Necromancer Guide

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This guide was written up because no other Necromancer guide exists, based on advice from the Discord server. This is a community-written guide, please clean it up or overhaul it if any of the info is wrong.

Use Risen Giant for this build (or Zombie if you're not high enough, but this was intended for e200+).


In order of priority:

  • 200 Patience
  • 200 Mastery

Put your remaining points into these, considering what items have attribute requirements along the way with them (no order of preference), and as a general rule, spread out your remaining attributes among at least 3 of these:

  • 0-75 Empathy (Falconer's set, 75 for quicker pet buildup if you still have the points; 50 for Item Whiplash.pngWhiplash) - note that Item Bite Sleeves.pngBite Sleeves can reduce/eliminate your need for points in Empathy
  • 65-125 Insight. You want to have 125 Insight total, but get bonus Insight from Legacy (which grants 40 Insight) and legendary Netherfist (which grants 20 Insight). (Minimum 50 if using Item Legacy.pngLegacy boots (Item Nether Chain.pngNether Chain, Item Netherloop.pngNetherloop, Item The Bright Beacon.pngThe Bright Beacon require up to 125, legendary Netherfist grants 20 bonus Insight)
  • 0, 60, 100 or 150 Intelligence (60 for Item Netherfist.pngNetherfist, 100 for Item Artificer's Shoulderpads.pngArtificer's Shoulderpads, 150 for Item Resonator Ring.pngResonator Ring)
  • 0-200 Dominance (100 for Item Hoop Of Branches.pngHoop Of Branches) and dump whatever you have left in Dominance up to 200.

Not really recommended, but you can have 60-100 Spellcraft (60 for Item Nethershell.pngNethershell, 75 for Item Frosty Ring.pngFrosty Ring, 25 for Item The Great Journey.pngThe Great Journey) - note that Item Boots Of Harsh Trials.pngBoots Of Harsh Trials can reduce your need for points in Spellcraft. Spellcraft helps build stacks faster and not much more.


Buildup Items

Pre-burst Items

These are optional but the more you have, the more you will increase your void mana - the higher your void mana, the better:

Burst Items


Success has also been shown at lower gear levels using:

  • Item Fiery Ring.pngFiery Ring
  • An interesting trick to use if you have low-level Nomadic Wrists and Hoop of Branches (you will likely not want to upgrade Hoop of Branches and will likely want to upgrade Bite Sleeves early) is to use Item Bite Sleeves.pngBite Sleeves with Item The Bond.pngThe Bond, which are greatly beneficial and the unique item does not need to be upgraded at all.


It is not recommended to use Berzerker for your weapon slot. This is automatically picked by the bot for its enchantment power only. Instead use either:

  • Chiropteric Rod (also known as "Batstick") for more profits based on bats collected, best for longer runs (but also works for shorter runs).
  • Heart of the Grave (also known as "Scythe") the Necromancer-specific weapon, for shorter runs, relying on Plague Zombie.
  • Branch of the Great Cycle may be useful for summoning efficiency (also useful for Shaman as a tier 2 class after Necromancer).
  • Enchanting Membrane because more enchanting dust won't hurt.


When starting your run, buy only Grimoires (or Mana Gems and Grimoires if you're impatient) and use Homunculus/Simulacrum to max it out. If you like you can max out all your sources, but Grimoires (aka Forgotten Tomes) is your important source for this run. You may be able to skip this entirely, especially beyond e200 mysteries. Even then, you should be at a point where you can keep Simulacrum running indefinitely during your buildup, so long as you can build Nightfall/Ritual of Power stacks reasonably quickly.

Use Void Lure and Void Automaton to quickly gain levels; you'll need level 89-95 to get started before switching from Apprentice to Necromancer - this should be very quick. Have 2 autoclickers running (Spell Conjure Primal Elemental.pngConjure Primal Elemental / Spell Conjure Manabeast.pngConjure Manabeast or Spell Summon Unholy Avatar.pngSummon Unholy Avatar / Spell Animate Festering Abomination.pngAnimate Festering Abomination.

While you should have Spell Nightfall.pngNightfall and Spell Ritual Of Power.pngRitual Of Power running as often as possible, they're not very effective until you switch to Risen Giant or at least Zombie where you start getting shards thrown at you.


Nightfall/RoP Buildup

Spell.png Spell Magic Missile.png

Spell.png Spell Spell Focus.png

Spell.png Spell Nightfall.png

Spell.png Spell Ritual Of Power.png

Spell.png Spell Summon Unholy Avatar.png

Spell.png Spell Animate Festering Abomination.png

You can sub inSpell Synthetic Entity.pngSynthetic Entity (instead of Spell Focus or Magic Missile) if you need to raise character level quickly, thanks to Nightfall's persistent passive that increases charging speed.

Void Mana Pre-burst

Use these spells to maximize your Void Mana amount before bursting. If you have the Insight, switch out to the Nether set (this is where Legacy and legendary Netherfist come in very handy for saving attributes by increasing your Insight through items).

Once your void entities are up and radiating/degenerating, you can freely switch out Void Lure.

Spell.png Spell Void Radiance.png

Spell.png Spell Void Lure.png

Spell.png Spell Nightfall.png

Spell.png Spell Ritual Of Power.png

Spell.png Spell Summon Unholy Avatar.png

Spell.png Spell Animate Festering Abomination.png


Spell.png Spell Dreaded Script Of Harvest.png

Spell.png Spell Magical Weapon.png

Spell.png Spell Nightfall.png

Spell.png Spell Ritual Of Power.png

Spell.png Spell Summon Unholy Avatar.png

Spell.png Spell Animate Festering Abomination.png