Places Of Power III

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Active Challenge, 20-30 minutes - Depends on activity and attributes.

Strategy 1

Pet: Geode portrait.pngGeode

Get to max Time Distortion, then alternate between two phases:
1) Cast Temporal Distortion, then RoP. Make sure you don't cast RoP multiple times in a row. Repeat until you run out of Compressed Time.
2) Put Singularity beam on autocast and regain Compressed Time. Go to phase 1).

After stacking enough of RoP bonus, win.


  • 150 ~ Wisdom
  • ~~ Patience

Strategy 2

Pet: Interrogator portrait.pngInterrogator, though Golem portrait.pngGolem probably works too. Geode portrait.pngGeode only if you're struggling with spell access because of character level, but at that point you're probably better off holding off on this challenge for less pain.

If you need to, you can temporarily cast Spell Conjure Manabeast.pngConjure Manabeast to get some character levels for access to Temporal Distortion, but remove it, and definitely remove Spell Focus if you temporarily had to add that for shards. If you did, you probably need more Wisdom, but it's okay to add it for to begin with.

On your spell slots, put these in order (and DO NOT add Spell Spell Focus.pngSpell Focus, a common trap)

  1. Spell Singularity Beam.pngSingularity Beam
  2. Spell Temporal Distortion.pngTemporal Distortion
  3. Spell Ritual Of Power.pngRitual Of Power

None of these spells should be ever be on reckless, except to get your intitial 10x Temporal Distortion, in which case, Singularity Beam and Temporal Distortion can be temporarily reckless until they reach 10x. Then disable reckless.

The idea here is you want to press 2-3 (Spell Temporal Distortion.pngTemporal Distortion then Ritual Of Power) and while Ritual Of Power's duration is active, quickly spam 1 (Spell Singularity Beam.pngSingularity Beam) while Spell Ritual Of Power.pngRitual Of Power's duration is still active.

When you've completed a cycle, you should have access to buy up to the Max 25 of a source type and/or several upgrades. Buy them all, click any void entities that appear, and then repeat the step above over and over and over and over.

Spamming Singularity Beam will recharge your compressed time and give you mana, giving you full access to Temporal Distortion at all times.


In order of priority:

  • Wisdom (75/125/max)
  • Spellcraft max

Optionally dump any of:

  • ~Mastery
  • ~Empathy
  • ~Patience


If you aren't getting new sources/upgrades to buy after completing this, something may have gone terribly wrong with your bonus resetting, and you should consider resetting the whole challenge. It seems possible to get stuck (possibly with the bonus falling into the negatives where you can't reasonably recover). Never set Ritual Of Power to reckless.

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