Ironsoul Guide

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Updated for v1.55.


Ironsoul portrait.pngIronsoul is a class that can first be unlocked at e200 mysts. It relies on stacking incantations, and has its unique stance mechanic to boost various aspects of its gameplay. It also changes significantly after reaching e260 mysts and unlocking the weapon item slot.

See this guide for some information on how phases work in general, if you're confused about how to go between buildup/VM/burst or how long to spend on each.


Minimum attributes:

After that, you'll want to primarily invest in MAS/EMP/SPC, going for big profit upgrades when they're available. Any other requirements for useful gear should be prioritized.

Pre e260

IS plays quite differently before and after e260 Mysts, which unlocks Weapons and thus Item Berzerker.pngBerzerker. Before e260, you don't have a good way to cast Spell Enhanced Strength.pngES and Spell Iron Blood.pngIB in defence stance. Thus, it's best to just ignore them in buildup for now.


Here, we try to stack casts of incantations. Any incantations work, because of IS's class ability, but ones that are accumulated are a bonus. You'll want to spend a bit of time in Meditation stance to get started - as soon as you get at least one charge in TTS, you should be good to swap to Defense stance, because of Spell Conjure Greater Elemental.pngConjure Greater Elemental. Once TTS is casting, you'll be gaining charges of FS from that, which then feed back into TTS from the second part of that spell. This should support itself immediately with Greater Elemental, but having more casts of TTS means you get more FS, which means it will support itself better, so just spend enough time in Meditation stance to have it self-sustain.


Spell.png Spell Void Lure.png

Spell.png Spell Void Automaton.png

Spell.png Spell Conjure Manabeast.png

Spell.png Spell Empower.png

Spell.png Spell Void Radiance.png

Spell.png Spell Ritual Of Power.png

#1#TTS @87,2;86,2;21,2;50,2;34,2;60,2

Spell.png Spell Temper The Steel.png

Spell.png Spell Furious Strike.png

Spell.png Spell Conjure Greater Elemental.png

Spell.png Spell Empower.png

Spell.png Spell Void Radiance.png

Spell.png Spell Ritual Of Power.png

You'll want to spend some time on the first set to gain some character levels, and then spend the rest (majority) of the exile on the second set. Honestly, it doesn't matter too much; the majority of the action is happening in the last 3 spells, as they are low-duration incantations that will stack for IS's class ability (and Spell Ritual Of Power.pngRitual Of Power has cast scaling itself, as well).

At some point (perhaps a few minutes before you burst), stop casting Spell Furious Strike.pngFS so it stacks up charges for burst. Ideally, you do this so that you run out of Spell Temper The Steel.pngTTS charges just as you are ready to burst.

As for items in this phase, you'll want to have as much CAP as possible. This likely means as much of the Conjured set as you can, before you have any gear upgraded. Any incantation duration reduction also helps, but that's only available on some legendary gear (Item Perfected Kata Bracers.pngPerfected Kata Bracers and Item Frosty Ring.pngFrosty Ring, as well as Item Habitstone.pngHabitstone, but that's out of the range of this class).

IS's exiles tend to want to be on the longer side, as it has very good time scaling. At e200, you'll likely want 30min-1hr exiles, although you may see success with shorter exiles depending on various factors. As you approach e260, you'll likely need a bit longer; perhaps 2-3 hour exiles.

Void Mana

For this phase, there are 2 options: Voidterror portrait.pngVoidterror, or Spell Void Radiance.pngVoid Radiance with Anima Construct portrait.pngAnima Construct. Which is better will depend on many factors, so it's best to test for yourself which gives you more void mana. Generally, the longer your exiles go, the more Void Radiance will win.


Spell.png Spell Void Lure.png

Spell.png Spell Void Radiance.png

Spell.png Spell Iron Blood.png

Spell.png Spell Enhanced Strength.png

Spell.png Spell Conjure Primal Elemental.png

Spell.png Spell Conjure Greater Elemental.png

Some potential gear options


Item Resonator Ring.png





Item Whiplash.png



Item Legacy.png



Item Collar Of Obedience.png



Item Bite Sleeves.png





Item Anomalous Essence.png


Item Pheromone Gland.png




The majority of this gear applies to Voidterror portrait.pngVoidterror. If not using VT, then the PAP gear and Collar of Obedience don't matter (and you can add in Item The Amplifier.pngThe Amplifier.
If you don't have the 175 MAS for Collar of Obedience, don't worry about it. It is a useful item and has a good enchant, though, so that is likely one of your first priorities with extra AP.

This phase should not last longer than 1-3 minutes.

With any available gear, wear Void Mana per Entity (VpE), and then either PAP (with VT) or Incant Eff (with Anima Construct).


We have two pet options for burst: either Hungerer portrait.pngHungerer or Anima Construct portrait.pngAnima Construct. Anima Construct is generally a bit worse, but less annoying to use. If you chose to use Hungerer, then make sure to switch to Hungerer while still on the VM set, as it has Spell Conjure Primal Elemental.pngConjure Primal Elemental to boost its pet EXP for a bit. Then, after our burst pet is leveled, switch to this spell set:


Spell.png Spell Temper The Steel.png

Spell.png Spell Furious Strike.png

Spell.png Spell Iron Blood.png

Spell.png Spell Enhanced Strength.png

Spell.png Spell Ritual Of Power.png

Spell.png Spell Empower.png

Recommended Gear


Item Resonator Ring.png


Item The Artificer's Crown.png




Item Whiplash.png


Item Miniaturized Accelerator.png




Item Collar Of Obedience.png


Item The Amplifier.png










This gear is some of the useful uniques. These will likely give you the best profit. Enchant them as much as you can, and then fill other slots with whatever gear you can (probably Conjured gear, as it has great set bonuses which help at low quality).

This phase should not last longer than a minute or so. You'll earn the vast majority of your profit in the first couple seconds, and any additional time is just linear profits at best.

Post e260

I will be detailing the changes from the previous section here. Notably, not a ton changes in VM/Burst, but buildup changes a lot. You'll want to hunt the weapon slot for Item Berzerker.pngBerzerker and Item The Accumulator.pngThe Accumulator.


Item Berzerker.pngBerzerker allows us to accumulate casts on ES/IB without actually casting them. That helps a lot! If you don't have Berzerker quite yet but got the Accumulator, then you can use the same strategy as above but replace Empower or Conjure Manabeast with Ritual of Potency. When you do have Berzerker, though, then go with this set:


Spell.png Spell Temper The Steel.png

Spell.png Spell Furious Strike.png

Spell.png Spell Iron Blood.png

Spell.png Spell Enhanced Strength.png

Spell.png Spell Ritual Of Power.png

Spell.png Spell Conjure Greater Elemental.png

Gear (other than adding Berzerker) is the same as before - maximize CAP.

Also, just as with pre-e260, start on Meditation stance to get TTS/FS going, and then go back to Defense once it self sustains. Berzerker's effect triples in Defense stance, so even though we aren't casting ES/IB it very much matters what stance we're in.

At some point, switch to The Accumulator and put RoPot on the bar to get some casts for it. This should be a minority of buildup, though.

Void Mana

VM is the exact same as before. With all the extra incantation casts, it's highly likely that Void Radiance will win at this point.


Simply equip The Accumulator and replace TTS with Ritual of Potency! Everything else is the same - still use as many uniques as possible to maximize enchants, and just make the most of the rest of your slots with whatever you have. Anima Construct is probably better than Hungerer now, too, because we have an extra incantation in burst. I would still test it, though.