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Stances are states that grant a passive bonus while active. A stance can be selected by pressing its hotkey or clicking its button. Only one stance can be active at a time; by default, this is Meditation.

Stances are only available to Ironsoul portrait.pngIronsoul and Oni portrait.pngOni.


Stance Meditation.pngMeditation Stance charges non-shard spells over time (X% per sec). Each second, this gives:
(Charging Speed×X)%
of a charge to all Charging spells on the Spell Panel. This effect is scales with cost, so e.g. 20% per sec will always give 20% of a charge (increased by Charging Speed).

However: Certain spells do not get the full benefit. While the effect still scales with cost, the charging itself is directly reduced per these formulas.
Spell Synthetic Entity.pngSynthetic Entity, Spell Temper The Steel.pngTemper The Steel, Spell Force Of Will.pngForce Of Will, and Spell Possessed Blade.pngPossessed Blade instead get:
Charging Speed×XCharges+1%
of a charge per sec.

Spell Furious Strike.pngFurious Strike instead gets:
Charging Speed×XCharges2×5+Charges×6+1%
of a charge per sec.

Certain items can speed charging in various ways:

  • Item Grasp Of The Grave.pngGrasp Of The Grave reduces charging Spells' cost by 5%. This reduces the cost of Charging spells by 5% additively. Meditation charging scales with cost, so this has no effect.
  • Item Spell Helix.pngSpell Helix reduces charge Spells charging time by 5%. This reduces the cost of Charging spells by 5% additively. Meditation charging scales with cost, so this has no effect.
  • Item Perfected Kata Bracers.pngPerfected Kata Bracers Reduces charging Spells' cost by 25%. This reduces the cost of Charging spells by 25% multiplicatively. Meditation charging scales with cost, so this has no effect.
  • Item Temporal Scabbard.pngTemporal Scabbard Enchant: Increases charge-based spell charging speed by 10%. This increases Charging Speed by 10% per enchant multiplicatively. This does increase Meditation charging.


Stance Defense.pngDefense Stance reduces the duration of Incantation spells by Y%. Oni portrait.pngOni: Makes Furious Strike instant.


Stance Berserk.pngBerserk Stance increases the efficiency of Evocation spells by Z%.