} + 1</math>", 
    Behavior = "Buff",
    Classes = {
        Apprentice = true,
        Demonologist = true,
        Necromancer = true,
        Exorcist = true,
        Umbramancer = true,
        Ironsoul = true,
        Shaman = true,
        Heretic = true,
        Desolator = true
spells["Karnaphen's Spellshroud"] = {
    ID = 51,
    School = "Incantation",
    Level = 58,
    Cost = 6000,
    Duration = 20,
    Description = "Increases profits, based on total amount of sources and total amount of spells cast this Exile.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{Profit} = \\left( \\left( (\\text{AllCastsThisExile} + 1) \\times 0.0075 \\right)^{0.25} + 1 \\right) \\times \\left( (\\text{BoughtSources} + 1)^{0.45} \\times \\text{Incantation} + 1 \\right)</math>", 
    Behavior = "Buff",
    Classes = {
        Arcanist = true,
        Archon = true
spells["Alter The Laws"] = {
    ID = 52,
    School = "Incantation",
    Level = 59,
    Cost = 5000,
    Duration = 20,
    Description = "Increases profits, based on total amount of sources.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{Profit} = \\left( (\\text{BoughtSources} + 1) \\times 0.5 \\right)^{0.45} \\times \\text{Incantation} + 1</math>", 
    Behavior = "Buff",
    Classes = {
        Prodigy = true,
        Temporalist = true
spells["Ritual Of Power"] = {
    ID = 60,
    School = "Incantation",
    Accumulated = true,
    Level = 48,
    Cost = 5500,
    Duration = 10,
    Description = "Increases profits, based on total amount of times cast this Exile.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{Profits} = ((\\text{CastsThisExile} + 1) \\times 0.9)^{0.45} \\times \\text{Incantation} + 1</math>", 
    Behavior = "Buff",
    Classes = {
        Apprentice = true,
        Druid = true,
        Demonologist = true,
        Necromancer = true,
        Arcanist = true,
        Voidmancer = true,
        Chronomancer = true,
        Alchemist = true,
        Ironsoul = true,
        Abolisher = true,
        Shaman = true,
        Heretic = true,
        Oni = true,
        Archon = true,
        Temporalist = true,
        Desolator = true
spells["True Sorcery"] = {
    ID = 61,
    School = "Incantation",
    Persistent = true,
    Level = 70,
    Cost = 8000,
    Duration = 5,
    Description = "Increases profits, based on total amount of times cast this Exile. Passive = Increases character experience gained from sources.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{Profit} = \\left( \\text{CastsThisExile} + 1 \\right)^{0.85} \\times \\text{Incantation} + 1</math><br><math>\\textbf{CXPFromSources} = \\left( \\frac{\\text{CastsThisRealm} + 1}{1000} \\right)^{0.35} + 1</math>", 
    Behavior = "Buff",
    Classes = {
        Prodigy = true,
        Temporalist = true,
        Dread = true
spells["Gem Resonance"] = {
    ID = 4,
    School = "Incantation",
    Level = 2,
    Cost = 900,
    Duration = 15,
    Description = "Increases amount of Mana Gems temporarily.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{TemporaryGems} = \\left\\lfloor G \\times (\\log_{10}(\\text{Incantation}) \\times 1.6 + 1) \\right\\rceil</math><br><math>\\textbf{G} = \\text{Max}( \\left\\lfloor 250 - \\log_{10}(\\text{Mysteries} + 1) \\times 3.5 \\right\\rceil ; 100 )</math>", 
    Behavior = "Buff",
    Classes = {
        Apprentice = true,
        Necromancer = true,
        Prodigy = true,
        Voidmancer = true,
        Chronomancer = true,
        Alchemist = true,
        Abolisher = true,
        Shaman = true,
        Heretic = true,
        Archon = true,
        Temporalist = true
spells["Conjure Primal Elemental"] = {
    ID = 25,
    School = "Summoning",
    Accumulated = true,
    Level = 59,
    Cost = 5250,
    Duration = 90,
    Description = "Autoclicks 15 times per second, with 10% Crit Chance and 1200% Crit Profit. Increases Pet experience gain based on casts this Exile.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{Mana} = \\text{ClickProfit} \\times \\text{Summon} \\times \\text{AutoclickProfit}</math><br><math>\\textbf{Clicks/sec} = 15 \\times \\text{AclickMultiplier}</math><br> <math>\\text{PetEXPMultiplier}=1+ (1+0.95 \\times \\log_{10}(\\text{Summon})) \\times (\\text{CastsThisExile}/100)^{0.5}</math>", 
    Behavior = "Periodic",
    Classes = {
        Apprentice = true,
        Druid = true,
        Arcanist = true,
        Prodigy = true,
        Voidmancer = true,
        Umbramancer = true,
        Ironsoul = true,
        Shaman = true,
        Heretic = true,
        Oni = true,
        Temporalist = true,
        Desolator = true
spells["Void Automaton"] = {
    ID = 33,
    School = "Summoning",
    Level = 51,
    Cost = 4300,
    Duration = 360,
    Description = "Automatically collects Void Entities, with period based on highest pet level this Exile.",
	Math = "<math>41 - \\text{Max Petlvl} \\times 0.3</math>", 
    Behavior = "Buff",
    Classes = {
        Apprentice = true,
        Druid = true,
        Demonologist = true,
        Necromancer = true,
        Arcanist = true,
        Prodigy = true,
        Voidmancer = true,
        Chronomancer = true,
        Alchemist = true,
        Ironsoul = true,
        Abolisher = true,
        Shaman = true,
        Heretic = true,
        Oni = true,
        Archon = true,
        Temporalist = true
spells["Synthetic Entity"] = {
    ID = 71,
    School = "Evocation",
    Level = 88,
    Charge = "Charges automatically in Idle Mode, based on current charges. Can have up to 1e9 charges.",
    Duration = 1,
    Description = "Instantly earns Void Entities, based on charges. Consumes 2% of current charges on use.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{Entities} = \\left\\lfloor \\left( \\log_{10}(\\text{Evocation}) \\times 2 + 1 \\right) \\right\\rfloor \\times \\left( \\left\\lfloor \\text{Charges} \\times 0.02 \\right\\rceil + 1 \\right)</math>", 
    Behavior = "Instant",
    Classes = {
        Apprentice = true,
        Druid = true,
        Demonologist = true,
        Necromancer = true,
        Arcanist = true,
        Prodigy = true,
        Voidmancer = true,
        Chronomancer = true,
        Alchemist = true,
        Ironsoul = true,
        Abolisher = true,
        Shaman = true,
        Heretic = true,
        Oni = true,
        Archon = true,
        Temporalist = true
spells["Force of Nature"] = {
    ID = 5,
    School = "Incantation",
    Level = 73,
    Cost = 7500,
    Duration = 12,
    Description = "Increases Trees of Life profit, based on total amount of autoclicks during this Exile.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{TreeProduction} = (\\text{AClicksThisExile} + 1)^{0.5} \\times \\text{Incantation}^{1.2} + 1</math>", 
    Behavior = "Buff",
    Classes = {
        Druid = true,
        Shaman = true
spells["Rules of Nature"] = {
    ID = 70,
    School = "Incantation",
    Persistent = true,
    Level = 85,
    Charge = "Charges from Crit autoclicks.",
    Duration = 10,
    Description = "Increases Autoclick Profit, based on times cast this Exile. Passive = Increases bonus pet experience (additively).",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{AClickProfit} = (\\text{Incantation} \\times 0.2) \\times \\text{CastsThisExile} + 1</math><br><math>\\textbf{PetXp} = \\text{CastsThisRealm} \\times 0.02</math>", 
    Behavior = "Buff",
    Classes = {
        Druid = true,
        Shaman = true
spells["Dreaded Script Of Harvest"] = {
    ID = 7,
    School = "Incantation",
    Level = 76,
    Cost = 2900,
    Duration = 15,
    Description = "Increases Forbidden Tomes profit, based on Idle Bonus.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{ForbiddenTomeProfit} = (\\text{IdleBonusMulti} + 1)^{0.43} \\times \\text{Incantation}^{0.92} \\times 0.85 + 1</math>", 
    Behavior = "Buff",
    Classes = {
        Necromancer = true,
        Shaman = true
spells["Nightfall"] = {
    ID = 72,
    School = "Incantation",
    Persistent = true,
    Level = 93,
    Charge = "Charges in Idle Mode with each spell cast and over time, based on time spent as Necromancer this Exile.",
    Duration = 25,
    Description = "Increase profits, based on times cast this Exile. Passive = Increases Charging Speed.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{Profit} = \\left( \\text{CastsThisExile} + 1 \\right)^{0.85} \\times \\text{Incantation} \\times 0.75 + 1</math><br><math>\\textbf{ChargeSpeed} = \\left( (\\text{CastsThisRealm} + 1) \\times 0.001 \\right)^{0.5} + 1</math>", 
    Behavior = "Buff",
    Classes = {
        Necromancer = true,
        Shaman = true,
        Defiance = true
spells["Goblet Of Fire"] = {
    ID = 6,
    School = "Incantation",
    Level = 66,
    Cost = 2500,
    Duration = 10,
    Description = "Increases Hellholes profit, based on pet level.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{HellholeProfit} = ((\\text{CurrentPetlvl} + 1) \\times 0.25)^{1.25} \\times \\text{Incantation}^{1.6} + 1</math>", 
    Behavior = "Buff",
    Classes = {
        Demonologist = true,
        Oni = true
spells["Unclean Knowledge"] = {
    ID = 63,
    School = "Incantation",
    Accumulated = true,
    Level = 72,
    Cost = 3100,
    Duration = 6,
    Description = "Increases pet experience gains, based on times cast this Exile.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{PetXpMultiplier} = (\\text{CastsThisExile} + 1)^{0.41} \\times \\text{Incantation} \\times 0.55 + 1</math>", 
    Behavior = "Buff",
    Classes = {
        Demonologist = true,
        Oni = true,
        Defiance = true
spells["Reap What You Sow"] = {
    ID = 80,
    School = "Incantation",
    Level = 83,
    Cost = 8250,
    Duration = 18,
    Description = "Consumes 40% of total Pet XP. Increases profits based on amount consumed.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{PetXpConsumed} = \\text{CurrentPetXp} \\times 0.4</math><br><math>\\textbf{Profit} = (\\text{CurrentPetXp} \\times 0.4 + 1)^{0.46} \\times \\text{Incantation} \\times 0.16 + 1</math>", 
    Behavior = "Buff",
    Classes = {
        Demonologist = true
spells["Hellrage"] = {
    ID = 62,
    School = "Incantation",
    Level = 32,
    Cost = 7500,
    Duration = 30,
    Description = "Increases Pet Ability Power, based on amount of Hellholes.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{PAP} = (\\text{Hellholes} + 1)^{0.27} \\times \\text{Incantation} \\times 0.8 + 1</math>", 
    Behavior = "Buff",
    Classes = {
        Demonologist = true
spells["Meditative Fury"] = {
    ID = 117,
    School = "Incantation",
    Level = 200,
    Cost = 25000,
    Duration = 20,
    Description = "Increases Pet Ability Power, based on amount of Hellholes. Every second earns 4 sec of production, granting Mana, based on amount of Mysteries.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{PAP} = (\\text{Hellholes} + 1)^{0.3} \\times \\text{Incantation}^{0.75} \\times 0.9 + 1</math>", 
    Behavior = "Buff",
    Classes = {
        Oni = true,
spells["Radiant Pools"] = {
    ID = 8,
    School = "Incantation",
    Accumulated = true,
    Level = 86,
    Cost = 5200,
    Duration = 10,
    Description = "Increases Arcanasprings profit, based on times cast this Exile.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{SpringsProfit} = (\\text{CastsThisExile} + 1)^{0.81} \\times \\text{Incantation} \\times 2.15 + 1</math>", 
    Behavior = "Buff",
    Classes = {
        Arcanist = true,
        Archon = true
spells["Jas'Aham's Missile Storm"] = {
    ID = 81,
    School = "Evocation",
    Persistent = true,
    Level = 91,
    Cost = 6250,
    Duration = 0,
    Description = "Casts magical projectiles, granting Mana, based on times cast this Exile. Passive = On cast, increases casts this Exile of a random spell on panel.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{MMAmount} = \\left\\lfloor (\\text{CastsThisExile} \\times 0.001 + 1)^{1.3} \\right\\rfloor + 10</math><br><math>\\textbf{Mana} = \\text{Mana/s} \\times \\left( \\left\\lfloor (\\text{CastsThisExile} \\times 0.001 + 1)^{1.3} \\right\\rfloor + 11 \\right) \\times \\text{Evocation} \\times 60</math><br><math>\\textbf{Fake casts} = \\left( \\text{CastsThisRealm} \\times 0.05 \\right)^{0.8} \\times 0.01 + 1</math>", 
    Behavior = "Instant",
    Classes = {
        Arcanist = true,
        Archon = true
spells["Primal Power"] = {
    ID = 90,
    School = "Incantation",
    Level = 63,
    Cost = 7250,
    Duration = 5,
    Description = "Increases evocation efficiency, based on character level.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{Evocation} = (\\text{Charlvl} + 1)^{1.28} \\times \\text{Incantation} \\times 0.25 + 1</math>", 
    Behavior = "Buff",
    Classes = {
        Prodigy = true,
        Temporalist = true,
        Demiurge =true
spells["Void Radiance"] = {
    ID = 34,
    School = "Incantation",
    Level = 92,
    Cost = 4750,
    Duration = 30,
    Description = "Earns Void Mana every second, based on active Void Traps and Void Mana per Entity.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{Void Mana} = \\text{Incantation}^{1.2} \\times \\text{Active traps} \\times \\frac{\\text{Vpe}}{30}</math>", 
    Behavior = "Buff",
    Classes = {
        Apprentice = true,
        Druid = true,
        Demonologist = true,
        Necromancer = true,
        Arcanist = true,
        Prodigy = true,
        Voidmancer = true,
        Chronomancer = true,
        Alchemist = true,
        Ironsoul = true,
        Abolisher = true,
        Shaman = true,
        Heretic = true,
        Oni = true,
        Archon = true,
        Temporalist = true
spells["Animate Festering Abomination"] = {
    ID = 27,
    School = "Summoning",
    Level = 95,
    Cost = 4000,
    Duration = 90,
    Description = "Autoclicks 18 times per second, with 18% Crit Chance and 500% Crit Profit. Increases Character Ability Power.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{Mana} = \\text{ClickProfit} \\times \\text{Summon} \\times \\text{AutoclickProfit}</math><br><math>\\textbf{Clicks/sec} = 18 \\times \\text{AclickMultiplier}</math><br><math>\\textbf{CAP} = \\text{Summon}^{0.92} \\times 1.5</math>", 
    Behavior = "Periodic",
    Classes = {
        Necromancer = true
spells["Summon Horned Incinerator"] = {
    ID = 28,
    School = "Summoning",
    Accumulated = true,
    Level = 96,
    Cost = 3300,
    Duration = 99,
    Description = "Autoclicks 14 times per second, earning pet experience. Increase evocation efficiency, based on casts this exile.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{Mana} = \\text{ClickProfit} \\times \\text{Summon} \\times \\text{AutoclickProfit}</math><br><math>\\textbf{Clicks/sec} = 14 \\times \\text{AclickMultiplier}</math><br><math>\\textbf{PetXp} = (1 + \\text{FixedXp}) \\times \\text{PetXpMultiplier}</math><br><math>\\text{EvocationEff}=(\\text{CastsThisExile}/1000)^{1.1} \\times \\text{Summon}</math>", 
    Behavior = "Periodic",
    Classes = {
        Demonologist = true,
        Oni = true
spells["Conjure Manabeast"] = {
    ID = 26,
    School = "Summoning",
    Level = 94,
    Cost = 4250,
    Duration = 75,
    Description = "Autoclicks 16 times per second, with 10% Crit Chance and 900% Crit Profit. Increases passive shard gains.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{Mana} = \\text{ClickProfit} \\times \\text{Summon} \\times \\text{AutoclickProfit}</math><br><math>\\textbf{Clicks/sec} = 16 \\times \\text{AclickMultiplier}</math><br><math>\\textbf{ShardGen} = \\left( \\log_{10}(\\text{Summon}) \\times 0.1 + 1 \\right) \\times 2</math>", 
    Behavior = "Periodic",
    Classes = {
        Apprentice = true,
        Druid = true,
        Arcanist = true,
        Prodigy = true,
        Voidmancer = true,
        Exorcist = true,
        Chronomancer = true,
        Umbramancer = true,
        Ironsoul = true,
        Abolisher = true,
        Shaman = true,
        Heretic = true,
        Oni = true,
        Archon = true,
        Temporalist = true,
        Desolator = true
spells["Templar Brothers"] = {
    ID = 15,
    School = "Summoning",
    Level = 50,
    Cost = 5250,
    Duration = 90,
    Description = "Autoclicks 15 times per second, with character Crit stats.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{Mana} = \\text{ClickProfit} \\times \\text{Summon} \\times \\text{AutoclickProfit}</math><br><math>\\textbf{Clicks/sec} = 15 \\times \\text{AclickMultiplier}</math>", 
    Behavior = "Periodic",
    Classes = {
        Exorcist = true,
        Heretic = true,
spells["Smite"] = {
    ID = 9,
    School = "Evocation",
    Level = 40,
    Cost = 1000,
    Duration = 0,
    Description = "Instantly earns profit equal to 1 Hallowed Clicks. Can be critical.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{PerformedHC} = (\\text{Evocation}^{0.1} + 1) \\times 2</math><br><math>\\textbf{Mana} = \\text{ClickProfit} \\times (\\text{Evocation}^{0.1} + 1) \\times 2</math>", 
    Behavior = "Instant",
    Classes = {
        Exorcist = true,
        Heretic = true
spells["Hallowed Writings"] = {
    ID = 53,
    School = "Incantation",
    Level = 75,
    Cost = 10000,
    Duration = 60,
    Description = "Increases profits, based on amount of Librams.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{Profit} = \\text{Librams} \\times \\text{Incantation} \\times 0.15 + 1</math>", 
    Behavior = "Buff",
    Classes = {
        Exorcist = true,
        Heretic = true
spells["Relentlessness"] = {
    ID = 54,
    School = "Incantation",
    Level = 65,
    Cost = 8000,
    Duration = 30,
    Description = "Increases Hallowed click generation speed.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{HCGenSpeed} = \\text{Incantation}^{0.5} \\times 2</math>", 
    Behavior = "Buff",
    Classes = {
        Exorcist = true,
        Heretic = true
spells["Holy Fervor"] = {
    ID = 82,
    School = "Evocation",
    Level = 71,
    Cost = 2500,
    Duration = 0,
    Description = "Instantly grants 2 Hallowed Clicks. Can Crit, yielding 10 Hallowed Clicks.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{CritChance} = (\\log_{10}(\\text{Incantation}) \\times 1.25 + 1) \\times 10\\% </math>", 
    Behavior = "Instant",
    Classes = {
        Exorcist = true
spells["Chaotic Fervor"] = {
    ID = 115,
    School = "Evocation",
    Accumulated = true,
    Level = 71,
    Cost = 5000,
    Duration = 0,
    Description = "Instantly grants Hallowed Clicks. Can Crit, yielding more Hallowed Clicks.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{HCGranted} = \\left\\lfloor \\left( \\frac{\\text{CastsThisExile}}{100000} + 1 \\right)^{0.4} \\times 2 \\right\\rceil</math><br><math>\\textbf{CritChance} = (\\log_{10}(\\text{Evocation}) \\times 1.25 + 1) \\times 10\\% </math><br><math>\\textbf{HCGrantedCrit} = \\left\\lfloor \\left( \\frac{\\text{CastsThisExile}}{100000} + 1 \\right)^{0.4} \\times 10 \\right\\rceil</math>", 
    Behavior = "Instant",
    Classes = {
        Heretic = true
spells["Divine Ally"] = {
    ID = 14,
    School = "Summoning",
    Level = 80,
    Cost = 4500,
    Duration = 60,
    Description = "Autoclicks 5 times per second, with character Crit stats. Gives all autoclicks a 4% chance to grant 1 Hallowed Click.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{Mana} = \\text{ClickProfit} \\times \\text{Summon} \\times \\text{AutoclickProfit}</math><br><math>\\textbf{Clicks/sec} = 5 \\times \\text{AclickMultiplier}</math>", 
    Behavior = "Periodic",
    Classes = {
        Exorcist = true,
        Heretic = true
spells["Power Of Sacrifice"] = {
    ID = 55,
    School = "Incantation",
    Level = 100,
    Cost = 12000,
    Duration = 45,
    Description = "Consumes all Hallowed Clicks available. Increases Click Profit, based on Hallowed Clicks consumed.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{ClickProfit} = 1.2^{\\text{HCConsumed}} \\times \\text{Incantation}^{0.65} + 1</math>", 
    Behavior = "Buff",
    Classes = {
        Exorcist = true,
        Heretic = true
spells["Shattering Strike"] = {
    ID = 56,
    School = "Evocation",
    Accumulated = true,
    Level = 105,
    Cost = 3000,
    Duration = 15,
    Description = "Increases Character Ability Power, based on times cast this Exile.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{CAP} = \\text{CastsThisExile} \\times \\text{Evocation} \\times 0.005 + 1</math>", 
    Behavior = "Buff",
    Classes = {
        Exorcist = true
spells["Ley Overdrive"] = {
    ID = 57,
    School = "Incantation",
    Accumulated = true,
    Level = 102,
    Cost = 9000,
    Duration = 20,
    Description = "Increases profits, based on total amount of Ley Apexes and times cast this Exile.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{Profit} = \\left( \\frac{\\text{LetApexes} \\times \\text{Incantation} \\times 3}{4000} + 1 \\right) \\times \\left( \\left(\\frac{\\text{CastsThisExile} + 1}{10} \\right)^{0.75} + 1 \\right)</math>", 
    Behavior = "Buff",
    Classes = {
        Prodigy = true,
        Temporalist = true
spells["Quasi-incantation"] = {
    ID = 93,
    School = "Incantation",
    Level = 162,
    Charge = "Charges over time, based on character level.",
    Duration = 0,
    Description = "Increases Incantation Efficiency until Exile. Isn't affected by Incantation Efficiency.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{Incantation} = \\left( \\frac{\\text{CastsThisExile} + 1}{400} \\right)^{1.5} + 1</math>", 
    Behavior = "Augment",
    Classes = {
        Prodigy = true,
        Temporalist = true
spells["Summon Deepwood Stalker"] = {
    ID = 16,
    School = "Summoning",
    Accumulated = true,
    Level = 108,
    Cost = 5150,
    Duration = 300,
    Description = "Autoclicks once every 2 seconds, with character Crit stats and x10 Click Profit. Increases Autoclick Profit.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{Mana} = \\text{ClickProfit} \\times \\text{Summon} \\times \\text{AutoclickProfit} \\times 10</math><br><math>\\textbf{Clicks/sec} = 0.5 \\times \\text{AclickMultiplier}</math><br><math>\\textbf{AutoclickProfit} = \\text{Charlvl} \\times \\text{Summon}^{0.9} \\times 1.5 + 1</math>", 
    Behavior = "Periodic",
    Classes = {
        Druid = true,
        Shaman = true
spells["Voracious Plague"] = {
    ID = 58,
    School = "Incantation",
    Level = 103,
    Cost = 3800,
    Duration = 18,
    Description = "Increases Evocation Efficency, based on character level. Every second may also grant a charge of [[Plague Zombie]], based on current [[Plague Zombie]] charges.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{Evocation} = \\text{Charlvl} \\times \\text{Incantation}^{1.2} \\times 0.028 + 1</math>", 
    Behavior = "Buff",
    Classes = {
        Necromancer = true,
        Shaman = true,
        Demiurge =true
spells["Plague Zombie"] = {
    ID = 59,
    School = "Evocation",
    Level = 103,
    Charge = "Charges from [[Voracious Plague]]",
    Duration = 0,
    Description = "Instantly earns 20 sec of production, granting Mana, based on charges. Consumes 15% of charges left on use.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{Mana} = \\left( \\left\\lfloor 0.15 \\times (\\text{Charges} - 1) \\right\\rfloor + 1 \\right) \\times \\text{Evocation} \\times 20</math>", 
    Behavior = "Instant",
    Classes = {
        Necromancer = true,
        Shaman = true
spells["Hellstorm"] = {
    ID = 64,
    School = "Evocation",
    Accumulated = true,
    Level = 111,
    Cost = 4900,
    Duration = 9,
    Description = "Every second earns 20 sec of production, granting Mana, based on times cast this Exile. Also grants pet experience.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{Mana} = \\text{Mana/s} \\times \\text{Evocation} \\times (\\text{CastsThisExile} \\times 0.01 + 1) \\times 20</math><br><math>\\textbf{PetXp} = \\left( \\text{CharLvL} \\times \\left( \\text{Evocation}^{0.5} + 1 \\right) + \\text{FixedXp} \\right) \\times \\text{PetXpMultiplier}</math>", 
    Behavior = "Periodic",
    Classes = {
        Demonologist = true,
        Oni = true
spells["Spirit Of Valor"] = {
    ID = 44,
    School = "Incantation",
    Level = 121,
    Cost = 4300,
    Duration = 125,
    Description = "Autoclicks 15 times per second, with x3 Click Profit and character Crit stats. Increases Crit Rating, based on character level.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{Mana} =\\text{ClickProfit} \\times \\text{Incantation} \\times \\text{AutoclickProfit} \\times 3</math><br><math>\\textbf{Clicks/sec} = 15 \\times \\text{AclickMultiplier}</math><br><math>\\textbf{CritRating} = \\text{Charlvl} \\times \\text{Incantation} \\times 0.3 + 1</math>", 
    Behavior = "Periodic",
    Classes = {
        Exorcist = true,
        Heretic = true
spells["Battle Trance"] = {
    ID = 102,
    School = "Incantation",
    Level = 141,
    Cost = 12000,
    Duration = 15,
    Description = "Increases Hallowed Click Profit, based on excess Hallowed Clicks this Exile.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{HCProfit} = \\text{ExcessHC} \\times \\text{Incantation} \\times 1.8 + 1</math>", 
    Behavior = "Buff",
    Classes = {
        Exorcist = true,
        Heretic = true
spells["Reality Warping"] = {
    ID = 35,
    School = "Incantation",
    Level = 112,
    Cost = 1000,
    Duration = 52,
	Description = "Consumes most Void Mana. Grants Spell Shards every second, based on amount consumed.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{Shards} = \\text{VMConsumed}^{0.26} \\times 2</math>", 
    Behavior = "Buff",
    Classes = {
        Voidmancer = true,
        Heretic = true
spells["Conjure Void Elemental"] = {
    ID = 85,
    School = "Summoning",
    Accumulated = true,
    Level = 146,
    Cost = 10000,
    Duration = 30,
    Description = "Autoclicks 9 times per second with character Crit stats. Increases Void Mana Profit, based on max amount of Void Mana this Exile, and total casts in this Exile.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{Profit} = \\text{ClickProfit} \\times \\text{Summon} \\times \\text{AutoclickProfit}</math><br><math>\\textbf{Clicks/sec} = 9 \\times \\text{AclickMultiplier}</math><br><math>\\textbf{VoidProfit} = (\\text{MaxVMExile} + 1)^{0.4} \\times \\text{Summon}^{0.65} \\times (\\text{CastsThisExile}+1)+ 1</math>", 
    Behavior = "Periodic",
    Classes = {
        Voidmancer = true,
        Heretic = true,
        Demiurge =true
spells["Arcane Infusion"] = {
    ID = 100,
    School = "Incantation",
    Level = 120,
    Cost = 500000,
    Duration = 0,
    Description = "Increases Character Ability Power until Exile. Gains Spell Shards last.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{CAP} = (\\text{CastsThisExile} + 1)^{1.15} \\times \\left( \\log_{10}(\\text{Incantation}) \\times 2 + 1 \\right) \\times 0.2 + 1</math>", 
    Behavior = "Augment",
    Priority = -1,
    Classes = {
        Arcanist = true
spells["Singularity Beam"] = {
    ID = 65,
    School = "Evocation",
    Level = 53,
    Cost = 1500,
    Duration = 0,
    Description = "Instantly earns 1260 sec of production, granting Mana, based on character level.  Also grants Compressed Time.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{Mana} = (\\text{Charlvl} + 10) \\times \\text{Evocation} \\times \\text{Mana/s} \\times 20</math><br><math>\\textbf{CompressedTime} = (\\text{Charlvl} \\times 0.2 + 100)</math>", 
    Behavior = "Instant",
    Classes = {
        Chronomancer = true,
        Temporalist = true
spells["Wormhole"] = {
    ID = 66,
    School = "Evocation",
    Level = 67,
    Cost = 3900,
    AdditionalCost = {
        Type = "Compressed Time",
        Amount = 100
    Duration = 0,
    Description = "Instantly skips time.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{TimeSkipped} = \\left( \\log_{10}(\\text{Evocation}) \\times 0.75 + 1 \\right) \\times \\text{Charlvl} \\times 0.5 + 10</math>", 
    Behavior = "Instant",
    Classes = {
        Chronomancer = true
spells["Refined Wormhole"] = {
    ID = 110,
    School = "Evocation",
    Level = 202,
    Charge = "Gains charges over time, based on Time Distortion.",
    AdditionalCost = {
        Type = "Compressed Time",
        Amount = 100
    Duration = 0,
	Description = "Instantly skips time.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{TimeSkipped} = \\left( \\log_{10}(\\text{Evocation}) \\times 0.5 + 1 \\right) \\times \\text{Charlvl} \\times 0.5 + 20</math>", 
    Behavior = "Instant",
    Classes = {
        Temporalist = true
spells["Temporal Distortion"] = {
    ID = 67,
    School = "Evocation",
    Level = 97,
    Cost = 3200,
    AdditionalCost = {
        Type = "Compressed Time",
        Amount = 125
    Duration = 0,
    Description = "Increase Time Distortion.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{TimeDistortion} = \\log_{10}(\\text{Evocation}) \\times 0.05 + 0.25</math>", 
    Behavior = "Instant",
    Classes = {
        Chronomancer = true,
        Temporalist = true
spells["Generate Paradox"] = {
    ID = 29,
    School = "Summoning",
    Level = 86,
    Cost = 5000,
    AdditionalCost = {
        Type = "Compressed Time",
        Amount = 150
    Duration = 120,
	Description = "Autoclicks 10 times per second with character Crit stats. Increases Shard Pool efficiency.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{Mana} = \\text{ClickProfit} \\times \\text{Summon} \\times \\text{AutoclickProfit}</math><br><math>\\textbf{Clicks/sec} = 5 \\times \\text{AclickMultiplier}</math><br><math>\\textbf{ShardPoolEfficiency} = \\text{Summon} \\times 5</math>", 
    Behavior = "Periodic",
    Classes = {
        Chronomancer = true,
        Temporalist = true
spells["Time Helix"] = {
    ID = 101,
    School = "Incantation",
    Level = 118,
    Cost = 10000,
    AdditionalCost = {
        Type = "Compressed Time",
        Amount = 400
    Duration = 0,
    Description = "Resets character experience and Mana. Increases profits until Exile.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{Profit} = \\text{CastsThisExile} \\times \\left( \\log_{10}(\\text{Incantation}) \\times 0.95 + 1 \\right) \\times 0.9 + 1</math>", 
    Behavior = "Augment",
    Classes = {
        Chronomancer = true
spells["Converge Timelines"] = {
    ID = 73,
    School = "Incantation",
    Level = 85,
    Cost = 6000,
    Duration = 30,
    Description = "Increases Character Ability Power, based on amount of Temporal Anchors.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{Cap} = \\text{TemporalAnchors} \\times \\text{Incantation} \\times 0.15 + 1</math>", 
    Behavior = "Buff",
    Classes = {
        Chronomancer = true,
        Temporalist = true
spells["Revert"] = {
    ID = 68,
    School = "Evocation",
    Level = 106,
    Cost = 9000,
    Duration = 0,
    Description = "Instantly refreshes the duration on all active spells.",
	Math = "", 
    Behavior = "Instant",
    Classes = {
        Chronomancer = true,
        Temporalist = true
spells["Stabilize the Flow"] = {
    ID = 69,
    School = "Incantation",
    Level = 113,
    Cost = 4600,
    AdditionalCost = {
        Type = "Compressed Time",
        Amount = 25
    Duration = 60,
    Description = "Consumes current Time Distortion. Increases profits, based on amount consumed.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{Profit} = \\text{TDConsumed}^{1 + 0.1 \\times \\text{TDConsumed}} \\times \\text{Incantation} \\times 2.5 + 1</math>", 
    Behavior = "Buff",
    Classes = {
        Chronomancer = true,
        Temporalist = true
spells["Superposition"] = {
    ID = 17,
    School = "Incantation",
    Accumulated = true,
    Level = 115,
    Cost = 5700,
    Duration = 20,
    Description = "Increases profits, based on time skipped and times cast this Exile.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{Profit} =  \\left(((\\text{Skipped Time in seconds * 60} + 1) \\times 1.25)^{0.5} \\times \\text{Incantation} + 1 \\right) \\times \\left( \\log^{0.85}_{10}(\\text{CastsThisExile} + 1) + 1 \\right)</math>", 
    Behavior = "Buff",
    Classes = {
        Chronomancer = true,
        Temporalist = true
spells["Summon Evergrowing Forest"] = {
    ID = 18,
    School = "Summoning",
    Level = 17,
    Cost = 2850,
    Duration = 25,
    Description = "Autoclicks each second (based on amount of Trees of Life) with character Crit stats. Increases profits, based on amount of Trees of Life.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{Mana} = \\text{ClickProfit} \\times \\text{Summon} \\times \\text{AutoclickProfit}</math><br><math>\\textbf{Clicks/sec} = \\left \\lfloor \\text{TreesOfLife} \\times 0.004 \\right\\rceil \\times \\text{AclickMultiplier} </math><br><math>\\textbf{Profit} = (\\text{TreesOfLife} + 1)^{0.74} \\times \\text{Summon}^{0.9} + 1</math>", 
    Behavior = "Periodic",
    Classes = {
        Druid = true,
        Shaman = true
spells["Summon Centipede Swarm"] = {
    ID = 92,
    School = "Summoning",
    Level = 145,
    Cost = 9000,
    Duration = 40,
	Description = "Autoclicks with character click stats. Increases Click Profit, based on production and autoclicks this Exile.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{Mana} = \\text{ClickProfit} \\times \\text{Summon} \\times \\text{AutoclickProfit}</math><br><math>\\textbf{Clicks/sec} = \\left\\lfloor \\log_{10}(\\text{Summon} + 1) \\times 2.5 + 1 \\right\\rfloor \\times \\text{AclickMultiplier}</math><br><math>\\textbf{ClickProfit} = \\text{Mana/s} \\times \\text{ClickProfitPerManaProduction} \\times \\left( \\text{AclicksExile} \\times \\text{Summon}^{0.9} \\times 0.0001 \\right)</math>", 
    Behavior = "Periodic",
    Classes = {
        Druid = true,
        Shaman = true
spells["Flash Fire"] = {
    ID = 45,
    School = "Evocation",
    Level = 55,
    Charge = "Shadow Spell (1000)",
    Duration = 0,
    Description = "Instantly earns 40 sec of production, granting Mana, based on amount of Shadow Coals. Can Crit for more Mana, based on Crit Profit and pet level. Shadow Spell - Uses Liquid Shadow to cast.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{Mana} = \\left( \\frac{\\text{ShadowCoals}}{100} + 20 \\right) \\times \\text{Mana/s} \\times \\text{Evocation} \\times 2</math><br><math>\\textbf{CritChance} = \\text{CritChance}</math><br><math>\\textbf{ManaW/Crit} = \\left( \\frac{\\text{ShadowCoals}}{100} + 20 \\right) \\times \\text{Mana/s} \\times \\text{Evocation} \\times 2 \\times (\\text{CritProfit} + 1) \\times \\text{Petlvl}^{1.2}</math>", 
    Behavior = "Instant",
    Classes = {
        Umbramancer = true,
        Desolator = true
spells["Critical Mass"] = {
    ID = 46,
    School = "Incantation",
    Level = 61,
    Charge = "Shadow Spell (2000)",
    Duration = 10,
    Description = "Increases Shadow Coals profit, based on amount of Shadow Coals.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{SCoalsProduction} = (\\text{ShadowCoals} + 1)^{1.01} \\times \\frac{\\text{Incantation}}{4000} + 1</math>", 
    Behavior = "Buff",
    Classes = {
        Umbramancer = true,
        Desolator = true
spells["Condensing Shadows"] = {
    ID = 36,
    School = "Incantation",
    Level = 68,
    Charge = "Shadow Spell (3000)",
    Duration = 300,
    Description = "Shadow Entities spawn more often, remain longer, and grant more Liquid Shadow.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{ClotSpawnRate} = \\log_{10}(\\text{Incantation}) + 1.25</math><br><math>\\textbf{ClotLifetime} = \\log_{10}(\\text{Incantation}) \\times 0.15 + 1.5</math><br><math>\\textbf{LS/entity} = \\log_{10}(\\text{Incantation}) + 2</math>", 
    Behavior = "Buff",
    Classes = {
        Umbramancer = true,
        Desolator = true
spells["Onyx Hound"] = {
    ID = 19,
    School = "Summoning",
    Level = 74,
    Cost = 6000,
    Duration = 120,
	Description = "Autoclicks 4 times per second with character click stats. Increases all Liquid Shadow income, based on amount of Shadow Coals. Automatically collects Shadow Entities, based on highest pet level this Exile. Drains 250 Liquid Shadow each second.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{Mana} = \\text{ClickProfit} \\times \\text{Summon} \\times \\text{AutoclickProfit}</math><br><math>\\textbf{Clicks/sec} = 4 \\times \\text{AclickMultiplier}</math><br><math>\\textbf{LSIncome} = (\\text{ShadowCoals} + 1)^{0.6} \\times (\\text{Summon}^{0.1} \\times 0.1 + 1) \\times (\\text{CastsThisExile}^{0.5} + 1) \\times 0.015 + 1</math>", 
    Behavior = "Periodic",
    Classes = {
        Umbramancer = true,
        Desolator = true
spells["Day Into Night"] = {
    ID = 47,
    School = "Evocation",
    Level = 77,
    Cost = 4000,
    Duration = 0,
    Description = "Instantly earns Mana, based on production and Offline Bonus. Grants Liquid Shadow, based on character level.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{Mana} = (\\text{Charlvl} \\times 0.1 + 10) \\times \\left( \\log_{10}(\\text{Evocation}) \\times 0.1 + 1 \\right) \\times \\text{OfflineMultiplier}^{0.53} \\times \\text{Mana/s}</math><br><math>\\textbf{LS} = (\\text{Charlvl} \\times 0.1 + 10) \\times \\left( \\log_{10}(\\text{Evocation}) \\times 0.5 + 1 \\right) \\times \\text{LSIcomeMultiplier}</math>", 
    Behavior = "Instant",
    Classes = {
        Umbramancer = true,
        Desolator = true
spells["Dancing Flame"] = {
    ID = 20,
    School = "Summoning",
    Level = 81,
    Cost = 5400,
    Duration = 120,
    Description = "Autoclicks 5 times per second with character click stats. Each autoclick grants Liquid Shadow.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{Mana} = \\text{ClickProfit} \\times \\text{Summon} \\times \\text{AutoclickProfit}</math><br><math>\\textbf{Clicks/sec} = 5 \\times \\text{AclickMultiplier}</math><br><math>\\textbf{LS} = (\\text{LSIcomeBonus + 1}) \\times 15</math>", 
    Behavior = "Periodic",
    Classes = {
        Umbramancer = true,
        Desolator = true
spells["Seethe In Shadows"] = {
    ID = 48,
    School = "Evocation",
    Level = 84,
    Charge = "Shadow Spell (2000)",
    Duration = 0,
	Description = "Instantly earns Mana, based on Autoclick Profit, amount of Shadow Coals, and Liquid Shadow.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{Mana} = \\left( \\text{ShadowCoals}^{0.6} \\times 0.1 + 1 \\right) \\times \\left( \\text{LiquidShadow}^{0.75} + 1 \\right) \\times \\text{Evocation} \\times \\text{ClickProfit} \\times \\text{AutoclickProfit} \\times 20</math>", 
    Behavior = "Instant",
    Classes = {
        Umbramancer = true,
        Desolator = true
spells["Umbral Rage"] = {
    ID = 49,
    School = "Incantation",
    Level = 87,
    Charge = "Shadow Spell (5000)",
    Duration = 5,
	Description = "Increases Evocation Efficiency and extends duration, based on Evocation casts while active. Increases spell costs over time, reset by manual click.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{Evocation} = (\\text{EvoCastsWhileActive} + 2)^{0.35} \\times \\text{Incantation} \\times 18 + 1</math><br><math>\\textbf{SpellCostIncrease} = 1.25^{\\text{Time Since Last Click - 1}}</math>", 
    Behavior = "Buff",
    Classes = {
        Umbramancer = true
spells["Eclipse"] = {
    ID = 37,
    School = "Incantation",
    Accumulated = true,
    Level = 98,
    Cost = 4800,
    Duration = 10,
    Description = "Increases Offline Bonus, based on times cast this Exile. Drains 250 Liquid Shadow per second.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{OfflineProfit} = (\\text{CastsThisExile} + 1)^{0.9} \\times \\text{Incantation} \\times 2.5 + 1</math>", 
    Behavior = "Buff",
    Classes = {
        Umbramancer = true,
        Desolator = true
spells["Shadows Of The Void"] = {
    ID = 38,
    School = "Evocation",
    Level = 104,
    Charge = "Shadow Spell (4500)",
    Duration = 30,
	Description = "Increases profits, based on Void Mana Profit and Void Mana per Entity.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{Profit} = \\left( \\left( \\log_{10}(\\text{Evocation}) \\times 0.5 + 1 \\right) \\times \\text{Vpe} \\times 0.002 + 1 \\right) \\times (\\text{VMProfit} + 1)</math>", 
    Behavior = "Buff",
    Classes = {
        Umbramancer = true,
        Desolator = true
spells["Void Fission"] = {
    ID = 112,
    School = "Incantation",
    Accumulated = true,
    Level = 177,
    Charge = "Shadow Spell (10000)",
    Duration = 20,
    Description = "Increases profits, based on Void Mana Profit, Void Mana per Entity, and times cast this Exile. Increases Click Profits, based on Liquid Shadow and times cast this Exile.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{Profit} = \\left( (\\text{Vpe} + 1)^{0.71} \\times \\frac{\\log_{10}(\\text{Incantation}) + 2}{10} + 1 \\right) \\times \\left( (\\text{VoidManaProfit} + 1)^{0.71} + 1 \\right) \\times \\left( \\left(\\frac{\\text{CastsThisExile} + 1}{100} \\right)^{1.05} + 1 \\right)</math><br><math>\\textbf{ClickProfit} = \\left( (\\text{LiquidShadow} + 1)^{0.62} \\times \\left( \\log_{10}(\\text{Incantation}) \\times 0.5 + 1 \\right) + 1 \\right) \\times \\left( (\\text{CastsThisExile} + 1)^{1.1} + 1 \\right)</math>", 
    Behavior = "Buff",
    Classes = {
        Desolator = true
spells["Transmute"] = {
    ID = 74,
    School = "Evocation",
    Level = 76,
    Cost = 2000,
    AdditionalCost = {
        Type = "Mana Gems",
        Amount = 100
    Duration = 0,
	Description = "Instantly transforms Mana Gems into other random Sources.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{SoucesGiveSingleType} = A + \\left\\lfloor \\log_{10}\\left(\\frac{\\text{AllManaRealm}}{C_{S} * 100} + 1 \\right) \\right\\rceil</math><br><math>\\textbf{A} = \\left\\lfloor \\log_{10}(\\text{Evocation}) + 100 \\right\\rceil</math><br><math>C_{S} = \\text{SourceBaseCost} \\times {\\text{SourceGrowthCost}}^{\\text{SourceCurrentAmount} + A}</math>", 
    Behavior = "Instant",
    Classes = {
        Alchemist = true,
        Desolator = true
spells["Draught Of Midas"] = {
    ID = 75,
    School = "Incantation",
    Level = 79,
    Cost = 6000,
    Duration = 30,
	Description = "While active, gaining Sources grants Mana Gems, based on current and maximum amount of Mana Gems this Exile.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{GemsGained} = (\\text{MaxPossibleGemsExile} - \\text{CurrentGems}) \\times 0.2</math>", 
    Behavior = "Buff",
    Classes = {
        Alchemist = true
spells["Dark Draught Of Midas"] = {
    ID = 113,
    School = "Incantation",
    Level = 79,
    Cost = 6000,
    Duration = 30,
    Description = "While active, gaining Sources grants Mana Gems, based on Mana this exile.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{Gems} = \\left\\lfloor N \\times 0.2 \\right\\rfloor</math><br><math>\\textbf{N} = \\left\\lfloor \\log_{1.16}\\left( \\text{AllManaExile} \\times \\frac{4}{1.16^{\\text{CurrentGems}} \\times 375} \\right) \\right\\rfloor</math>", 
	Behavior = "Buff",
    Classes = {
        Desolator = true
spells["Void Decompression"] = {
    ID = 39,
    School = "Evocation",
    Accumulated = true,
    Level = 82,
    Cost = 4000,
    AdditionalCost = {
        Type = "Dimensional Rift",
        Amount = 200
    Duration = 0,
    Description = "Instantly earns Void Mana, based on times cast this Exile.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{VoidMana} = (\\text{CastsThisExile}^5 \\times 50 + 1) \\times (\\log_{10}(\\text{Evocation}) \\times 0.5 + 1) \\times 1000</math>", 
    Behavior = "Instant",
    Classes = {
        Alchemist = true
spells["Crystallization"] = {
    ID = 76,
    School = "Evocation",
    Accumulated = true,
    Level = 91,
    Cost = 1000,
    AdditionalCost = {
        Type = "Spell Fountain",
        Amount = 150
    Duration = 0,
    Description = "Instantly earns Spell Shards, based on times cast this Exile. Doesn't earn Spell Shards on itself.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{SpellShards} = \\left(\\text{CastsThisExile} + 100\\right) \\times \\text{Evocation}^{0.1}</math>", 
    Behavior = "Instant",
    Classes = {
        Alchemist = true,
        Desolator = true
spells["Condensed Energy"] = {
    ID = 77,
    School = "Incantation",
    Accumulated = true,
    Level = 104,
    Cost = 5500,
    AdditionalCost = {
        Type = "The Nexus",
        Amount = 500
    Duration = 10,
	Description = "Increases Character Ability Power, based on times cast this Exile.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{Cap} = (\\text{CastsThisExile} + 1)^{0.45} \\times \\text{Incantation} \\times 0.001 + 1</math>", 
    Behavior = "Buff",
    Classes = {
        Alchemist = true,
        Desolator = true
spells["Denaturation"] = {
    ID = 78,
    School = "Incantation",
    Accumulated = true,
    Level = 108,
    Cost = 4200,
    AdditionalCost = {
        Type = "Enchanted Tree",
        Amount = 400
    Duration = 10,
	Description = "Increases Autoclick Profit, based on times cast this Exile.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{AutoclickProfit} = (\\text{CastsThisExile} + 1)^{0.6} \\times \\text{Incantation} \\times 0.01 + 1</math>", 
    Behavior = "Buff",
    Classes = {
        Alchemist = true,
        Desolator = true
spells["Artificial Muse"] = {
    ID = 83,
    School = "Summoning",
    Level = 126,
    Cost = 9000,
    Duration = 120,
	Description = "Autoclicks 10 times per second with character click stats. Increases Mysteries profit, based on crafting dust collected this Exile. Increases Evocation efficiency, based on spells cast this Exile.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{Mana} = \\text{ClickProfit} \\times \\text{Summon} \\times \\text{AutoclickProfit}</math><br><math>\\textbf{Clicks/sec} = 10 \\times \\text{AclickMultiplier}</math><br><math>\\textbf{MystPower} = ((\\text{CDustCollectedExile} + 1) \\times 0.1)^{0.4} \\times \\text{Summon}^{0.4} + 1</math><br><math>\\textbf{Evocation} = (\\text{SpellsCastExile} + 1)^{0.225} \\times \\text{Summon}^{0.65} \\times 0.0125 + 1</math>", 
    Behavior = "Periodic",
    Classes = {
        Alchemist = true,
        Desolator = true,
        Tempest = true,
        Dread = true
spells["Automatise"] = {
    ID = 84,
    School = "Summoning",
    Level = 131,
    Cost = 10000,
    Duration = 120,
    Description = "Autoclicks 10 times per second with character click stats. Increases profits, based on amount of Laboratories. Increases Void Mana Profit.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{Mana} = \\text{ClickProfit} \\times \\text{Summon} \\times \\text{AutoclickProfit}</math><br><math>\\textbf{Clicks/sec} = 10 \\times \\text{AclickMultiplier}</math><br><math>\\textbf{Profit} = \\text{Laboratories} \\times \\text{Summon}^{0.7} \\times 0.0125 + 1</math><br><math>\\textbf{VoidManaProfit} = \\text{Summon}^{0.75} \\times 1.251</math>", 
    Behavior = "Periodic",
    Classes = {
        Alchemist = true,
        Desolator = true
spells["Anima Synteta"] = {
    ID = 79,
    School = "Evocation",
    Level = 142,
    Cost = 50000,
    Duration = 0,
    Description = "Instantly earns Mana, based on production.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{Mana} = \\text{Evocation} \\times \\text{Mana/s} \\times 20</math>", 
    Behavior = "Instant",
    Classes = {
        Alchemist = true,
        Desolator = true
spells["Furious Strike"] = {
    ID = 86,
    School = "Evocation",
    Level = 88,
    Charge = "Charges over time in Meditation stance, based on current charges. Gains charges from [[Temper The Steel]].",
    Duration = 1,
	Description = "Instantly earns Mana, based on charges. Consumes 10% of charges left on use. Can have up to 1e9 charges.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{Mana} = \\left( \\left\\lfloor 0.1 \\times (\\text{Charges} - 1) \\right\\rfloor + 1 \\right) \\times \\text{Evocation} \\times \\text{Mana/s} \\times 100</math>", 
    Behavior = "Instant",
    Classes = {
        Ironsoul = true,
        Oni = true
spells["Temper The Steel"] = {
    ID = 87,
    School = "Evocation",
    Persistent = true,
    Level = 96,
    Charge = "Charges over while in Meditation stance, based on current charges.",
    Duration = 10,
    Description = "Grants [[Furious Strike]] charges each second, based on times cast this Exile. While active, gains casts with each charge-based evocation spell cast and charges all such spells on panel, based on times cast this Exile. Can have an unlimited amount of charges. Passive = Increases Character Ability Power.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{FSPercentGiven} = \\text{CastsThisExile} \\times 0.1\\% + \\log_{10}(\\text{Evocation}) \\times 1.5\\% + 1\\%</math><br><math>\\textbf{Cap} = \\text{CastsThisRealm} \\times 0.01 + 1</math>", 
    Behavior = "Periodic",
    Classes = {
        Ironsoul = true,
        Oni = true
spells["Force Of Will"] = {
    ID = 91,
    School = "Evocation",
    Accumulated = true,
    Level = 101,
    Charge = "Charges over time while in Meditation stance, based on current charges.",
    Duration = 4,
	Description = "Grants Spell Shards each second, based on times cast this Exile. Can have an unlimited amount of charges.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{SpellShards} = (\\text{CastsThisExile} + 1000) \\times \\text{Evocation}^{0.1}</math>", 
    Behavior = "Buff",
    Classes = {
        Ironsoul = true,
        Oni = true
spells["Enhanced Strength"] = {
    ID = 89,
    School = "Incantation",
    Accumulated = true,
    Level = 116,
    Charge = "Charges over time while in Meditation stance, based on current charges.",
    Duration = 60,
    Description = "Increases profits, based on times cast this Exile.  Can have an unlimited amount of charges.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{Profit} = ((\\text{CastsThisExile} + 1) \\times 0.005)^{1.2} \\times \\text{Incantation} + 1</math>", 
    Behavior = "Buff",
    Classes = {
        Ironsoul = true,
        Oni = true
spells["Iron Blood"] = {
    ID = 88,
    School = "Incantation",
    Accumulated = true,
    Level = 137,
    Charge = "Charges over time while in Meditation stance, based on current charges.",
    Duration = 90,
    Description = "Increases Character Ability Power, based on times cast this Exile. Can have an unlimited amount of charges.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{Cap} = ((\\text{CastsThisExile} + 1) \\times 0.005)^{1.18} \\times \\text{Incantation} + 1</math>", 
    Behavior = "Buff",
    Classes = {
        Ironsoul = true,
        Oni = true
spells["Counterspell"] = {
    ID = 94,
    School = "Evocation",
    Level = 90,
    Cost = 1000,
    Duration = 0,
    Description = "Instantly earns Mana, based on production and character level.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{Mana} = (\\text{Charlvl} + 1) \\times \\text{Evocation} \\times \\text{Mana/s} \\times 10</math>", 
    Behavior = "Instant",
    Classes = {
        Abolisher = true,
        Archon = true
spells["Materialise Doppelganger"] = {
    ID = 96,
    School = "Summoning",
    Level = 99,
    Cost = 20000,
    Duration = 60,
    Description = "Autoclicks 4 times per second with character click stats. Each autoclick grants Pet XP, based on Character XP. Passive = Halts Doppelganger XP drain while on panel.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{PetXpPreCLvl00} = \\left( \\text{TotalCXP}^{0.15201} \\times (\\text{Summon}^{1.5} + 1) + \\text{FixedXp} \\right) \\times \\text{PetXpMultiplier}</math><br><math>\\textbf{PetXp} = \\left( \\text{TotalCXP}^{K} \\times (\\text{Summon}^{1.5} + 1) + \\text{FixedXp} \\right) \\times \\text{PetXpMultiplier}</math><br><math>\\textbf{K} = \\frac{\\text{Character Level}^2}{100\\,000} + 0.05</math>", 
    Behavior = "Periodic",
    Classes = {
        Abolisher = true
spells["Syphon Power"] = {
    ID = 99,
    School = "Incantation",
    Accumulated = true,
    Level = 111,
    Cost = 12000,
    Duration = 8,
    Description = "Increases passive Spell Shard generation, based on times cast this Exile.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{ShardGen} = ((\\text{CastsThisExile} + 1) \\times 0.5)^{0.85} \\times \\text{Incantation} + 1</math>", 
    Behavior = "Buff",
    Classes = {
        Abolisher = true,
        Archon = true
spells["Nullzone"] = {
    ID = 97,
    School = "Incantation",
    Accumulated = true,
    Level = 132,
    Cost = 50000,
    Duration = 10,
    Description = "Increases evocation efficiency, based on amount of Anti-magic Domes and times cast this Exile.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{Evocation} = \\left( \\big((\\text{CastsThisExile} + 1) \\times 5 \\big)^{0.9} \\times \\text{Incantation} + 1 \\right) \\times \\left( \\big((\\text{AntiMagicDomes} + 1) \\times 0.5 \\big)^{0.95} + 1 \\right)</math>", 
    Behavior = "Buff",
    Classes = {
        Abolisher = true,
        Archon = true,
        Defiance = true
spells["Fire with Fire"] = {
    ID = 98,
    School = "Incantation",
    Level = 143,
    Cost = 10000,
    Duration = 20,
    Description = "Increases profits, based on passive Spell Shard generation.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{Profit} = (\\text{ShardGen} + 1)^{1.4} \\times \\text{Incantation} + 1</math>", 
    Behavior = "Buff",
    Classes = {
        Abolisher = true,
        Archon = true,
        Tempest = true
spells["Debilitate"] = {
    ID = 95,
    School = "Evocation",
    Level = 150,
    Cost = 5000,
    Duration = 0,
	Description = "Instantly earns Mana, based on production and quality of equipped items.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{Mana} = \\left( \\text{ItemQualitySum}^2 \\times 0.25 + \\text{ItemQualitySum} \\times 25.2 + 20 \\right) \\times \\text{Evocation} \\times \\text{Mana/s}</math>", 
    Behavior = "Instant",
    Classes = {
        Abolisher = true,
        Archon = true
spells["Silence"] = {
    ID = 103,
    School = "Incantation",
    Accumulated = true,
    Level = 161,
    Cost = 10000,
    Duration = 60,
    Description = "Increases Spell Shard costs, based on times cast this Exile. Isn't affected by incantation efficiency.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{SpellCostIncrease} = \\text{CastsThisExile} \\times 1.5 + 1</math>", 
    Behavior = "Buff",
    Classes = {
        Abolisher = true
spells["Summon Spider Swarm"] = {
    ID = 105,
    School = "Summoning",
    Level = 151,
    Cost = 6000,
    Duration = 150,
    Description = "Autoclicks 6 times per second with character Crit stats. Increases Crit Rating, based on autoclicks this Exile. Increases profits.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{Mana} = \\text{ClickProfit} \\times \\text{Summon} \\times \\text{AutoclickProfit}</math><br><math>\\textbf{Clicks/sec} = 6 \\times \\text{AclickMultiplier}</math><br><math>\\textbf{CritRating} = (\\text{AclicksExile} + 1)^{0.75} \\times \\text{Summon}^{0.7} + 1</math><br><math>\\textbf{Profit} = \\text{Summon}^{0.7} \\times 1.5</math>", 
    Behavior = "Periodic",
    Classes = {
        Shaman = true
spells["Voidbolt"] = {
    ID = 106,
    School = "Evocation",
    Level = 33,
    Cost = 250,
    Duration = 1,
    Description = "Instantly earns 93 sec of production, granting Mana. Increases character ability power.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{Mana} = (\\text{Char lvl} + 30) \\times \\text{Evocation} \\times \\text{Mana/s} \\times 2 </math><br> <math>\\textbf{Cap} = \\left(\\log_{10}\\left(\\text{Evocation}\\right)\\times 2 + 1\\right)\\times \\text{Char lvl} \\times 4 + 1</math>", 
    Behavior = "Buff",
    Classes = {
        Voidmancer = true,
        Heretic = true,
        Dread = true
spells["Voidforged Armaments"] = {
    ID = 108,
    School = "Incantation",
    Level = 152,
    Cost = 3000,
    Duration = 30,
    Description = "Increases max Hallowed Clicks temporarily, based on current Void Mana. Increases Click Profit. Increases Void Mana Profit, based on total Hallowed Clicks Performed.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{TempMaxHC} = \\left\\lfloor \\log_{10}(\\text{VoidMana} + 1) + \\log_{10}(\\text{Incantation}) \\right\\rfloor</math><br><math>\\textbf{ClickProfit} = \\text{Incantation}^{0.5} \\times 2.5</math><br><math>\\textbf{VoidManaProfit} = (\\text{HCRealm} + 1)^{0.5} \\times \\text{Incantation}^{0.5} \\times 0.023 + 1</math>", 
    Behavior = "Buff",
    Classes = {
        Heretic = true,
spells["Possessed Blade"] = {
    ID = 107,
    School = "Incantation",
    Level = 136,
    Cost = "Charges over time, based on current charges.",
    Duration = 30,
    Description = "Increases Evocation Efficiency, based on Max Pet Level this Exile. Can have an unlimited amount of charges.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{Evocation} = (\\text{MaxPetlvl} + 1)^{0.8} \\times \\text{Incantation}^{1.3} + 1</math>", 
    Behavior = "Buff",
    Classes = {
        Oni = true,
        Tempest = true
spells["Tempered Arcanomancy"] = {
    ID = 109,
    School = "Incantation",
    Level = 171,
    Cost = 100000,
    Duration = 0,
    Description = "Increases Character Ability Power until Exile. Increases Spell Shard costs while any incantation is active. Gains Spell Shards last.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{Cap} = (\\text{CastsThisExile} + 1)^{1.45} \\times \\text{Incantation}^{0.25} \\times 0.01 + 1</math><br><math>\\textbf{SpellCostIncrease} = \\text{CastsThisExile} \\times 0.05 + 1</math>", 
    Behavior = "Augment",
    Priority = -1,
    Classes = {
        Archon = true
spells["Ritual Of Potency"] = {
    ID = 111,
    School = "Incantation",
    Accumulated = true,
    Level = 50,
    Cost = 6000,
    Duration = 10,
    Description = "Increases profits, based on times cast this Exile.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{Profit} = (\\text{CastsThisExile} + 1)^{0.8} \\times \\text{Incantation} \\times 0.5 + 1</math>", 
    Behavior = "Buff",
    Classes = {
spells["Forsaken Glory"] = {
    ID = 114,
    School = "Incantation",
    Level = 180,
    Cost = 5000,
    Duration = 30,
    Description = "Increases Click Profit, based on spells cast this Exile. Increases Autoclick Profit, based on autoclicks this Exile.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{AutoclickProfit} = \\left( \\frac{\\text{AclicksExile} + 1}{200\\,000} \\right)^{1.25} \\times \\text{Incantation}^{0.65} + 1</math><br><math>\\textbf{ClickProfit} = \\left( \\frac{\\text{SpellsCastExile} + 1}{80\\,000} \\right)^{1.15} \\times \\text{Incantation}^{0.65} + 1</math>", 
    Behavior = "Buff",
    Classes = {
        Heretic = true
spells["Burn All That Burns"] = {
    ID = 116,
    School = "Evocation",
    Level = 210,
    Cost = 10000,
    Duration = 0,
    Description = "Spends Liquid Shadows.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{SpendsLS} = \\frac{\\text{LiquidShadow} \\times \\log_{10}(\\text{Evocation})}{10\\,000}</math>", 
	Behavior = "Instant",
    Classes = {
        Desolator = true
spells["Materialize Cosmic Conduit"] = {
    ID = 118,
    School = "Summoning",
    Level = 240,
    Cost = 1000000,
    Duration = 1,
    Description = "Increases passive Spell Shards generation until Exile.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{ShardGen} = \\text{Summon}^{0.5} \\times \\frac{\\text{CastsThisExile}}{5}</math>", 
	Behavior = "Augment",
    Classes = {
        Tempest = true
spells["Forge Empyreal Vassal"] = {
    ID = 119,
    School = "Incantation",
    Level = 241,
    Cost = 10000,
    Duration = 1,
    Description = "Increases Pet Ability Power until Exile. Isn't affected by Incantation Efficiency.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{PAP} = \\left( \\frac{\\text{CastsThisExile} + 1}{50} \\right)^{1.25} + 1</math>", 
	Behavior = "Augment",
    Classes = {
        Demiurge = true
spells["Manifest Twisted Reality"] = {
    ID = 120,
    School = "Evocation",
    Level = 243,
    Cost = 200000,
    Duration = 0,
    Description = "Increases Character Ability Power and Idle bonus until Exile.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{CAP} = \\left(1 + \\log_{10}(\\text{Evocation}) \\times 0.1 \\right) \\times \\text{CastsThisExile} \\times 0.5 + 1</math>", 
	Behavior = "Augment",
    Classes = {
     Dread = true
 spells["Employ Celestial Countermeasures"] = {
    ID = 121,
    School = "Incantation",
    Level = 242,
    Cost = 100000,
    Duration = 1,
    Description = "Increases Evocation and summoning efficiency until Exile. Isn't affected by Incantation Efficiency.",
	Math = "<math>\\textbf{Evocation} = \\text{CastsThisExile} \\times\\frac{1}{5}</math><br><math>\\textbf{Summon} = \\left( \\frac{\\text{CastsThisExile} + 1}{1000} \\right)^{.44} + 1</math>", 
	Behavior = "Augment",
    Classes = {
        Defiance = true
spells["Combustive Plague"] = {
    ID = 200,
    School = "Incantation",
    Level = 103,
    Cost = 3800,
    Duration = 18,
    Description = "Increases Evocation Efficency, based on character level. Every second may also grant a random amount of charge of  [[Plague Zombie]].",
	Math = "", 
    Behavior = "Buff",
    Classes = {
spells["Corpse Explosion"] = {
    ID = 201,
    School = "Evocation",
    Level = 103,
    Charge = "Charges from [[Voracious Plague]]",
    Duration = 0,
    Description = "Instantly earns 20 sec of production, granting Mana, based on charges. Consumes 10% of charges left on use.",
	Math = "", 
    Behavior = "Instant",
    Classes = {
spells["Jas'Aham's Thunderous Swarm"] = {
    ID = 202,
    School = "Evocation",
    Persistent = true,
    Level = 91,
    Cost = 1,
    Duration = 0,
    Description = "Casts magical projectiles, granting Mana, based on times cast this Exile. Passive = On cast, increases casts this Exile of a random spell on panel.",
	Math = "", 
    Behavior = "Instant",
    Classes = {
spells["Nurturing Flame"] = {
    ID = 203,
    School = "Evocation",
    Accumulated = true,
    Level = 111,
    Cost = 4900,
    Duration = 9,
    Description = "Every second earns 20 sec of production, granting Mana, based on times cast this Exile. Also grants pet experience with high Evocation Scaling.",
	Math = "", 
    Behavior = "Periodic",
    Classes = {
spells["Time Fork"] = {
    ID = 208,
    School = "Incantation",
    Level = "Pet Level",
    Cost = 10000,
    AdditionalCost = {
        Type = "Compressed Time",
        Amount = 100
    Duration = 0,
    Description = "Resets character experience and Mana. Increases profits until Exile.",
	Math = "", 
    Behavior = "Augment",
    Classes = {
spells["Templar Legion"] = {
    ID = 204,
    School = "Summoning",
    Level = 50,
    Cost = 5250,
    Duration = 90,
    Description = "Autoclicks x times per second (Scales with Excess HC), with character Crit stats. Summon Efficiency is applied at a 50% higher rate",
	Math = "", 
    Behavior = "Periodic",
    Classes = {
spells["Divine Reinforcements"] = {
    ID = 205,
    School = "Summoning",
    Level = 80,
    Cost = 4500,
    Duration = 60,
    Description = "Autoclicks 5 times per second, with character Crit stats. Increase Critical Profit",
	Math = "", 
    Behavior = "Periodic",
    Classes = {
spells["Vessel Of Valor"] = {
    ID = 207,
    School = "Incantation",
    Level = 121,
    Cost = 4300,
    Duration = 125,
    Description = "Autoclicks 15 times per second, with x3 Click Profit and character Crit stats. Increases Crit Rating, based on character level.",
	Math = "", 
    Behavior = "Periodic",
    Classes = {
spells["Beast Of Light"] = {
    ID = 206,
    School = "Summoning",
    Level = 94,
    Cost = 4250,
    Duration = 75,
    Description = "Autoclicks 16 times per second, with 10% Crit Chance and 900% Crit Profit. Increases passive shard gains. Increase Autoclick Profit.",
	Math = "", 
    Behavior = "Periodic",
    Classes = {

spells["Concoct Mana Potion"] = {
    ID = 300,
    School = "Evocation",
    Level = 1,
    Cost = 500,
    Duration = "Instant",
    Description = "Charge Mana potion by 1 point with Power based on Void Profit, Character Ability Power, and amount of Spell casts this Exile ",
	Math = "", 
    Behavior = "Periodic",
    Classes = {

spells["Synthesize Void Potion"] = {
    ID = 301,
    School = "Evocation",
    Level = 1,
    Cost = 500,
    Duration = "Instant",
    Description = "Charge Void Mana potion by 1 point with Power based on evocation efficiency, Mysteries power and amount of Autoclicks performed this Exile",
	Math = "", 
    Behavior = "Periodic",
    Classes = {

spells["Distill Empowerment Potion"] = {
    ID = 302,
    School = "Evocation",
    Level = 1,
    Cost = 500,
    Duration = "Instant",
    Description = "Charge Empowerment potion by 1 point with Power based on Autoclick profit, Void mana per entity and Void Entities collected this exile",
	Math = "", 
    Behavior = "Periodic",
    Classes = {

spells["Chaotic Equations"] = {
    ID = 303,
    School = "Incantation",
    Level = 40,
    Cost = 5000,
    Duration = 2,
    Description = "Increases Void Mana per Entity",
	Math = "", 
    Behavior = "Periodic",
    Classes = {

spells["Potentia Synteta"] = {
    ID = 304,
    School = "Incantation",
    Level = 50,
    Cost = 5000,
    Duration = 2,
    Description = "Increases Evocation Efficiency",
	Math = "", 
    Behavior = "Periodic",
    Classes = {

spells["Umbral Focus"] = {
    ID = 209,
    School = "Incantation",
    Level = 87,
    Cost = 5000,
    Duration = 30,
    Description = "Increases Evocation efficiency by Each Evocation cast while Umbral Focus is active increases its duration and exponentially increases Evocation bonus, but also exponentially increases every Spell cost. Shadow Spell - Uses Liquid Shadow to cast",
	Math = "", 
    Behavior = "Buff",
    Classes = {

spells["Shape Lesser Efreet"] = {
    ID = 211,
    School = "Summoning",
    Accumulated = true,
    Level = 9,
    Cost = 5000,
    Duration = 30,
    Description = "Autoclicks per second, with no critical chance. Increases Liquid Shadow gain, based on total amount of times this spell was cast this exile.",
	Math = "", 
    Behavior = "Periodic",
    Classes = {

spells["Shape Greater Efreet"] = {
    ID = 212,
    School = "Summoning",
    Accumulated = true,
    Level = 21,
    Cost = 4000,
    Duration = 30,
    Description = "Autoclicks per second, with 5% critical chance and 750% critical profit. Increases Liquid Shadow gain, based on Shadow Clot spawn rate and lifetime.",
	Math = "", 
    Behavior = "Periodic",
    Classes = {

spells["Shape Primal Efreet"] = {
    ID = 213,
    School = "Summoning",
    Accumulated = true,
    Level = 9,
    Cost = 5000,
    Duration = 30,
    Description = "Autoclicks per second, with 10% critical chance and 1200% critical profit. Increases Liquid Shadow gain, based on you current Idle bonus.",
	Math = "", 
    Behavior = "Periodic",
    Classes = {

spells["Consuming Flame"] = {
    ID = 210,
    School = "Summoning",
    Level = 9,
    Cost = 5000,
    Duration = 30,
    Description = "Autoclicks per second with Character click stats. Each autoclick grants Liquid Shadow.",
	Math = "", 
    Behavior = "Periodic",
    Classes = {

spells["Permafrost"] = {
    ID = 215,
    School = "Incantation",
    Accumulated = true,
    Level = 132,
    Cost = 50000,
    Duration = 10,
    Description = "Increases Evocation efficiency by x, based on amount of Frozen Springs and total amount of times this spell was cast this Exile",
    Math = "",
    Behavior = "Buff",
    Classes = {

spells["Blizzard"] = {
    ID = 216,
    School = "Incantation",
    Level = 143,
    Cost = 10000,
    Duration = 20,
    Description = "Increases profits by x, based on Temperature Reduction",
    Math = "",
    Behavior = "Buff",
    Classes = {

spells["Still Arcana"] = {
    ID = 217,
    School = "Incantation",
	Accumulated = true,
    Level = 161,
    Cost = 10000,
    Duration = 60,
    Description = "Increases Spell Shard costs by x, based on Temperature Reduction and total amount of times this spell was cast this Exile. <i>Isn't affected by Incantation efficiency</i>",
    Math = "",
    Behavior = "Buff",
    Classes = {

spells["Heat Exchange"] = {
    ID = 214,
    School = "Evocation",
    Accumulated = true,
    Level = 91,
    Cost = 1000,
    Duration = 0,
    Description = "Instantly earns x Spell Shards, based on total amount of times this spell was cast this Exile. Increase Temperature Reduction by 0.1% of the difference between it's cap and current amount",
    Math = "",
    Behavior = "Instant",
    Classes = {

spells["Flash Freeze"] = {
    ID = 122,
    School = "Evocation",
    Level = 61,
    Cost = 1000,
    Duration = 0,
    Description = "Instantly earns xt of production, granting x Mana. <i>Increased scale from Evocation efficiency</i>",
    Math = "",
    Behavior = "Instant",
    Classes = {

spells["Shatter Magic"] = {
    ID = 123,
    School = "Evocation",
    Level = 101,
    Cost = 1000,
    Duration = 0,
    Description = "Instantly earns xt of production, granting x Mana. All active spells skip x second of their remaining duration",
    Math = "",
    Behavior = "Instant",
    Classes = {

spells["Infused Glacial Formations"] = {
    ID = 124,
    School = "Incantation",
    Level = 155,
    Cost = 10000,
    Duration = 20,
    Description = "Increases Shards Pool capacity by x",
    Math = "",
    Behavior = "Buff",
    Classes = {

spells["Conjure Freezing Mist"] = {
    ID = 125,
    School = "Summoning",
	Accumulated = true,
    Level = 151,
    Cost = 10000,
    Duration = 40,
    Description = "Autoclicks x times per second, with Character critical stats . Increases Void profits by x, based on total amount of times this spell was cast this Exile. Activates Idle mode when cast. <i>This spell retains the Summoning efficiency used at the moment of cast for its entire duration</i>",
    Math = "",
    Behavior = "Periodic",
    Classes = {

spells["Expel Soulstealer"] = {
    ID = 126,
    School = "Summoning",
    Accumulated = true,
    Level = 129,
    Cost = 20000,
    Duration = 60,
    Description = "Autoclicks x times per second with Character critical stats. Increases Pet experience gains by x, based on total amount of times this spell was cast this Exile. Increases Pet Ability power by x, based on total amount of times this spell was cast this Exile. Increases the maximum amount of charges your Spell Scrolls can have by xa",
    Math = "<math>\\text{PetEXPMult}=1+ (\\text{CastsThisExile}/100000)^{0.4} \\times (1 + \\log_{10}(\\text{Summon})/2)</math><br><math>\\text{PAP}=1+ (\\text{CastsThisExile}/100000)^{0.5} \\times (1 + \\log_{10}(\\text{Summon})/2)</math><br><math>\\text{ChargeCap}=1 + \\log_{10}(\\text{Summon}) \\times 0.4 </math>",
    Behavior = "Periodic",
    Classes = {
        Archon = true

spells["Summon Leeches"] = {
    ID = 226,
    School = "Summoning",
    Level = 41,
    Cost = 1000,
    Duration = 30,
    Description = "Clicks 20 times per second with Character click stats. Each click Earns 1 Blood.",
    Math = "",
    Behavior = "Periodic",
    Classes = {
spells["Conjure Dark Swarm"] = {
    ID = 223,
    School = "Summoning",
    Accumulated = true,
    Level = 62,
    Cost = 5000,
    Duration = 20,
    Description = "Clicks 4 times per second with Character click stats. Increases spawn rate of Shadow Clots by x. Increases Liquid Shadow gain by x, based on the total amount of times this spell was cast this Exile.",
    Math = "<math>\\text{Clot Rate}= 1.5 \\times (1 + 0.9\\times log_{10}(\\text{Summon})</math><br><math>\\text{Shadow Income}= (\\text{Casts}/1000)^{1.05} \\times \\text{Summon}</math>",
    Behavior = "Periodic",
    Classes = {
spells["Ancient Evil"] = {
    ID = 232,
    School = "Incantation",
    Level = 71,
    Charge = "Shadow Spell (2000)",
    Duration = 9,
    Description = "Increases profits by x, based on Offline bonus.",
    Math = "<math>\\text{Profits}= \\text{Offline}/1000 \\times \\text{Incantation}</math>",
    Behavior = "Buff",
    Classes = {
spells["Track The Prey"] = {
    ID = 231,
    School = "Incantation",
    Level = 82,
    Charge = "Shadow Spell (5000)",
    Duration = 15,
    Description = "Increases Hunting Grounds profit by x, based on amount of Hunting Grounds.",
    Math = "<math>\\text{Profits}= \\text{Amount}^2 \\times (\\text{Incantation}^{1.25})/100000</math>",
    Behavior = "Buff",
    Classes = {
spells["Shadowclad Armor"] = {
    ID = 224,
    School = "Evocation",
    Level = 93,
    Charge = "Shadow Spell (10000)",
    Duration = 0,
    Description = "Increases Character Ability Power. Effect lasts until Exile.",
    Math = "<math>\\text{CAP}= (\\text{Casts}/10)^{1.01}</math>",
    Behavior = "Augment",
    Classes = {
spells["Feast"] = {
    ID = 229,
    School = "Evocation",
    Level = 103,
    Cost = 100,
    AdditionalCost = {
        Type = "Blood",
        Amount = 1000
    Duration = 0,
    Description = "Instantly earns profits.",
    Math = "<math>\\text{Profits}= 120 \\times \\text{Profit per sec} \\times \\text{Evocation}^{1.05}</math>",
    Behavior = "Instant",
    Classes = {
spells["Infuse Minion"] = {
    ID = 228,
    School = "Evocation",
    Level = 114,
    Cost = 1000,
    Duration = 0,
    Description = "Consumes 10% of Blood. Earns x Pet experience, based on Blood consumed.",
    Math = "<math>\\text{Pexp}= (\\text{Blood}/\\text{1e7} \\times \\text{Evocation}^{0.1} + \\text{additive pexp}) \\times \\text{pexp mult}</math>",
    Behavior = "Instant",
    Classes = {
spells["Blood Moon"] = {
    ID = 225,
    School = "Incantation",
    Level = 121,
    Cost = 10000,
    Duration = 20,
    Description = "Increase Blood income by x, based on amount of Liquid Shadows.",
    Math = "<math>\\text{Blood}= (\\text{Liquid Shadows}/10000)^{0.75} \\times \\text{Incantation}^{0.25}</math>",
    Behavior = "Buff",
    Classes = {
spells["Sanguine Rage"] = {
    ID = 230,
    School = "Incantation",
    Level = 121,
    Cost = 10000,
    Duration = 20,
    Description = "Increases profits by x, based on current amount of Blood.",
    Math = "<math>\\text{Profits}= \\text{Blood} \\times \\text{Incantation}</math>",
    Behavior = "Buff",
    Classes = {
spells["Summon Blood Hunters"] = {
    ID = 227,
    School = "Summoning",
    Level = 133,
    Cost = 20000,
    Duration = 120,
    Description = "Clicks 1 times per second with Character click stats. Each click Earns 50 Blood.",
    Math = "",
    Behavior = "Periodic",
    Classes = {
spells["Vampiric Aberration"] = {
    ID = 233,
    School = "Incantation",
    Level = 141,
    Cost = 8000,
    Duration = 20,
    Description = "Increases Pet Ability Power by x, based on amount of collected Bats.",
    Math = "<math>\\text{PAP}= 0.01 \\times \\text{Bats}^{1.1} \\times \\text{Incantation}</math>",
    Behavior = "Buff",
    Classes = {
spells["Void Lure (Enhanced)"] = {
    ID = 400,
    School = "Incantation",
    Level = 5,
    Cost = 975,
    Duration = 300,
    Description = "(WIP)",
	Math = "(WIP)", 
    Behavior = "Buff",
    Classes = {
spells["Ritual Of Power (Enhanced)"] = {
    ID = 401,
    School = "Incantation",
    Accumulated = true,
    Level = 48,
    Cost = 5500,
    Duration = 10,
    Description = "(WIP)",
	Math = "(WIP)", 
    Behavior = "Buff",
    Classes = {
spells["Rules Of Nature (Enhanced)"] = {
    ID = 402,
    School = "Incantation",
    Persistent = true,
    Level = 85,
    Charge = "Charges from Crit autoclicks.",
    Duration = 10,
    Description = "(WIP)",
	Math = "(WIP)", 
    Behavior = "Buff",
    Classes = {
spells["Fire Ball (Enhanced)"] = {
    ID = 403,
    School = "Evocation",
    Level = 16,
    Cost = 250,
    Duration = 6,
    Description = "(WIP)",
	Math = "(WIP)", 
    Behavior = "Periodic",
    Classes = {

p.spells = spells
return p