Maximizing Persistent Stacking

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A guide on optimal Persistent Spell stacking by Dirich.


This guide can be useful if you are playing catch-up in persistent casts when switching T2 class, or if you want to focus on persistent stacking during Persistence Week (whose weekly bonus doubles the stacking of Persistent Spells).

Note that in most cases you completely forego the chance of profits when you employ these strategies, and that spell casts are related to FPS, as such stacking on Kongregate is way worse than stacking on Steam (by about a factor of 2 if you have a good PC, at least for what concerns casting evocations).


This guide focuses on how to maximize stacking in terms of equipment, spell bar, pet to use and Attribute points distribution. Still, upgrades are useful (e.g. Pet Experience ones if you use Spellhound portrait.pngSpellhound, Character Ability Power for Item Collar Of Obedience.pngCollar Of Obedience, etc), hence you should start from what is specified in this guide and use any remaining Attribute Point, unassigned Spell or Item slot and any other free choice you are left with for the purpose of maximizing profits (and thus maximizing upgrades bought).

Simply use the relevant class guide to complete the run preparation and perform the setup up to the first small burst and source maximization via Simulacrum portrait.pngSimulacrum. Afterwards perform a second burst to complete the run setup.

Spell Caveat

The spell order matters. Never modify it.

Pet Caveat

To anybody with access to T3 pets, it should be obvious that anywhere Spellhound portrait.pngSpellhound is suggested, Greater Chimaera portrait.pngGreater Chimaera should be used instead. Albeit in most cases the advatange is mainly in farming dust, since we already are at maximum stacking speed.


Updated as of V1.40 "Fall From Grace"

To maximize the casting rate of Spell Jas'Aham's Missile Storm.pngJas'Aham's Missile Storm as an Arcanist portrait.pngArcanist, run the following set of spells. The order of the spells (left to right) is important. Spell Conjure Manabeast.pngConjure Manabeast can be substituted with Spell Conjure Primal Elemental.pngConjure Primal Elemental or Spell Conjure Greater Elemental.pngConjure Greater Elemental if lacking levels.

Spell.png Spell Jas'Aham's Missile Storm.png

Spell.png Spell Spellstaff Of Chamaon.png

Spell.png Spell Conjure Manabeast.png

The remaining three spells should be set to: Spell Ritual Of Power.pngRitual Of Power, Spell Radiant Pools.pngRadiant Pools, and Spell Arcane Infusion.pngArcane Infusion, and should not be set to autocast.

Use the following items:


Item Whiplash.png


Item Easymind Hat.png








Item Collar Of Obedience.png


Item The Magnifier.png









Item The Rubedo Engine.png


Item The Magnifier.pngThe Magnifier: Doubles the castrate for the active portion of JMS.

Item The Rubedo Engine.pngThe Rubedo Engine: Doubles the castrate for BOTH the active and passive portion of JMS.

Item Collar Of Obedience.pngCollar Of Obedience & Item Whiplash.pngWhiplash: Increases pet charging speed which results in more shards being applied to the pool.

Item Easymind Hat.pngEasymind Hat: Increases wisdom by 50, ergo providing more shards passively to the pool. Better early on when you don't have a lot of Attribute Points to spare.

Pet options for JMS casting

Spellhound portrait.pngSpellhound: Gives shards that go directly to the Shard Pool. Use if Arcanaworg is unavailable.

Arcanaworg portrait.pngArcanaworg: Charges up an ability to give shards once per second for 10 seconds. Best available pet for filling the Shard Pool.

The Numbers

The maximum JMS Cast Rate is 240/second with both Magnifier and Rubedo engine equipped. JMS eats through about 8-9e5 shards at 240/s cast rate, Once you reach the Item The Rubedo Engine.pngThe Rubedo Engine you will already have all of the available Shard Pool Capacity upgrades (Last one is at e642 mana). At max Shard Pool capacity, you'll have ~18 seconds of JMS casting at 240/s before it starts to diminish.

Since JMS has two separate portions (Active and Passive) calculating them is a bit strange and is as follows:

Item The Magnifier.pngThe Magnifier doubles the active portion from 60/s -> 120/s.

Item The Rubedo Engine.pngThe Rubedo Engine then doubles both the Active and Passive portion giving us 120/s -> 240/s & (60/s -> 120/s) with the Active being outside the brackets and Passive being inside the brackets.

Adding in the Week of Persistence, this goes to (120/s -> 240/s) with them now both being 240/s castrate, you will no longer see any brackets at all.


Note: any profit run will guarantee you to maximum stacking. This section is mainly for those that are too lazy to even setup a proper profit run for Archon portrait.pngArchon.

The Archon portrait.pngArchon class is the easiest to setup for maximum stacking. In fact, you don't even need to perform the mini bursts and the source maximization phase.

What you absolutely should not do is to ever put Spell Tempered Arcanomancy.pngTempered Arcanomancy on the bar: it needs to stay at 0 (fake and real) casts!

Indicative expected casts per minute: 3.6e3 Spell Jas'Aham's Missile Storm.pngJas'Aham's Missile Storm (as soon as Spell Syphon Power.pngSyphon Power has been stacked a bit).

Note: you can achieve the same result by playing Archon portrait.pngArchon normally, but with this guide you are immediately at maximum casts per second, while when playing normally you will need a pet of high enough level (to generate enough Autoclicks per second to ensure that Spell Jas'Aham's Missile Storm.pngJas'Aham's Missile Storm is never lacking charges).

Attribute Points Distribution

  • 150 Intelligence (necessary for Item Concealing Shroud.pngConcealing Shroud)
  • 0 Insight
  • 0 Spellcraft
  • 200 Wisdom (gets up to 250 thanks to Item Concealing Shroud.pngConcealing Shroud)
  • 0 Dominance
  • 0 Patience
  • 0 Mastery
  • 0 Empathy


Soulstealer portrait.pngSoulstealer is enough. No need to level up to Psychic Cacophony portrait.pngPsychic Cacophony.












Item Concealing Shroud.png










No upgrade is really relevant.

Spell Bar

Spell.png Spell Jas'Aham's Missile Storm.png

Spell.png Spell Lightning Bolt.png

Spell.png Spell Syphon Power.png

Spell.png Spell Spellstaff Of Chamaon.png

Spell.png Spell Conjure Manabeast.png

Spell.png Spell Conjure Primal Elemental.png


With the advent of realms, especially if you follow my Realm Rush guide, you will find yourself at e550, i.e. with Greater Chimaera portrait.pngGreater Chimaera available, and no stacks in Spell Nightfall.pngNightfall.

The best thing you can do to initially stack Spell Nightfall.pngNightfall is to use Necromancer portrait.pngNecromancer. After a certain threshold, thanks to Greater Chimaera portrait.pngGreater Chimaera, you can switch to Shaman portrait.pngShaman without losing Spell Nightfall.pngNightfall stacking speed, so you can start to efficiently stack Spell Rules of Nature.pngRules of Nature too.

Attribute Points Distribution

For most Attributes the distribution is fixed.


Before reaching the Spell Nightfall.pngNightfall threshold (check the Shaman section), of circa 3e7:


Item Whiplash.png


Item Casque Of Learning.png


Item Darklight Tunic.png


Item Grasp Of The Grave.png


Item Spell Helix.png


Item Hollow Eye Pendant.png


Item The Great Journey.png


Item Mantle Of The Crypt.png


Item Collar Of Obedience.png


Item Concealing Shroud.png


Item Perfected Kata Bracers.png


Item Shadow-Scryer's Crystal Ball.png


Item Habitstone.png


Item Self-Reflection.png






After reaching the Spell Nightfall.pngNightfall threshold (check the Shaman section), of circa 3e7:


Item Whiplash.png


Item Casque Of Learning.png


Item Darklight Tunic.png


Item Grasp Of The Grave.png


Item Frosty Ring.png


Item Hollow Eye Pendant.png


Item The Great Journey.png


Item Mantle Of The Crypt.png


Item Collar Of Obedience.png


Item Concealing Shroud.png


Item Perfected Kata Bracers.png


Item Shadow-Scryer's Crystal Ball.png


Item Habitstone.png


Item Self-Reflection.png






Only Character Ability Power matters, and you don't even have to worry to but more than an enchant level 1 or 2 to get Greater Chimaera portrait.pngGreater Chimaera shard generation interval to 0.03. Even at e550 mysts!

Spell Bar

Spell.png Spell Nightfall.png

Spell.png Spell Magic Missile.png

Spell.png Spell Spell Focus.png

Spell.png Spell Plague Zombie.png

Spell.png Spell Voracious Plague.png

Spell.png Spell Animate Festering Abomination.png

Realm 2+ Shaman Prestacking

If you have bought all 10 levels in Forefathers' Work memory upgrade, you will be able to reach 1e8 stacks on Spell Nightfall.pngNightfall in 4 days. Still, this is way too much: you should switch to Shaman portrait.pngShaman stacking after 2d.


The Shaman portrait.pngShaman class is the only one with two persistents: Spell Rules of Nature.pngRules of Nature, whose purpose is to help level up the pet, and Spell Nightfall.pngNightfall, whose only purpose is to massively speed up Spell Rules of Nature.pngRules of Nature charging time.

Keep in mind that in the beginning the issue is charging, over time it will switch to discharging, but for a long time it will be an issue of balancing the two.

The consequence is that there are two item sets (and pet choices): one for when Spell Nightfall.pngNightfall stacks is not high enough, and one for when it is. This Spell Nightfall.pngNightfall threshold value is currently unknown exactly, but we know it is between 2.27e7 (the value at which, when using Simulacrum portrait.pngSimulacrum, you will finally be stuck at max charges all the time when using the equipment with Item Spell Helix.pngSpell Helix) and 3.2e7 (note that getting from 2.2e7 to 3.2e7 is a matter of less than a week if you use Arcanaworg portrait.pngArcanaworg, while getting to 2.2e7 is more like a couple of months).

There are also two spell sets, depending on what you want to optimize the stacking of between Spell Rules of Nature.pngRules of Nature and Spell Nightfall.pngNightfall.

The suggestion is to focus on stacking Spell Nightfall.pngNightfall until you reach the threshold previously discussed.

Note that Shaman portrait.pngShaman is definitely worse than Necromancer portrait.pngNecromancer at charging Spell Nightfall.pngNightfall, especially at lower mysts and casts count, where you have less Autoclicks and less self charging buff respectively (later on Shaman portrait.pngShaman catches up thanks to really high Autoclicks, alebit Necromancer portrait.pngNecromancer remains better for all reasonable mysts). It is highly suggested you start with Necromancer portrait.pngNecromancer if your Spell Nightfall.pngNightfall is far from the threshold.

The following values are from tests where Spell Nightfall.pngNightfall persistent cast count was 2.4e6 (which means I'm still not charging fast enough to reach full stacking potential).

Indicative expected casts per minute (optimizing for Spell Nightfall.pngNightfall): 835 for Spell Rules of Nature.pngRules of Nature, 246 for Spell Nightfall.pngNightfall.

Indicative expected casts per minute (optimizing for Spell Rules of Nature.pngRules of Nature): 1.01e3 for Spell Rules of Nature.pngRules of Nature, 180 for Spell Nightfall.pngNightfall.

After the Spell Nightfall.pngNightfall threshold is reached, you can maximize Spell Rules of Nature.pngRules of Nature and Spell Nightfall.pngNightfall at once. The results are for 4.02e7 persistent casts of Spell Nightfall.pngNightfall.

Indicative expected casts per minute: 1.69e3 for Spell Rules of Nature.pngRules of Nature, 771 for Spell Nightfall.pngNightfall.

Attribute Points Distribution

For most Attributes the distribution is fixed.

When Spell Nightfall.pngNightfall stacks are over threshold or if you have Greater Chimaera portrait.pngGreater Chimaera:

When Spell Nightfall.pngNightfall stacks are under threshold and you are optimizing for Spell Nightfall.pngNightfall:

When Spell Nightfall.pngNightfall stacks are under threshold and you are optimizing for Spell Rules of Nature.pngRules of Nature:

  • 0 Mastery
  • 0 Empathy


If you have Greater Chimaera portrait.pngGreater Chimaera, use it.

When Spell Nightfall.pngNightfall stacks are over threshold: Spellhound portrait.pngSpellhound.

When Spell Nightfall.pngNightfall stacks are under threshold and optimizing for Spell Nightfall.pngNightfall, especially if the stacks are at or over 2.27e7: Arcanaworg portrait.pngArcanaworg.

When Spell Nightfall.pngNightfall stacks are under threshold and optimizing for Spell Rules of Nature.pngRules of Nature: Irrelevant (there is difference between pets, but it is minimal).

If you are under threshold and optimizing for Spell Rules of Nature.pngRules of Nature you should use the pet you prefer for whatever other purpose you might have, like using Simulacrum portrait.pngSimulacrum to collect more crafting dust. Still, if you really want to know, in order from best to worse it is:

Greater Chimaera portrait.pngGreater Chimaera > Spellhound portrait.pngSpellhound > Herald of Rot portrait.pngHerald of Rot (if properly leveled and after 2 days) > Pixie portrait.pngPixie (if properly leveled) > Risen Giant portrait.pngRisen Giant, Zombie portrait.pngZombie, Ent portrait.pngEnt, Arcanaworg portrait.pngArcanaworg (if around level 200) > Ebonsand Behemoth portrait.pngEbonsand Behemoth > Shadow Stalker portrait.pngShadow Stalker > others.

When under threshold the issue with Spellhound portrait.pngSpellhound is that it needs both Item Collar Of Obedience.pngCollar Of Obedience and Item Whiplash.pngWhiplash, but until you are under threshold sacrificing Item Spell Helix.pngSpell Helix to equip Item Whiplash.pngWhiplash results in a stacking loss. With only Item Collar Of Obedience.pngCollar Of Obedience the shard generation interval of Spellhound portrait.pngSpellhound will not go under 1 second, and as such it is worse than (a properly leveled) Arcanaworg portrait.pngArcanaworg (which explains why the latter is the pet used when optimizing for Spell Nightfall.pngNightfall while its casts are under threshold).

When over threshold Spellhound portrait.pngSpellhound is way better than Herald of Rot portrait.pngHerald of Rot (comparison made at 6d of pet time) and doesn't require days to become effective, only some minutes of levelling, unlike the latter.

Greater Chimaera portrait.pngGreater Chimaera, only needs Item Collar Of Obedience.pngCollar Of Obedience to be better than Arcanaworg portrait.pngArcanaworg, as such it makes you bypass all the issues.


When Spell Nightfall.pngNightfall stacks are over threshold (enchants for Character Ability Power are important):


Item Whiplash.png


Item Casque Of Learning.png


Item Darklight Tunic.png


Item Grasp Of The Grave.png


Item Frosty Ring.png


Item Hollow Eye Pendant.png


Item The Great Journey.png


Item Mantle Of The Crypt.png


Item Collar Of Obedience.png


Item Concealing Shroud.png


Item Perfected Kata Bracers.png


Item Shadow-Scryer's Crystal Ball.png


Item Habitstone.png


Item Self-Reflection.png






When Spell Nightfall.pngNightfall stacks are under threshold but you are using Greater Chimaera portrait.pngGreater Chimaera:


Item Whiplash.png


Item Casque Of Learning.png


Item Darklight Tunic.png


Item Grasp Of The Grave.png


Item Spell Helix.png


Item Hollow Eye Pendant.png


Item The Great Journey.png


Item Mantle Of The Crypt.png


Item Collar Of Obedience.png


Item Concealing Shroud.png


Item Perfected Kata Bracers.png


Item Shadow-Scryer's Crystal Ball.png


Item Habitstone.png


Item Self-Reflection.png






All that matters is the shard generation interval on Spellhound portrait.pngSpellhound, and for that you need a lot of Charater Ability Power. Greater Chimaera portrait.pngGreater Chimaera has the same issue but it doesn't need as much Character Ability Power.

When Spell Nightfall.pngNightfall stacks are under threshold and you are optimizing for Spell Nightfall.pngNightfall:


Item Spell Helix.png




Item Grasp Of The Grave.png


Item Frosty Ring.png





Item Collar Of Obedience.png


Item Concealing Shroud.png


Item Perfected Kata Bracers.png


Item Shadow-Scryer's Crystal Ball.png


Item Habitstone.png







When Spell Nightfall.pngNightfall stacks are under threshold and you are optimizing for Spell Rules of Nature.pngRules of Nature:


Item Spell Helix.png




Item Grasp Of The Grave.png


Item Frosty Ring.png






Item Concealing Shroud.png


Item Perfected Kata Bracers.png


Item Shadow-Scryer's Crystal Ball.png


Item Habitstone.png







The interesting bonus, in preference order, are:

Pet Experience (depending on pet) > Summoning Efficiency > Character Ability Power.

Unless you are over the Spell Nightfall.pngNightfall threshold, then only Character Ability Power matters (you should use a Pet Experience set to level Spellhound portrait.pngSpellhound before starting to stack).

In practice, time is what will bring the best results. Because of scaling from accumulated Autoclicks or direct time scaling (for class and, potentially, pet).

Spell Bar

When Spell Nightfall.pngNightfall casts are over threshold:

Spell.png Spell Rules of Nature.png

Spell.png Spell Nightfall.png

Spell.png Spell Spell Focus.png

Spell.png Spell Plague Zombie.png

Spell.png Spell Voracious Plague.png

Spell.png Spell Summon Evergrowing Forest.png

When optimizing for Spell Nightfall.pngNightfall stacking and Spell Nightfall.pngNightfall casts are under threshold:

Spell.png Spell Rules of Nature.png

Spell.png Spell Nightfall.png

Spell.png Spell Spell Focus.png

Spell.png Spell Plague Zombie.png

Spell.png Spell Voracious Plague.png

Spell.png Spell Summon Evergrowing Forest.png

When optimizing for Spell Rules of Nature.pngRules of Nature stacking and Spell Nightfall.pngNightfall casts are under threshold:

Spell.png Spell Rules of Nature.png

Spell.png Spell Nightfall.png

Spell.png Spell Spell Focus.png

Spell.png Spell Conjure Manabeast.png

Spell.png Spell Summon Centipede Swarm.png

Spell.png Spell Summon Evergrowing Forest.png

Note: if you do not have 100% crit with the last spellbar, depending on the exact amount you have it might be ideal to replace Spell Conjure Manabeast.pngConjure Manabeast with Spell Summon Spider Swarm.pngSummon Spider Swarm, to increase your crit chance (Spell Rules of Nature.pngRules of Nature charges with crits).


This Temporalist portrait.pngTemporalist is the weirdest class when it comes to stacking persistent.

A surprising fact is that Time Distortion is irrelevant for this stacking, you could run with Spell Stabilize the Flow.pngStabilize the Flow to keep it to almost 0 and nothing would change (granted you would need Spellhound portrait.pngSpellhound or Greater Chimaera portrait.pngGreater Chimaera with Item Collar Of Obedience.pngCollar Of Obedience and Item Whiplash.pngWhiplash to ensure you always have more spell charges than you can cast).

Indicative expected casts per minute: 4.88e3 Spell True Sorcery.pngTrue Sorcery (at the beginning it will stack slower due to Item Habitstone.pngHabitstone bonus being low, so I measured this number after the first 4e3 stacks, when the stacking speed in the short time frame finally saturated for me).

Attribute Points Distribution

You can put 0 in Wisdom if you accept that you need to use Spellhound portrait.pngSpellhound (or Greater Chimaera portrait.pngGreater Chimaera if you have it) with Item Collar Of Obedience.pngCollar Of Obedience and Item Whiplash.pngWhiplash to generate the spell shards necessary to maximize the stacking.



All pets provide the same stacking.



Item Frosty Ring.png










Item Concealing Shroud.png


Item Perfected Kata Bracers.png


Item Shadow-Scryer's Crystal Ball.png


Item Habitstone.png







No upgrade is really relevant.

Spell Bar

Spell.png Spell True Sorcery.png

Spell.png Spell Ley Overdrive.png

Spell.png Spell Ritual Of Power.png

Spell.png Spell Singularity Beam.png

Spell.png Spell Temporal Distortion.png

Spell.png Spell Magic Missile.png

Note: Spell Magic Missile.pngMagic Missile can be substituted with Spell Kelphior's Black Beam.pngKelphior's Black Beam, but having them both does not provide any additional casts, as you can already reach the theoretical maximum.

The additional two incantations are not necessary, but you need Accumulated spell casts to improve the ability of Item Habitstone.pngHabitstone, so they need to be on bar at least until your total incantation duration reduction makes Spell True Sorcery.pngTrue Sorcery duration go at, or under, 0.5 seconds, so that each real cast counts double. This happens once you have 1.77e5 casts (check the item description).

Quirks (irrelevant section, just a for fun read)

If you use a level 200 Spellhound portrait.pngSpellhound , on a character level 247 (Spell Singularity Beam.pngSingularity Beam generates 75 Compressed Time per cast), add Spell Refined Wormhole.pngRefined Wormhole to the Spell Bar, the suggested items but switching Item Perfected Kata Bracers.pngPerfected Kata Bracers with Item Nomadic Wrists.pngNomadic Wrists and adding, Item Collar Of Obedience.pngCollar Of Obedience and Item Whiplash.pngWhiplash, the Chronomancer portrait.pngChronomancer items (except for the ring) and filling the rest with Character Ability Power items, while also adding Spell Kelphior's Black Beam.pngKelphior's Black Beam to the spell bar, the following inexplicable things happen:

  1. Using both Spell Temporal Distortion.pngTemporal Distortion and Spell Refined Wormhole.pngRefined Wormhole results in faster stacking than just using the former, even though if you think about Compressed Time generation it would look like this souldn't be the case.
  2. When using Spellhound portrait.pngSpellhound as pet, you an achieve way better stacking than with other pets, unless your Evocation Efficiency is too low, or unless it is too high! If you are not within this 'sweet spot', the stacking will be very similar to the other pets.

In #2 I am not sure if there is only 1 sweet spot or multiple ones. While using a lot of Character Experience items, I have found a lower and a upper bound:

  • Evocation Efficiency Upper Bound: between 2.27e59% and 2.63e59%.
  • Evocation Efficiency Lower Bound: between 3.74e56% and 5.92e57%.

When satisfying all these conditions stacking with Spellhound portrait.pngSpellhound results consistently in 2.3e3 Spell True Sorcery.pngTrue Sorcery casts per minute, while with any other pet the amount of casts is 1.83e3 casts per minute.

The setup in this example is faulty as it doesn't use Item Perfected Kata Bracers.pngPerfected Kata Bracers. But it shows that there's weirdness going on.

In fact, from time to time I've been able to achieve 4.35e3 casts of Spell True Sorcery.pngTrue Sorcery per minute when the test outcome would usually be 3.7e3. I did it with multiple pets and using many variations of equipment. Even with the exact setup currently suggested (while also casting Spell Kelphior's Black Beam.pngKelphior's Black Beam though)!

In short, from time to time we get more casts per minute than we normally get, but I have not been able to identify the cause of this, and, as such, design a setup to consistently increase the cast per minute.


YO, ok. This ain't Dirich. Dis is Amocia, AKA Swordeater. Y'all better be happy. I was told to take credit for this... so, here you go! Big giant board of text to credit me.

Oni portrait.pngOni's setup is pretty complicated... There're multiple phases of efficiency. I did a lot of testing back when our lord and saviour Item Shadow-Scryer's Crystal Ball.pngShadow-Scryer's Crystal Ball, praise be him, came into our humble wizard lands. And as such! There was already a perfectly well-made guide on the discord... which I'll now convey to all of you. I also made a smaller additional guide and testing for when defense stance was added so that'll be in here too, that's phase 2 and phase 3.

DO NOTE: This is also the exact setup on how to best start the Spell Furious Strike.pngFurious Strike grind train a-going to get 60 casts.

Note: You'll want to get some incantation casts going to buff up your class ability first! Either via the use of Item Shadow-Scryer's Crystal Ball.pngShadow-Scryer's Crystal Ball or Item Berzerker.pngBerzerker

Attribute Points Distribution

  • 150 Intelligence
  • 0 Insight
  • 200 Spellcraft
  • 0 Wisdom
  • 0 Dominance
  • 175 Patience
  • 200 Mastery
  • 200 Empathy


Interrogator portrait.pngInterrogator is our first pet, use the pet maximization set from the Oni guide to skyrocket him to high levels to get more Spell Furious Strike.pngFurious Strike, cause we're so angry that this takes forever. And as soon as we can't level it more switch to Archivist portrait.pngArchivist cause we ain't no stinky sub-e60 myst wizard here, we're the cool bois. Ok, so, this will sound weird to y'all, we won't use Archivist portrait.pngArchivist after 180% Spell Furious Strike.pngFurious Strike charging on Spell Temper The Steel.pngTemper The Steel we'll switch to Simulacrum portrait.pngSimulacrum/Greater Chimaera portrait.pngGreater Chimaera.



Item Spell Helix.png


Item Casque Of Learning.png


Item Conjured Thornmail.png


Item Grasp Of The Grave.png


Item Resonator Ring.png


Item Hollow Eye Pendant.png


Item Conjured Spiked Stompers.png


Item Artificer's Shoulderpads.png


Item Endless Pouches.png


Item Falconer's Warm Cape.png


Item Perfected Kata Bracers.png


Item Shadow-Scryer's Crystal Ball.png


Item Habitstone.png


Item Destabilized Evocations.png


Item Arcane Engine.png


Item Anima Core.png




OKAY, so, a lot of y'all be like "what is this mess". Ok, so, sit down. Relax, take a snickers. You're you when you're hungry. Ok, so, Item Spell Helix.pngSpell Helix is replaced by Item Frosty Ring.pngFrosty Ring WAY too late for us to care. We'll be in phase 2 and it doesn't matter in phase 2 at all, it's better for profit though. When you switch to Simulacrum portrait.pngSimulacrum switch to Item The Amplifier.pngThe Amplifier back cause you get more from it. Item Light Of Eighth Star.pngLight Of Eighth Star would be good for when you're sleeping or something. Item The Great Journey.pngThe Great Journey use these boots after Simulacrum portrait.pngSimulacrum switch.

Phase 1 Spell Bar (Meditation Stance)

Spell.png Spell Temper The Steel.png

Spell.png Spell Hellstorm.png

Spell.png Spell Fire Ball.png

Spell.png Spell Force Of Will.png

Spell.png Spell Possessed Blade.png

Spell.png Spell Furious Strike.png

Once you reach 120% Spell Furious Strike.pngFurious Strike charging on Spell Temper The Steel.pngTemper The Steel switch out Spell Possessed Blade.pngPossessed Blade for Spell Synthetic Entity.pngSynthetic Entity.

Continue to Phase 2 once you get 826,098 (8.26e5) casts of Spell Temper The Steel.pngTemper The Steel, this equals 20% charge per evo cast.

Phase 2 Spell Bar (Defense stance)

Spell.png Spell Temper The Steel.png

Spell.png Spell Unclean Knowledge.png

Spell.png Spell Iron Blood.png

Spell.png Spell Possessed Blade.png

Spell.png Spell Enhanced Strength.png

Spell.png Spell Furious Strike.png

The reason why we no longer have any other evocations other than Spell Temper The Steel.pngTemper The Steel and Spell Furious Strike.pngFurious Strike is due to the charge per evo cast being divided by amount of evocation spells on the spell bar. This way we can maximize the profit (in Spell Temper The Steel.pngTemper The Steel casts) in defense stance, do note, it won't be a smooth casting rate, though, it'll be faster than phase 1.

NOW, onto phase 3 once you get 40% charge per evo cast at 6,422,688 (6.43e6 for rounding) casts of Spell Temper The Steel.pngTemper The Steel

Phase 3 Spell Bar (Defense stance)

Now, this is real simple. Just begin to swap out useless incantations... WHO NEED them anyway?!

Begin with adding Spell Synthetic Entity.pngSynthetic Entity at 40% evo charge, then Spell Fire Ball.pngFire Ball at 60% evo charge, Spell Force Of Will.pngForce Of Will at 80% evo charge, and Spell Hellstorm.pngHellstorm at 100% evo charge. I'll list out the casts for the different charges here:

20% - 826,098 (8.26e5)

40% - 6,422,688 (6.43e6 for rounding)

60% - 2,1316,620 (2.14e6 for rounding)

80% - 49,930,995 (5.00e7 for rounding)

100% - 96,625,702 (9.66e7 for rounding)