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Here are examples of every Pet's tooltip:

{{DisplayPetTooltip|Shadow Stalker}}
{{DisplayPetTooltip|Risen Giant}}
{{DisplayPetTooltip|Pit Lord}}
{{DisplayPetTooltip|Anima Construct}}
{{DisplayPetTooltip|Ley Keeper}}
{{DisplayPetTooltip|Ebonsand Behemoth}}
{{DisplayPetTooltip|Living Sin}}
{{DisplayPetTooltip|Herald of Rot}}
{{DisplayPetTooltip|Voidlight Amalgam}}
{{DisplayPetTooltip|Mechanos Apexis}}
{{DisplayPetTooltip|Psychic Cacophony}}
{{DisplayPetTooltip|Greater Chimaera}}
Pixie portrait.png
Increases click profits depending on level, and autoclicks 1 times per second for each 20 levels. Gains experience from her autoclicks, even when offline.
Zombie portrait.png
Increases source profits based on idle bonus and pet level. Autoclicks 1 times per second for 50% profit with 20% crit chance for 900% increased profit. These clicks claim the manual click shard pool. Gains experience through his autoclicks, even when offline.
Homunculus portrait.png
Increases profits, grants a mana source level periodically, period based on number of sources owned. Gain exp each second, depending on Character's level. Gains experience passively based on character level.
Daemon portrait.png
Massively increases sources' profits based on pet level. Yields mana every 10 seconds based on mana/sec. Can only gain experience from Demonologist spells.
Golem portrait.png
Increases sources' profits based on character experience and pet level. Gains experience passively based on the number of upgrades bought, even when offline.
Spellhound portrait.png
Yields spell shards periodically based on pet level. Gains experience with spells cast; experience gained depends on the shard cost of the spells.
Voidfiend portrait.png
Periodically yields void mana based on pet level and the void mana a single entity earns. Increases the effectiveness of void mana based on pet level and void mana earned per run. Gains experience from entities collected. Doesn't work offline.
Devourer portrait.png
Increases Mysteries power based on pet experience and pet level. Periodically consumes shards from ALL active spells, depending on the average value of passive shards generation, to gain experience. Doesn't work offline.
Interrogator portrait.png
Increases the duration of Incantation spells and efficiency of Evocation spells. Gains experience every second depending on the amount of currently active spells.
Geode portrait.png
After charging the ability, temporarily increases attributes. Gains experience with each activation of the ability, depending on amount of attribute points available or allocated.
Shadow Stalker
Shadow Stalker portrait.png
Offline production increases, charge all non-shards spells by 2% every 10 seconds. Gains experience every second, more if idle mode is off. Doesn't gain experience offline.
Ent portrait.png
The next version of the Pixie autoclicks 1 times per second for each 20 levels, for 5x click profit, and with hero crit stats. Also increases click profits and summoning efficiency depending on level. Gains experience from his autoclicks, even when offline.
Risen Giant
Risen Giant portrait.png
A superior Zombie, his autoclick is stronger, with 100% click profit, 30% crit chance for 1200% crit profit. Increases source profits based on idle bonus and pet level. Also increases the efficiency of the manual shard pool depending on his level. Gains experience through his autoclicks, even when offline.
Simulacrum portrait.png
Increases profits, grants a mana source level periodically with period based on number of sources owned. Increases resource jars accumulation speed by 10% (constant). Gain exp each second, depending on Character's level.
Pit Lord
Pit Lord portrait.png
Vastly increases Mana profits based on their level and experience, yields Mana periodically and gains experience only through Demonologist spells. Also increases the efficiency of Evocation spells. Can only gain experience from Demonologist spells.
Anima Construct
Anima Construct portrait.png
Sources' profits increase with character experience and amount of Exiles, increase Incantation Spells efficiency. The better of the golem. Experience gained per second depends on number of upgrades bought.
Arcanaworg portrait.png
Superior spellhounds, sources' profit increase with pet level. Yields spell shards periodically, after charging the ability, depending on level. Gains experience with each spell cast.
Voidterror portrait.png
Periodically yields void mana, increases the effectiveness of void mana and allows getting temporary buffs from Void Entities. Gains experience from its ability. Doesn't work offline.
Hungerer portrait.png
Increase Mysteries power percentage based on Pet experience and multiplied by Pet level. Periodically consumes shards from active spells, depending on average value of passive generation of shards from EACH spell. Periodically consumes mana sources. Gains experience based on number of Spell Shards or mana sources consumed
Archivist portrait.png
An improved version of the Interrogator, the Archivist increases the duration of Incantation spells, the efficiency of Evocation spells, and all source's profits. Gains experience every second depending on the amount of currently active spells.
Ley Keeper
Ley Keeper portrait.png
The tier 2 Geode, after charging the ability, temporarily increases Attributes. Increases level reduction. Gains experience with each activation of the ability, depending on total amount of attribute points.
Ebonsand Behemoth
Ebonsand Behemoth portrait.png
The tier 2 Shadow Stalker, increases offline production, charges non-shard spells. While Idle Mode is off, increases sources' profits depending on time spent in idle mode Gains experience each second, increased if idle mode is off.
Doppelganger portrait.png
Gives different bonuses depending on its level.

[1] Gives 1 random source every second

[60] Autoclicks once every 2s, claiming shard pool

[80] Increases spell shards per click

[100] Increases spell shards per second

[120] Increases sources profit

[140] Increases Evocation efficiency

[160 Increases Incantation efficiency

[180] Increases Mysteries power

Only gains experience through Materialise Doppelganger.
Soulstealer portrait.png
Gives different bonuses depending on its level.

[1] Gives 1 random source every second.

[25] Autoclick once per second, claiming shard pool

[50] Increases spell shards per click

[75] Autoclicks X times per second

[100] Increases spell shards per second

[120] Increases sources profit

[150] Increases Evocation efficiency

[175] Increases Incantation efficiency

[200] Increases Mysteries power

[225] Increases void profits power

[250] Increases void entitie lifetime and spawnrate

[275] Increases character ability power

[300] Increases pet ability power

Gains experience from pet experience and character experience.
Living Sin
Living Sin portrait.png
Increases profits based on pet's experience. Increases Evocation spells efficiency. Doesn't receive experience passively. Depends on Demonologist spells to learn.
Herald of Rot
Herald of Rot portrait.png
Increases profits based on a power function of your idle bonus and pet time. Increase autoclick effeciency boosted exponentially with each Summoning spell active. Increases Summoning efficiency, based on pet time. Gains experience per second in Idle mode.
Voidlight Amalgam
Voidlight Amalgam portrait.png
Periodically yields Void Mana based on Pet level, Hallowed Clicks performed and Void Mana earned from a single Void Entity. Increase Void Mana profits, based on Void Mana earned in this Exile. Gains experience per second, based on Void Mana profits.
Mechanos Apexis
Mechanos Apexis portrait.png
Increase evocation efficiency, based on pet time. Increase incantation spells efficiency. Autocasts Kelphior's Black Beam on its own even it's not selected on the spell panel. Experience gained per second depends on number of upgrades bought and time the pet is active.
Nix-Instability portrait.png
Offline production increases. Spawns mana sources depending on Mana available. While idle Mode is off, profit increases with time spent this exile.
Psychic Cacophony
Psychic Cacophony portrait.png
Give different bonuses depending on its level.

[1] Gives 1 random source every second.

[25] Autoclick once per second, claiming shard pool

[50] Increases spell shards per click

[75] Autoclicks X times per second

[100] Increases spell shards per second

[120] Increases sources profit

[150] Increases Evocation efficiency

[175] Increases Incantation efficiency

[200] Increases Mysteries power

[225] Increases void profits power

[250] Increases void entitie lifetime and spawnrate

[275] Increases character ability power

[300] Increase void mana per entity

[325] Increases pet ability power

Gains experience from pet experience and character experience.
Greater Chimaera
Greater Chimaera portrait.png
Increases profits, grants a mana source and Spell Shards periodically with period based on number of sources owned. Passively increases your attributes. Increases resource jars accumulation speed by 12% (constant). Gains experience each second, depending on Character's level.

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