Attribute Guide

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After growing in power through collecting 1e10 Mysteries (10 Billion), the Paragon will awaken the powers within.

As time passes, you will naturally gain more points to spend. The time between each new point depends on 3 main aspects:

  1. Attributes gained through the waiting (attributes from completing Challenges are completely free)
  2. Current Hero Level
  3. Mysteries collected

Attribute Skills

You can spend these point into the Attribute Skill Trees, which will increase your special abilities and grant special boosts with every set of 25 Attribute Points (AP) in each skill. Each point is multiplicative in progression and efficiency.

(You can use "Shift + Click" to jump to the next 25th Skill Point.)

Explanations and strategy are out of date.


Int gives a bonus to Mind & the power to better take advantage of your Mana Sources, Mysteries, and the attuning of your Attributes and Class

Increases Mysteries profits by 2%

  • 25 points - Mysteries' power increased by 2% (total of 5% Mystery profit)
  • 50 points - Mysteries' power increased by 2% (total of 7% Mystery profit)
  • 75 points - Level requirements reduced by 1
  • 100 points - Mysteries' power increased by 3% (total of 10% Mystery profit)
  • 125 points - Mysteries' power increased by 5% (total of 15% Mystery profit)
  • 150 points - Sources' profits increased by 0.35% × (attribute points count)
  • 175 points - Mysteries' power increased by 10% (total of 25% Mystery profit)
  • 200 points - Increase profits by 1.5% × Achievements unlocked
  • 225 points - Mysteries' power increased by 10% (total of 35% Mystery profit)
  • 250 points - Increase profits by 0.65% × (amount of upgrades)

All Classes benefit from having Intelligence. It may not be the most powerful Attribute, it does have some of the most potential boosts to profit. The Devourer is capable of enhancing the power of the Mystery bonus, and thus receives the greatest bonus from Intelligence.

The most beneficial rewards are 25, 75, and 100. 50 & 125 aren't as useful once you have achieved more Attribute Points.


Ins unlocks knowledge and power through the Void, increasing the power & potency of Void Entities through Void Mana & the magnitude of Voids.

Void mana gained increased by 2.20%

  • 25 points - Bonus per Void Mana point increased by 12% (additive)
  • 50 points - Bonus per Void Mana point increased by 10% (multiplier)
  • 75 points - Bonus per Void Mana point increased by 15% (additive)
  • 100 points - Next Void Entity spawns 2 seconds earlier
  • 125 points - Void Mana degeneration reduced by 50%
  • 150 points - Sources' profits increased by 80% × log10(Void Entities collected)
  • 175 points - Bonus per Void Mana point increased by 20% (multiplier)
  • 200 points - Increase Void Mana per Entity by 250% × log10(Void Entities lifetime)
  • 225 points - Bonus per Void Mana point increased by 20% (multiplier)
  • 250 points - Increase Void Mana per Entity by 250% × log10(Void Entities spawn speed)

Most Classes are greatly benefited from having Insight. The Voidmancer & the Voidfiend gain the most power out of having Insight. The Exorcist may not be able to typically use Void Mana, but the profit base of the Void Mana increases the strength of his Hallowed Clicks, but it would be safer to fulfill other more beneficial Attributes first.

The most beneficial rewards are 25, 75, & 125, especially in the early & end stages. While 150 may not be the most beneficial until much later. Perk 100 is very minor boost, especially late-game, but it helps certain challenges.


Spc increases the power and strength of spells, especially those of Evocation (spells that usually create Mana). It also increases the efficiency of Incantations and the duration of Summons.

Evocation spells power increased by 3%

  • 25 points - Summon spells duration increased by 50%
  • 50 points - Incantation spells power increased by 15%
  • 75 points - Summon spells duration increased by 100%
  • 100 points - Incantation spells power increased by 20%
  • 125 points - Accumulated spells starting times cast is increased by 1000
  • 150 points - Sources' profits increased by 50% × log10(spells cast)
  • 175 points - Incantation spells power increased by 25%
  • 200 points - Increase evocation efficiency by 150% × log10(Accumulated and Persistent spells cast in this Exile + 1)
  • 225 points - Incantation spells power increased by 25%
  • 250 points - Sources' profits increased by 100% × log10(spells cast + 1)1.05

Almost all Classes can benefit from having Spellcraft, of which the Prodigy, Arcanist, and Ironsoul use it the most often. The Interrogator gains the most benefits from Spellcraft.

The most beneficial rewards are 50 & 100. While 25 & 75 are only truly beneficial at the beginning, and 125 becomes less important as you progress. 150 is good in general for all classes but not vital.


Wis allows the access to obtaining more Spell Shards, which can increase the amount of spell casts, as well as furthering the strength of Pets and Spells that use increase the creation & use of Shards.

Shards gained passively increased by 2.00%

  • 25 points - Spell costs reduced by 10%
  • 50 points - Shards per click increased by 10%
  • 75 points - Pool accumulates 50% more shards
  • 100 points - Spell costs reduced by 10%
  • 125 points - Pool accumulates 75% more shards
  • 150 points - Sources' profits increased by 150% × log10(spell shards collected)
  • 175 points - Shards per click increased by 25%
  • 200 points - Increase incantation efficiency by 15% × log10(Evocation spells casts in this Exile +1)1.2
  • 225 points - Spell costs reduced by 10%
  • 250 points - Sources' profits increased by 125% × log10(passive shards gain)1.2

Benefits most Classes, specifically by Chronomancer, early Voidmancer, and Prodigy. Greatly benefits the Arcanaworg and somewhat benefits Risen Giant. Though, it lacks credible power in gaining Mana, and is not the best choice for all classes. The exception to this is the Abolisher, which not only directly benefits from greater spell shard numbers, but drastically increases the effectiveness of the 150 perk. The Arcanist also benefits from 150, but 200 grants a much higher benefit due to the class' focus on stacking Jas'Aham's Missile Storm casts.

The most beneficial rewards are 25 and 150. While some of the other may not be as profitable, depending on what you are trying to accomplish. Significantly, the 25, 100, and 225 perks reduction of spell costs also reduces the cost of Umbramancer's Shadow Spells.


Dom increases the physical forces of the body & Summoning Spells, while increasing power, Criticals' chance & profit, along with Mana per Click.

Autoclick Mana profits increased by 2.90%

  • 25 points - Critical click profit increased by 100%
  • 50 points - Critical click chance increased by 5
  • 75 points - Critical click profit increased by 150%
  • 100 points - Critical click chance increased by 5
  • 125 points - Crit rating increased by 500
  • 150 points - Sources' profits increased by 40% × log10(autoclicks)
  • 175 points - Critical click profit increased by 250%
  • 200 points - Increases super critical profits by 78% × log10(autoclicks + 1)
  • 225 points - Critical click profit increased by 300%
  • 250 points - Sources' profits increased by 80% × log10(autoclick count + 1)1.05

The Druid, Exorcist, Alchemist, and late game necromancer (via patience perk 75) gain the most benefit, alongside the Pixie & Ent, whereas most other Classes do not get any benefit at all.

The most beneficial rewards are 25 & 75, even though most of the bonuses are quite beneficial, if even just through the base bonus of Dominance.


Pat unlocks the inner power of Idle Mode after not manually using your Orb. This grants superior power and strength to all sources of mana, and furthering the effectiveness of Patience.

Idle bonus increased by 3.00%

  • 25 points - Time needed to switch to Idle mode decreased by 5 sec
  • 50 points - First 3 clicks while in Idle mode doesn't reset Idle mode 1 (doesn't replenish)
  • 75 points - Autoclick 1 time per second
  • 100 points - Ability to click without resetting Idle mode now replenishes every 10 min
  • 125 points - Reduces charging time of Spells that charge without Spell Shards by 10%
  • 150 points - Sources' profits increased by 0.0085% × (total amount of sources)
  • 175 points - Reduces charging time of Spells that charge without Spell Shards by 15%
  • 200 points - Increase idle bonus by 100% × log1.6(1 + Idle time × 0.00025)
  • 225 points - Increases green catalyst power by 25% (additive)
  • 250 points - Sources' profits increased by 0.017% × (total amount of sources)

Greatly benefits all Classes, with the Necromancer, Zombie, and Risen Giant gaining the most power out of it. Umbramancer gains no to extremely minor benefit from this attribute line.

The most beneficial reward is 150, whereas the other bonuses aren't very important or powerful. Though, with the highest base power per point, all your excess points (less than 25 points) will find the most benefit here.


Mas increases character ability power.

Character ability power increased by 1.80%

  • 25 points - Increases Character power growth rate by 25%
  • 50 points - Increases Character Experience gained by actions by 50%
  • 75 points - Character experience from mana sources increased by 25%
  • 100 points - Increases Character power growth rate by 50%
  • 125 points - Level requirements reduced by 1
  • 150 points - Sources' profits increased by 1.5% × character level
  • 175 points - Summon spells efficiency increased by 25%
  • 200 points - Increases character ability power by 0.075% × achievement points
  • 225 points - Character experience from mana sources increased by 25%
  • 250 points - Sources' profits increased by 3% × character level

All classes gain benefits from Mastery, although some do so far less than others. For example, the Ironsoul is benefited greatly, while the Druid is still affected but to a much smaller extent.


Emp increases pet ability power.

Pet ability power increased by 1.80%

  • 25 points - Pet experience gained increased by 100 (flat)
  • 50 points - Pet starting level increased by 9 (starting level 10)
  • 75 points - Pet experience increased by 50%
  • 100 points - Summoning efficiency increased by 20%
  • 125 points - Pet starting level increased by 15 (starting level 25)
  • 150 points - Sources' profits increased by 1.25% × pet level
  • 175 points - Summoning efficiency increased by 25%
  • 200 points - Increase pet ability power by 100% × log1.6(1 + current pet time × 0.0005)
  • 225 points - Summoning efficiency increased by 30%
  • 250 points - Sources' profits increased by 2.5% × pet level

All classes gain benefits from Empathy, as you have no reason to not be using a pet. A Demonologist gains the most benefit due to even faster leveling and increased pet ability power.

25 is a significant increase for a good portion of the game, but falls off later-on, while 100, 175, and 225 can be variably useful depending on the class being played.

Uses & Temporary Attributes

Attributes also have multiple uses. They are requirements in equipping Tier 2 Pets and Items, they are also used within your progression of Paragon levels and obtaining the Exorcist & Interrogator.

There are a few ways to get temporary Attributes in order to better save points and use them in much better situations.

Items are one of the most reliable forms of extra Attributes, since they allow you to have them when you need them, and reuse those points in other areas, and can easily be switched out.

The Geode also creates temporary attributes that can benefit you for a short period of time.

A good example for Temporary Attributes is found in the Item;

Item Legacy.png

Legacy, which gives 40 Insight as long as you have 50 Int & 50 Ins. That means you only need 85 Insight + Legacy -> 125 Insight, allowing you to put those other 40 points into another more profitable Skill.

Attribute Goals

There are a lot of bonuses from Attributes, and there are so many different combinations to choose from.

These are some of the most Mathematically beneficial Attribute Goals:

Click on the Title/Image to Reveal the Knowledge

This section is out of date, and does not account for recent changes like the addition of Mastery.

Star.png Generic Skills Icon2 Apprentice.png


~Excess Points go into Patience

  • Patience has the highest bonus, granting the most profit per point, put points into it when no important perk can be gained.

+25 Ins

  • There is a x6 bonus getting 25 Ins at the beginning part of the game (initial base of 2% -> 14% with 25 Ins)

+25 Int

  • Having gives a 60% bonus to all profit, and it quite beneficial

~+50 Spc

  • The bonus of having 15% increase to Incantations is very powerful

100 Spc

  • The bonus of having 35% increase to Incantations is extremely powerful

100 Spc + 25 Ins + 25 Int

  • Add the bonuses together

100 Spc + 100 Int + 125 Ins

  • Highest non druid, generalist spread of points
  • If you have completed most of the Challenges, you won't need 125 Spc.
  • Going forward, 125 Int isn't as beneficial as placing 25 AP into Patience.
  • Now, you should start placing your points into the most beneficial places for you.

Icon Apprentice.png

Star.pngDruid Icon2 Druid.png


After understanding the information & importance of the "Generic Skills"

Druid's Important Attributes: Dom -> Int -> Ins -> Pat -> Spc -> Wis

The Druid uses Dominance instead of Spellcraft, as he doesn't have access to Evocation spells, and would only need a maximum of 25 Spc until Late Game when Incantation bonus is needed (as the Druid doesn't have any natural Upgrades to Incantation bonus).

Icon Druid.png

Star.pngDemonologist Icon2 Demonologist.png


After understanding the information & importance of the "Generic Skills"

Demonologist's is more widely used for leveling up Pets, and isn't quite powerful enough to make Mysteries on his own.

100 Spellcraft, 25 Mastery, & 125 Wisdom are great for quickly getting Achievements for pets.

Icon Demonologist.png

Star.pngNecromancer Icon2 Necromancer.png


After understanding the information & importance of the "Generic Skills"

Necromancer's Important Attributes: Pat -> Spc -> Int -> Ins -> Dom -> Wis

VIP 3 Attributes: ( draenar ) Pat -> Dom -> Spc -> Int -> Ins -> Wis

The Necromancer is powerful, but requires time to accumulate his power. After a few days, he can become insanely powerful, especially when teamed up with the Risen Giant. With his Necro's Idle Bonus*Giant's Idle Profit, they make a great team.

Icon Necromancer.png

Star.pngArcanist Icon2 Arcanist.png


After understanding the information & importance of the "Generic Skills"

Arcanist's Important Attributes: Bursting: Spc -> Ins -> Int -> Pat -> Wis -> Dom

Stacking: Spc -> Wis

Arcanist is quite powerful, especially in using a barrage of spells to either stack or make Mana. Depending on the Play-Style & Pet will depend on the important attributes.

Icon Arcanist.png

Star.pngProdigy Icon2 Prodigy.png


After understanding the information & importance of the "Generic Skills"

Prodigy's Important Attributes: Spc -> Ins -> Int -> Pat -> Wis -> Dom

Prodigy follows along the basis of the Generic skills. Though, depending on the Pet & goal will ultimately determine the most important Attributes.

Icon Prodigy.png

Star.pngVoidmancer Icon2 Voidmancer.png


After understanding the information & importance of the "Generic Skills"

Voidmancer's Important Attributes: Early Game: Spc -> Ins -> Wis -> Int -> Pat

Late Game (after Spell Reality Warping.pngReality Warping): Spc -> Ins -> Int -> Pat -> Dom -> Wis

Voidmancer has many different play styles & important Attributes, that ultimately are determined by the pet & activeness.

Wisdom is beneficial for the Early-Game, but after Spell Reality Warping.pngReality Warping it becomes quite useless.

Icon Voidmancer.png

Star.pngExorcist Icon2 Exorcist.png


After understanding the information & importance of the "Generic Skills"

Exorcist's Important Attributes: Dom -> Spc -> Int -> Pat -> Ins -> Wis

Dominance is the most important Attribute for the Exorcist, since it increases the power of his Hallowed Clicks, followed by Spellcraft for Evocation & Incantation bonuses.

Though Exorcist can benefit from having Wisdom & Insight, they aren't as powerful as placing the points into other more beneficial skill trees.

Icon Exorcist.png

Star.pngChronomancer Icon2 Chronomancer.png


After understanding the information & importance of the "Generic Skills"

Chronomancer's Important Attributes: Spc -> Int -> Ins -> Wis -> Pat -> Dom

Though the Chronomancer is fast paced and has powerful spells, he may require the use Spell Time Helix.pngTime Helix to make a profit. He is great for accomplishing Achievements & Challenges.

Icon Chronomancer.png

- Demigod100 // Aparthax*Almighty -

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