Alchemist Guide

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Important, Outdated

This guide is outdated. Please use the e200-300 pins in the discord. Also note, gear and time listed in t1 guides is generally optional. It's recommended in case you have it, not because it's required.

Alchemist Guide by Vandammetje

Edits by Dirich: VIP 5 optimisation, and High Myst variation.


  • Range: e200-e240/e300
  • Important information (usage of Draught Of Midas, Transmute and other Alchemist spells): Some of Alchemist's spell cost Mana sources to be cast. Like for example Spell Crystallization.pngCrystallization, to get around having to keep on buying sources you can use the spell Spell Transmute.pngTransmute. The Transmute spell costs 100 Mana Gems and gives, depending on your all time mana and current sources (you can find the formula on the wiki page), 100+ of a random source that isn't Mana Gems. Casting Spell Draught Of Midas.pngDraught Of Midas will make sure you go back to that exiles highest amount of Mana Gems, so you don't have to buy any sources and can keep on going.


In order of usefulness:

  • Dominance: Max as high as you can up to 200, the Alchemist benefits mostly from autoclicks.
  • Spellcraft: Almost all of the perks in Spellcraft are significant, at 25, 50, 75, 100, 125 and 175. The Void Mana boosts from evocation efficiency with Spell Void Decompression.pngVoid Decompression is nice but less essential.
  • Insight: 60 is required for Voidterror portrait.pngVoidterror, but going up to 75 for the void mana profit perk is nice. Note that the alchemist only benefits from Void Profit, not entities or spawn rates, so you should almost never go higher with Insight. Void Mana Profit is handled by these 2-3 perks, your pet, and an evocation spell only.

There is more flexibility with:

  • Intelligence: Helps gains, is required for certain items, and 100 is ideal to also use Item Artificer's Shoulderpads.pngArtificer's Shoulderpads during buildup periods.
  • Patience: Helps gains, is required for certain items. 50 is required for Item Companionship Ring.pngCompanionship Ring, 75 for Item Grasp Of The Grave.pngGrasp Of The Grave, 100 is ideal to also use Item Artificer's Shoulderpads.pngArtificer's Shoulderpads during buildup periods.
  • Empathy: 35 is required for Item Companionship Ring.pngCompanionship Ring, 50 is required for Item Whiplash.pngWhiplash. That should be as high as you need to go, but can potentially go to 75 for more of the Falconer's set after you've completed your Mastery requirement.
  • Mastery: 0 if you're hurting for points, but 25 is a good base for evocation/summoning efficiency and Item The Great Journey.pngThe Great Journey. 175 has some potential with Item Collar Of Obedience.pngCollar Of Obedience, but other attributes are usually more important.
  • Wisdom: 0. The Alchemist gets no benefit from wisdom, thanks to Spell Crystallization.pngCrystallization.

Old attribute sets are below (this is likely no longer valid):

  • 575 (590) attributes: 0 wisdom, 100 intelligence, 50 (65 is preferred) insight, 150 patience, 25 mastery, 100 spellcraft, 0 empathy, 150 dominance.
  • 640 attributes: 0 wisdom, 100 intelligence, 65 insight, 150 patience, 50 mastery, 100 spellcraft, 0 empathy, 150 dominance.
  • 665 attributes: 0 wisdom, 100 intelligence, 65 insight, 200 patience, 25 mastery, 100 spellcraft, 0 empathy, 150 dominance.
  • 690 attributes: 0 wisdom, 100 intelligence, 65 insight, 200 patience, 75 mastery, 100 spellcraft, 0 empathy, 150 dominance.
  • 690+ attibutes: dump point in patience, after that's full you can start empathy.

Note: You can run empathy for the falconer's set, this will make pet leveling faster but you can also do that with Void items. If you're going to run empathy don't invest more than 50 points.

Note: it is tempting to spend points differently, a usual example is spending points in empathy. While this is useful, the payoff is usually bad, and the reason why many players can't get profits with this class.


Simulacrum phase

Spell.png Spell Conjure Manabeast.png

Spell.png Spell Ritual Of Power.png

Spell.png Spell Void Automaton.png

Spell.png Spell Void Lure.png

Spell.png Spell Conjure Primal Elemental.png

Spell.png Spell Spell Focus.png

Start of run character/voidfiend levelling to obtain burst spell access (evocation elixir)

Spell.png Spell Draught Of Midas.png

Spell.png Spell Void Lure.png

Spell.png Spell Void Decompression.png

Spell.png Spell Void Automaton.png

Spell.png Spell Transmute.png

Spell.png Spell Crystallization.png

Buildup/Pre-burst spell stacking phase/low-medium myst (evocation elixir)

Spell.png Spell Draught Of Midas.png

Spell.png Spell Ritual Of Power.png

Spell.png Spell Void Decompression.png

Spell.png Spell Condensed Energy.png

Spell.png Spell Transmute.png

Spell.png Spell Crystallization.png

Burst (summoning elixir)

Spell.png Spell Gem Resonance.png

Spell.png Spell Ritual Of Power.png

Spell.png Spell Denaturation.png

Spell.png Spell Condensed Energy.png

Spell.png Spell Automatise.png

Spell.png Spell Artificial Muse.png

Simulacrum phase (optional, recommended)

Buy only Mana Gems and Alchemy Desks (Laboratories) as apprentice, while Simulacrum portrait.pngSimulacrum is building your building cast try to level to ~130 using the first spellset above. The reason for only buying Mana Gems and Laboratories is because the spell Spell Draught Of Midas.pngDraught Of Midas is based on highest amount of Mana Gems and the reason for only Laboratories is because every Laboratory increases profit and Laboratories aren't used to cast spells. Other Mana sources will be used to cast spells so they aren't worth maxing since you'll lose them before bursting anyway.

Note: Items don't matter much at this stage but if you use Item Whiplash.pngWhiplash this phase will be faster.

Start of run burst

When you start a run you are missing plenty of upgrades that you can easily get if you immediately go to the pre burst phase (vm buildup) and then burst. After this fast burst you can start the real run with a much more powerful character!

Buildup Phase (Stacking Spells/Gaining XP)

Alchemist portrait.pngAlchemist has access to many accumulated spells during this period we will stack them, the most notable of which are Spell Void Decompression.pngVoid Decompression, Spell Ritual Of Power.pngRitual Of Power and Spell Condensed Energy.pngCondensed Energy.

For this use the second spell set above on reckless and Voidterror portrait.pngVoidterror. This should last 2-10 hours before moving onto burst, but multiple bursts throughout the run are beneficial.

Note: Stacking Denaturation instead of Condensed Energy is also an option.

Buildup Gear

In order of priority:

  • Item Shadow-Scryer's Crystal Ball.pngShadow-Scryer's Crystal Ball is a Weapon slot item that will give you many, many more persistent casts. By far the most important item, otherwise you will need much longer alchemist runs before exiling. This won't unlock in crafting before e260, but once you reach e260, prioritise finding it.
  • Pet Experience gear such as the Falconer's set and Item Companionship Ring.pngCompanionship Ring are useful for gaining more void mana profit when bursting.
  • Item Whiplash.pngWhiplash including a few enchants will help level up Voidterror portrait.pngVoidterror faster and continues to be useful during burst.
  • Item The Great Journey.pngThe Great Journey for character XP and therefore summoning efficiency during burst.
  • Evocation Efficiency gear such as the Empowering set is nice to boost Spell Crystallization.pngCrystallization for faster Spell Void Decompression.pngVoid Decompression stacking at pre-burst.

VIP 5 optimisation

If you have VIP 5 you do not need Spell Draught Of Midas.pngDraught Of Midas and Spell Transmute.pngTransmute to recover the sources spent using some of the other spells, as you'll be simply buying them back. As such, you can optimise your stacking phase by inserting Spell Denaturation.pngDenaturation and (for lack of a better option) Spell Gem Resonance.pngGem Resonance in their place.

Also, note that there is a limit to the max number of sources you can reach via cast of Spell Draught Of Midas.pngDraught Of Midas and Spell Transmute.pngTransmute, and this limit is far below the one that Simulacrum portrait.pngSimulacrum can reach. As such, if you maxed your source via this pet, casting those spells will bring you down to a lower amount of sources, thus diminishing your profits and forcing you to go back to Simulacrum portrait.pngSimulacrum before starting the pre-burst.

High Mysts/Blue+ Gear Variation

This phase replaces the normal stacking phase. This section was originally written for e275 mysteries in an older version, whereas in the current version, it is unlikely anyone will have upgraded any gear by e275. This section only applies if you intend on using the Pet Elixir, which increases pet ability power based on the highest pet level since your last exile. This phase is generally not recommended.

Note: At this gear level, I suggest you have blue gear for Falconer Set, Burst and Pre-Burst. Sadly I could only test with bad gear and my max Spellhound portrait.pngSpellhound level was 161 and yet that was enough to prove Spell Void Decompression.pngVoid Decompression useless at this point.

At this range of gear, properly maximizing the Pet Elixir potential by reaching up a very high max level on the easiest pet to level, Spellhound portrait.pngSpellhound (or potentially Devourer portrait.pngDevourer), will cause the Void Mana generation of Voidterror portrait.pngVoidterror to be orders of magnitude better than Spell Void Decompression.pngVoid Decompression, hence we will need to change a bit the way we stack, in order to ensure we also maximize the pet level (e.g. use Spell Anima Synteta.pngAnima Synteta since it's the best levelling spell). We can now allow ourself to also stack Spell Denaturation.pngDenaturation, to increase our profits.

You will need to execute both Stacking and Pet Level Maximization, the former being the most important and the one you should spend more time on, with the latter being optional if you can reach a good enough pet level even without it.

Just make sure to always have Pet Elixir on and never switch from Spellhound portrait.pngSpellhound until you are ready to burst.



Item Whiplash.png


Item Falconer's Ranger Hat.png


Item Falconers Furcoat.png


Item Falconer's Gloves.png


Item Frosty Ring.png




Item Falconer's Leather Wrappings.png


Item Endless Pouches.png


Item Concealing Shroud.png


Item Precise Wristband.png


Item Shadow-Scryer's Crystal Ball.png


Item Habitstone.png







Spell.png Spell Draught Of Midas.png

Spell.png Spell Transmute.png

Spell.png Spell Condensed Energy.png

Spell.png Spell Ritual Of Power.png

Spell.png Spell Denaturation.png

Spell.png Spell Anima Synteta.png

Of course if you have the Renown 5 upgrade from the market, you can forego Spell Draught Of Midas.pngDraught Of Midas and Spell Transmute.pngTransmute and insert Spell Crystallization.pngCrystallization and Spell Void Decompression.pngVoid Decompression in their place (the latter just because it makes for better pet levelling).

Pet Level Maximization

If you are not reaching a high enough pet level, you can try switching equipment and spells to help with it.

It would be nice to be able to equip Item Falconer's Warm Cape.pngFalconer's Warm Cape and Item Hollow Eye Pendant.pngHollow Eye Pendant, but that requires Legendary quality Item Bite Sleeves.pngBite Sleeves and 100 to 125 Empathy AP, which you are unlikely to get before reaching e300.

One thing you can definitely change in your equipment is Item Frosty Ring.pngFrosty Ring for Item Companionship Ring.pngCompanionship Ring.

Spell wise you only need to replace Spell Denaturation.pngDenaturation with Spell Crystallization.pngCrystallization.


Switch to Voidterror portrait.pngVoidterror and level it to ~90 (the higher the level, the more profit). After having done that cast Spell Void Decompression.pngVoid Decompression a bunch of times with the second spell set above, get back all your Mana Gems with Spell Draught Of Midas.pngDraught Of Midas and Spell Transmute.pngTransmute. Pet Elixir and items that give extra Void profit or pet ability power will increase the Void received from Voidterror portrait.pngVoidterror, resulting in a Voidterror portrait.pngVoidterror that levels faster.

Equipment wise you won't have the Insight to equip void set items, so you should focus on your incantation/evocation buffing set for this phase.

Note: Wearing the Falconer's set will level Void Terror faster and using evocation gear will grant you more Void Mana from Void Decompression.

Note: Evocation Elixir will give more Void Mana from Void Decompression.

High Mysts Pre-burst (Mysts ~e275)

Once you reach high mysts (around e275-e280) your Pet Elixir combined with Voidterror portrait.pngVoidterror is the best source of Void Mana, this is your new spell set and gear. Keep in mind you might want to run Spell Void Automaton.pngVoid Automaton while levelling Voidterror portrait.pngVoidterror in order to improve the bonus on Item Ceaseless Hunger.pngCeaseless Hunger (albeit this won't come into play until after the time you unlock T2 classes).

Note: If you are overgeared and have 150 Int make sure to have enchant level 1 on every piece of gear, as Item Resonator Ring.pngResonator Ring bonus does not apply to items with enchant level 0.

Template:BiSEmbed Note that you can't have all of these items equipped at the same time due to number of AP available. Take the BiS bot suggestion as an indication of what you should do.


You're ready to burst when, while watching your void mana, it is no longer really rising from Spell Void Decompression.pngVoid Decompression casts.

Use the third spellset from above, and keep manually buying all sources (and upgrades) when they get reset from casting Spell Denaturation.pngDenaturation and Spell Condensed Energy.pngCondensed Energy.

Go back to pre-burst again for more void mana, and burst again until you stop seeing mystery gains.

It's safe to exile once you've reached about +e5 or +e6 from your current mysteries, otherwise go back to buildup and burst again in a couple of hours. It bears repeating that Item Shadow-Scryer's Crystal Ball.pngShadow-Scryer's Crystal Ball during buildup/pre-burst speeds up your alchemist runs immensely, allowing you to exile earlier and/or burst more often.

Burst Gear

Assuming you don't have legendary gear:

Legendary Gear

Template:BiSEmbed Note: This BiS takes into account that all your items are legendary. If they aren't, there might be better items I suggest testing what gives you the most profit while working towards getting these items legendary.

Note: I suggest bursting at least 2 times

Note: Ignore the weapon recommendation, use Batstick

Note: For offhand, see what gives you the most profit. I used Ceaseless Hunger