Temporalist Guide (e300-e550)

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Updated for v1.55.0

As a brief disclaimer, this guide works MUCH BETTER if you have a legendary Item Temporal Stabilizer.pngTemporal Stabilizer, and also Item Stabilizing Pauldrons.pngStabilizing Pauldrons and Item Timeshroud.pngTimeshroud. You can still make profit with lower-rarity versions of these items, but the class will very weak compared to other T2s. In general, Tempo isn't recommended for R0 or early realms in general - if you really like it, then you can make it work, but you're going to want those three pieces of gear in particular to be legendary before expecting much from it.

The general gist of this guide is that you use Risen Giant portrait.pngRisen Giant, scaling its pet time with your skipped time, and then burst with a lot of idle bonus gear. Once you swap onto it in buildup, make sure to not switch off.

After e550, the strategy changes due to Mechanos Apexis portrait.pngMechanos Apexis being incredibly synergistic with Temporalist. Refer to Temporalist Guide (e550+) at that point.


Your starting attributes should be :

  • Intelligence : 130 (150 without maxed Item Circlet Of Deep Thoughts.pngCirclet Of Deep Thoughts)
  • Insight : 65 (85 without maxed Item Netherfist.pngNetherfist)
  • Spellcraft : 150
  • Wisdom : 0
  • Dominance : 0
  • Patience : 200 (or whatever your max is, this is your highest priority)
  • Mastery : 75
  • Empathy : 50 (or 0, if you don't need the exp to get to Risen Giant portrait.pngRG)

This may be a bit off from what you can actually do at e300, but this should be your goal (Mas/Emp are the worst stats here). From here, you always want to keep Patience maxed to whatever your attribute cap is. After that, go for Spc200, and then Int200 (keep in mind that Item Circlet Of Deep Thoughts.pngCirclet Of Deep Thoughts gives you 20 Int for free), and then either Ins140 (160 without maxed Item Netherfist.pngNetherfist), or potentially Mas100+. Mas100 might be worth it if you can't get a full 50 points for Spc200/Int200, although I'm not quite sure. Int225/250 are very strong when you unlock them, as are Spc225/250 - go for whichever one gives you the highest number between Int250 and Spc250. Make sure to always keep Patience maxed!


Temporalist has a few major sources of scaling - skipped time from Spell Refined Wormhole.pngRefined Wormhole (which affects its class ability/Spell Superposition.pngSuperposition/Risen Giant portrait.pngRisen Giant), Spell Ley Overdrive.pngLey Overdrive, Spell True Sorcery.pngTrue Sorcery, and most importantly, Spell Quasi-incantation.pngQuasi-incantation. We attempt to stack as much of this as possible, in varying amounts.

We then get void mana with Spell Void Radiance.pngVoid Radiance, because we can't switch off of Risen Giant portrait.pngRisen Giant without losing a large amount of scaling from its time. We "snap" Spell Stabilize the Flow.pngStabilize the Flow, and then burst with as much idle bonus gear as possible due to RG giving us an extra ~Idle^1.01.

Phase Scalings

Buildup scaling: Wormhole scales off of Log(Evo), and Character level ^1. This means that more evocation efficiency has less and less return on skipped time. We can approximate this (slightly depending on your current evo eff):

  • Evo ^0.01
  • CAP ^0.005

VM scaling:

  • VpE ^1
  • Incant ^1.2

Snap scaling:

Burst scaling:

  • Evo/CAP/VProfit/Profit ^1
  • Idle ^~2.01
  • Incant ^4
  • PAP ^.6

The Run



  • Get enough character EXP to unlock Spell Refined Wormhole.pngRefined Wormhole - may involve using Chronomancer portrait.pngChronomancer for a bit at low mysts.
  • Stack up autoclicks and void entities with Pixie portrait.pngPixie and Spell Synthetic Entity.pngSynthetic Entity, respectively, because character EXP translates to profits for Tempo.

To begin, you'll need to be able to unlock Refined Wormhole on Temporalist, which is around Lv190. This can be extremely difficult to reach if you go straight to Temporalist without much Spell True Sorcery.pngTrue Sorcery stacked up, so instead, we'll start on Chronomancer portrait.pngChronomancer for a bit.

#0#chrono buildup@104,2;65,2;66,1;17,2;71,2;60,2

Spell.png Spell Spell Focus.png

Spell.png Spell Singularity Beam.png

Spell.png Spell Wormhole.png

Spell.png Spell Superposition.png

Spell.png Spell Synthetic Entity.png

Spell.png Spell Ritual Of Power.png



Item Resonator Ring.png


Item The Artificer's Crown.png


Item Empowering Chestguard.png


Item The Clockcarers.png


Item Chronoboost Ring.png


Item Searing Gaze.png


Item Boots Of Harsh Trials.png


Item Stabilizing Pauldrons.png


Item Empowering Waistguard.png


Item Timeshroud.png


Item Precise Wristband.png


Item Temporal Stabilizer.png


Item Arcane Accelerator.png


Item Destabilized Evocations.png


Item Anima Core.png


Item Arcane Engine.png


Item Folds of Magma.png


Item Zenith, The Champion's Steed.png


Item Bold Azure Phylactery.png

* The items don't really matter much, besides Item Temporal Stabilizer.pngTemporal Stabilizer. Shard gain items like Item Easymind Hat.pngEasymind Hat and Item Spell Shards Fractalization.pngSpell Shards Fractalization can be helpful to sustain Spell Wormhole.pngWormhole, but may not be necessary.

You can replace Spell Ritual Of Power.pngRitual Of Power with Spell Temporal Distortion.pngTemporal Distortion (on careful autocast) if it seems like you can sustain this, but that doesn't always work. The important part is Spell Wormhole.pngWormhole, which when used will charge up Spell Synthetic Entity.pngSynthetic Entity (which will then cast, gaining you many Void Entities) and will let Pixie portrait.pngPixie autoclick during that time. These VEs and autoclicks are what we're after, for the purposes of gaining character experience. Also, either before or after you do this (before you swap to Temporalist), make sure to swap to Homunculus portrait.pngHomunculus for a few seconds. With just a few wormhole casts, you'll be fully maxed on sources, getting you yet more character EXP. Now, you're ready to swap to Temporalist.

**Note: Once you have enough mysts (usually ~e375, depends on how many Spell True Sorcery.pngTS casts you have), you can get high enough without doing this Chrono phase. When that happens, you still want to farm VEs and autoclicks with SE/pixie - but now, you'll do it Temporalist. The process is basically exactly the same, although the spell set will be slightly different. Take the spell set for buildup below, and replace Spell Primal Power.pngPrimal Power with Spell Synthetic Entity.pngSynthetic Entity, and then do this. You can also use Chrono to push you over the edge for just a tiny bit, and then do the majority of the VEs/autoclicks on Tempo.

You don't want to stay in this phase for too long - when you're still doing Chrono, probably not more than a minute or two, and with Tempo, not more than 10-20 minutes. Character exp gain is log10 of VEs/autoclicks, so it's not worth it to stay longer unless you can't unlock Spell Refined Wormhole.pngRefined Wormhole. Usually the recommendation for Tempo is 1e9 VEs and 1e14 autoclicks - however, early on, this won't be so feasible. Don't worry if you can't get too far beyond 1e8 VEs or 1e13 autoclicks in a few minutes - it's a relatively minor difference, it's not worth staying 10x longer in this phase to get that much. Also, when you switch to Temporalist, you'll get the benefits of Spell True Sorcery.pngTS, so don't worry if you can't get to lv190 with Chrono.



Now that you're on Temporalist, and have Spell Refined Wormhole.pngRefined Wormhole unlocked, you'll want to stack skipped time, Spell Quasi-incantation.pngQuasi-incantation, Spell True Sorcery.pngTS, and Spell Ley Overdrive.pngLey Overdrive. However, we don't have enough spell slots for all that, because Spell Primal Power.pngPrimal Power boosts our skipped time gain, and Spell Conjure Greater Elemental.pngConjure Greater Elemental boosts our QI/Wormhole charge rate. Thus, we have to split our time a bit. You'll sit on this for most of the exile:


Spell.png Spell Singularity Beam.png

Spell.png Spell Conjure Greater Elemental.png

Spell.png Spell True Sorcery.png

Spell.png Spell Quasi-incantation.png

Spell.png Spell Refined Wormhole.png

Spell.png Spell Temporal Distortion.png



Item Resonator Ring.png


Item The Artificer's Crown.png


Item Empowering Chestguard.png


Item The Clockcarers.png


Item Frosty Ring.png


Item Searing Gaze.png


Item Boots Of Harsh Trials.png


Item Stabilizing Pauldrons.png


Item Empowering Waistguard.png


Item Timeshroud.png


Item Perfected Kata Bracers.png


Item Temporal Stabilizer.png


Item Habitstone.png


Item Spell Shards Fractalization.png


Item Charged Fin-Wing.png


Item Arcane Engine.png


Item Temporal Scabbard.png


Item Ritual Disk.png


Item Eerie Turquoise Phylactery.png

* These items should be your lowest priority to upgrade, by far. They should be upgraded, but only after burst, vm, and snap are all done first, and by that point you'll likely be out of this range, and should be focusing on the e550+ version of this guide.
* You'll notice we use Spell Conjure Greater Elemental.pngConjure Greater Elemental - this is to help cast Spell Quasi-incantation.pngQI before unlocking Item Temporal Scabbard.pngTemporal Scabbard. See the section about Cast Ratios below.
* If you don't have Item Ritual Disk.pngRitual Disk, you can use Item Zenith, The Champion's Steed.pngZenith (with PP) or Item The Rubedo Engine.pngRubedo (with LO). Disk is far better, though - prioritize completing the Brain Fog triumph if you plan to play Temporalist in the future.
* Item Stabilizing Pauldrons.pngStabilizing Pauldrons and Item Timeshroud.pngTimeshroud, are especially important to upgrade, because they increase max Time Distortion, which directly increases your time skipped, and also massively increases profits from Spell Stabilize the Flow.pngStabilize the Flow. Prioritize them over any other gear in this set.Item Temporal Stabilizer.pngTemporal Stabilizer is also equally, if not more, important.

Note: Before spending too much time on buildup, do a quick burst in order to get more upgrades and character experience.

You'll want to stay in buildup for as long as you need to gain enough profit to be satisfactory to you. Temporalist is a class with a very low base profit multiplier, but scales very high with time spent in the exile, through QI and its class abilities. You may not find a lot of profit out of 10 minute or even 1hr exiles, especially with worse gear, but Tempo will have some of the best gains in a single, longer exile of any of the T2 classes (although not nearly as much in the range of this guide as the e550 one). How long exactly you stay in any given exile is very fluid, though, so just do what feels right.

Cast Ratios

Cast ratios refer to how much we should be using each of our spells. We have one open slot to cycle between a few different spells, because 4 of the spell slots are locked to helping Wormhole, and one is QI, so we have to use that one slot as effectively as possible. This usually comes down to Spell Ley Overdrive.pngLey Overdrive and Spell Primal Power.pngPrimal Power, which you can see greater detail on below. However, before you unlock pants at e360 mysts, you should almost always (i.e. 95%+ of the exile) be using Spell Conjure Greater Elemental.pngConjure Greater Elemental. This helps to keep up the cast rate of Wormhole/QI. Once you do reach pants, you can pay more direct attention to the information below then; until then, it is likely worth it to stay on Greater Elemental for the vast majority of the exile, as it greatly increases both your skipped time and QI casts. Also, if you've read the Temporalist Guide (e550+), you may notice the lack of Spell Conjure Primal Elemental.pngConjure Primal Elemental; the reason for that is that Risen Giant portrait.pngRisen Giant has terrible level scaling, so Spell Conjure Primal Elemental.pngCPE is never worth it.

The ratio between Spell Ley Overdrive.pngLO and Spell Primal Power.pngPP depends entirely on how much Primal Power is improving your wormhole. If you're getting 25% or less improvement to your wormhole, then it's optimal to never actually cast PP at all, and stay on Ley Overdrive the whole exile (plus a small, basically insignificant amount of time on Superposition). If you get a 50% improvement to your wormhole, you should be casting PP for ~46% of the exile. If you're somehow getting a 2x improvement to your wormhole, then you should be casting PP for ~65% of your exile. The graph to the right has the exact ratios (click to make it bigger). You can also calculate it explicitly with the approximation (343 * w - 418) / (418 * (w - 1)) where w is the improvement to your wormhole as a multiplier (i.e. a 50% improvement means w = 1.5).

Note: these ratios were calculated for e550+ Tempo, which actually has slightly less skipped time scaling. This just means to lean slightly more on the side of PP with these ratios; however, PP is still usually not super worth it unless you have low to no gear. Funnily enough, these ratios also no longer really apply to e550+ Tempo because it now has Spell Conjure Primal Elemental.pngCPE to stack, making PP exceptionally worthless for it.

Don't worry about being perfectly optimal to these cast ratios, or getting the exact value - just ballpark it, and it'll probably be good enough.

Void Mana


  • Get as much VM as possible.

We use Spell Void Radiance.pngVoid Radiance because Risen Giant's profit bonus is scaled based on our time spent as it (including skipped time), so we can't swap off of it. Here are our sets:


Spell.png Spell Void Lure.png

Spell.png Spell Void Radiance.png

Spell.png Spell Singularity Beam.png

Spell.png Spell Temporal Distortion.png

Spell.png Spell Kelphior's Black Beam.png

Spell.png Spell True Sorcery.png



Item Resonator Ring.png


Item The Bright Beacon.png


Item Nethershell.png


Item Netherfist.png


Item Netherloop.png


Item Nether Chain.png


Item Legacy.png


Item Ebon Mantle.png


Item Sash of Luxury.png


Item Chaos Mantle.png


Item Nethershackles.png


Item Reality Prism.png


Item Pitch-black Cage.png


Item Void Sampling.png


Item Insidious Lure.png


Item Anomalous Essence.png


Item Nether Barrier.png


Item Crystallized Echo.png


Item Devious Violet Phylactery.png

* Using Item Insidious Lure.pngInsidious Lure is better than Item Anima Core.pngAnima Core, although it's not likely you have it at this point.
  • If you don't have Item Crystallized Echo.pngCrystallized Echo, you can use Item Ritual Disk.pngRitual Disk. Nothing else will help here.
  • We use Spell Kelphior's Black Beam.pngKBB to charge up Item Reality Prism.pngReality Prism here, and because nothing else matters. If you aren't using Reality Prism, you can use Item Head Of The All-Eater.pngHead Of The All-Eater and charge it up, although you should use Item Temporal Stabilizer.pngTemporal Stabilizer for the actual gaining of VM in that case - both it and Reality Prism are used mostly for the incantation efficiency enchantment here. Thus, we usually use Reality Prism since it is also enchanted for burst.

Don't stay on this phase for very long, no more than 1-5 minutes.


Here, we snap Spell Stabilize the Flow.pngStabilize the Flow, because it will keep the profit bonus it had when casted for its whole duration. This means getting to 30x Time Distortion (or 27x before the final upgrade), and maximizing our incantation efficiency on our gear, casting StF, and then swapping to burst gear. Here is our sets for this:

#4#RG snap@73,2;57,2;61,2;17,2;69,0;3,2

Spell.png Spell Converge Timelines.png

Spell.png Spell Ley Overdrive.png

Spell.png Spell True Sorcery.png

Spell.png Spell Superposition.png

Spell.png Spell Stabilize the Flow.png

Spell.png Spell Kelphior's Black Beam.png

#4#snap time@113;104;7;23;18;32;41;68;56;85;72;1005;209;301;411;409;91;2007;3001


Item Resonator Ring.png


Item Empowering Headguard.png


Item Empowering Chestguard.png


Item Empowering Handguards.png


Item Chronoboost Ring.png


Item Torc Of Privilege.png


Item Boots Of Eastern Blessings.png


Item Stabilizing Pauldrons.png


Item Sash of Luxury.png


Item Timeshroud.png


Item Rich Bands.png


Item Reality Prism.png


Item Habitstone.png


Item Incantations Restructuring.png


Item Anima Core.png


Item Heart of the Storm.png


Item Spellweaving Kilt.png


Item Ritual Disk.png


Item Intricate Crimson Phylactery.png

* If not using Reality Prism in burst, then use Temporal Stabilizer for this phase, as we only care about the incantation efficiency.
  • There aren't really any other substitutions to make; you just need to maximize incantation efficiency. This set is your lowest priority besides buildup, but it is still important.

Here's the process for snapping: Stay on your VM spell set, and then swap to this item set. Then, after reaching 30x Time Distortion, swap to that spell set and cast Spell Stabilize the Flow.pngStabilize the Flow. Yes, it's that simple!

For me, I like to have my snap set on item set 5, so (from my VM set), I press P5 -> wait for 30x distortion -> Z5 5. Then, once you've cast StF, switch to your burst gear (Q6, if using my codes).



  • Maximize profit!!

Here's our burst sets.

#5#RG burst@73,2;57,2;61,2;17,2;69,2;3,2

Spell.png Spell Converge Timelines.png

Spell.png Spell Ley Overdrive.png

Spell.png Spell True Sorcery.png

Spell.png Spell Superposition.png

Spell.png Spell Stabilize the Flow.png

Spell.png Spell Kelphior's Black Beam.png

#5#idle bonus burst@113;104;1;20;14;33;47;68;54;83;76;1005;207;306;411;404;94;2005;3004


Item Resonator Ring.png


Item Circlet Of Deep Thoughts.png


Item The Ribcage.png


Item The Clockcarers.png


Item Chronoboost Ring.png


Item Lucky Amulet.png


Item Lordic Greaves.png


Item Mantle Of The Crypt.png


Item Sash of Luxury.png


Item Flaming Cape.png


Item Bite Sleeves.png


Item Reality Prism.png


Item Murmuring Spellbook.png


Item Servants Overclocking.png


Item Anima Core.png


Item Mutated Mycelium.png


Item Tribal Dressing.png


Item Blessed Tapestry.png


Item Inert Jade Phylactery.png

* Although upgrading Reality Prism should be a priority, you can use Item Head Of The All-Eater.pngHead Of The All-Eater instead. If doing that, replace KBB with Spell Singularity Beam.pngSingularity Beam.
  • You can burst using a gear set that looks more like the e550+ guide, if you don't want to spend the dust on idle bonus gear, but these will be far better due to RG's bonus based on idle bonus, making it roughly ^2.02 to profit. This is also why we maximize PAT.
  • There are probably some differences at 0/low enchants, but I can't be bothered! It's good enough.

You don't want to burst more than the duration of StF, although you can use Spell Revert.pngRevert to refresh it and keep bursting for a bit. Burst itself shouldn't be more than a minute or even 30 seconds, because you won't get that many more gains. Always reburst (meaning do vm -> snap -> burst again) at least once per exile, because you'll likely get upgrades that give you incantation efficiency or VpE.}}

Enchant Priority

I don't feel like doing a full enchant priority right now but maybe eventually this'll be filled in. Enchant Reality Prism to the highest, and then idle bonus gear to roughly match, and then the rest of burst gear to that level -1, and then most VM gear -2, and Reso ring somewhere around -5. You should also enchant your Snap set, somewhere around -3 to -5. Buildup gear can be enchanted to level 1 to get bonus from reso ring, and then it hovers somewhere around -10 to -15 (so likely just 1+5 for most people using this guide).