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This is a simple Template used to build line charts from a JSON array of points.

{{Chart|label=Line|xLabel=X axis|yLabel=Y axis|points= {"x":0,"y":0},{"x":1,"y":1},{"x":2,"y":2},{"x":3,"y":4},{"x":4,"y":8} }}
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It can also be used for more complex logarithmic charts:

{{Chart|label=JMS Casts/Missile|xLabel=# of JMS casts|xMode=logarithmic|yLabel=# of Missiles|yMode=logarithmic|points= {"x":1,"y":10},{"x":10,"y":10},{"x":100,"y":10},{"x":1000,"y":14},{"x":10000,"y":59},{"x":100000,"y":509},{"x":1000000,"y":5009},{"x":10000000,"y":50009},{"x":100000000,"y":500009},{"x":1000000000,"y":5000009},{"x":10000000000,"y":50000009} }}
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This template is powered by MediaWiki:Chart.js, using Fandom Chart.js. Chart.js documentation can be found here.