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Test Page

GIF Exo.gif

Created by Demigod100 / Aparthax*Almighty

If you are reading this page, know that it is random information, tests, quotes, and other facts that don't typically fit on other pages.

Random info

  1. Market's Timewarp - Boosts Nightfall Charge (~0.79% per second with a 5 day timejump), does not give 7 Day Necro achievement
  2. Attribute's Max Power
    • Intelligence - Max (105) 330.51%
    • Insight- Max (105) 882.52%
    • Spellcraft- Max (105) 988.78%
    • Wisdom - Max (105) 699.87%
    • Dominance - Max (105) 2.37e3%
    • Patience - Max (105) 2.92e3%
  3. Kelphior's Black Beam
  4. Void Entities - 50 Insight Buffs (Same as Market buffs, but only last 5 minutes)
    1. -Increase critical chance by 10% and double crit profits
    2. -Increase all attributes by 5
    3. -Increase passive generate shards per sec by 2 and 20%
    4. -Increase Void Entities spawn rate by 20% and voidmana gained from Entities by 30%
    5. -Increase profit per sec by 50%
      • (You can get the same effect twice, which adds 5 minutes to the timer of the current boost)

Old Polls

View old Polls by clicking the designated Seal

Poll Favorites:
Class - Voidmancer
Pet - Interrogator
Special Source - Ley Apex
Persistent Spell - JMS
Item - Chest

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Favorite Class?

Favorite Pet?

Favorite Special Source?

  • Ley Apex
  • Disbanded: 9/23/17



Which is your favorite Special Source? Druid's Tree Of Life Demonologist's Hellhole Necromancer's Forbidden Tome Arcanist's Arcanaspring Prodigy's Ley Apex Voidmancer's Voidgate Exorcist's Libram


Mysteries from Class / Pet Combo

  • Disbanded: 9/29/17 ; Started: 9/28/17



How many Mysteries do you have? Starting Game: 0 ~ e10 Early Game: e10 ~ e33 Mid Game: e33 ~ e55 Challenge Realm: e55 ~ e85 Late Game: e85 ~ e100 End Game: e100 ~ e110


Favorite Persistent Spell?



What is your Favorite Persistent Spell? Arcanist's Jas'Aham's Missile Storm Druid's Rules of Nature Necromancer's Nightfall Prodigy's True Sorcery


Favorite new v0.40 Addition?

  • Items
  • Disbanded: 11/29/17 ; Started: 10/9/17



What is your Favorite new Addition to v0.40? The Chronomancer The Simulacrum The Anima Construct The Arcanaworg The Geode New Items New features; Music, Cursors, Crit Rating, Paragon, etc.


Mysteries from Class / Pet Combo (v0.40)

  • Disbanded: 11/29/17 ; Started: 9/30/17



How many Mysteries do you have? Starting Game: 0 ~ e10 Early Game: e10 ~ e33 Mid Game: e33 ~ e55 Challenge Realm: e55 ~ e85 Late Game: e85 ~ e100 The Abyss: e100 ~~ e130 End Game: e130 ~~ e150


Mysteries from Class / Pet Combo (v0.65)

  • Disbanded: 8/22/18 ; Started 4/15/18



How many Mysteries do you have? Starting Game: 0 ~ e10 Early Game: e10 ~ e33 Post-Early Game: e33 ~ e55 Challenge Realm: e55 ~ e85 Mid Game: e85 ~ e110 Post-Mid Game: e110 ~ e150 Late Game: e150 ~ e200 End Game: e200 ~ e240 The Abyss: e240 ~ e300


Legendary Items (v0.65)

  • Disbanded: 4 September 2018 ; Started 2nd May 2018



How many legendary (not unique) items do you have? 0 1-3 4-6 7-9 10-14 15-20 21-49 50+


Most used Class

  • Disbanded: 19 October 2018; Started 4 September 2018



Which Class have you spent most of your time on? Apprentice Druid Demonologist Necromancer Arcanist Prodigy Voidmancer Exorcist Chronomancer Umbramancer Alchemist Ironsoul Abolisher Shaman Heretic Oni


Mysteries Collected

  • Disbanded 8 Jun 2019; Started 23 August 2018

<poll> How many Mysteries have you collected? Starting Game: 0 ~ e10 Early Game: e10 ~ e33 Post-Early Game: e33 ~ e55 Challenge Realm: e55 ~ e85 Mid Game: e85 ~ e110 Post-Mid Game: e110 ~ e150 Late Game: e150 ~ e200 End Game: e200 ~ e240 The Abyss: e240 ~ e300 </poll>


Exsercrat Quotes

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Q: Is Zombie's experience gain different?

A: also about zombie. he earn extra exp if idle mode is active.

Q: gamersman2014: how much time would be needed to get all stats to 100?

A: TwoWizards: few centuries :) or few expansions, but then cap will be higher. attributes designed without capabilities get them all

Q: May I ask how Devo's bonus is affected by the Mystery profit base?

A: its just mult on base myst bonus.

Q: twowizards, whats the best build for e76? :P I wanna get to e84, but lacking the mysts now, and it's going slow :P

A: RobbertK1, you can ask at room 1 :) but should be something from list: active prod (devo/golem), active vm, burning ent (demon build), mb dru with ent and new spell... so after patch best way: Experiment! :D

Q: Requirements of "For the Seventh Star?"

A: e85myst, unlock exo, RoN 10k, nightfall 8k, TS 2.5e4, JMS 3e6 (early v0.32, Requirements changed)

Q: RobbertK1: is there any way you can adjust the nightfall charge somehow?

A: Just play sometimes as Necro. its all :) this reward not very necessary. for Blessed by the Void and 7th star "challenge" - complete reqs.

+: well. game end now around e110 mysts. you need around 2 month now for this. and if you'll will play as necro sometimes for earn mysts, you will have this nf stacks ; last upgrades ~e110.

+: hey. about necro. he is the most unpopular class. i'm just trying change this. and... i'm dont expected negative reaction to NF :(

+: i thought what this challenges not so important, and players can do 2-3 runs with necro for mysts. and reach this reqs additionaly.

+: Jeynii, it'll break curve of progress for necro :(

+: later, today, i'll change few things with NF and reqs for this challenge.

(Nightfall & Challenge requirements were reduced in v0.32a)

Q: Forbearance Secret?

A: Forbearance. Complete challenge Holy Wrath without stacking excess HC.

Q: PDX311: Will we ever be able to cast offline

A: TwoWizards: cast in offline? nope. i talk about this many times. i'll be or useless and weird thing like in RG, or full system. both - bad design. 2nd also too hard for implementation

Q: RobbertK1: hey exser, are you planning on giving all the classes more spells later on?

A: TwoWizards: RobbertK1, hi. yeap, more spells later, maybe with each expansion :)

Q: Blessed by the Void & For the Seventh Star ; Rewards?

A: after next patch reward for BbtV and 7start will be another

+: no, if completed already, reward will be available. and not soon :) in expansion i think.

Q: Update

A: TwoWizards: fixed save system, minor bug in challenges. and buff demon and early prodigy (post 0.32a)

Icon Exorcist.png

Thari Skin Lore

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  • Druid - Autumnal (canon, usual Dru) - is just a variation, like, "how would a druid look during autumn"
  • Umbral (can be canon, but not really developed into anything) - alongside Possessed Necro is Umbra(like, the shadow itself, not the class)-corrupted versions of those, that's why horror-like theme
  • Totemist (canon, high level Dru going into Shaman) - is middlepoint between Dru and Shaman, a bit more insidious, but not yet equally death-life


  • Demono - Diabolic (fun) visual reference
  • Orcish (fun) - visual variation more or less, doesn't heavily imply there're orcs or demonic warlocks among them (not really denying they could be there, though)
  • Hell Knight (canon, high level Demono transforming from just practicer to a full denizen of Hell) - visual variation


  • Necro - Possessed (can be canon) - see Umbral dru
  • Lich (canon) - is pretty natural for Necro as a visual, just a more powerful Necro
  • Khan'Gaxx (fun, but can be treated as canon) - visual reference


  • Arca - Batmage (fun) - visual reference
  • Girl (can be canon) - I've initially made this for fun since I had an urge to try drawing a kid and had no better idea than take a character from IW :P then, when we got skins going in game, we thought it's not a bad idea to include. Given Arcanists are pretty human and normal, no reason for two of them not to have a kid :D
  • Bloodmoon (fun) - Arca was just too much of a tease for vampire theme
  • Olivia (fun) - visual reference


  • Prodigy - Enchanter (fun) - enchanting-themed challenge skin, alongside Batmage
  • Girl (can be canon) - pretty same as Arca, I wanted Arca girl to have a friend ^^
  • Toxic Experiment (canon) - visual variation
  • Thirst for Blood (fun) - visual reference


  • Voidmancer - Girl (fun) - Voidmancers can't really be labeled human or alive much, so it's unlikely they can have a kid, at least in human sense
  • Hollow Fury (can be canon) - visual variation
  • Jack'O'Void (fun) - pure Halloween visual, like a Halloween costume more or less
  • Eldritch Keeper (canon, high level Voidmancer) - visual variation pretty much (wanted to show Voidmancer tearing a "hole in reality")


  • Exorcist - Excommunicated (was fun, now canon) - initially was a "proof of concept" for skins inside challenges and as rewards, but then got a canon version in Heretic.
  • Arcane Wrath (can be canon) - visual variation
  • Failed Exorcism (fun) - pure Halloween skin, like "what if an exorcism fails and Exo is possessed by an evil spirit?"
  • Old Blood (canon, high level Exo) - kind of an old Exorcist from legends


  • Chronomancer - Neon Horizon (fun) - made specifically as a challenge reward, neon 80s etc
  • Redshift (fun) - visual reference
  • Zombies Timeline (fun) - like a Halloween costume
  • Overload (canon) - visual variation


  • Umbramancer - Deep Light (fun) - visual variation
  • Faceless (can be canon) - a look without turban
  • Incinerator (can be canon) - visual variation
  • Umbral Carnage (fun) - visual reference


  • Alchemist - Arcane Insight (can be canon) - visual variation
  • La Muerte (fun) - Halloween costume
  • Chemist (canon) - visual variation


  • Ironsoul - Veteran (fun) - visual reference
  • Servant of the Old Gods (fun) - Halloween costume, visual reference
  • Young (canon) - actually a young female skin :P


  • Abolisher - Doppel's In Charge (fun) - Halloween costume, on theme of "what if Doppel takes over his master"
  • Playtime's Over (canon) - just an infuriated female Abo
  • Superconductor (can be canon) - lightning theme, visual reference

Animated Skins

A word on animated skins - most of them are leaning towards Mecha, so their main idea is it's their version from, obviously, dark, future. They're all kind of "can be canon" category - not really in the game's world but as a possible future

  • Agony - Druid embracing unnatural-ness to sow vengeance against those who burned the forests
  • Abyssal Fury - pure visual
  • Lord Of The Crypts - pure visual
  • Apocalypse - Arca still fighting for the world that's falling apart all around him
  • Prodigy - Kel'phior couldn't have just vanished, he just went into the future :)
  • Voidmancer - pure visual
  • Unstoppable Force - pure visual
  • Singularity - since Chrono is a bit mech even in canon version, wanted to make a "Mech squared"
  • Vizier of Darkness - pure visual
  • Global Disaster - wanted to make futuristic Bio-Chem-Rad protection suit
  • Doomed - kinda like futuristic swordmaster, visual
  • Anathema - pure visual

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Testing for: Like the First Time III - Zombie

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Experiment - Zombie - Kuroxneko

Quotes from Kuroxneko

  • [LTFT3 Start time12:27 am End time: 3:11 am ending levels player:42 and pet:36 spells: MM, VL, greater elemental, gem ressonance (it will be quicker to run without elemental and to replace gem ressonace for empower I did this at the 2 hourmark
  • pet:zombie (I experimented and changed it around DO NOT change the pet at all during run) sources: 250, 225, 200, 175, 150, 125, 100, 75 Personal info 7.3e22 myst attributes 25 ins 67 wisd paragon 2
  • personal though: changing attributes could affect time, also changing spells could easily afect time, it's plausible to be done in 1-2 hours but took me longer]


  • Personal Info:
  • 7.3e22 Mysteries
  • Attributes: 25 Ins, 67 Wis
  • Paragon Level 2


Like the First Time III - Zombie  " Kuroxneko "

Time: 00:27 -> 03:11

Apprentice / Zombie final level: 42 / 36

Spells: MM, VL, Greater, GR 

*(may be quicker to run without elemental ; Replace GR for Empower : changed at the 2h mark)

(Sources ending: 250, 225, 200, 175, 150, 125, 100, 75)

Personal Though:

Changing attributes could affect time.

Changing spells could easily affect time.

**Plausible to be done in 1~2 hours 

Experiment - Zombie - r28791

Time: 57 Minutes 

Attributes: 100 Ins, 1 Int

Void Lure, Empower (Both Reckless)

Mysteries: 4.13e26

Paragon Level 2

Icon Exorcist.png

King Ent

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Exorcist / Ent

~No Wisdom Build~

[Extremely Active Build: Best efficiency with +300 Attributes]


  • 100 Dominance
  • 100 Spellcraft
  • 100 Intelligence
  • ~Patience
    • ~Insight
      • ~Wisdom

Use Apprentice / Spellhound until you can fill (Spell Conjure Manabeast.pngConjure Manabeast), while collecting as many Void Entities and Experience as you can.

Once you switch to Exorcist, fill all spell slots with the Spellhound, and once all spells are filled, including (Spell Shattering Strike.pngShattering Strike), switch to Exorcist / Pixie, until you can use Exorcist / Ent.

With either Pixie or Ent, use the Build up and Burst phase in order to progress yourself forward.


  • Using Burst Mode with Pixie will indirectly speed up the progress to Ent, as Pet Experience depends on Character's Level & Experience
  • It will take around 7 hours to get Pixie up to Ent.

Build Up:

All on Reckless Casting

Burst Mode:

3 Steps - Note that you will use all Exorcist Spells at least once

  1. (Spell Power Of Sacrifice.pngPower Of Sacrifice)
    1. Keep the Build up Spells active, and use the spell list:
      1. (Spell Smite.pngSmite)
      2. (Spell Relentlessness.pngRelentlessness)
      3. (Spell Divine Ally.pngDivine Ally)
      4. (Spell Conjure Manabeast.pngConjure Manabeast)
      5. (Spell Templar Brothers.pngTemplar Brothers)
      6. (Spell Power Of Sacrifice.pngPower Of Sacrifice)
    2. Use (Spell Power Of Sacrifice.pngPower Of Sacrifice), followed by (Spell Relentlessness.pngRelentlessness), and let the HC's refill
  2. Spell Swapping
    1. When you get to the last 5~10 HC, start swapping spells (Do not use, as you should still be collecting all the HC's from using (Spell Power Of Sacrifice.pngPower Of Sacrifice))
      1. (Spell Templar Brothers.pngTemplar Brothers) -> (Spell Hallowed Writings.pngHallowed Writings)
      2. (Spell Conjure Manabeast.pngConjure Manabeast) -> (Spell Sword Of Anklah.pngSword Of Anklah)
      3. (Spell Divine Ally.pngDivine Ally) -> (Spell Empower.pngEmpower)
        • (By this point you should have all but 1 or 2 HC's)
      4. (Spell Relentlessness.pngRelentlessness) -> (Spell Shattering Strike.pngShattering Strike)
        • (Switch out as soon as you get 100% HC's)
      5. Your final Spell list for Burst should be:
        1. (Spell Smite.pngSmite)
        2. (Spell Shattering Strike.pngShattering Strike)
        3. (Spell Empower.pngEmpower)
        4. (Spell Sword Of Anklah.pngSword Of Anklah)
        5. (Spell Hallowed Writings.pngHallowed Writings)
        6. (Spell Power Of Sacrifice.pngPower Of Sacrifice) (Which should be running this whole switch-out)
  3. Click Extravaganza - You have 15 Seconds to do as much as you can!
    1. Use all Incantations Spells (Easiest through Hotkeys of 1 - 6)
    2. Quickly set off all (Spell Smite.pngSmite) casts
    3. Switch out (Spell Smite.pngSmite) for (Spell Holy Fervor.pngHoly Fervor)
    4. Click as many times as you can
      • Using (Spell Holy Fervor.pngHoly Fervor) as soon as you have -10 HC of the Max (as not to waste HC)
    5. Once (Spell Holy Fervor.pngHoly Fervor) runs out, Switch it for (Spell Gem Resonance.pngGem Resonance) and use it
      • Click as many times as you can
  • If you are quick and lucky (assuming 40 Max HC), you should be able to get all 40 HC's out in the 5 Seconds of (Spell Gem Resonance.pngGem Resonance), beyond the the 40+ HC from (Spell Holy Fervor.pngHoly Fervor) period.


Switch to Temporary Build Mode before Bursting again:

  1. Refill only the necessary spells:
    1. (Spell Smite.pngSmite)
    2. (Spell Holy Fervor.pngHoly Fervor)
    3. (Spell Divine Ally.pngDivine Ally)
    4. (Spell Templar Brothers.pngTemplar Brothers)
    5. (Spell Conjure Manabeast.pngConjure Manabeast)
  2. Once (Spell Smite.pngSmite) & (Spell Holy Fervor.pngHoly Fervor) are completely filled up, switch back to Burst Mode.

Once all of your Spells have run out of casts, switch back to Build Mode and refill casts.

Icon Exorcist.png

Lau01 2019 New Year's Event

This is an event from 2019's New Year, created by Lau01. She used this to mix the Wiki(Archaneum), the Discord, and the overall Community.


  • Shards- capacity
  • Profits- bountiful
  • Void- vacuity
  • AP- supremacy
  • Click- shockwave

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"I'm an idiot, but a committed idiot! ; So a commidiot, presumably" -Hotshot2k4