TA Archon

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Updated for v1.56 except where otherwise noted. Please hand feedback over on discord if anything bothers you.

Post e1100 Ascension guides: Tempest Archon, Defiance Archon

What's "TA Archon"?

TA refers to the spell Spell Tempered Arcanomancy.pngTempered Arcanomancy. This is an Archon portrait.pngArchon specific spell that unlocks at e725 mana, and completely changes the way you play Archon, by combining Spell Silence.pngSilence and Spell Arcane Infusion.pngArcane Infusion. Initially, many players even said that Archon wasn't viable before unlocking this spell at ~e360 mysteries (However this has been disproven, see the Early Archon guide!). This guide will be covering how to best take advantage of Archon from the moment you unlock Spell Tempered Arcanomancy.pngTempered Arcanomancy onwards.

*Note: Please read the full guide before charging ahead. There are relevant notes throughout to help you understand why certain things are being done, so you can make the best out of your time with Archon.

*Note: This guide will repeatedly reference my Early Archon guide, for players finishing that phase and moving to this, however it is also written to be a standalone guide, and you do NOT need to read that first. If this is your first time playing Archon, spare yourself the confusion of reading two guides for an already complex class.

What You'll Need

If you're coming from the Early Archon guide, you already have everything you need to run Archon effectively. Just look over the BiS and item recommendations below, and upgrade as you see fit - and be sure to look at the notes! However, if you're just starting Archon now, read on!

The most important part of playing Archon is his pet: Soulstealer portrait.pngSoulstealer, or its T3 evolution Psychic Cacophony portrait.pngPsychic Cacophony. The way Soulstealer earns XP is primarily based on Character XP, so much so that character XP multipliers matter more than Pet XP multipliers! And seeing as Soulstealer portrait.pngSoulstealer gains new abilities all the way to level 300, (700 for Psychic Cacophony portrait.pngPsychic Cacophony) getting his level up will be our first priority. So start by upgrading Item The Great Journey.pngThe Great Journey, Item Casque Of Learning.pngCasque Of Learning, Item Endless Pouches.pngEndless Pouches, and Item Hollow Eye Pendant.pngHollow Eye Pendant.

*Note: Item Hollow Eye Pendant.pngHollow Eye Pendant should be upgraded first, as it gives the largest bonus. Stop upgrading at Epic, Legendary doesn't boost pet exp gain. Also, Item The Great Journey.pngThe Great Journey gives the full XP bonus at the Epic level, so you should wait until later to make them Legendary. Item Casque Of Learning.pngCasque Of Learning gives almost no bonus until Legendary, so you should probably upgrade it last.

*Note: Psychic Cacophony portrait.pngPsychic Cacophony is worse than Soulstealer portrait.pngSoulstealer until it reaches level 300. However, it takes a lot more exp than Soulstealer does, so it is not worth switching to PC as soon as you can at e550 mysteries. The amount of exp for PC to reach 300 is the same as SS reaching level 353, which means that SS should be reaching at least that level by the end of your run to use PC, especially as you have to reach level 325 SS to switch to PC to let it start gaining exp. When this happens is variable, anywhere from e600 to e700 mysteries, depending on gear. By the time you get e700 mysteries, PC is definitely worth it, as the pet/char exp bonuses from gods' second abilities allow you to get PC 300 or 325 pretty quickly.

Starting Attributes {865 AP} (885 without legendary Item Netherfist.pngNetherfist)

  • Intelligence: 150
  • Insight: 65 (85 without legendary Item Netherfist.pngNetherfist)
  • Spellcraft: 150
  • Wisdom: 150 (Will increase to 200 if you have legendary Item Easymind Hat.pngEasymind Hat, otherwise increase it accordingly.)
  • Dominance: 0
  • Patience: 50
  • Mastery: 200
  • Empathy: 100 (Gets to 175 with the use of Item Bite Sleeves.pngBite Sleeves, otherwise increase it accordingly or use Item Nomadic Wrists.pngNomadic Wrists)

*Note: Fill can give you too much Insight because it will omit the bonus from Item Legacy.pngLegacy if you don't have the attributes to equip it when you click "Fill".

Attributes to upgrade later

  • Intelligence: The 175 INT bonus nearly doubles profits for only 25 attribute points. 200 INT is good if you got a lot of achievements, otherwise, look elsewhere.
  • Insight: If you have 10 attribute points left over, the 75 INS bonus is worth picking up, but I wouldn't add any more than that. Unless you got enough to get 180 (if you use legendary Item Netherfist.pngNetherfist) or 140 (if you use Item Legacy.pngLegacy with it) The 200 perk is the second-best perk for Archon. This perk should be the second 200 perk you get. After MAS. However, if you can get this in one go, do it.
  • Spellcraft: 200 SPC is a mid tier 200 perk for Archon.
  • Wisdom: Wisdom's 150 perk is the best 150 perk for Archon. It also gives good profit every point. And 200 Wis is the best 200 perk for Archon (Low priority to get 200 due to Item Easymind Hat.pngEasymind Hat giving 50 WIS during our burst, already putting us at it.).
  • Dominance: Never upgrade Dominance. There's nothing worth getting here.
  • Mastery: Mas 225 is good if you're on the brink of getting any new perk on Soulstealer portrait.pngSoulstealer exception being perk [250]
  • Empathy: The goal for later on is to get 175 EMP without using Item Bite Sleeves.pngBite Sleeves so you can use Item Nomadic Wrists.pngNomadic Wrists to level Soulstealer portrait.pngSoulstealer faster.

Attributes {Paragon 29 part}

Starting Attributes {1140 AP} (1160 without legendary Item Netherfist.pngNetherfist)

  • Intelligence: 175
  • Insight: 140 (160 without legendary Item Netherfist.pngNetherfist)
  • Spellcraft: 250
  • Wisdom: 200 (Will increase to 250 if you have legendary Item Easymind Hat.pngEasymind Hat, otherwise increase it accordingly.)
  • Dominance: 0
  • Patience: 50
  • Mastery: 225
  • Empathy: 100 (Gets to 175 with the use of Item Bite Sleeves.pngBite Sleeves, otherwise increase it accordingly or use Item Nomadic Wrists.pngNomadic Wrists)

*Note: Fill can give you too much Insight because it will omit the bonus from Item Legacy.pngLegacy if you don't have the attributes to equip it when you click "Fill".

Attributes to upgrade later {Paragon 28 part}

  • Intelligence: The 175 INT bonus nearly doubles profits for only 25 attribute points. 200 INT is good if you got a lot of achievements, otherwise, look elsewhere.
  • Insight: Get 190 ins (210 without legendary Item Netherfist.pngNetherfist) it gives a lot.
  • Spellcraft: maxed
  • Wisdom: It gives good profit every point. 250 is pretty good, but, Item Easymind Hat.pngEasymind Hat already puts us at it.
  • Dominance: Never upgrade Dominance without Ascensions. There's nothing worth getting here.
  • Patience: 225 is completely garbo. And 250 is good, but, not worth the points.
  • Mastery: 225 is really good for getting levels. Really great for leveling up Soulstealer, I recommend getting this first. The 250 of mastery is pretty eh, good for tempo, not so good for archon. Get this absolutely last of the 250s, when we exclude dominance of course. I do recommend using this if you have 50 attribute points to the next big jump.
  • Empathy: 250 is pretty decent, better than 250 MAS, worse than the others. Get to 175 fast, get 200 after int 200 and ins 190 (210 without legendary Item Netherfist.pngNetherfist)

Tip for attributes past p29

  • Intelligence: Get it up to 200 when you get new attributes, not for now.
  • Insight: Get 190 ins
  • Spellcraft: Maxed
  • Wisdom: Don't need more until everything's maxed.
  • Dominance: ...What did I tell you?
  • Patience: Mostly useful for the perks after you fill out most other things.
  • Mastery: Get 225 mas
  • Empathy: Get 175 emp to use Item Nomadic Wrists.pngNomadic Wrists now.


This run is split into a few phases. First, we have "Startup", in which we gather Void Entities for the character EXP. We then stack Spell Counterspell.pngCounterspell to increase our max shard pool capacity through Item Spellstealer.pngSpellstealer, just enough to support our shard spending. Then, we move to our main buildup, in which we use Spell Jas'Aham's Missile Storm.pngJMS to stack up our many accumulated spells for the best profit, and use Spell Debilitate.pngDebilitate to spend shards to stack our class ability. We have too many spells to stack on one bar, though, so we need to swap them out occasionally (find optimal ratios in the phase itself). Then, we move to a VM phase with Spell Void Radiance.pngVoid Radiance since we can't swap off of SS/PC, and then burst.

You'll want to do a burst soon after starting a run, before returning to buildup for the main chunk of the exile, because you get character EXP based on your highest mana gained this exile, which will help level your pet.

Phase Scalings

Archon's buildup is not affected by any spell stats, as only the cast rate of JMS/Debilitate matter. However, our pet scales on its EXP gained, so we wear pet EXP gear for most of the exile. Pet EXP is roughly ^0.25 to profit.

In VM, we have

  • Incantation efficiency ^1.22 (0.02 is an approximation of Spell Void Lure.pngVoid Lure)
  • VpE ^1
  • PAP ^~0.211 (with PC; with SS, it'll be far less)

In burst, we have

  • Evocation/CAP/idle/profit ^1
  • PAP ^~1.286
  • Passive shard income ^~1.44 (0.04 as an approximation of WIS250).
  • Incantation ^~5.69

The Run


Oddly enough, my first piece of advice in the TA Archon guide is to not start with casting Spell Tempered Arcanomancy.pngTA! This is because at lower character levels, casting it even once will raise the costs of all your spells while an incantation is casting, making instant casting Spell Jas'Aham's Missile Storm.pngJMS with Spell Void Lure.pngVoid Lure difficult. We need to get a few pet perks to make that easier (*Note: I'll be using [x] notation to refer to the effects Soulstealer unlocks at x level). Instead, you can start out with collecting some autoclicks (ACs) from summons and void entities (VEs) to quickly get character levels. This phase should be super short, just enough to get your character level up. Character experience is based on a log10 of ACs, VEs, and a couple other factors, so unless you're getting 10x more of them it won't make much difference. As such, you shouldn't go beyond 1e4 VEs with this set, because it will simply take too long for too little return. It's perfectly fine to not get that much, though; this phase should not be longer than 10-15 minutes or so, though.


Spell.png Spell Jas'Aham's Missile Storm.png

Spell.png Spell Void Lure.png

Spell.png Spell Void Automaton.png

Spell.png Spell Counterspell.png

Spell.png Spell None.png

Spell.png Spell None.png



Item Whiplash.png









Item Collar Of Obedience.png


Item The Magnifier.png



Item Chiropteric Rod.png




Item Charged Fin-Wing.png


Item Abnormal Voidmass.png


Item Temporal Scabbard.png


Item The Rubedo Engine.png


These items are specifically what is helpful in this phase. You'll also want to add in any Pet/Char EXP items in the empty slots here. These items are also very low priority; definitely don't upgrade Item Chiropteric Rod.pngBatstick just for this.

We leave a spell slot empty in order to focus our Spell Jas'Aham's Missile Storm.pngJMS casts a bit. Spell Counterspell.pngCounterspell is mostly here because we'll have to stack it later in order to have enough shard pool cap, so this can reduce the time it will take to do that later (often, to zero). Spell Void Lure.pngVoid Lure and Spell Void Automaton.pngVoid Automaton are the primary purpose of the phase, of course.

You can also consider using an autoclicker during this phase to automatically click VEs. This won't be significantly faster than Automaton, but it allows you to take it off the bar to focus more casts onto Counterspell. This is such a short phase that this ultimately does not matter in the slightest.

Counterspell Stacking

In this phase, we'll be stacking all of our best spells while also stacking Spell Counterspell.pngCounterspell. This phase only lasts as long as it needs to to get the right amount of pool size for our shard spending phase. How long exactly that takes, or how many casts it is, depends on many factors (mostly, pet level/PAP and TA casts), so it's really just trial and error. This probably won't take very long, though. If you spend long enough in the startup phase, you may not ever need to do this phase - you should only be doing this when you try to spend shards with Spell Debilitate.pngDebilitate in the next phase and your cast rate is dropping, so if you're reading through this guide for the first time, I would recommend skipping this phase entirely for now and coming back later only if you need to.

For this phase, we need to note one quirk of Spell Tempered Arcanomancy.pngTempered Arcanomancy. It only increases the shard costs of spells while an incantation is active. This means that although we'll be putting our Accumulated spells on the bar to build fake casts with Spell Jas'Aham's Missile Storm.pngJMS, we won't be casting them.


Spell.png Spell Jas'Aham's Missile Storm.png

Spell.png Spell Tempered Arcanomancy.png

Spell.png Spell Radiant Pools.png

Spell.png Spell Nullzone.png

Spell.png Spell Syphon Power.png

Spell.png Spell Counterspell.png



Item Resonator Ring.png


Item Casque Of Learning.png


Item Falconers Furcoat.png


Item Falconer's Gloves.png


Item Companionship Ring.png


Item Hollow Eye Pendant.png


Item The Great Journey.png


Item Falconer's Leather Wrappings.png


Item Endless Pouches.png


Item The Magnifier.png


Item Nomadic Wrists.png


Item Chiropteric Rod.png


Item Simple Memento.png


Item Daemonics Reverse-Engineering.png


Item Charged Fin-Wing.png


Item Abnormal Voidmass.png


Item Temporal Scabbard.png


Item The Rubedo Engine.png


Item Smooth Amber Phylactery.png

This phase's items are identical to the main buildup (and it's notable that all replacements stated there also apply here), except we use Item Chiropteric Rod.pngBatstick (and Item Temporal Scabbard.pngTemporal Scabbard to make it charge faster) because no other weapon does much. You can also choose to use Item Enchanting Membrane.pngEnchanting Membrane as it stacks SS/PC 200, but Batstick is probably better.

Again, this phase is only as long as it needs to be to cap our cast rate in buildup (in particular, when we're casting Spell Debilitate.pngDebilitate).


Now, we've reached our main buildup phase. Here, we have 6 spells (not including JMS) to stack and only 5 slots. Thus, we can't just sit on one buildup bar the whole exile, and we'll have to swap our spells out a bit, and find the right "ratio" of casts between the spells. See the note about Cast Ratios below. The simplest answer is to split Spell Debilitate.pngDebilitate and Spell Expel Soulstealer.pngES 75/25 in the last spell slot (with Psychic Cacophony portrait.pngPC. With Soulstealer portrait.pngSS it's about half as much ES time).

Spell Debilitate.pngDebilitate, while not accumulated, has a far larger spell shard cost than our other spells, and thus we will use it to scale our class ability. Item Spellstealer.pngSpellstealer and Spell Tempered Arcanomancy.pngTempered Arcanomancy will greatly increase spell costs and bolster the shards spent for our character ability. The lost JMS passive casts on Debilitate are worth less than the shards we spend with it.


Spell.png Spell Jas'Aham's Missile Storm.png

Spell.png Spell Tempered Arcanomancy.png

Spell.png Spell Radiant Pools.png

Spell.png Spell Nullzone.png

Spell.png Spell Syphon Power.png

Spell.png Spell Debilitate.png


Spell.png Spell Jas'Aham's Missile Storm.png

Spell.png Spell Tempered Arcanomancy.png

Spell.png Spell Radiant Pools.png

Spell.png Spell Nullzone.png

Spell.png Spell Syphon Power.png

Spell.png Spell Expel Soulstealer.png

Debil items Non-debil items


Item Companionship Ring.png


Item Casque Of Learning.png


Item Falconers Furcoat.png


Item Falconer's Gloves.png


Item Resonator Ring.png


Item Hollow Eye Pendant.png


Item The Great Journey.png


Item Falconer's Leather Wrappings.png


Item Endless Pouches.png


Item The Magnifier.png


Item Nomadic Wrists.png


Item Spellstealer.png


Item Simple Memento.png


Item Daemonics Reverse-Engineering.png


Item Charged Fin-Wing.png


Item Abnormal Voidmass.png


Item Falconer's Bottoms.png


Item The Rubedo Engine.png


Item Smooth Amber Phylactery.png


note= Notes:

  • The Non-debilitate set is just for whenever you aren't using Debilitate, and is identical to the Counterspell phase items. If you follow the simple route, this means you use it when you use ES; if you're ratioing fully, then it's just whenever Debilitate isn't on the bar.
  • Leftover eDust can be spent on PAP enchants in this set, as they minorly boost shard pool capacity and autoclicks per second. This is incredibly minor, though.
  • If you are severely limited on casts by shard pool capacity, Item Concealing Shroud.pngConcealing Shroud may help be worth it in this phase. However, this generally just means you should stack Spell Counterspell.pngCounterspell more.
  • Another trophy to think about using is Item Beholding Eye.pngBeholding Eye when AFK for long periods of time.
  • An alternative mount if you don't have Rubedo is Item Zenith, The Champion's Steed.pngZenith, The Champion's Steed.
  • Before you gain the strongest trophies, the trophies for this phase are Item Fossil Seeds.pngFossil Seeds and Item Pheromone Gland.pngPheromone Gland, for the minor boosts to PAP.
  • Before you get 175 empathy without Bite Sleeves, you switch Item Nomadic Wrists.pngNomadic Wrists for Item Bite Sleeves.pngBite Sleeves.
  • If you're within ~5 levels of a new pet perk at the end of an exile, considering changing out Item The Magnifier.pngThe Magnifier for Item Falconer's Warm Cape.pngFalconer's Warm Cape on the following exile. Similarly, Item The Rubedo Engine.pngRubedo is optimal, but if you are within a few pet levels, it can be worth using Item Paukan, The Spider.pngPaukan for a while instead.
  • At the start of a realm, if you didn't already max your sources in the Startup phase, you can swap out Item Companionship Ring.pngCompanionship Ring with Item Whiplash.pngWhiplash, and Item Endless Pouches.pngEndless Pouches with Item Collar Of Obedience.pngCollar Of Obedience, to buy sources faster until they're maxed. However, this does not super significantly affect anything, and it will happen eventually even if you don't do this.


Item Resonator Ring.png


Item Casque Of Learning.png


Item Falconers Furcoat.png


Item Falconer's Gloves.png


Item Companionship Ring.png


Item Hollow Eye Pendant.png


Item The Great Journey.png


Item Falconer's Leather Wrappings.png


Item Endless Pouches.png


Item The Magnifier.png


Item Nomadic Wrists.png


Item Chiropteric Rod.png


Item Simple Memento.png


Item Daemonics Reverse-Engineering.png


Item Charged Fin-Wing.png


Item Abnormal Voidmass.png


Item Temporal Scabbard.png


Item The Rubedo Engine.png


Cast Ratios

Here, we have 6 spells to stack/use over 5 slots: Spell Tempered Arcanomancy.pngTA, Spell Syphon Power.pngSyphon Power, Spell Nullzone.pngNullzone, Spell Radiant Pools.pngRadiant Pools, Spell Expel Soulstealer.pngExpel Soulstealer, and Spell Debilitate.pngDebilitate. These spells are not all created equally, though, as they have very different effects and scalings based on casts/time. This means that we can't just equally distribute the casts or time spent on the bar if we want to maximize profits.

The simplest solution, as stated above, is to split Spell Debilitate.pngDebilitate and Spell Expel Soulstealer.pngES 75/25 in the last spell slot. This means you'd spend 75% of buildup with Debilitate in the last slot, and the other 25% with ES in the last slot. This is not really optimal, as you'll end up over-casting Spell Radiant Pools.pngRP and Spell Nullzone.pngNZ a bit, but it's close enough and it's a far simpler way to do it.

Also keep in mind that this 75/25 split is with Psychic Cacophony portrait.pngPC. With Soulstealer portrait.pngSS it's about half as much ES time (so a ~85/15 split).

If you're close to unlocking another powerful perk (like SS275/300), then it's worth it to use ES a bit longer to unock it. If you do hold it over significantly longer than the 15% or 25%, then you'll likely want to be casting both Debilitate and ES during that time; to do this, replace Spell Radiant Pools.pngRP, as it is our next-weakest spell.

It's also worth noting that you should push all time on Debilitate as late as possible; i.e. using ES for the first 25% of the exile. This is because Spell Tempered Arcanomancy.pngTA's shard cost bonus scales up over the exile, so you'll get more out of it the later you do it. It should still take up 75% of the exile, though.

To see a more detailed version of cast ratios, see the Expand button to the right.

The problem child here is Spell Expel Soulstealer.pngExpel Soulstealer. It has very poor cast scaling (C0.4 to pet EXP and C0.5 to PAP), so it is by far our least used spell. However, what exactly its total casts-> profit scaling is depends on your current pet level, as pet EXP is reverse-exponential to profit. At PC level 300, it ends up at around 30% of the exile, gradually decreasing to ~25% at PC level 500 and further down as it gets higher (with a jump at 700 back up to ~23% due to an extra profit perk). Also, all of the ratio math I have done is done with PC, not SS. SS has massively worse level scaling. I will give some estimates for SS, which is based on real math, but I didn't go all the way in fully calculating it with SS, so it may be slightly off.

So, without further ado, here are our ratios (using PC level 400):

Spell % of casts (optimally) % of time on bar
Spell Tempered Arcanomancy.pngTA 36.17% 100%
Spell Syphon Power.pngSyphon Power 19.28% 100%
Spell Nullzone.pngNullzone 14.26% 92.30%
Spell Radiant Pools.pngRadiant Pools 12.74% 82.48%
Spell Debilitate.pngDebilitate 13.37% 86.55%
Spell Expel Soulstealer.pngExpel Soulstealer 4.19% (~2% with SS) 27.12% (~10% with SS)

It turns out that TA and Syphon Power are so strong that it's always worth having them on the bar. It's actually technically worth stacking TA with nothing else on the bar for a decent portion of the exile, but it's very easy to mess that up and it's very micromanage-y so it's much safer to just stack a bunch of spells all at once. Technically, you should do that with every spell for exactly the % of the exile that the cast % is, but again, it's very easy to mess that up. This is called hyper-stacking.

You should be focusing on the second column, here; the first column is the % of total spell casts that each spell should have, while the second is actually functionally how you should deal with that. What this means is that you want to have Nullzone, for example, on the bar for 92.3% of buildup.

The second Expand button on the right has a small section on our cast/time scaling in buildup, and how JMS affects it. Not updated to include ES. No new information; just math if you're curious.

As Archon, much of our power comes from casting our spells - i.e. spamming Spell Jas'Aham's Missile Storm.pngJMS. Here's how our spells scale with casts (more details of each on their respective pages):

Archon portrait.pngArchon's first class ability:
Soulstealer portrait.pngSoulstealer's level 150 perk:
Spell Karnaphen's Spellshroud.pngKarnaphen's Spellshroud:
Spell Nullzone.pngNullzone:
Spell Radiant Pools.pngRadiant Pools:
Spell Syphon Power.pngSyphon Power:
Since we burst with Spell Fire with Fire.pngFire with Fire, this becomes:
PSP1.35=(CS0.85)1.4 =CS1.19

Spell Tempered Arcanomancy.pngTempered Arcanomancy's first effect:
This feeds into Archon portrait.pngArchon's two class abilities:
PA0.5×A0.5 =A =CT1.45
Spell Tempered Arcanomancy.pngTempered Arcanomancy's second effect:
This feeds into Archon portrait.pngArchon's second class ability:
PSS0.85 =CT0.85
This gives us a total scaling for Spell Tempered Arcanomancy.pngTempered Arcanomancy of:
PCT1.45×CT0.85 =CT2.3
Spell Jas'Aham's Missile Storm.pngJMS's active effect:

Combined, we get an overall formula for profit based on casts:
Almost all of our casts will come from Spell Jas'Aham's Missile Storm.pngJMS, so the total scaling becomes:
P(CJ1.3)1.0×(CJ1.3)0.15×(CJ1.3)0.25×CJ1.3×CJ0.9+CJ0.81×CJ1.19×CJ2.3 =CJ1.3×(1.0+0.15+0.25+1)+0.9+0.81+1.19+2.3=CJ8.32
In other words, doubling Spell Jas'Aham's Missile Storm.pngJMS casts should give around 320 times the profit; tripling, 9325 times.

We can similarly find the value of Forefather's Work. Excluding the active part of Spell Jas'Aham's Missile Storm.pngJMS:
PCJ1.0×CJ0.15×CJ0.25×CJ0.9+CJ0.81×CJ1.19×CJ2.3 =CJ1.0+0.15+0.25+0.9+0.81+1.19+2.3 =CJ6.6
JMS passive grows by:
Giving a final formula of:
Note: Depending on Exile length, the active part of Spell Jas'Aham's Missile Storm.pngJMS may contribute more to Spells Cast This Exile than the passive part. This changes the FFW scaling to 4.16.


  • P=Profit
  • CE=Spells Cast This Exile
  • CJ=Jas'Aham's Missile Storm Casts This Exile
  • CN=Nullzone Casts This Exile
  • CP=Radiant Pools Casts This Exile
  • CS=Syphon Power Casts This Exile
  • CT=Tempered Arcanomancy Casts This Exile
  • SP=Passive Spell Shard Generation
  • SS=Spell Shards This Exile
  • A=Character Ability Power
  • F=Forefather's Work Level

Void Mana

Void Mana!!! We use Spell Void Radiance.pngVoid Radiance because we can't swap off of our pet to use VT.

This phase should not be more than 1-2 minutes.


Spell.png Spell Jas'Aham's Missile Storm.png

Spell.png Spell Tempered Arcanomancy.png

Spell.png Spell Syphon Power.png

Spell.png Spell Expel Soulstealer.png

Spell.png Spell Void Lure.png

Spell.png Spell Void Radiance.png


Spell.png Spell Jas'Aham's Missile Storm.png

Spell.png Spell Spellstaff Of Chamaon.png

Spell.png Spell Expel Soulstealer.png

Spell.png Spell Nullzone.png

Spell.png Spell Void Lure.png

Spell.png Spell Void Radiance.png



Item Resonator Ring.png


Item The Bright Beacon.png


Item Nethershell.png


Item Netherfist.png


Item Netherloop.png


Item Nether Chain.png


Item Legacy.png


Item Ebon Mantle.png


Item Sash of Luxury.png


Item Chaos Mantle.png


Item Nethershackles.png


Item Reality Prism.png


Item Pitch-black Cage.png


Item Void Sampling.png


Item Insidious Lure.png


Item Anomalous Essence.png


Item Nether Barrier.png


Item Crystallized Echo.png


Item Devious Violet Phylactery.png


Due to PC400 scaling off of log(Evo), we use Evocation-boosting spells in our free slots for PC. On SS, though, it's better to just keep stacking our best spells for a bit longer.


And here, we reap what we sowed. Stack all of our best incantations we've been stacking all exile long together.


Spell.png Spell Jas'Aham's Missile Storm.png

Spell.png Spell Fire with Fire.png

Spell.png Spell Syphon Power.png

Spell.png Spell Nullzone.png

Spell.png Spell Radiant Pools.png

Spell.png Spell Karnaphen's Spellshroud.png

Enchant 0 Enchant 1+5 Enchant 6+5


Item Resonator Ring.png


Item Empowering Headguard.png


Item Empowering Chestguard.png


Item Fiery Grips.png


Item Fiery Ring.png


Item Searing Gaze.png


Item Empowering Ankleguards.png


Item Conjured Razorspaulders.png


Item Empowering Waistguard.png


Item Flaming Cape.png


Item Bite Sleeves.png


Item Thunderbird.png


Item Commissar's Torn Sleeve.png


Item Spell Shards Fractalization.png


Item Anima Core.png


Item Arcane Engine.png


Item Folds of Magma.png


Item The Rubedo Engine.png


Item Robust Tangerine Phylactery.png



Item Resonator Ring.png


Item Easymind Hat.png


Item Empowering Chestguard.png


Item Empowering Handguards.png


Item Fiery Ring.png


Item Lucky Amulet.png


Item Empowering Ankleguards.png


Item Strange Spaulders.png


Item Empowering Waistguard.png


Item Flaming Cape.png


Item Bite Sleeves.png


Item Thunderbird.png


Item Commissar's Torn Sleeve.png


Item Spell Shards Fractalization.png


Item Anima Core.png


Item Inquisitive Eye.png


Item Folds of Magma.png


Item The Rubedo Engine.png


Item Robust Tangerine Phylactery.png



Item Resonator Ring.png


Item Easymind Hat.png


Item Empowering Chestguard.png


Item Empowering Handguards.png


Item Chronoboost Ring.png


Item Lucky Amulet.png


Item Empowering Ankleguards.png


Item Tranquil Spaulders.png


Item Empowering Waistguard.png


Item Flaming Cape.png


Item Bite Sleeves.png


Item Thunderbird.png


Item Commissar's Torn Sleeve.png


Item Spell Shards Fractalization.png


Item Anima Core.png


Item Inquisitive Eye.png


Item Folds of Magma.png


Item The Rubedo Engine.png


Item Robust Tangerine Phylactery.png

''Early-game Gear Replacements:
  • You can use Item Head Of The All-Eater.pngHead Of The All-Eater before you have Item Thunderbird.pngThunderbird upgraded.
  • To use Item Thunderbird.pngThunderbird, you'll want to charge it first. You'll need a spellset that has Spell Lightning Bolt.pngLightning Bolt. This doesn't take very long.
  • To use Item Head Of The All-Eater.pngHead Of The All-Eater, to charge it efficiently you'll likely want two spellsets. One with Spell Void Radiance.pngVoid Radiance, some summons for autoclicks, and Spell Void Lure.pngVoid Lure. You'll want to click as many Void Entities as you can while getting autoclicks and spellcasts, and wear VM gen gear (with Item Head Of The All-Eater.pngHead Of The All-Eater) to maximize your VM. You'll wear this set for the majority of the time you have to charge. Your second set should be your burst set with your burst gear (and Item Head Of The All-Eater.pngHead Of The All-Eater). You'll use this set for just a few seconds to get high max mana while charging.
  • An alternative for Item Inquisitive Eye.pngInquisitive Eye is Item Charged Fin-Wing.pngCharged Fin-Wing. If you don't have Fin-Wing either, an alternative is Item Heart of the Storm.pngHeart of the Storm.
  • Item Robust Tangerine Phylactery.pngTangerine can be better than Item Smooth Amber Phylactery.pngAmber at low pet levels (i.e. below SS275, probably). However, it's not recommended to upgrade this over Amber, because by the time you upgrade it, you'll likely be at the point where Amber is better anyways.
Enchant 11+5 Enchant 15+5 Enchant 18+5


Item Resonator Ring.png


Item Easymind Hat.png


Item Empowering Chestguard.png


Item Empowering Handguards.png


Item Chronoboost Ring.png


Item Lucky Amulet.png


Item Empowering Ankleguards.png


Item Tranquil Spaulders.png


Item Sash of Luxury.png


Item Flaming Cape.png


Item Bite Sleeves.png


Item Thunderbird.png


Item Commissar's Torn Sleeve.png


Item Spell Shards Fractalization.png


Item Inquisitive Eye.png


Item Anima Core.png


Item Spellweaving Kilt.png


Item The Rubedo Engine.png


Item Smooth Amber Phylactery.png



Item Resonator Ring.png


Item Easymind Hat.png


Item Seclusion Shell.png


Item Empowering Handguards.png


Item Chronoboost Ring.png


Item Lucky Amulet.png


Item Empowering Ankleguards.png


Item Tranquil Spaulders.png


Item Sash of Luxury.png


Item Flaming Cape.png


Item Bite Sleeves.png


Item Thunderbird.png


Item Commissar's Torn Sleeve.png


Item Spell Shards Fractalization.png


Item Inquisitive Eye.png


Item Anima Core.png


Item Spellweaving Kilt.png


Item The Rubedo Engine.png


Item Smooth Amber Phylactery.png



Item Resonator Ring.png


Item Easymind Hat.png


Item Seclusion Shell.png


Item Empowering Handguards.png


Item Chronoboost Ring.png


Item Lucky Amulet.png


Item Empowering Ankleguards.png


Item Tranquil Spaulders.png


Item Sash of Luxury.png


Item The Amplifier.png


Item Bite Sleeves.png


Item Thunderbird.png


Item Commissar's Torn Sleeve.png


Item Spell Shards Fractalization.png


Item Inquisitive Eye.png


Item Anima Core.png


Item Spellweaving Kilt.png


Item The Rubedo Engine.png


Item Smooth Amber Phylactery.png

Enchant 33+5 Enchant 45+5


Item Resonator Ring.png


Item Easymind Hat.png


Item Seclusion Shell.png


Item Empowering Handguards.png


Item Chronoboost Ring.png


Item Lucky Amulet.png


Item Empowering Ankleguards.png


Item Tranquil Spaulders.png


Item Sash of Luxury.png


Item The Amplifier.png


Item Bite Sleeves.png


Item Thunderbird.png


Item Commissar's Torn Sleeve.png


Item Spell Shards Fractalization.png


Item Inquisitive Eye.png


Item Charged Fin-Wing.png


Item Spellweaving Kilt.png


Item The Rubedo Engine.png


Item Smooth Amber Phylactery.png



Item Resonator Ring.png


Item Easymind Hat.png


Item Seclusion Shell.png


Item The Clockcarers.png


Item Chronoboost Ring.png


Item Lucky Amulet.png


Item Empowering Ankleguards.png


Item Stabilizing Pauldrons.png


Item Sash of Luxury.png


Item The Amplifier.png


Item Bite Sleeves.png


Item Thunderbird.png


Item Commissar's Torn Sleeve.png


Item Spell Shards Fractalization.png


Item Inquisitive Eye.png


Item Charged Fin-Wing.png


Item Spellweaving Kilt.png


Item The Rubedo Engine.png


Item Smooth Amber Phylactery.png

Changes in Gear from progression:

  • The best offhand for this phase will vary. At low mysts, Item Commissar's Torn Sleeve.pngCommissar's Torn Sleeve is best. After you've got enough attributes that you will only lose one perk by dropping Commissar's (normally around e800), Item Murmuring Spellbook.pngMurmuring Spellbook is likely best. Once you get Ascensions and Obscure Talents, Commissar's will come back to being BiS again because of the extremely high pet levels.
  • This assumes 500 extra sources from red catalysts. If you have ~1000 or more extra sources from red catalysts, then Item Architectural Databelt.pngArchitectural Databelt wins at all enchant levels.
  • Use Item Miniaturized Accelerator.pngMiniaturized Accelerator if you manage to achieve a higher profit boost on it. The formula being roughly: (7e6*(1.25/1.2)^Ench) catalysts needed for it to win. This happens at 3e8 (enchant 0) - 3e10 (enchant 40) cats.

Burst shouldn't last longer than a minute or so. If you're happy with how many mysteries you've gained, exile! If not, then go back to buildup.

Enchant Priority

This is kind of outdated. It's not entirely wrong, but take it with a grain of salt.

You won't want all your items at the same enchant level, as some enchants are worth less than others.

A simple guide for high end enchants, assuming you have the BIS (ie all items), enough catalysts to make Item Sash of Luxury.pngSash of Luxury no longer BIS in burst and replaced with Item Architectural Databelt.pngArchitectural Databelt, enough edust to get 15+5 on chest (somewhere around 1.9e6 edust) the enchant priority, top to bottom is:

Item Inquisitive Eye.pngInquisitive Eye
Item The Amplifier.pngThe Amplifier (unless using Item Timeshroud.pngTimeshroud)
Item Bite Sleeves.pngBite Sleeves
Item The Clockcarers.pngThe Clockcarers (unless using Item Empowering Handguards.pngEmpowering Handguards)
Item Chronoboost Ring.pngChronoboost Ring
Item Thunderbird.pngThunderbird (unless using a different weapon)
Item Empowering Ankleguards.pngEmpowering Ankleguards
Item Easymind Hat.pngEasymind Hat
Item Spell Shards Fractalization.pngSpell Shards Fractalization
Item Architectural Databelt.pngArchitectural Databelt
Item Lucky Amulet.pngLucky Amulet (unless using Item Miniaturized Accelerator.pngMiniaturized Accelerator due to catalysts)
Item Tranquil Spaulders.pngTranquil Spaulders
Item Seclusion Shell.pngSeclusion Shell

Highest -1
Item Spellweaving Kilt.pngSpellweaving Kilt
Item Empowering Handguards.pngEmpowering Handguards (unless using Item The Clockcarers.pngThe Clockcarers)
Item Insidious Lure.pngInsidious Lure
Item Anima Core.pngAnima Core
Item Spellstealer.pngSpellstealer (ONLY when using it during burst, this is for very short exiles using Debilitate in burst instead of JMS)
Item Timeshroud.pngTimeshroud (unless using Item The Amplifier.pngThe Amplifier)
Item Chiropteric Rod.pngChiropteric Rod (if using it during burst; only for very very long exiles)
Item Miniaturized Accelerator.pngMiniaturized Accelerator (unless using Item Lucky Amulet.pngLucky Amulet)
Item Anomalous Essence.pngAnomalous Essence
Item Pitch-black Cage.pngPitch-black Cage and all other burst offhands - Item Commissar's Torn Sleeve.pngCommissar's Torn Sleeve or Item Murmuring Spellbook.pngMurmuring Spellbook
Item Void Sampling.pngVoid Sampling

Highest -2
Item The Bright Beacon.pngThe Bright Beacon
Item Nethershell.pngNethershell
Item Netherfist.pngNetherfist
Item Chaos Mantle.pngChaos Mantle
Item Nether Barrier.pngNether Barrier
Item Nether Chain.pngNether Chain
Item Netherloop.pngNetherloop
Item Nethershackles.pngNethershackles
Item The Rubedo Engine.pngThe Rubedo Engine
Item Smooth Amber Phylactery.pngSmooth Amber Phylactery

Highest -3
Item Ebon Mantle.pngEbon Mantle
Item Legacy.pngLegacy
Item Devious Violet Phylactery.pngDevious Violet Phylactery
Item Zenith, The Champion's Steed.pngZenith, The Champion's Steed (only if using this as a substitute for Item The Rubedo Engine.pngRubedo in burst)

Highest -4
Item Sash of Luxury.pngSash of Luxury (if you're using this in burst, then it's actually your highest profit enchant (around 39.68% profit per level)
Item Temporal Stabilizer.pngTemporal Stabilizer

Here is a chart of all the enchants that aren't 1:1 with profit (shard income, inc eff, and PAP), to allow you to make educated decisions within one tier.

Profit Values for Various Unclear Enchants
Enchant Type Profit %
25.5% Shard income 37.43%
5% Incantation Efficiency (during Burst) 31.74%
20% Shard income 29.07%
20% PAP* 26.21%
4% Incantation Efficiency (during Burst) 24.8%
15% PAP* 19.54%
10% PAP* 12.94%

*PAP is calculated using Psychic Cacophony portrait.pngPC level 325. The numbers with Soulstealer portrait.pngSoulstealer lv300 are a little lower (25.3% with 20% PAP), but they always fall into the same general place.


One Ability

The best gods for Archon at mysteries < e700 (1st god ability only) goes like this:


*Means the god at this stage does nothing to increase profits for Archon.

**These gods can not be unlocked at <e700 myst and will always have both abilities when unlocked. They are included here as a reference for the relative value they gain from the memory upgrade cosmic reprecussions.

Both Abilities

The best gods for Archon at mysteries >= e700 (both god abilities) goes like this:


***If using Item Black Vortex.pngBlack Vortex, Tempoaeverum will beat Veritallos.

Source Memetics

Gems untouched
Character exp -> grimoire
cost reduction gild -> Arcanasprings
evo eff -> Enchanted Trees
Character Ability Power -> Alchemy desks
Autoclicks -> Anti Magic Domes
Pet Ability Power -> Arcane Anomalies
Incant eff-> Nexus

For levels, there are calculators on the Discord but in general PAP is highest, Incantation is -1 or 2 levels below PAP, and CAP/Evo Eff is -1 levels below Incantation. Exp is very insignificant, and should just use whatever leftover ingots you have after leveling the others.


The cost reduction source memetic goes on Arcanasprings, for Item Thunderbird.pngThunderbird and Spell Radiant Pools.pngRadiant Pools.

Because Anti Magic Domes scale ^0.95 with Spell Nullzone.pngNullzone and they have a class upgrade series that totals about ^13.875, it's important to have as much as possible. The best way to do that is to put the cheapest memetic Autoclick on Anti Magic Domes. This means we'll be using an additional source memetic, which ends up meaning we need to put one on Grimoires. That means we'll have less Grimoires and thus less experience from sources. But the XP loss from that is smaller than the profit we'll get from more Anti Magic Domes from having Autoclick memetic vs the alternative, using the slightly more expensive Pet Ability Power on Anti Magic Domes.

Finally, for the other sources the optimizations are fairly minor. You have one unused source, so you want to leave mana gems alone as it's the most numerous source so it gives the most source experience. All of the sources aside from Nexus have upgrades that increase profit based on number of sources, with the best scaling being Rift, and the worst scaling being Grimoire (although the differences are pretty minor). So the worst cost growth scaling source memetic (Incant eff) goes on Nexus, with the second best (Pet Ability Power) on Arcane Anomalies (archon's Rift replacement), the next best cost growth scaling (Character Ability Power) on Alchemy desks, and so on, putting Evo eff on Enchanted Trees and Character Exp on Grimoires.

Spell Memetics

For use with Merp's spell meme sheet.

Autoclick amt scaling is 0 for all spells.
Spell Efficiency Cast scaling Other
Spell Debilitate.pngDebilitate 1.61 0.85 Cast rate
Spell Magic Missile.pngMagic Missile 1.5 0
Spell Syphon Power.pngSyphon Power 1.30 1.224 Cast amt
Spell Nullzone.pngNullzone 1.2 0.91 Cast amt
Spell Radiant Pools.pngRadiant Pools 1.2 0.81 Cast amt
Spell Void Radiance.pngVoid Radiance 1.244 0
Spell Karnaphen's Spellshroud.pngKarnaphen's Spellshroud 1.2 0
Spell Fire with Fire.pngFire with Fire 1.2 0
Spell Tempered Arcanomancy.pngTempered Arcanomancy 1.047 1.45 Cast amt
Spell Jas'Aham's Missile Storm.pngJas'Aham's Missile Storm 1 12.75* Cast rate
Spell Void Lure.pngVoid Lure 1.011 0
Spell Expel Soulstealer.pngExpel Soulstealer 1.0074 0

*Spell Jas'Aham's Missile Storm.pngJMS cast scaling is weird to quantify, because the amount its passive scales up changes based on how long you've been using JMS in the current realm and some other factors. Here's the math:

Its total cast scaling is equal to 2.3+2.3×Ce+n×Ct, where

  • Ct is the total cast scaling of other spells combined (not including Debilitate), which is ~4.74
  • Ce is the total spells cast scaling (1.66 if using Item Murmuring Spellbook.pngMurmuring Spellbook, 1.4 if not)
  • n is a multiplier from 1 to 1.8, and accounts for the passive growth - 1 is no passive growth, 1.8 is you've never used JMS before in the realm.

The 12.75 number assumes using Spellbook and n=1.4, but you can adjust it as you like.

The summons table in the top right of the sheet doesn't matter for Archon.

High Level Rushing

At high memory levels, there is some different gameplay rushing from e300 back to high mysteries.

Spell Jas'Aham's Missile Storm.pngJMS is replaced with Spell Debilitate.pngDebilitate for burst and Item Spellstealer.pngSpellstealer is used as the burst weapon. This also means instead of Item The Magnifier.pngThe Magnifier for increased JMS stacks in build you should use Item Falconer's Warm Cape.pngFalconer's Warm Cape. Patch 1.25 has changed this a bit, so you likely only want to do this if you are doing very short exiles (probably like less than 5 minuteso of casting JMS). You will eventually also be able to skip using Item Commissar's Torn Sleeve.pngCommissar's Torn Sleeve at all, and should just stick with Item Black Vortex.pngBlack Vortex until your exiles become long enough for Item Enigmatic Parchment.pngEnigmatic Parchment to beat it.