Classes Cheatsheet

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This guide aims to help you get an understanding of every T1 class you may want to try and how to apply items and other bonuses you can get, like attributes, to those classes. However it will only give you a starting point, from which you should start to experiment yourself, because every class has little tricks and quirks that will help to get more profit faster. As you progress through the game and earn more mysteries some former strong classes will be unable to generate profit anymore and other classes that were formerly left in the dust can shine once more. Generally if you can unlock a new class, that class should be able to get you profit, but may not be optimal. With the last 3 classes, Alchemist portrait.pngAlchemist, Ironsoul portrait.pngIronsoul and Abolisher portrait.pngAbolisher being somewhat item dependent.

General playstyle

If you exiled and start a new run in which you want to make profit you will generally have the following 4 phases. The more you progress, the more distinguished those phases will get:


Here you go to the class you want, get your spells setup, maybe maximize your sources and set up a quick burst to get most of the upgrades you had before back. The goal for this phase is to get close to your former max Mana in the shortest time possible and get ready for the buildup. Generally you do the other three phases for a short time each to get your mana as high as possible, so this cheatsheet will not include this phase. As such this phase uses pets like Spellhound portrait.pngSpellhound and Homunculus portrait.pngHomunculus or there T2 counterparts to quickly set up. This phase can take from seconds to around 30min if maxing sources.


This is mostly the idle part of your run, where you stack the resource your chosen class profits from to get profits later on. This phase is heavily dependent on the class you play and can itself also have multiple phases.

Burst preparation

In this phase you get ready to profit with your chosen class and make the preparations for it. This mostly means gathering void mana and for some classes preparing special spells that are used during burst.


Here you use every spell that gets you more Mana and get more Mysts. After this you can either exile, go back to burst preparation to burst again, or even go back to buildup. It's up to you.

T1 Classes


The Druid portrait.pngDruid is one of the two classes you can unlock in your first exile.

He wants to stack:

- Amount of Autoclicks performed

- Amount of casts of Rules of Nature and Ritual of Power


You want as much autoclicks as possible, so use the spells that generate the most autoclicks. Once you unlock Rules of Nature you also want enough critical autoclicks to charge it as fast as possible, so spells that use your critical chance are preferable.

Spell.png Spell Summon Woodland Creatures.png

Spell.png Spell Summon Evergrowing Forest.png

Spell.png Spell Summon Guardian Of The Canopies.png

Spell.png Spell Ritual Of Power.png

Spell.png Spell Rules of Nature.png

Pet of choice is Pixie portrait.pngPixie

Burst Preparation

Make sure the spells you use in your Burst have Charges to all be used congruently. And try to maximize your void Mana. While you do that you can also level your burst pet and continue to stack Autoclicks and Casts of Ritual of Power and Rules of Nature. The passive of Rules of Nature helps level your burst pet, so it should stay on your bar.

Spell.png Spell Void Lure.png

Spell.png Spell Void Radiance.png

Spell.png Spell Rules of Nature.png

Pet of Choice is the same pet as you want to burst with, so Pixie or Golem portrait.pngGolem, if available.


Spell.png Spell Magical Weapon.png

Spell.png Spell Rules of Nature.png

Spell.png Spell Ritual Of Power.png

Spell.png Spell Summon Evergrowing Forest.png

Spell.png Spell Force of Nature.png

Spell.png Spell Summon Woodland Creatures.png

Pet of Choice is Pixie or Golem, or their T2 counterparts.


The Demonologist portrait.pngDemonologist is the other class you can unlock in your first exile. Besides profiting early on, he keeps somewhat relevant for your pet level achievements. For highest pet-level he uses the Interrogator portrait.pngInterrogator together with Spell Hellstorm.pngHellstorm.

He wants to stack:

- Pet Level and very weakly current Pet time

- Amount of Casts of Ritual of Power and Unclean Knowledge


He scales very weakly with time, so there is no point in having long runs with him. He wants to level his pet as far as possible, then burst. We also include Void Mana gathering because we have the spellslots available.

Spell.png Spell Ritual Of Power.png

Spell.png Spell Unclean Knowledge.png

Spell.png Spell Fire Ball.png

Spell.png Spell Summon Infernal Thrasher.png

Spell.png Spell Void Lure.png

Spell.png Spell Spell Focus.png

Pet of Choice is Daemon portrait.pngDaemon or Golem portrait.pngGolem


Use whatever you have available that boosts profits. Once Spell Goblet Of Fire.pngGoblet Of Fire becomes available, it should replace Spell Gem Resonance.pngGem Resonance

Spell.png Spell Fire Ball.png

Spell.png Spell Ritual Of Power.png

Spell.png Spell Empower.png

Spell.png Spell Gem Resonance.png

Spell.png Spell Hellrage.png

Spell.png Spell Reap What You Sow.png


A hopefully handy collection of formulas for general parts of the gameplay:


Generally you want them all evenly distributed, but in the late game it can be a nice profit boost to concentrate them into one source.

How to get the even distribution, if you have currently all your catas reset and at hand:

sqrt(c/4+1/4)-1/2, with c being your current amount of catalysts (green or blue).

How to get the concentrated distribution, if you have all your current catas reset and at hand:

sqrt(2c+1/4)-1/2, with c being your current amount of catalysts (green or blue).

How to know how much your concentrated catas would stack, if you have them currently evenly distributed:

2*sqrt(2)*ced, with ced being the catalysts evenly distributed.

The profit increase you would get from concentrating your catas over evenly distributing:

2*sqrt(2)*bcf^(2*sqrt(2)), with bc being the factor with which each blue cata buffs your sources. So 1.04 at the start of the game.

Void Mana:

Void Mana has a decay rate of 1% per second if not changed by Insight 125 or Voidmancer/Heretic Upgrades. It also has a static value that gets subtracted every time. For the following formulas we assume we can get enough Void mana that the statis value plays no role in the amount of void mana we have/get.

Void Mana Degeneration:

Halftime for Void mana with 1% decay(normal): 69 seconds

Halftime for Void mana with 0.65% decay(Voidmancer): 106 seconds

Halftime for Void mana with 0.5% decay(insight 125): 138 seconds

Halftime for Void mana with 0.325% decay (Voidmancer+insight 125): 198 seconds

Halftime for Void mana with 0.24375% decay (Heretic): 284 seconds

If you're bursting while not generating Void mana like most classes, then those halftime is the time you can burst, until your profits are halfed because you only have half the void mana you started with. Because it works like radioactive decay that means after twice that time you will still earn 25% of your starting value from your gathered void mana and so on.

Void Mana Generation

We assume you have a constant amount of void mana generated, be it with a pet or a spell. The amount of Void mana you can gather theoretically is given by the following formula:

Max Void Mana = Void Mana per second * 100 / decay

With decay being 1, 0.5, etc. You get it by looking at the decay rate in the statistics menue and dividing that value by 100.

How long you need to gather void mana to get to a percentage of your theoretical max:

1% 0.5% 0.325% 0.24375%
1 min 45% 26,3% 18% 14%
3 min 84% 60% 44% 36%
5 min 95% 73% 62% 52%
15 min 100% 99% 95% 89%

The values for Voidmancer and Heretic are more for the sake of completeness, as they gather void mana more or less always. If you want to know the value for a specific time and understand a bit of math, you can use this link and change the formula as needed.


After you progressed rather far into the game and have legendary or Unique gear you are able to enchant it. Which quickly grows in price, so it becomes a question of how far you should enchant your items. Because it is so expensive even gear that only weakly effects our profit in a run should be sooner or later enchanted. The following formula should help you to decide how far to enchant an item, given the best enchant of your items.

Enchantlevel =  bestenchantlevel - floor(bestenchantbonus / (1.5 * enchantbonus) 

For example if your best enchant gives 30% to profit and is at level 10, then an item which enchant gives only 16% profit should be at 10 - floor(30/24) = 9 enchantinglevel.

Sources Amount

175k sources = 4.7e1510 max mana

200k sources = 1.33e1726 max mana

225k sources = 3.7e1941 max mana

Memory Profit-Upgrades

For the 60% profit-Upgrades, if those are for stats your class scales linearly with, they should follow the following distribution with Forlorn Nobility:

Forlorn Nobility Profit Upgrade
0 1
0 2
0 3
0 4
0 5
1 6
3 7
5 8
8 9
10 10
13 11
16 12
19 13
23 14
27 15
31 16
35 17
40 18
45 19
50 20

How to read this table: You should be at the shown level of Forlorn Nobility before Upgrading to the Profitupgrade-level of the same column. So reach FN 52 before going for 20 in the Profit-Upgrades!

Be aware the optimal cost-saving strategy will have those points but between those it can be quite a bit different, for example 1 FN, 3 profit-Upgrades stays between 4 and 5 profit Upgrades in cost and multiplier it offers!

Charge Spells

Charge spells have various Upgrades to their charging speed throughout the game:

The Challenges Rule of Nature I-III with 5% each.

Ironsoul Level 150 Achievement Upgrade with 5% each.

Patience Perks 125 and 175 with 10% and 15% each

Time Helix and Grasp of the Grave with 5% each

All the listed Boni are additive with each other, so you can get 55% Charge time reduction from them.

Kata Bracers with 25%, this isn't additive with the others, but multiplicative with the leftover time, making for the following formula to get your final Charge Time Reduction, if you're using KataBracers:

ChargeTimeReduction = (1 - A) * 0.25 + A = 0.25 + 0.75 * A