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The Solstice is an event that occurs yearly during June. During the Solstice: Upon opening the game for the first time you will be granted resources, Rune Generation is increases by 12%, A new currency, a Jar appears on screen surrounded by a stone circle the jar has a down arrow next to it.


Embers are the currency of this event, embers remains until the event ends. Embers spawn over time appearing on your screen, the spawn rate on average is 1h (the range is 48 to 72 minutes ) to spawn capping to 24 embers on the screen at one time.Prize Ember.png


Clicking on the arrow/jar will open a menu showing 4 more jars.

Solstice Jars.png

it will always costs 1 ember to invest , the jars has fastish diminishing returns.

Pre Paragon 34: you don't have memetics yet so you can ignore it you'll always want to have crafting dust going on Make sure to save some embers incase you are gonna do a Edust phase all profit bonus for people who basically have nothing unlocked or nothing else left to invest to.

Paragon 34+: Always have crafting dust going and stockpile some embers until the event of the end if your doing a Edust phase invest some in enchanting dust at the end of the event put all your embers into memetic splinters income and do splinter experiments, Splinters are one of the most strongest things in the game the all profit bonus for people who have nothing else left to invest to.

Depending on how much you have invested to one jar it will begin to emit a fumes which swirl around. JarEffects.png


Upon opening the game for the first time you will be reward with:

  • 3 Relics
  • 5 Runes
  • 10,000 Red dust
  • 10,000 Blue dust
  • 10,000 Gold dust
  • 20,000 Green dust